Monday, March 2, 2015


The Invite, A year late from Maribel
We all know by now that money is no object when it comes to staff in Mayor Segarra's Office. Between the scheduler, the Communications Staff, the videographer and the bids for the Public Relations Staff now being solicited. The Office  of Mayor Pedro Segarra should be running like a well oiled machine. 

I guess money can't buy everything, At least not for Segarra.

The attached Press Release was e-mailed out this afternoon by Segarra's top notch staff announcing his State of the City Address , which is supposed to be next Monday. I guess his staff is in the City Hall Time Warp since thy advised everyone to "save the date" and mark their calendars for a year ago
Monday March 9, 2014. Yes 2014

Shouldn't  we expect better from our $200,000 investment in the "Media professionals"?

Here is the release:

Save the Date

The Office of Mayor Pedro E. Segarra cordially invites you to

The 2015 State of the City Address

City Hall
550 Main Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06103

Monday, March 9, 2014
5:00 p.m.

The Mayor will deliver his speech in Council Chambers, 2nd floor.
Additional seating and live video projection will be available in the Atrium.
For the second year in a row, on-site translations will be offered in Spanish. Those who are interested should contact Hilda Muñoz for details:, or (860) 757-9738
*** Se ofrecerá traducción en vivo por segunda vez. Personas interesadas en atender favor de contactar a Hilda Muñoz,, o llamar al (860) 757-9738

Open to the public. All are welcome.


  1. Between Huertas and Maribel, Bronin is looking better every day

  2. Now wait a minute: March 9, 2014 is/was a Sunday. That means Pedro is working on Sundays? That's his overtime or what?

  3. Kevin, I don't see any problem here: The Caviar Man gave a speech, State of the Union, State of the State, State of the City, whatever address last year, and talked about next year or whatever. Don't worry, the Caviar Man himself doesn't know what he's talking about

  4. Hilda Munoz, the talented reporter who used to write the obituaries in the Jersey Journal. Send her back to the Courant. Between her and Maribel La Loose I wonder who's a bigger embarrassment.

  5. That is what we call "Stupidity Without Borders."

  6. So this important speech already took place 358 days ago. Better this way, nobody wants to hear the Liar In Chief anymore.

  7. Oops. How embarrassing.

    1. Not embarrassing at all, after all this is the Segarra administration. Take a look at the minor league ballpark: one day it costs $60 million, the next day we "save" $4 millions. One day the team owner pays $500,000 rent a year, the next day hundreds of thousands of that rent go to repairs.
      Only one item is not embarrassing: Segarra's luxury suite and his free tickets for life.


  8. Breaking News from Maribel and Hilda:

    Comedy Central is moving it's headquarters to 550 Main St.

    End of press release.

    1. Wrong: Comedy Central has already been at 550 Main St. for several years now. Just ask Maribel and Hilda.

  9. 8:27pm

    I don't think there is any overtime left in the budget, it was all eaten up by Terry Waller chasing false fire alarms and accidents when he was playing the role of acting Fire Chief.

    I also have to ask, as Waller is apparently out now injured from the crash he had with SKB's city vehicle, how could he tell the State Police investigators for Bell's death that he was able to dive over a fence to do a 360 degree perimeter check of the fire scene ? Back couldn't be hurting too much that night , could it Terry.

    1. Terry Waller is a fraud, everybody knows that. SKB is Terry's PIF (Partner In Fraud).
      Somebody please investigate her short sale/transfer of her house on Terry Rd. to Terry Waller. Why she defaulted on her mortgage, what she filed with her lender, how Terry ended up with the house, investigate everything!

  10. Shame on you Mr. Brookman for insulting Pedro, Hilda, and Maribel. They're all working so hard for Pedro's campaign so they don't have extra time to concentrate and deal with the important issues that they get paid for.

  11. Leave Terry alone, I'm mean leave Terry with SKB, they are both corrupt bloodsuckers.

  12. Who cares if it's 2014 or 2015. The only question is if caviar will be served there

    1. Caviar, that's what makes Pedro run.


  14. Come to the state of the city next Monday wearing your "touch of class t-shirts" ....or,if you don't have one,I will be there passing them out....FREE!!!!

    1. Pedro = Touch of "C":
      Touch of Class.
      Touch of Caviar.
      Touch of Corruption.

    2. Please people show up with the T-shirts or show up to get one to wear. Media will be there and Nene will have to look out and see his signature on a shirt. With his ego he'll probably like it.

      La Looser start writing the press release now and remember it's 2015 idiot.

    3. Maribel LaLooser is an idiot with $97,000 a year.
      I hope Pedro gives her a car too.

  15. Maribel LaLoose and Pedro Caviar declare a snow emergency. Today is March 3, 2015. Parking ban will start March 9, 2014 at 5PM and will end sonetime in 2016 after the elections.

