Saturday, February 28, 2015


It was only $2.5 million dollars  but apparently the City of Hartford didn't see it important to be reimbursed for storm damage costs  and allowed it to slip through their fingers by not properly submitting the paperwork. Despite warnings from the State of Connecticut and FEMA  that they had done the paperwork wrong. The e-mails and documents later this week.

Shouldn't a City of Hartford employee that volunteers to represent their country through Military service be able to think that they will be treated fairly if they qualify for a promotion while they are fighting in another Country. Only to find out when they return that they are being passed over again for the same position they qualified for? Add insult to injury when the Department head making the decision is also a military veteran and should know better under Federal Law.


  1. Kevin, before posting the full story about the City employee serving in the Military could you make sure...
    1-This person was issued orders and didn't just sign himself up for a deployement.
    2-Was this person actually in a hot zone.
    3-What was his mission?

    See I ask this because I've seen some abuse the Home Land Security Act. There are people signing up for military details getting full Federal protections for sham stateside details.

    I served in the Military and I am a Police Officer and am very aware of this scam. Maybe the Hartford Supervisor does too.

    Please be diligent and get all the facts before posting the story. Thanks.

  2. I believe these documents are being provided to me, but I will ask for them. I' not sure any one would put themselves in harms way for their country for a scam, but I get your point

  3. When people do nothing but show that they care about nothing but themselves,that is what makes people like the Police Officer think that they are scamming us spending time in Fallujah Wisconsin.Also if this so called hero wanted to be such a soldier he or she could have joined full time.A lot of the people are doubledipping. Those rules were supposed to be for full-time soldiers whom upon discharge still had a reserve commitment.City employees who were not already in should have to use their own time.

  4. isn't that what the Guard and Reserve are supposed to be about. That an employer's committment is there for the employee after they return from serving their Country? They shouldn't be penalized after they return over others that have chosen not to serve.

    1. Yes, but you see when Bush signed the Home Land Security Act it broadened the protections afforded to Military personnel. Now you have people signing up for in Country details and double dipping in the process. State employees have it best. They get full pay on both ends. Now you see the enticement to sign up for these details "deployments" in name. Then after they fatten their pockets they come back to work acting as if they did somebody other than themselves a favor

      Remember this doesn't apply to those who were actually issued orders and were sent off to perform in a hazardous duty zone.


  6. Being a former military active and reserve member I can attest that HFD members can not "double dip" on their pay . The city of Hartford HR dept states that a member will be payed the difference in pay only if the employees city pay is higher than that of the military. When coming back from a deployment you must submit a city form filled out by your military commander or designated representative, what your pay was during your time with the military. In my case I made more in the military than what the city of hartford payed. My pay from the city then reflected the difference by the city withholding the excess pay that was paid to me while deployed. I can say from numerous experiences that HFD personal office always screwed up withholding more money than what was supposed to be withheld. It is so bad that when you have to do military duty it was far easier to use vacation and personal days just so you would get a pay check. So for those people that think military guys have it easy , just remember, not only are you committed to the military but also your career and family as well. It gets pretty overwhelming and frustrating at times
    but we made a commitment to the fulfill our military contract and to our jobs and family. It is not easy missing your kids birthdays and kids sporting events. It tears at your heart. So before you give a negative comment remember what these men and women go through behind the scenes and how their family life is greatly affected. And according to USERRA a member of the military is protected from employee discrimination weather or not his or her deployment is voluntary or involuntary. Weather or not he or she is in a "hot zone" or helping the community after a flood or snow removal or whatever.

  7. Let me ask you people something. Do you have to be in a hazardous duty location to earn your respect? How about hanging out of the back of a C130 low level doing airdrops for the Army or Navy? does that qualify for your hazardous duty? Or flying low level at night 2oo feet of the deck through the White Mountains in New Hampshire while some 23 year old new rookie pilot is at the controls. Would that qualify in your book. Or flying in to LA after Katrina with the sky filled with aircraft with no control tower so we can land and drop supplies, does that qualify? Then when we get back finding out we have been transferred to a new house as payback for volunteering to help our fellow man. Ya sometimes I got a great deal going to Hawaii or Florida during the winter time to do Air Drops for other military agencies. But 9 times out 10 it was to some shit hole location living in a crappy hotel or motel. Dont forget just because our military members arent always in a "hot" zone, they are supporting the cause. Training still needs to get done and you need to maintain proficiency in your military job. If not people can get hurt of killed. Im not talking about someone who pushes a keyboard all day, but that still is in support of members who are deployed or are in a hazardous job. Since the fall of Russia and the military draw down of the 90s, the govt relies more and more on guard and reserve members to fulfill roles that were traditionally done by active duty. The "weekend warrior" who use to do roughly 38 days a year are avg. abour 90 days a year. That figure came out of Military Times about 5 years ago. Im not sure what it is now but it is still up threre. So look at the big picture. Next time you meet someone who does both military and a civilian job ask them how easy it is and how many days a year they do in the guard. I can bet it is not just a weekend a month. So give em a break

    1. So what do you think about the enlisted person who signs up for a local detail that consist of none of the high speed dangerous activities you mentioned? Does it not upset you that they are riding on the coat tails of those who are actually working and putting themselves in harms way?

  8. 11;42AM

    I'm not sure we can categorize respect for our military by where they serve or the level of danger. In my opinion when someone makes the decision to enlist they deserve our full respect and gratitude. They have no idea where they are headed when they sign the enlistment papers and I personally don't think any less of them whether they are helping us recover stateside after a natural disaster or uncovering roadside bombs in Afghanistan. A US military uniform means the same service to us no matter where it is worn or when.

  9. 3:28pm,

    what branch are you serving in?

  10. Im sick and tired of all of you little fire mice crying and bitching about everything. The report is out. Done! What next ? A march to fanasy land ? I cant wait to grab my sack of cabbage and my 120 k a year pension and hittin the beach in clear water FL .
    You all wine for mystery memos and tails of nonsense .. To quote a great movie ... Fact is ..." Nothing on video or tape...." You have nothing. Now go to your little fire house and tuck each other tight in the covers ......

  11. Some people just want the notoriety, not to actually have to do anything. Like being a state school officer.

  12. Do you need help packing?

  13. Tic tac. " FIRE MICE" "CABBAGE"?
    JUST DAWNED ON ME Who used to use those phrases. Billy, is that you?

  14. You sign with the military your name goes into the hat. Dont care what your duty is, THANK YOU! Only a fireman would bitch that a serviceman,and felow FF is getting over. I know from may yrs experience.

  15. Is the VA's office getting involved with this issue? They have a team dedicated specifically for this kind of situation.

  16. VA? You trust the CT VA to do the right thing ? The same VA using used mattresses from the prisons for our vets? Plenty of corruption alive and well in this State!! Good Luck. Great Blog!
