Friday, February 13, 2015


Click here to read some of Tom Condon's thought's on the Hartford Fire Department's problems from the pages of the Hartford Courant


  1. It's clear that the Courant editorial forgot to mention another ugly episode in the HFD recent history: the Terry Waller affair. Just one ugly episode out of many.

  2. Where is the final report - an honest report - investigating FF Bell's death?

  3. After a long wait we finally see the Courant working on behalf of all of us, the residents of the City of Hartford. HFD is a terribly malfunctioning FD and if you talk to FF's you'll find out that their moral is low.
    Now the Courant has to expand its reporting and ask all the necessary questions relating 2 different issues, Saundra Kee Borges and Touch of Class.

  4. Anonymous 12:08 good idea. SKB is out of office, some say pushed out, others disagree, saying she left on her own, but the damage she's responsible for will be there for a long time. As for Touch of Class, it's time to check on his character, his honesty, his integrity. It's never too late.

  5. Don't hold your breath. The Courant was a driving force behind the charter change that gave us the strong mayor form of government. This has removed any kind of professional leadership at the top and key departments and resulted in politics running amok . the courant will never admit it was wrong and condon actually told that to someone.

  6. How much longer will Huertas survive as Chief? So many 'issues', problems, scandals, all start from the top, with full support from the caviar rat.
    How much longer Charlie?

  7. Poor Charlie can't recognize that it is stupid, vindictive decisions like this that make him, and the whole department look bad. What is Charlie's plan to end all this bad publicity? He has no plan, he has no strategy. He transferred Raul Ortiz because he didn't trust him. Period. a transfer based on paranoia... genius. When Charlie does something stupid (every other day or so) it makes the Mayor look like a boob. Bro in is loving all this. You people should be praising Chief Huertas, after all, he is doing everything he can to bring down Segarra.

  8. Chief Huertas is doing everything he can to bring down Segarra, as you say, and then he should bring down himself as well. They're both incompetent.

  9. Personally I can't wait for Huertas to get fired. Then I can go to work once again with a sense of optimism that a turnaround at HFD is possible. The politicians have shoved poor leadership down our throats and weak members have been promoted into positions they weren't meant for. This is causing huge blowback onto the line and discipline has broken down. It is clearly getting worse every day and will eventually come to additional incidents of bad behavior. I am not sure if there is a man on the job capable of the repair job HFD needs. Might have to dig deep on that one. Will the real Chief please stand up!!

  10. Huertas AND Segarra should be out. Both of them, together. Dismissed or fired, I don't care, but OUT.

  11. Listen here people. Out with the old and in with the new boss wont work on its own. You want to get better.
    1-Get rid of the "transfer system" as it stands. Leadership uses this to avoid handling problems the way it should. People get transfered to other stations instead of dealing with an issue at hand.
    2-Id it has to be done. Admin needs to take the Union to either a labor board hearing or get a Court ruling that Admin is not required to get an "OK" from the Union on any decision. The Unions true purpose is to make sure Admin Isn't violating any ones right, being immoral, or requesting anybody to do anything illegal. It is not their job to dictate Admin just because they don't like something.
    3-The department needs to insitute zero tolerance for intoxication on the job. Make department heads mandatory reporters. That way when they get an official complaint they must act on it.

    You want a better place to work that's how it starts.

  12. How about LT.Guertin from E15 who was working overtime at Sisson Ave and went in a city fire truck with the rest of the crew and made the privates clean the snow on his property. He lives on Oxford st. My tax dollars at waste. Guarantee Mr.Guertin will get promoted to Captain then maybe he will have his crew paint his house on city time. Instead of shoveling hydrants he was shoveling his own property on city time .

  13. Excellent points. Have you applied for chief? Not really sure why everyone gets it except the administration? And it is not just the Chief, it starts with the Mayor

  14. If this is true, and IF chief huertas is a leader, this should be the first thing on his schedule Tuesday morning and his action should be swift to start setting a tone for the future of HFD. Now that this is out there he can't ignore this. Keep me posted please

  15. Lt.Guertin hahaha couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Mr.Arrogant. Mr. Put out a fire with a text book firefighter. A true ****head.

  16. I think a few more by the book guys is what HFD might need right about now and throw in some common sense for good measure

  17. This comment was posted by Anonymous. I edited a portion of the last sentence because, quite honestly, I don't feel like a nonsense fight right now by some of you.

