Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I will be taking up a collection to buy TerryWaller a mirror. I think he needs to look into it and read his resignation letter and ask "why". Why were his duties curtailed and his responsibilities cut. Look into the mirror and repeat Terry, "because I am incompetent" "Sandy can not save me" .

In the meantime, Chief Huertas' testosterone shots seem to be kicking in, possibly because the puppetmasters strings have been cut


  1. Time for you to go, Terry. It's time for license & inspections, the Deller people, to investigate the unauthorized, dangerous, structural work you did - needless to say, without any permit, without any engineer - at 287 Park St.

  2. Tic tac toe Terry, don't you get it? Nobody wanted you as Ass Chief. You milked the system as much as you could with the assistance of SKB after saving her financially at Terry Rd.
    Now SKB is gone, well, almost gone; no crook to support you.

  3. There is no doubt that SBK wrote that resignation letter. Terry Waller is an imbecile that can't comprise a post it note.
    Terry, do you think that the fire chief took away any responsibilities from you because.... Ummm ....maybe you're just simply incompetent ?
    Maybe because SBK is leaving city hall and the power couple charade is over.
    Maybe the Feds are poking around.
    Maybe because you trying to be Hartford's version of Donald Trump is a dismal failure.
    Maybe your toxic waste dump on Main St and your Park St property have raised enough eyebrows
    Maybe the final straw was your lack of intelligence....your lack of respect......your lack of taking responsibility for anything and always blaming some other entity.
    A fireman died under your command but you weren't in charge. Oh I forgot you weren't there ....or maybe you were. Did you even remember what you told the State Police Detective ?
    You are the poster child for entitlement but you got greedy. You got found out. The truth of who and what you are has finally surfaced.
    To prove to the world how pathetic of leaderless buffoon you actually had to have SBK write your Acting Assistant Chief resignation letter ?
    Your 2nd grade memos and emails prove you lack in all aspects of English composition.
    It looms like the HFD is serious about turning things around. Good move Chief Huertas.

    1. SKB must be interrogated for her affair and shenanigans with 140 Terry Rd. What was the loss the bank had to take on the house? What was her 'story'/hardship? What exactly did she file with her lender?
      Hey Sandy, it's investigation time.

  4. Anonymous said*- Ghee Kevin, when I first open this page, I thought finally, he is leaving the department....boy...what a disappointment as I read further., doesn't he get it ! Like they are really going to listen to him when he gets back on the line...really Terry! You just don't get it do you, no one wants you on the Department, cut your looses and do yourself a favor, you have your time in. Leave, and go off into the sunset or whatever with SKB, you two were made for each other, two greedy people!

  5. Anonymous 8:37 PM: Well said!

  6. O-M-G. Maybe a grammar school writing course may help Mr. Waller's career. Having major reservations just reading that poorly written letter! Wowee!!!! Unbelievable.

  7. Can someone give the little guy a pacifier or bottle, his temper tantrum letter cry's for one.

    SKB, has he been weaned off breast milk yet?

  8. I was the fly on the wall when the picture at the top of this story was taken. The conversation went like this...

    SKB; Smile babe, the camera is on us, we made it, we are a power couple...
    Terry; Is it real, we're moving on up, oh my god, I peed my big boy pants...
    SKB, just look up & keep smiling, they are all taller than us, they won't notice.

    Kevin if you post the picture of SKB looking haggard and Terry sleeping at the Dept. Head mtg, I'll tell you what they were thinking; yes I'm a psychic fly, known as Super Fly.

  9. Huertas did you find your balls, we know you replaced them with bugles!

    Watch your back, nene won't stand up for you, the pressure is on, Hispanic or not. He'll kill Betsy his dog to win this election.

