Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Even after 11 years the memories don't seem to fade. I Guess having the memories is a good thing, but it doesn't get easier.

This past Sunday would have been my father's 85th birthday. Today, January 6th is the 11th anniversary of his death after a battle with cancer. He wanted so bad to make it through Christmas and his Birthday that year. Why I'm not sure, but he definitely did it with dignity and courage. It was also important to make it to his 50th Wedding Anniversary with my mother and he did that also.

His final birthday was held at Hartford Hospital in his room and we were all well aware that the end was coming anytime . But I don't want to get too deep, but when the priest came in to give my father the last rights, he said "ths is what death is about, it should be a celebration of life"  His room was full of our friends and family, and like any of our family gatherings there was plenty of food also. That's back when we were a Family , before all of the nonsense.

Having the family support made the next several days bearable and I know it was improtant for my mother. She has held up very well and carried on over the years without her best friend and partner  of over 50 years by her side. Her true strength has shown through and she has done so much to give hear a sense of purpose in life without my father to be with her. 

She has done so much from volunteering for the Red Cross to knitting booties and hats for preemie babies at the NICU at Hartford Hospital.Every Wednesday is a do not disturb day with her. That is her day set aside to drive several of her neighbors to the local senior center to get them out of their homes for an afternoon of lunch and board games. She loves it and they rely on her as the capable driver to transport them. I'm glad she still is capable of getting around on her own.

My dad was never a politician or an elected officail, probably a good thing, but I think about him when I have improtant decisions to make and ask myself "what would Dad do?" You too mom, but I can just call you.

At times like this when you have time to think, I think you realize the importance of family and being able to spend time with your parents and family. We probably don't think about it enough when we are younger and busy but as more time passes, it becomes important.

Happy birthday Dad, and I know Mom will be  calling shortly giving me hell for making her cry after reading this posting


  1. Kevin, a lovely tribute. I hope you have many good memories of you father that bring smiles and even laughter into your life. I know that's true for me when I think about my parents. How fortunate you are to still have a loving mother in your life to be with and talk with. For no matter how old we are, when are parents are gone, we are still little orphan children.

  2. Kevin, a lovely tribute. I hope you have many good memories of you father that bring smiles and even laughter into your life. I know that's true for me when I think about my parents. How fortunate you are to still have a loving mother in your life to be with and talk with. For no matter how old we are, when are parents are gone, we are still little orphan children.

  3. Kevin, very nice tribute to your Father, and also your Mother, I hope your Mother does call you, cause that's what us Mothers do!
