Tuesday, January 13, 2015


It is and always has been inevitable, but this year promises to be worse than usual. Any incumbent running for re-election usually has an advantage. The power of their office allows and offers them perks that they can use to benefit their campaign. This is especially true when that incumbent knows that they are on shaky ground.

Apparently Mayor Segarra is using the power of incumbency to his benefit.

According to City Hall sources, Segarra has recently hired the daughter of a Hartford State Representative to work in his office.  According to other sources, the hiring came with a deal to shore up Segarra's support in the State Reps home district where both she and her husband are members of the Districts Democratic Town Committee.

The source also detailed the hiring of a female acquaintance  (girlfriend) of a Councilperson for a City Hall position. I am awaiting their employment information pursuant to an FOI request to see what procedures were followed  and whether it was a competitive process. Somehow I think I already know the answer.

It is a promising sign though that Segarra has to take  steps  like this , knowing that his endorsement is far from a done deal according to Democratic Town Committee members I have spoken with. Normally the incumbent is pretty much assured the nomination, apparently not in this case though.

I will continue to update the latest new hires in the Candy Store as election time gets closer, including the names and affiliations once the employment applications are received through FOI.


  1. Kevin, I'm not sure I understand what problem you have with these hirings of individuals who, very likely, have no talent and have limited or no qualifications at all. . Segarra is our Supreme Leader, he can do whatever he wants.

  2. Segarra can do - and he does - what he wants for 5 yes. now. Costs or needs are no issues as long as it benefits himself.
    Can't wait to hear the names of the newly hired/to be hired.

  3. Oooh! Oooh! I know the answer to the first one; that was pretty easy...

    But the second one--that's the one that'll keep me awake at night. I've narrowed it down to three candidates. How long will that FOI take, Kevin?

    1. Please help us find out who is that first one

  4. It depends how bad the City and the Mayor want to keep their secrets, Normally it is not about obeying the law but how long they can delay the outcome. Don't forget, SKB is still there

    1. SKB is still there, but even if she leaves on 1/31 - I'll believe it when I see it - she will still pull the strings from behind; she must know a thing or two about Mr. Caviar.

    2. SKB body is there, but do you think she really cares. Since she's been on board and as Pedro's dictator & main decision maker. She must be really working hard on her lucrative exit package and planning her grand retirement ball.And last, work on pulling the last straws on getting her fiancee Asst Chief Waller permanently hired before she says good bye and departs from the frontline. SKB is going to continue working behind the scenes; since she still has to look out for son's, sister n law & and all her friends she brought on board while her "four and one half years" adventures as the top Lawyer. Because seriously speaking other then all her mishaps, I have yet to hear anything positive that she did during her time of service. Finally, she has exactly eleven days left. What else can she be doing that she hasn't done in "four and one half years?

  5. Why doesn't Segarra supply caviar in the candy store... I heard Sasha & Malia are looking for summer jobs. Obama is about the only one who can get this Criminal elected.

    Kevin FOI all transition reports going forward, I am sure nene is not finished trying to buy this election.

    As to the Democratic Town Committee whom are aware of Pedro's illegal activities, his blatant violation of the civil service process, polices, procedures, bond funds and the Charter, just to name a few.

    What Pedro is doing is grasping at straws, he is desperate and fooling no one. It is actually quite SAD.

    All of Hartford, Town Committee Members, Council and Politicians need to back away from this diseased, toxic demon, that Hartford has been infected with as Mayor.

    1. Nene is buying this election, but he's using OUR money!

  6. Both the Hartford State Rep and the Council person should be exposed too. It's obvious they have no ethics or moral compass either, the fact that they would hitch their cart too a criminals wagon for a job is shameful and their constituents need to know.

  7. Names, Kev. We want to hear the names.

  8. Anonymous said* Kevin here is something SKB could do after she leaves the City, write a book about all her bullshit in the City that she did or didn't do, she could join the rakes of Stewart and Teale with their books, should be interesting reading, don't you think ?

  9. anonymous 9:00pm,

    might be a little bit of a wait on that book though, She has to make sure the statute of limitations has expired first

  10. Is Don Juan Figueroa going to bring Waterbury to the polls? What a big flunky, empty suit, he turned out to be.