  16. This 2014 'thing' is a typo error. Fixing the Assistant Fire Chief job to fit only Terry Waller was an error. Removing a lien from Terry' Park Street property was an error. Having double or triple dipper SKB as top city attorney was an error. Letting her toy boy drive that car was an error (who knew it was going to end up in an accident). Having Jared drive city car after he was fired was an error. Giving the Jones' $400,000 gift to open a supermarket was an error. Financing that ballpark with money we don't have was an error. Eating caviar was an error. Paying for that caviar with the 'wrong' credit card was an error. Hiring a scheduler for the mayor was an error. Hiring other for nonexistent unnecessary jobs at city hall was an error. Selling 95 Park St. to SAMA for $1 was an error. The entire Segarra administration IS an error.

    1. You forgot the $800,000 ins ERROR by O'Garro/Adam Cloud and wife that was swept underneath the carpet.

    2. Hopefully it was swept into the Government Corruption Task Force's dustpan!

      I can't wait till the Sun pushes those Clouds out of Hartford ' s city government. All of them Crooks, Daddy & all.

  17. 6:26 Errors? You call this errors? This has all one name: CORRUPTION, plain and simple

  18. Pedro, I am Bosnian, will you have a translator for my people or any other non English speaking residents, or will you be keeping to your usual & just the Spanish will be afforded this service.

    Ne razumijem! Stani! Lopov!
    I'll translate for you;
    " I don't understand! Stop! Thief!"

    1. Pedro will collect the taxes you owe in any language, but will give services and speeches in English and Spanish only.
      In my opinion you are right to call him "Thief!"

    2. You may be lucky if you'd not understand Pedro's speech. After all, the speech will be full of promises and lies. Nothing more. So basically you'll be missing nothing.

    3. My Bosnian friend,
      I agree, if there's a reanslation in Spanish, there must be a translation in other languages for other foreign groups who reside in this city.
      You don't have to be a lawyer to know that Spanish translation only is discriminatory.
      You should show up with your friends on Monday, express your feelings, and the very least leave with a FREE T-shirt.

  19. Sorry, but this will be translated to Spanish only. This mayor doesn't care about anyone else. Remember, without the Latino vote this mayor can count his days until he leaves office.
    Look at the people around him, the once he hires: mostly Latinos, Latinos, Latinos. That's the way he is.

  20. Why spend any money and time listening or watching Pedro Seggara. He is a JOKE!!! Let us review the huge list of folks that he has had in his administration. I cannot even remember all their names....they came and left quickly. However, Saundra Kee Borges stayed and stayed until she had to go. What a JOKE!!! Linda Bayer has over stayed her welcome. JOKE!!!

  21. Why spend any money and time listening or watching Pedro Seggara. He is a JOKE!!! Let us review the huge list of folks that he has had in his administration. I cannot even remember all their names....they came and left quickly. However, Saundra Kee Borges stayed and stayed until she had to go. What a JOKE!!! Linda Bayer has over stayed her welcome. JOKE!!!

    1. Segarra is definitely a JOKE!!! Segarra's administration is another JOKE!!!
      However, there's still 1 good reason to be there: the FREE 'touch-of-class' t-shirts. All sizes.

  22. 2014 gone with the Seggara wild wind. Can that MEDIA group get anything correct. Guess not.

  23. Seriously, any people who are pissed off about all the dysfunction and mismanagement and illegalities that have occurred during Pedro's watch NEED to come to that state of the city address at 5 p.m. next Monday. Even if we cannot speak there, it would be good for Da Mayor to look out on some unfriendly faces in the audience. He deserves to see glares and stonefaces, instead of just his usual handpicked group of paid--in one way or another--cheerleaders.

    Also, stay around, because at 6 p.m. there will be the monthly public comment session preceding the 7 p.m. council meeting. That's the time when you can talk about any Hartford-related topic.

  24. Is the date for Pedro Caviar speech
    March 9, 2014...
    March 9, 2015...
    March 9, 2016.
    I'm totally confused.

  25. How embarrassing, but expected, I worked for the City for close to 30 years as an Administrator Assist. earlier years we had no computer, and even though my typing was very good, I had my days, just like anyone else, so when something was typed up, I always had a co-worker proof read what was just typed, same when the computers came around, shame on her for not doing this and sending it out.

  26. "Highly Paid Professionals" Kevin, but not high enough. May I suggest a nice bonus to Hilda Munoz and another to Maribel LaLuz/LaLoose. Going to be really nice if you throw in some more benefits as well. Pedrito, we'll guarantee the Latino vote.

  27. Mayor Segarra was a prosecutor,busting "John,s and prostitutes" During the day....while pedro segarra was a "John" at night.......and he wants us to believe anything he says?

  28. Mar. 12:37 am

    Danny must be related to Segarra.

  29. I love this...

    I read this Segarra email blast, that Luke didn't even vote in 2013...

    "And according to Democratic Party voting records, Bronin missed voting in 10 Hartford elections since 2008, including the Hartford municipal elections in 2013 after he returned."

    However, ""He did indeed vote in the 2013 municipal election in Hartford," said Av Harris, spokesman for the secretary of the state's office, which oversees elections. "He was one of the 5 percent of Hartford voters who actually cast a ballot."

    Great work by the Mayor's crack campaign staff.

    1. Mayor fool is probably sharing his pills with them.
