Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hartford can not survive another four years under Pedro Segarra. The missteps, the corruption and mismanagement are taking their toll more and more everyday. There is no accountability at City Hall and I am not even sure that Segarra  has a grasp on how City Government is supposed to function..Many of the Department head positions, which are supposed to be filled by Segarra are or have remained vacant for extended periods of time .Public Works and Finance are two examples

The light at the end of the tunnel became visible today when Luke Bronin announced his candidacy for Mayor of Hartford. Luke, until recently was the Chief Advisor to Governor Malloy for Malloy's first term. Much more on Bronin and his plans for a new direction for government and accountability in Hartford soon.

Read more on Bronin's announcement here.

Segarra was apparently unable to comment as he is conducting interviews to fill patronage positions for Hartford Democratic Town Committee members and the children of any State Representative available for sale.


  1. I hope he wins because Segarra sucks but it's going to be a tough battle for a white guy to win in Hartford.

  2. I agree with you on both of your points, but I think the same thing was said about Mayor Mike at the time he ran, and he was probably one of the best Mayor's in recent history. The key with Mayor Mike also was the team he built around him to get things done. Dan Carey, John Bazzano, Bill Hogan, Bill Donlin, Jim Donnelly, Mike Collins. The only loser in the lot was Saundra Kee Borges and I don't think she lasted long. In coming from the Governor's Office, I am pretty confident he knows the importance of building a good team to get things done and avoiding and eliminating nonsense

  3. One other key factor is that people do't vote in Hartford. Probably almost 50,000 registered potential voters don't turn out to vote. If someone could motivate and tap into that number with something "different than usual" it would make a difference. We need to take our City back and make a difference, create jobs for everyone that wants to work, not just the politically active that can land at City Hall with hefty paychecks and do very little for it. And by jobs, I don't mean selling popcorn at a baseball stadium

  4. Problem is that Segarra is counting on as many candidates running for mayor as possible during the primaries, therefore splitting the votes among all the candidates with him, Segarra, getting the most. Then, in the general election, there's nobody else to vote for but Segarra.

  5. not bad for a wealthy lawyer born and raised in Greenwich who from his track records supports big corporations who want to invest in hartford, driving the cost of living.making it impossible for the tax payers to stay ,driving the problem out of hartford? that doesnt sound like a solution,it sound like taxes will continue to go up ,leadership will now be controlled by the highest bidder ,way to go .!!!!!he lives downtown?who lives downtown the rich ! id be moreimpressed if he grew up on enfield st.worked his way up though hartford educational system .can they guy plaese sho the struggles in life , ?

  6. Well , the male prostitute who went bankrupt twice hasn't done a great job has he? So are you saying you want a proven failure to be your next Mayor?

    1. Now wait a minute, is this true, Caviar man went bankrupt? Twice? Now this is very serious if true. This caviar man cannot handle his own little finances and balances, yet we let him handle a city budget of over $500,000,000?
      Again, are these bankruptcies for real?

  7. Unfortunately the only way to the mayor's office in Hartford is thru the DTC. To get their support (especially a white candidate) you have to "take care" of them. They always have their hands out which means you pay to play. Jobs for their relatives, contracts for their pals, appointments to boards and commissions.


  8. White or not, the difference is about proven competence or proven mediocrity - Pedrito is quivering and not sleeping at night, even our Latino community had it with him,

    Pedro ¡Basta Ya!

  9. Probably need an armed guard in Vital Records, Pedro was seen crawling around trying to claw his way into the death records, he was working on his campaign list of voters.

  10. More attention needs to be paid to the Albany Avenue, Farmington Avenue, Franklin Avenue and North Main Street corridors, he said.

    "I would like to see the city put some capital resources into improving these corridors...
    Bronin may be fine, but what "capital" resources? Has he ever been a pedestrian on Park Street or Albany Avenue? Are we to believe that his kids will be going to Hartford's district schools?

    What the town needs is not more programs, but management of what we already have with an understanding that a.)we are taxed enough already, and b.)it is not written in stone that every department, commission, and bureau within the muni govt. must spend the money currently allotted, and c.)as readers of this blog know, important governmental functions are presently in disarray.

  11. Bronin's having worked for both McDonald and Malloy brings to mind another important attribute our Mayor should have; unequivocal support for the cops and fire guys. I'd like to know what the candidates think about last August's taser incident on Albany Ave., and whether they think Gov. Malloy owes an apology to HPD, to Det. Shawn Ware in particular. We have enough problems here in Hartford without getting a squish like Mayor DeBlasio.
    Large numbers of Hartford Police officers came out to police union headquarters Thursday to send a message concerning the taser incident last week involving African-American police detective Shawn Ware and 18-year-old Luis Anglero Jr.

    “The comment by an elected official about being ‘sickened momentarily,’ quote-unquote, when seeing the video, were both prejudicial towards the officer and a severe rush to judgement without knowing all the facts,” said Sgt. Richard Holton, the president of the union.

  12. What does being a pedestrian have to do with it, Pedro was walking those streets for years and not for votes but for his illegal pervert acts, prior to making money to afford the "Touch of Class".

  13. @kevin no ,i dont want a proven failure ,i want someone the city can relate to,simeone whos been here for a while some one who will npt beafraid to loose his job when smoeone like skb demands her bf promotion,someone who will stand up in at the council,and make wrongs right someone who will show that everyone deserves a second chance, we need someone that has all his dirty laundry out,and really knows the make up of this city,i say that the city will be surprised in a few days ,when eddie caseres makes his nomintation,mark my words,,eddie and eddie have a plan ,think about it m he was aked by skb to make terry and he said NO ! and before nolan was fired he was one that said he should had never been fired! they made him chief and they took him out , time to meet your maker!!!eddie and eddie are back!!!!2016 !

  14. Pedro Caviar walking? Read an interview with the Courant, upon becoming mayor Pedro admitted that he loves going around town in his "Little Mercedes"...

  15. Anyone who wants to take the so called established Hartford City Hall on has got to be very serious about change. Hartford has not had leadership in many, many, many years. Mike Peters followed John Rowland's lead. And Peters of course supported Rowland for Governor and not the endorsed Democratic Candidate for Governor Bill Curry. Peters had no clue. Remember Peters appointed Saundra Kee Borges as City Manager. She is loved by Pedro Seggara too. Good luck Luke. I hope you well in your venture. HARTFORD NEEDS YOU!!!!

  16. But, but, he's white! He'll never get elected in Hartford.

  17. Prediction... A record number of dead people will be voting in the Democrat primary that will be coming. Abe Giles is out there firing up the masses as we speak. The polling places will look like the Walking Dead!

  18. Kevin, you give your heart and soul into the City, why have you not mentioned about running for Mayor, I think you would do a great job for the City, you certainly wouldn't put up with any of it's B.S, so why not?

  19. When we see all the corruption, filth and ugliness coming out of Caviar's city hall, any candidate, almost anyone, will do a better job than Pedro Caviar.

    1. No chance. Hartford doesn't need another entitled beaurecrat as Mayor. Maybe as Corp Council. We need a business guy in the top spot.

  20. Pedro Caviar is DEFINETLY not a business guy. He's a failure all around.

  21. We need an honest guy at the top spot, a leader. What we have now is a joke, a bad joke, a circus, disastrous one.

  22. 4:20pm

    don't tell me, tell any Hartford voter you know and anyone that will listen , they all need to go at City Hall. and bring in some real "leaders" that care about this city

  23. We need a leader who will work and will do everything to benefit the people of Hartford, not himself, which is the case with both Segarra and Perez.
