Sunday, February 15, 2015


That is what many people were asking after taking Mayor Segarra's parking ban instructions. They followed Segarra's request , parked at the Sigourney Street  Boy's and Girls Club lot, as instructed. Their cars were towed from the lot,

The cars were towed from the lot by Medina's Towing as trespass tow's. The lot was put on the list as a safe lot, apparently by mistake by Mayor's Segarra's staff. You would think this was confirmed before hand, but then again this is Hartford. 

It seems that as soon as the ban began and people began parking, Medina's began hooking. One by one the cars were towed from the lot. Now hooking is nothing new in Asylum Hill, and most residents are accustomed to a different kind of prostitute, not the Medina's kind.

Although Medina's is one of Hartford's predator's when it comes to towing, in this case they were right legally but maybe not morally. You would think that once the mistake was discovered the towing would have stopped, Nope, the dollar signs kept ringing, the cars kept going and the Asylum Hill towing prostitutes were happy.

It seems that the Hartford Schools apparently had a program they previously operated at 170 Sigourney Street. They vacated that location approximately a year ago and it seems that the Mayor's Office doesn't keep up on things like this. After the school program vacated, the Boys and Girls Club signed a contract  with Medina's to grab their neighbors cars for using the lot. Why I am not sure , but that is the very lucrative business of pretty much unregulated trespass tows in Hartford.

The good neighbor policy went out the Window for the Asylum Hill Boy's and Girl's Club, they wanted their lot cleared. even for their good neighbors doing what they were asked to do.

It was only after residents obeying the Mayor's request began looking for their cars  that the error was uncovered. Medina's refuses to return the cars but HPD is apparently stepping up to fix the Mayor's Office screw-up.The Hartford Police Department will cover the costs of the tows for the residents.

Make sure those tow straps are secured.


  1. Kevin, your blog is incorrect. You wrote "the Mayor's Office screw-up" and that's incorrect; it's the Mayor's Office screw-up after screw-up after screw-up and many more to come. This's more correct.
    Kevin, by this time you know that that office is nothing less than a big mess. Also, that guy, Pedro Caviar, was elected as a mayor, but definitely doesn't act like one.
    Hilda Nunez and Maribel La Loose to the rescue: issue a statement to save Pedro's face, an apology not needed.

  2. and another City Hall screw-up that will cost the taxpayers of Hartford a couple thousand dollars to fix. But they still get their paychecks just the same, so who cares

    1. Hey Kevin: what's a few thousands of dollars here or there. What about the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS that the stadium will cost us EACH AND EVERY YEAR for the next 20 years

  3. what do you expect, the right hand at the mayor's office doesn't know what the left hand is doing

  4. Whoever screwed up at Pedro's office should pay for each and every towed car from this lot

  5. Good point, imagine how many predatory tows Medina's can make for 4 million a year

  6. 7:35PM

    Good idea , but if we held the Mayor's staff accountable for all of their mistakes, they would be applying for food stamps to cover their caviar. They'll all be in bankruptcy once people wake u and realize what a deal this baseball stadium is going to be/

  7. Where's Foley? Isn't he usually the one responsible for keeping and getting Maribel out of trouble?

  8. Kevin, I'm glad you posted this--yet another travesty fostered by the ineptitude coming from city hall. But I do hope the Courant or other local media pick up on the story and hold the mayor's office up to some more widespread well-deserved shaming and public humiliation.

  9. It could be posted on the cover of USA Today, but if the people of Hartford don't realize how incompetent the Segarra Administration I'm not sure what more to do. He is a trainwreck, ruining this City

  10. Why is Medinas Towing getting a pass. They are as dirty as it gets. As a Police Officer I caught them doing dangerous and illegal tows out on the North end and dumping cars at the School for the Blind in Windsor where then a second wrecker would puck the cars up for the long trek to AirPort road.

    I called them on it. The owner came to me and tried to bullshit me saying he had permission to do what he was doing and yada yada yada.

    I clearly told him that if he came back into Windsor (yup I'm a Windsor cop) with his mess i would stop take full action against who ever crossed our line again.

    Never saw them again. You better believe they now of the error and were just waiting to pounce on free money. Very immoral operational crew over there.

  11. Guys is not like he is badly running the city, he doesn't run the city. He is more interested in pictures opportunities and media events and ego building exercises. There is plenty of in-fight inside his group and when you have character as obscure as Juan Figueroa running the politics you get plenty of intrigues. Besides all other situations, the City was better run when David Pandora was the COO. The new guy is a total waste, probably hired to get some racial diversity in a predominantly Latino administration that also lacks females. There is not a coordinated effort in running the City, after all is a business and some of those peoples don't even know how to balance their checkbooks. Out of curiosity, what the office of constituents services does, more tax payers money wasted. Ronald, the director another incompetent. It is going to take years to fix all this. Perhaps Luke, have a better sense of how important is to hire competent people to take on the business of the people of Hartford and no concerned in hiring loyalist that anyway end up betraying and embarrasing Segarra everywhere you turn. The guy doesn't even meet with his departments heads to exert leadership.