  10. Nene will do anything, ANYTHING, to win this election. He'll EAT Betsy if he needs to.

  11. Sandy and Terry, what about the $50,639.20 lien on 287 Park that mysteriously disappeared.... We didn't forget it.

  12. Anonymous * said: Well this is a first, in all my years of working at the Fire Dept. there have been many of A/C's that didn't cut it up in that position, or didn't feel that it was for them, and they returned to their former positions, no big deal..and this is the first I've every heard or seen a formal letter done up, but's Terry Waller, Mr.Ego, Napoleon , why shouldn't he, just his style, it makes you wonder why this behavior of his has been allowed for so long, this man needs to retire!

  13. Go Terry...just go. Do you really think any of the officers on B tour will listen to you? You are an incompetant clown, nothing but a joke on the HFD. No one wants to work with you fake fireman. Funny how absolutely nobody has anything good to say about you. Get lost small man you have reached the end of the road around here. You always sucked around here, and everybody knows it. You never were a leader, you can't fool real men. You are not one of us. Terry retire now or face the consequences, we are comming after you. Don't bother trying to talk to any officers on B tour..they made up their minds about you long ago. Who do you think you are fooling? You have never been that when your house of cards comes crashing are about to live it you sorry fool.


  15. Marcus Mosiah GarveyJanuary 15, 2015 at 2:37 PM

    But Lt Mefferd of the HPD who is a stone cold drunk and crashed three cruisers is still working???? What a joke

  16. There is always a plan B. make a ton of cabbage, puff that pension to 130 k a year and live like a king in a 400 k house. What is not to like ? Huertas will be the fall guy very soon. Terry will have a fat pension, benefits, and several lucrative properties in hartford.
    So laugh it up little fire mice. Terry is still top dog round here !!!

    1. It's a $422,500 house of fraud, not a $400k house. Let's see you tic tac toe terry after the investigation starts, when you testify under oath.

  17. Terry is a poodle... about to get mounted by a much larger and rougher animal. Bend over dog!!!

  18. Time to move on. I do not think this is the end of the story for Terry and Sandy. This incident is the beginning of a much bigger story. Look out Pedro you are involved too.

  19. Ouch! Move over Pedro here is another mess for you to clean up.
    Mr Mayor, You, Terry and SBK deserves one another.

  20. Hahahahaha.... Oh Mr.Toe you definitely are fodder for endless humor. I've never witnessed in person a homosapian that has vocal chords between his thighs.....LOL
    Now let's discuss your Plan B.
    You really believe Terry Waller had a Plan B ?
    Terry Waller wanted the five gold bugles on his collar at any cost. He has back stabbed and lied his way up the ladder. He has earned zero in his career and has the same matching number on the respect scale.
    While acting as interim assistant chief , and I use the term loosely, he did nothing on the third floor but try to hurt and belittle Chief Huertas. How could he have honestly helped out when all he wants is the chiefs job.
    Truthfully, Terry Waller is so pathetic and incompetent that even a corrupted government and his girlfriend couldn't save him . He's an embarrassment to Hartford and the fire service in general. Sit at a table of real fire officers at the State Fire Academy and see what they have to say about that idiot. The recurring consensus was they hoped he didn't kill someone someday.
    Terry Waller has left his legacy. Enough said.
    Now you know what ? Terry deserves his pension. If the City of Hartford was stupid enough to hire and promote this assclown, then let the taxpayers support him. This city has a lengthy track record of hiring and promoting inept uneducated individuals because of who they know in city hall.
    Besides after whoring out your snipet of masculine pride and burying your head up peoples rectums for 25 years, you should get something aside from a container of TicTacs. I've look up the definition of " lucrative" in the dictionary. I would suggest that you do the same Mr. Toe.
    I could purchase countless properties in Detroit for $5000, $8000 or $10,000. It doesn't mean I have a lucrative real estate portfolio. It means I'm a slumlord.
    So open a window Mr. Toe and take a look at the reality of what Terry Waller is.
    There has been much discussion about who Tic Tac Toe really is.
    It doesn't really matter if it's Terry or a blind remedial follower. The fact that they use the name of a game that two educated people with average IQ's know cannot be victorious, speaks volumes about who they are.
    Now go back to coloring and try to stay inside the lines this time.

