Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Wednesday: MAYOR SEGARRA attends GovERNOR Malloy Inaugural Events


(January 6, 2015) Tomorrow, Mayor Pedro E. Segarra will attend events throughout the day in honor of Governor Malloy’s second inauguration, including the parade, swearing-in ceremony and the inaugural ball in Hartford.

WHO: Mayor Segarra
WHAT: Governor Malloy’s inaugural parade
WHEN: Wednesday, January 7, 2015. Parade kicks off at 11:30 a.m.
WHERE: Trinity Street and Jewell Street

WHO: Mayor Segarra
WHAT: Governor Malloy’s swearing-in ceremony
WHEN: Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: State Armory, 360 Broad Street

WHO: Mayor Segarra
WHAT: Governor Malloy’s inaugural ball.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 7, 2015. Doors open at 6:00pm.
WHERE: Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Blvd.


  1. WHO: Mayor Segarra.
    WHAT: Leaking Governor Malloy's you know what part..
    WHEN: All the time. Doors open early, very early.
    How much they pay La Luz for this stupid crap? How much is her new ass't Hilda Munoz getting paid for this embarrassing crap?

  2. Kevin, ALL these ridiculous announcements end this way:
    "For Immediate Release.
    Contact: Maribel La Luz."

    This is nothing but a waste of time and public money. It's outrageous.

  3. Don't understand estimate Maribel La Luz and Hilda Munoz' complicated job, their press release has to be coordinated with the relatively newly hired scheduler for the mayor.
    So many people protecting the mayor's image, or in other words for nothing, I strongly recommend that each of them gets his/her own assistant.

  4. I wanted to sleep in peace until I heard the caviar is running again. It became a nightmare.

  5. anyone knows how much Maribel LaLuz and Hilda Munoz are taking home annually?

  6. Replies
    1. Who cares - anyone paying taxes in this city - unbelievably high taxes with the highest mill rate in the entire state, by far - should care

  7. I'd like to know as well, this's my hard, hard earned money, spent by this mayor on nonsense, to improve his image.

  8. If you think that is bad, you might want to ask about his scheduler that follows him around with an I-pad answering his e-mails

  9. WHO: Mayor Segarra
    WHAT: Sex for cash
    WHEN: Whenever he can sneak away

    For Immediate Release
    Contact West Hartford Police

  10. Maribel makes 97K

    1. No kidding, $97,000 for that crap?

    2. Who is Maribel La Luz? What's her background? What's her qualifications, except being Latina?

  11. almost $100,000 a year, not to mention all the benefits and whatever 'extras' she gets, add all the others who are not needed and being overpaid, this clearly explains why our taxes are so high, why the mill rate in Hartford is the highest in the entire State of CT, why businesses - small and large - don't want to be in Hartford.

  12. Mayor Segarra attended Governor Malloy events.

    In an unrelated report, Governor Malloy will not attend Mayor Segarra events.

  13. For Immediate Release.

    WHO: Mayor Segarra at Governor Malloy’s inaugural parade.

    WHO: Mayor Segarra at Governor Malloy’s swearing-in ceremony.

    WHO: Mayor Segarra at Governor Malloy’s inaugural ball.

    Which of these events was serving caviar?

  14. Maribel and Hilda have a tough job. Representing a mayor like Caviar is not an easy job. I strongly recommend they each hire an assistant for herself. And a secretary. And a chauffeur for the cars Caviar will give them. And whatever they wish.

  15. Anonymous 8:51 PM... And when Segarra is out of office soon, let him take Maribel and Hilda with him

  16. It has been snowing in Hartford for several hours. Where is DPW and its trucks? Nowhere we can see. Main roads in Hartford are covered with snow.
    Maribel La Luz and Hilda Munoz please prepare a statement as soon as possible "For Immediate Release". Suggestion: tell the public it's not snow, they're just painting the roads in white.

  17. Anonymous 10:22am

    Keep in mind, it is Friday. Hilda and Maribel may be taking a "Mayor's Day " off. Possibly DPW also, which would explain the lack of plows

    1. For Immediate Release:
      WHO: Hilda and Maribel.
      WHAT: Who cares, we're here for the $$$.
      When: All the time.
      Where: City hall.