  12. "The guy", Pedro Caviar, is a huge failure. Everybody knows that. Now, we have to think about the future of Hartford. At this time, I truly believe that Luke will hire REAL professionals to run each department and there will be much better communication within city hall. This's what we have to concentrate about, this's what we have to prepare for.
    Pedro Caviar's days are numbered, thank God.

  13. stop wasting your time with the nene caviar man. time to discuss his successor.

  14. Luke will have much easier job than Pedro Caviar. He's not going to spend millions he doesn't have on a stadium he doesn't need. Luke will not hire people like SKB who's worthless, watching for her own interests, her boy toy/lover/fiance ' s interests, her son's, oh, and by the way, milking the city more than $200,000 a year

  15. How is Luke going to win? This a minority driven City with a very low voting record. Almost 126 000 residents, I would say probably like 30% with voting rights and a Mayor can be elected with less the 10 000. He needs, Luke, to structure a vision, develop a concrete action plan and outline his goals; and he needs to do it fast.

    1. I'm sure Luke is working on it. He's been traveling around, talking to residents, listening to many of them. He knows what the problem of Hartford are, and he'll defiantly do a much better job - and honest - than Pedro. And don't worry, he'll not eat caviar with friends and charge the city for it. Guaranteed.

  16. Ask Segarra where your car is, but he's too busy with caviar, his luxury suite in his fantasy stadium and the 250 free tickets to give around so he can be popular again

    1. with free tickets and free caviar everybody loves Pedro (that moron)

  17. Anonymous 8:43. Sorry but mayor caviar wouldn't care about your car,he drives a. Mercedes..

  18. Mr. Mendez, I guess you don't know Pedro Caviar after all. He does care about our cars: he cares that we pay more and more taxes on our cars, he cares that we pay more for tickets, he cares that we put more money in his pockets for towings. This way he can have much more caviar. That's why he's called Pedro CAVIAR.

  19. Pedro now needs even more money, our money, to pay for his future luxury suite. I only pray he will not be in city hall by the time work is complete

  20. if we get free tickets and free caviar from segarra then we vote for him

  21. How about not voting for Segarra and getting a Mayor that is actually a leader and doesn't need gimmicks to buy his votes?

  22. Kevin, I am very happy you are feeling better. Go get them Luke. Cannot wait for you to be the next Mayor of Hartford.

  23. Pedro, Juan and the powerful Linda Bayer are a very sad story. Can't wait for them to be out of City Hall. Luke Bronin will be a welcomed breath of fresh air.

  24. True; Bronin is probably smarter. He might be more honest. But, what do we know of him? What does he know of Hartford? True, John Gale is also of pallor, but he's a Hartford person, not just a guy looking to take a step on a career ladder.
    Bronin, who grew up in Greenwich, attended the prestigious Philips Exeter Academy ($48,000 per year), as well as Yale and Oxford universities (more like $75,000 per year), moved from Washington D.C. to Hartford about two years ago when Malloy appointed him to serve as the Governor’s chief counsel and top legal adviser.

    Although Bronin has no experience in local government, let alone running a diverse, urban city like Hartford, Bronin recently set up a campaign committee, a campaign website and is now running to become Hartford’s next mayor.

    Candidate Bronin began his campaign by telling FOX CT this week,

    “[Hartford] Roads weren’t plowed all the way to the side, snow mounds in crosswalks, roads not treated – simple stuff like that…”

  25. That "simple stuff like that" is absolutely right. Residents and businesses cannot operate, cannot function when basic stuff is not done, or done poorly by the city. Hartford is crippled because of Segarra and his incompetent lieutenants. Education is worse than Segarra wants us to believe. DPW performs disastrously. HFD is loaded with problems. Taxes are terribly high and will be higher because of the fantasy stadium. Corruption at city hall is very likely at all time high. The list goes on and on. At this point almost any candidate could perform better than Segarra.

  26. Bronin is obviously not from Hartford. If he was, he'd know that snow plowing has never a strong point. But this is what we get when we elect mediocre leaders, who hire mediocre department heads, who hire mediocre employees. When I use the term mediocre, I am being very polite. The democrat primary will come down to who gets the most dead people out to vote. Hey Bronin, here's another tip... Send busses out to the homeless shelters with booze, cigarettes and Obama phones in return for their votes. The winner of the democrat primary will be the next Mayor. One more tip... Hit the suntanning salons and you might get a few more votes. The darker, the better!