    "Let me guess, you don't like him because he made you do your job, didn't he? This has got to be someone who is threatened by him beating them on the test, or one of our racist Phoenix members who didn't like him giving them orders. I like Adam, he will make a great assistant chief one day. Educated, city resident, loves the job "

  18. Thats ok, I respect your decision to do so. Only you and I know what it said, and sadly enough its brutally honest. You may or may not agree. This comment alone will let the imaginations run wild. On a different note, does anyone know what the passing grade for upcoming tests is???? Im going with 67. Im betting Adam will get somewhere between 90 and 100. Don't let me down buddy!

  19. Thanks, I appreciate your candor and your comment.As far as your second question, with this administration, be serious. The passing score will be the lowest score obtained by the person they have decided they want promoted. If they get a 32 on the test , all of a sudden the "curve" will be adjusted so that a 32 is now passing

    From several people I checked with, I am being told that the incident didn't happen as exactly described. I would think the Chief might want to take an opportunity for a little counseling to tighten up the decision making process. Just my thought.

    Supposedly Adam is a by the book, very capable boss.

  20. Chief, show us something that looks like your willing to take your department back, 760 is leading you by the nose and when it blows up you take the hit while they sit back and laugh, Start by calling Tiana down and ask her why she was AWOL, why HPD had to go and wake her up, and who let her call off sick mid shift after all this. Take some action.
    as far as 760 goes they are supposed to ensure wages/benefits,
    Health and safety and represent in the event of discipline, pretty much it. Problem is they now set policy, approve or deny transfers and assignments, maybe even right a few directives, way out of line.
    Start drug/Alc. testing right away, who could argue it realistically with the events of late. While your at it, demand the
    tox be put out, 380-400 give or take want to know, deserve to know
    "Be impeccable in your word, Don't take anything personal, and always do your best" DMR , " Stop saying it and do it"

  21. Lt. even if you went by your house to shovel yourself, the pressure is on the young guys to lend a hand, should not put yourself in a position like this because you wind up here, don't do anything that can be misconstrued, you are a sharp guy , don't do stupid shit. Fire truck in front of house, crew shoveling, somebody is going to raise an eyebrow, not worth it.

    1. The young guys don't do shit, who are you kidding. Hire people that worked at burger king at least they would have some work ethic and sense of urgency.

  22. 9:45PM

    my thoughts exactly and that was my reaction when I heard the eplanation. I think it has to do a lot with the "free for all" tone that has been set. In a properly run Department with accountability, it would have never been a second thought, an I doubt a lot of the other nonsense would have ever happened. Everyone is watching, cameras and video are everywhere .Although leaders should be doing the right thing no matter who is watching, or just because you may get caught Do it because it is the standard you hold yourself to.
    Since we have so very few leaders in this City, it actually be you who needs to step up and take that leadership role, set the example for others to follow

    Kind of like saying no to the caviar dinner because your conscience tells you it is wrong

  23. Anonymous 9:40PM

    I think most of us are following what you are saying but I'm not sure about the "380-400"comment can you e-mail or contact me to expand on that. An anonymous comment is also fine if you prefer to do it that way.


  24. Number of HFD members? Sounds about right. 380-400

  25. Actually Mr.Brookman it was a concerned civilian who resides on same street as Mr.Guertin that was questioning why a fire truck was parked there shoveling a private sidewalk. Why do u blame everything on the Phoenix Society ? I am not a black firefighter I am Irish and proud of it. The civilian who came to me and ask about the incident was a civilian employee from city hall who resides 3 houses from Mr.Guertin.

  26. Adam is by the book. Capable boss NOT!! He looses his mind every time we catch a fire!! Ask around guys will tell you. He likes to down talk to the privates.

  27. Most people who only know books are lost at fires.

  28. The new breed of state school officers.

  29. This is why i live in the suburbs.... no one would give a shit whether or not i was shoveling my sidewalk . In fact they would come help out knowing i was locked down for 24 hours. Neighbors helping neighbors. But in New Englands falling star, its neighbors shooting neighbors and bitching about nonsense. 5 mins of shoveling gets this and yet we pay guys and girls who are afraid of fire, to be fire fighters and no one bats an eye.

  30. He's a city resident firefighter shoveling hydrants in his area. I'm sorry you shredders couldn't help a brother fire fighter out with some manual labor with out trashing him. I'm sure if you were a city resident and you were on ot or regular shift maybe once or twice you've stopped by your house or maybe went to the hospital to see a sick relative in your gear. Your wright you probably were about to beat candy crush level 63 and didn't want to be bothered.

