Friday, January 16, 2015


The report is complete on the Registrar of voters mess. Click on the link below to read it. the following foot note is an interesting note . The two Democrats most responsible for the mess refused to testify. Only two persons who were asked to interview with counsel before the hearings failed or refused to do so, Olga Vazquez and Garey Coleman (the Democratic Deputy Registrar). 2The December 22 and 23, 2014 hearing transcripts are Exhibits A-1 and A-2 to this Report. 3Joseph Wilkerson’s position as deputy Democratic Head Moderator is also known as a “spare” Democratic moderator. Wilkerson had responsibility for overseeing the absentee ballot counting throughout November 4 and therefore was also known as the “central counting moderator.” (Tr. 12/23/14 at 155.) The Council should be taking immediate steps to remove them both. They clearly have no desire to fix the problem or to protect the voters rights to make sure this doesn't happen again. And why would Garey Coleman be directly overseeing an election involving his brother. Does anyone understand conflicts of interest? Only two persons who were asked to interview with counsel before the hearings failed or refused to do so, Olga Vazquez and Garey Coleman (the Democratic Deputy Registrar). 2The December 22 and 23, 2014 hearing transcripts are Exhibits A-1 and A-2 to this Report. 3Joseph Wilkerson’s position as deputy Democratic Head Moderator is also known as a “spare” Democratic moderator. Wilkerson had responsibility for overseeing the absentee ballot counting throughout November 4 and therefore was also known as the “central counting moderator.” (Tr. 12/23/14 at 155.)    READ THE FULL REPORT HERE .

 More thoughts on this later this weekend.



  1. Double dippng as Senate clerkJanuary 16, 2015 at 11:58 PM

    I thought only criminals plead the 5th. Was does Olga have to hide? Although she should be charged with stealing for taking her paycheck every week. That's criminal

  2. It's all comes down to one single thing:
    INCOMPETENCE, and incompetence in the City of Hartford starts at the top, the mayor's office.

  3. It appears that the Registrar's Office with three occupants is structurally incoherent. There's no One in charge, and the situation devolves from mere confusion into non-cooperation with partisan politics thrown in for good measure. The Charter should put some One on top who we can hold responsible if (and when) she screws up.
    The Hartford Registrars met on or about September 19, 2014, and divided up the main
    functions of the office for the General Election.

  4. Beg to differ, you can put water you want in the Charter, this Mayor gives it no regard. Presently in is violating the Charter on a daily basis. The present Council who were elected to enforce the Charter as well as policy, have proven to be derelict in their duty also.

    Pedro, his Cabinet, the Council, this entire corrupt, dysfunctional team of idiots need to go.

    Hartford needs to get serious, get organized and vote them all out and vote for competency, functionality and a team who will do what they are elected to do, advocate and work for Hartford.

  5. There are two people on the City Council who don't bend to Segarra's wishes, and who don't who vote anything but their integrity, intelligence, and conscience. Unfortunately, 2 out of 9 can never make a majority, no matter how right they may be. One councilor has been MIA for several weeks now, and the other 6 are ventriloquist Pedro's dummies.

  6. Anonymous 4:43pm

    I agree with your assessment, but to be fair, the MIA councilman's father just passed away

    My condolences Councilman

  7. Refusing to testify should be grounds for immediate dismissal. Morons

  8. Well we know Councilwoman Jennings, who by the way is a member of the Working Families Party, was proudly standing on the steps of the corrupt city hall alongside the Criminal Caviar Segarra during his announcement to run. Jennings has proven to be a babbling idiot, time and time again.

    Jennings needs to go, along with the other idiots. Jennings has plans to switch parties and run with Wooden the Weasel and they were promised Caviar ' s support. This proves how DUMB they are. Maybe after they pool their votes, they can get a seat at the "Done Deal Stadium", if Hartford votes they surely won't get any seats on the 2nd floor insane asylum.

  9. Jennings claims she lives in Hartford. Does she?

  10. Come on, everyone knows Jennings DOES NOT live in Hartford! Check her voting record prior to running for Council, check her vehicle registration, she's probably not bright enough to have changed it from Windsor, the property taxes and insurance is a lot less in Windsor. Yeah she is a great one to oversee policy. Hey stupid did you know you have to live in the Town you run in? Is there an open seat in Windsor? Maybe she thought she was running for State Rep / State Senate in the Hartford / Windsor election. Can someone let her know what's what.

    Fitting Jennings was proudly standing by Pedro, it appears they are cut from the same cloth. I can see Pedro retreating now.

    Pedro needs to install a fireman pole (or a stripper pole, we know he likes those) from his office down to the basement, maybe his elite fire task force could recommend it in the much awaited fossil report, he'll need an escape route to get out of the building when the hard questions come and oh boy are they coming. He'll be running from everyone, now through the election.

  11. 3:23PM

    the last time I checked , I think it was last summer, her vehicles were still registered at an address in Windsor, I believe it was Kellogg Street, her late father's house

    1. So she has been stealing taxes owed to Hartford since she "moved" here.

  12. So last summer she was beating Hartford out of property taxes?

    The tax collector confronted one of his employees who lives in Hartford and car was registered out of Hartford at her mom's address, she was forced to change it and pay Hartford taxes.

  13. There's 1 Pontiac 2005 Grand Prix registered in Hartford under Cynthia Jennings. There may be unpaid taxes, but not sure, someone has to find out.
    No property registered in Hartford under Cynthia Jennings. Someone should subpoena her tax return to see what she files with the IRS as her residence.

  14. of course, mill rate in Windsor is 30.47.
    mill rate in Hartford, which Cynthia votes for, is 74.29.
    Nasty woman!

  15. 5:05pm

    I appreciate your suggestions, but it is not as easy as you think to gather information. I don't have subpoena power as you suggest. The easier solution is to start electing honest people

  16. What does she drive when she shows up late for Council meetings? Easy enough to watch her when she leaves the Council meeting. You can bet it's no 2005 Grand Prix!

    She'll probably have Pedro's detail help her with her exit from city hall, since their in cahoots together. Dumb and Dumber remake once again. We know these idiots have no scruples, but can they really all be that stupid and have no common sense?

  17. Therefore, the more expensive vehicle is registered in Windsor (30.47 tax rate). The cheap vehicle is registered in Hartford (more than double tax rate), so she saves herself tons of money and still calling herself Hartford residence. 5:08 PM already called her nasty woman.