    1. Snow plowing is NOT difficult if it's done right, if it's being planned and executed right. Planning is the key.

  27. Education is worse than Segarra wants us to believe.
    I have long been interested in the test fraud (apparently) conducted by the Principal of Betances School. We had a law firm confirm that tests were manipulated in the direction of improved scores. We also know that the Principal received a bonus based on the fraudulent scores. But, the District has never followed through, and divulged officially what happened, who done it. It appears that the District is happy to sweep the matter under the rug.
    Beth Schiavino-Narvaez, Ed.D.
    Superintendent of Schools

    Dear Superintendent Schiavino:
    No can reach the Board through their e-mail links at their website. Perhaps you have some knowledge of the investigation into the sickening fraud conducted at Betances School. Is the investigation ongoing? Or, has it concluded, in which case, what's the news?
    Thanks for your consideration.
    Peter Brush
    Dear Mr. Brush,

    Thank you for your email. The matter is no longer pending as both employees, who had been on administrative leave, left the district on June 30, 2014.

    Beth Schiavino-Narvaez, Ed.D.
    Superintendent of Schools
    Dear Superintendent Narvaez:
    Thank you very much for the information. Is the identification of the principal and the teacher as the mal-doers in some sort of report? Was there any inquiry into bonuses that were paid based on their lying? Was there any criminal inquiry? It cannot be that the District payed a law firm ($20,000?) to look into the matter, if we were going to rest satisfied with the crooks slipping quietly out of town. |
    I am aware that various "ethics" complaints have been lodged against Steve Perry, a local "charter" school entrepreneur. I think it certain that if Mr. Perry were to perform such self-aggrandizing deception on his students and their families as that executed by Ms. Immacula Didier he would be held up to humiliating scrutiny, his school would be de-funded, and criminal charges would be brought. As a Hartford taxpayer, gratefully no longer the parent of an HPS student, I'd appreciate it very much if you'd refer me to the District's report on the cheating at Betances, or at least to the memo explaining why there will be no report.
    Thanks again for your answering my inquiry. It's more than many politicians and government managers in my experience can do. And, thanks for your consideration.
    Peter Brush

  28. Dear Mr.Brush, please, please, please contact the FBI, they're looking for additional details/more info regarding this shenanigans/fraud. Education is definitely worse than Segarra wants us to believe. You are knowledgeable, contact the FBI on behalf of all residents of Hartford. Be our voice.

  29. contact the FBI
    Thanks for your confidence. The thought does cross my mind. But, honestly, wouldn't you think that the State of Connecticut could operate an elementary school with ethical integrity? Just as we don't need the Feds to provide a "common core" curriculum, neither should we need the FBI to correct mismanagement in a Connecticut school district. If you were the parent of a kid in the Betances School, wouldn't you want to know what happened?

    I spoke to the State education guys since they paid to have the thing looked at by a law firm. I was told to contact Mr. Medina at the District. Two reporters at the Courant say they're aware of the matter, and have FOIA requests in the works. Who knows, maybe someone on the Board may yet say something. Alternatively, your suggestion is worthy of consideration, but I think I'd contact someone in the Nutmeg legal bureaucracy before taking it to Eric Holder.

  30. Dear Mr. Brush,
    Thank you for your comment.
    I'd have never asked anyone to bother AG Holder's office, FBI or anyone else at the Fed level. However, this seems to be much more than mismanagement; to me this "smells" like fraud. FBI agents are the ones who should determine if this is fraud or "just" mismanagement.
    Problem is, with this administration we hear of so many corrupt situations and events that are way beyond mismanagement. So many reporters FOIA'd documents from city hall and got absolutely nothing. It's time for the Feds to get involved.
    All the best, Mr. Brush. Once again, thank you for your comment. Thank you for caring!

  31. this administration
    I'd just note that the School District is not affiliated with the municipal government except to the extent that the municipal one is forced to contribute to the District budget. Mayor Segarra, taking the seat of his historic-yet-corrupt predecessor, sits on the Board, but as Mayor he has nothing to do with management or policy. Any incompetence and dishonesty achieved in the schools is to the credit of the State. I suspect in this matter there may have been a negotiation by one or more labor unions to limit the damage to the perps; maybe silence by the District in exchange for removal of the union members.

  32. however, Segarra is taking credit for great success and improvements in Hartford schools. He neglects to mention what the reality and the truth is. He's also silent on a record absenteeism, over 25%...

  33. Education is an important investment in our future but we're clueless about the present. We only hear promises and lies from Segarra. Let the professionals investigate and determine who's corrupt and who's to blame.

  34. I agree with anonymous 4:33pm, investigators are the ones that should review this and find out what the truth is. If we have to rely on Segarra and his PR people, well, you know the rest

  35. the ones that should review this
    I don't know anyone on the Board of Ed. They're all there to do public service. They don't get paid. Maybe someone could simply come forth and explain. The Board is an agent of the State, but it's elected locally. It's a system designed for non-accountability. When push comes to shove, who does the State care about; the kids or the unions? Ask Luke Bronin.

  36. I've seen the way Segarra is performing (Poorly). I've heard Segarra's lies (Many). I've had enough with this man!
    Ask Luke Bronin how many things Segarra credits himself where he has absolutely nothing to do with, for example Front Street, UConn Law School, all done with state support and state financing (as a matter of fact Segarra almost blew up the whole UConn transfer to Hartford).