    1. Plays candy crush, gets diabetes , goes out on an "A", story of HFD. I can see that happening.

  31. For those who are not firefighters, "book officers" are guys who can recite IFSTA books front to back and ace every test they take. They have all the right answers for oral exams, and are very smart.
    Many, not all of these guys don't know how to deal with personnel problems, and don't know how to treat people.
    A fire ground is a dynamic environment. It is constantly changing for better or worse. "Book Officer's" do fine until something changes at a fire. Once something happens that isn't explained in IFSTA, they turn to a dangerous and incapable officer.
    A good officer has a combination of things. Experience is number 1, more is learned from fireground experiences than what a book can teach you. Second is how to get your guys to do what you want them too. Goes back to experience, if they see you know what to do and trust you, they will happily do what is asked of them. Book experience is last. A guy who knows "fire tetrahedron", how much hose weighs, higbee cuts, and the GPM of a garden hose is useless. stick with the guy who can find the fire, know when to dig in or bail out, and get you back to the firehouse in one piece safely.
    I don't work for Guertin, and don't know what kind of Lt he is. this isn't a knock on him, just my experiences of a long time "on the job" of what makes a good boss.

  32. Can't make it to line officer without being told this but some either don't beleive it or are just plain stupid. When your our in public, you can't hide in uniform, and you definately can't hide a fire truck. I have stopped and shoveled private walks for people I percieve to be handicapped or very old. It might save a medical call, LOL. That is also good publicity. But it can lead to an expectation also. I once worked the North end and came across and old guy who had gobble 1 of the wheel chains into his snow blower and was unable to get it out, in a couple minutes with our primitive tools we had him up and running.
    remember when your out riding around and making all those stops for lottery tickets and car parts , you are not invisible. Conduct your private business on your days off, you have plenty of them.

  33. For those defending the Lt for shoveling his driveway you simply don't get it.

    Hes on duty and is not supposed to be doing personal buisness using city employees and equipment on top of it.

    It was wrong to ask or even let anybody volunteer to do his driveway.

    As a well paid firefighter he could of hired one of the many available snow removers to clean his driveway.

    It was very poor decision making parking the truck in front of his house and have others while in uniform doing his driveway.

    No way anybody can tell me that all hydrants were clear before working on the driveway. Who are you kidding.

    Want to see true brotherhood. Lets see how many show up his house after shift or your day off to clean the driveway for free. At best one or two close friends. The rest cya next tour.

    Asvfar as Suburbs vs inner city. You'll get ratted out just as fast if not even faster. Unless your a volunteer division then like in.mist suburbs. Then what is there to complain about. They out there for free.

  34. 1. We lost Kevin in October..still no cause of death, still no crew based after action debriefing, all this time and we have learned nothing.
    2. The continued political meddling into the HFD promotional process has resulted in questionable individuals being placed in high positions while more qualified and respected candidates were passed over. These guys have no incentive to stay on the job, irreplaceable experience lost forever.
    3. The HFD continues to flounder under weak leadership. Rampant speculation as to when Huertas "will announce his retirement". It will probably be when the right deal or package is presented to him...Sooner rather than later..
    4. There is a serious lack of leadership skill at the Chief Officer level in the HFD. Some have a certain amount, others are considered a joke. Time to make some moves and access deep pools of talent at the junior officer level. Why don't you use some of these guys that have big educations on the job? Is it because the administration doesn't even know who they are and what skills they possess??? Or are these educated guys too much of a threat?

    There is clearly no managerial skill being exercised at HFD right now. We have been told nothing about Kevin's death. We are still going on luck. Leave Guertin alone..who has not made an small error in judgment while working a 48. He's a good man.

    1. Okay Capt Dempsey or Lt. York we know he's a good man. Lt. Guertin is not allowed to make any small errors in judgment he is GOD!! This Guy is so awesome he's the greatest firefighter that will ever passed through the HFD doors!! We should kiss his feet every chance we get!! He is top dog firefighter. Hey Capt. can we wash and wax those fire trucks like u said for "those Puerto Ricans?" I bet u won't have a problem putting an Irish flag next month for the St.Patrick's Day parade.

    2. Maybe Guertin is a good man in your eyes but from my stand point he is a privileged, arrogant, pompous jerk who thinks he is better than everyone, he talks down to people and abuses his power, he may be educated but he doesn't know how to talk to people...oh yeah and he has been a city resident for all of a month, he is from Newington

    3. You just killed yourself it with your last line. Did anybody say go after Guertins head. No. But still it needs to be addressed.