  21. Anonymous said- If and when Waller retires, his ego is so big, that he'll throw his own retirement party just like Teale did at City Hall, so Terry, lets see if you can beat that one, and surely would be interesting just to see who shows up if any. Any person whom like Teale has to throw his own retirement party, really tells what kind of person he/she is- "All About Themselves" that's what they are about, people who only think about them, and no one else!

  22. Getting Terry out is a good step but it is only half done, problem now is he is in a position where he can hurt someone. As above, Terry get out we don't want you.
    With all your worthless property, your pension, whatever, you can't buy class or respect. And buy the way, 400K isn't exactly a big achievement in home ownership these days, it's approaching the norm.
    Chief Heurtas if you are to move forward you need to regain the respect of the Dept. Start with your senior officers and I don't just mean the DC's, you back us and we will help you take out the trash, and fight City Hall if need be. Can't shit can all of us.

  23. When I came on Terry was a Lt. at training, I did not say he was a Training Lt. He was made Lt. when there was no spot so they parked him at training until 1 opened. Now I don't even remember how he became Cpt. or line Cpt. but I do know he did it trough Special Services and quickly made enemies with Steve Harris , the former Cpt. and the entire staff.
    Now Terry was made DC, again with no open position, The void was due to one of our best having a tragic accident and he was unable to continue his duties, The shame is this man was 10 times what Terry could only hope to be, quiet and unassuming, fearless when it mattered. Fate is cruel as if called upon he may have stepped to the 3rd floor and what a difference this would have made. I have not mentioned his name but anyone reading this knows the man I speak of, miss, and favorably remember. In thinking about it, may not be a bad candidate even now.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Marcus,or Will you can hide behind phony names, but your ignorance and hate shines through clear. your termination from HPD was not the result of the people you claim are Klan members and racism, but rather your own stupidity and laziness. Stealing a fellow officers brand new boots out of the locker room and then wearing them to work? You are a moron. But your you tube video is hilarious, Funny how you kept claiming you were an 8 year veteran of HPD but never once mentioned your employment was terminated I take it as a badge of pride that an idiot like you doesn't like me, It was also hilarious in your video how you berated officers that came from other towns to work at HPD, if they didn't, you wouldn't have had the boots to steal

    1. I just watched the video. This guy is a total idiot. I can see why HPD couldn't get rid of this guy fast enough. It's clear that racism runs deep inside his soul. I'm a police officer who lives in Hartford but work in the suburbs and I'm not white. Just about everything that came out of this guys mouth was crap.

  26. Whats the YouTube address for that video?

  27. Literally unbearable to watch if you have an IQ over 60.
    The Challenge with Russell Williams - 12/11/2014:

  28. You want to know why the Hartford Fire Dept. Is all screwed up? Blame it on former chief Casares.He said and I quote " I want the Hartford Fire Dept to look like the city of Hartford". There you go Eddie happy now? I can't believe they have the same chiefs that ruined the dept coming back as an inquiry board. Is the mayor stupid or what?

  29. No, the mayor is not stupid, he's just protecting himself and his image

  30. I'm not certain where and when the photo on top was taken. I'm just wondering what are the 2 morons in the picture were laughing about. I'd also like to know what did mayor Pedro Caviar was serving them for new year's eve dinner. Try to remember, Pedro, it was very recently, less than 3 weeks ago

  31. The guy who calls himself "mayor", but really acts like an idiot, must have served them . . . . .

    . . . Caviar. On the house. No, on taxpayers back

  32. This is why everybody calls him PEDRO CAVIAR.

  33. Kevin, great job by the way. Is this "task Force" going to screen new recruits for another exam? Aren't they reason many were hired that shouldn't have been and better ones denied? Have they admitted to their mess that they help create? And yes, you should hold office. Have a great week.