  18. In this case last winter "Mayor's Day" was almost "Every Day". Plowing the snow last winter was nothing less than an embarrassment to the Mayor and the city.

  19. Of course, this mayor doesn't plan ahead, doesn't prepare for nothing!
    When things get screwed up, he creates a 'panel' to investigate.
    This's not how you run a city, Mr. Pedro.

  20. Segarra - out. SKB - out. Terry Waller - out. Maribel La Luz - out. Hilda Munoz - out.
    These individuals should be out of office as soon as possible, with or without "immediate release." They're all blood suckers with big, fat, unjustified salaries & benefits.

    1. You forgot to mention the Scheduler and all their Assistants.Clearly un fair to the Hartford Tax payers and to the hard working employees.

    2. The scheduler is a hard working employee himself. Just imagine carrying an iPad with you all day long. He also has to keep all the secrets he hears and knows about his employer. His job is one hard job.

  21. 9:32 you must add to your list:
    Deller - OUT and Huertas - OUT.
    This will make Hartford a smarter, more efficient city. A better Hartford.
    Kevin, this will allow us to sleep better every night.

  22. Kevin, I have a question on one of the posts here, you may know the answer, Hartford has the highest taxes/mill rate in the state? I understand the mill rate is high but on residential isn't hartford taxed on 30% of assessed value where everyone else is taxed at 70%. I thought I had read that. that would make taxes either comparable or less than surrounding towns.

  23. Dennis House interviewed Segarra yesterday morning on WFSB. Segarra seemed to be hyper, combative (even with a smile on his face during the interview), very high.
    Was Segarra on drugs (prescription drugs or other drugs) or something?

    1. Caviar is on serious pills and lots of them!!!
      Nene has been self medicating since his "Touch of Class" days and more so now, because he knows that page 8 is circulating and all his dirty little secrets will be exposed. He just too stupid, too arrogant and too high to realize that he can RUN but he can't HIDE! His first campaign piece; Mayor DumbAss seeking your vote.

  24. Hilda and La Luz are the ones getting paid to answer the anonymous 10:34 inquiry

  25. Hilda and Maribel to the rescue.

  26. Anonymous - you are correct (sorta). Hartford residential property is taxed at 30% of appraised value. Therefore, you would take the appraised value x .3 (instead of .7) and then multiply it by Hartford's very high mil rate. Therefore, property taxes on homes are very comparable to surrounding communities where the normal 70% is applied before multiplying it by the lower mil rates.
    Where Hartford residents really get hurt is motor vehicle taxes because the 70% assessment rate is used and then still multiplied by the very high mil rate. The same exact vehicle (exact year and model) can be $1000/year taxes in Hartford whereas in a Fairfield County community such Greenwich taxes on the same car would be $150. (The Greenwich mil rate in 2013 was 10.68 I believe).

  27. Please remember that the taxes on multifamily and commercial properties is calculated differently and is MUCH HIGHER than the 30% mentioned above.

  28. Anonymous 10:54 and 8:02,

    Thank you for akin the time to type your response, I didn't have a chance to do it to explain the tax differential. Without that legislative help ( thank you Rep.Ritter) it would be almost impossible to own a home in Hartford and pay the assessed rate of 70% of fair market value as every other homeowner in CT does. This is partially due to the tax structure in CT an the States failure to properly fund PILOT. A huge part of the problem though is that Hartford reuses to live within its means and control spending. A few less media spokespeople, schedulers and useless political positions would make a difference.

  29. 8:02PM is correct. Multifamily property owner currently pay real estate taxes based on 60% {Yes, SIXTY PERCENT} of the Grand List Revaluation Fair Market Value, so it's a very, very high tax.

  30. Thank you, I did not know the commercial rates are so high, in many communities the commercial rates are more business friendly.

  31. If these high rates are not enough, it will increase to 65% later this year, and to 70% next year, to all multifamily properties. That's already been decided and voted for.

  32. That's correct, Segarra requested, and got approved, for a tax increase by assessing multi-family properties from 50% to 70%

  33. I wasn't able to sleep better last night. And the night before.
    I'll be able to sleep much better when Pedro and his entire cabinet/administration is out of office/s