      You say "leave him alone, he's a good man".

      Part of the strong leadership you crave is about making hard tough to swallow decisions. Picking and chosing who to punish or not to punish just because you like someone is at the central core of what is wrong with HFD.

      You keep letting some slide and before you know it you have set presedence that after years of bad and poor leadership decision making you have the out of control Zoo that is HFD.

      You cant have it both ways or just your way. It has to be consistent and fair across the board.

  35. I read your comments about a city of Hartford employee one that risks his life along with others every day he goes to work. There may be some validity in your statement that he is pompous and arrogant, however did you get to the position that he has. Have you walked in his shoes one time. I am not a city employee however I have worked in the city of Hartford for several years. I have had the privileged to know LT. Guertin for several years so I will tell you that I understand that comments regarding his confidence and with that said I will tell you he did not get that way be sitting back watching the world around him. It is those that attack his character and belittle him that do not have the ambition or drive that he has to become the FIREFIGHTER that he is. I have the proud privileged to say that I am married to one of the cities fireman. Why is it that we worry about shoveling a walk way of a home in the city does it matter who it belongs to. This is not taking advantage of the younger crew this is the younger crew not understanding the work ethic that they should up hold as a Firefighter. This job does not come with glory every day however if there was and elderly individual that lived next to LT Guertin would you have allowed them to go out their front door and slip and fall. I believe your answer should be no. Pull yourself together, DO YOUR JOB and if you want his job and feel as though you could do it better then try and until then he is a leader and acting as such. GOOD JOB LT GUERTIN YOU CAN NOT PLEASE EVERYONE ALL OF THE TIME.

    1. Spoken like a true civilian. See a person of uniform understands what is going on here.

      A person of rank and authority is not supposed to....

      1-Abuse his position for personal gain.
      2-Place himself in a position to take from those he leads.
      3-Place those underneath him in the ranking system in a position where a refusal to assist may look unfavorably by other due to peer pressure.

      You state some facts about yourself such as you worked for the city, your married to a firefighter and so on as if that's an certification to express an opinion about other people's work ethic.

      From your posting above its safe to say you think you know about towing the line but in reality you have no clue of what your talking about.

    2. Adam Guertin will never walk in the shoes that many of us have walked in. Never ever.

    3. I guess if you have a good work ethic it gives you the right to treat people below your rank like crap

    4. An officer isnt here to be your friend, he is there to be your boss. Friends second.

  36. Does anybody realize that the driveway shoveling incident can be classified as theft of services and that the LT can be charged as such? How you ask? The hourly rate per city employee at hid house and any use of city owned equipment to complete the job. Does it sound extreme. Yes. Has this happened before, absolutely. Can charges be filed of course. Will it be done, most likely not.

    For those saying come on no big deal, oh hes a nice guy well guess what nice guys get jammed up too.

    Admin needs to address this somehow. Lt needs to step up and get this resolved before someone gets motivated to take it to the highest level of discipline.

    1. Remember the Police Officer who was charged with stealing time for bringing his sick father lunch. He was fired also.

      It was in the Courant and so should this. He stole city time and misused city property and resources and should be accountable as such.

      There are different rules for different people in this city and under this so called mayor, it is daily and it is WRONG!

    2. Ok then report greg simons making house calls to collect rent checks, his ex wife doing real estate in fire house. Terry waller visiting his properties on work days. By the way, why is MA always on an "A" as a red car driver, how do you repeatedly get hurt in that position? You want theft go after the guys and gals faking injuries right now.

    3. You morons are going to ruin a good thing running your mouths on here. So he cleaned the public sidewalk in front of his house, not his driveway. Boo hoo. What did it cost the city for 5 mins? At least he is doing his sidewalk, go street by street and tell me others are. Dont you get a ticket for not shoveling the walk? Or is that something pushed on certain areas of the city where they can actually collect on it?

    4. If home owners don't get a ticket for having a hydrant in front of there house covered in snow what makes u think they are going to get a ticket for not shoveling there sidewalk??

  37. Mr.Brookman why don't you ask the two probationary firefighters under LT.Guertin's supervision how many odd jobs he has made them perform off duty since they were assigned to E-15 at his properties. He does not ask ,he tells them to do it.

