Friday, January 16, 2015


Much of what is or has been  exposed here on this blog and  information developed is based on your tips. I need your help.

Several of your e-mails recently, as well as comments here on the blog have provided details regarding the possibility of a Federal Investigation into Hartford City Hall and even quite possibly one or two Federal Grand Juries underway. The details already received are being researched and much has been verified, FOI requests have been submitted but any details pointing myself and others in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. I can be contacted by e-mail or cell. Much of what has been developed so far has been from tips that people thought were small or insignificant but once we began chasing the tips down and talking to people the bigger picture is becoming clear

The existence of Federal or State grand juries normally aren't public, until charges start being lodged.

If you have any information you would like to share in complete confidence by e-mail or cell phone, please feel free to contact me

This posting is not meant to confirm the existence of a Federal Grand Jury into Hartford City Hall but is an attempt to gather additional information



  1. if there isn't one yet, there sure should be, you can smell the stink all the way from the 3rd base line. I think you are on the right track, keep digging. why else are Waller and SKB in retreat mode, can they hear the clicking of the handcuffs?

  2. Feds were in city hall recently

  3. several Fed sightings last week, trying to find out where they are focusing and who has received subpoenas to appear.

    every piece of this puzzle helps


  4. The Feds should subpoena to testify Sandy, Terry and Charlie O. first.

  5. Check out Charlie the Mayor's husband., I am a union member who seen Charlie getting illegal access to the city by Segarra. Charlie has threatened us city employees and everytime we report it Segarra buried the complaints, we caught Charlie doing city work, in our gear, using city equipment, we reported and it buried by Segarra . Charlie brings contractors in to do city work and laughs in our faces, he daress. Please investigate, this is abuse. I didn't know he works for the city.

  6. The one who should be in retreat mode is Pedro, just because he seems to be retreating from some of his criminal team, does not remove the stench, his knowledge, his involvement, his being held accountable and the need for him to be investigated.

    So retreat nene, go hide behind Charlie and the big black gate, the pulse of the corruption!

  7. Kevin if the taxpayers are paying for these criminals attorney's are the subpoenas FOI-able? They are public servants, the subpoenas were known in the Perez case, employees had to contact Corporation Council why not start there.

  8. 334 PM

    Already done. Numerous FOI requests were submitted Friday for documents