  38. I believe impersonating a fire fighter is a crime also. Ask Graves she'e been impersonating one since she came on.

  39. I have been and officer a while now, I no longer live in the city, if I did , I would not have my crew , on duty, at any property I owned for work or otherwise, period. If you question what theft is or say no big deal, then your ethic is out of sync and you truly don't get it.
    lot of merit to the idea that many bitch from the back or shadows, they won't drive, but don't like how others drive, they wont be and officer or can't , but will piss and moan about the officers.
    The process is open to all, you don't like what your officers are doing, study hard, become their boss, but caution, group dynamics is tough stuff. If you can't or won't then the proper thing to do is what you are told. That is the system you signed on for, no surprises.

  40. Lt. Guertin does not make his probationary do odd jobs, he doesn't force them to do anything off duty, stop making up shit, if you have proof about Lt. making his probationary do odd jobs then say it, I'm 150% sure he has not made them do anything wrong

    1. Say what u want but its true. New guys are to scare to open their mouth. That's why they won't stand up to Mr.Guertin. They have mentioned it to other firefighters on the job. I don't think those two firefighters would make that up ,they are both pretty outstanding guys.

    2. I am 1000% sure he does . I have seen it and heard about it. So stop covering for your buddy!!!

    3. Why don't you tell Lt.Guertin to stop bashing Felicia Graves behind her back. She has more balls than he does.

    4. Does the predators hair fit under the helmet?

    5. Just remember boys and girls that everytime you log on a city computer to do anything but job related , wash your car, stop at autoparts stores, work on your car, go to the posr office, go to the credit union, play your xbox's , etc is wasting city time. Choose you battle may not like the outcome.

    6. Predator haha good one!!

    7. Sounds like there is a whole lot of stealing time; WHAT WILL PEDRITO DO???

  41. Go ask Lt. Guertin the several run ins he had at E1 with several firefighters , since he is such an outstanding guy, the famous neck choke by a firefighter that's a Captain now ,the other confrontation in the locker room by a veteran firefighter. I guess you can say he is very well liked.

  42. Hey Chief Huertas isn't there a department directive stating that if you leave the state you have to notify the department of your leave? Did Lt. Guertin notify you for the past year that he was residing in Boston Massachusetts traveling back and forth every 3 days?? Bet he did not!! I guess Mr.Clean ain't so clean after all.

  43. Theft???? Where did our budget go? I need some pants!

  44. Eliminate the Shreds !!!!!

  45. We are out of toilet paper,,!! I knew it from the day Charlie boy got promoted to fire chief, he was gonna give everything away he has no balls!!! He is afraid of city hall. We need a fire chief that stands up to city hall and to the union.

  46. I don't see the big deal he touched up 30 feet of sidewalk while giving 48 hours to the city. What did it take all of 5 mins. That Tac runs the city all day north to south. Does conducting Union bussiness constitute stealing? Or how about getting a wake up call from a police officer of deputy chief? Far as I'm concerned he is a tax payer of the city and is entitled some services. I've seen some city residents stealing time from the city also.

    1. He didn't give 48 hours to the city, he was paid and very well, he was on duty to respond to the residents, not to go home and respond to his personal work, while on the clock.

      Hire someone who is trying to make an honest living, who would gladly shovel his driveway for 25 bucks. I work at the Health Department, can I leave the facility and the people unattended because I need to shovel my driveway? Can I take the city vehicle to get there?

      Do you know what it cost every time a fire truck goes out with the four man that must be on every fire truck that leaves the firehouse? Get real, it's Stealing Time! Big Truck, men in Fire gear, really, no one was suppose to notice these inconspicuous crew shoveling PRIVATE PROPERTY!

      This action tells me it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last!

      Real leadership at the HFD and in City Hall. Pedro put the Pills down, hold him accountable!!! Why would you, you allow similar impropriety with your husband.

  47. why is the debate still going on? You are all adults with a conscience, you know it is wrong and you are being paid very well by the people of Hartford to do a job. do you really have to be led by the hand and told what is right or not? Stop embarrassing yourselves with your poor decision making. Do you need to be told not to drink a case of beer before driving? Do you need to be told it is not a good idea to snort cocaine before heading to a fire. Act like the professionals you are supposed to be and act appropriately with the level of trust we place in you, Would you pull up and start painting your house while you are working, I would hope not, so why would you think it is acceptable to pull up and shovel your sidewalks

    1. Kevin as you can see your trying to reason with some retards. Instead of simply admitting it was a mistake dealing with it and moving on they rather snitch other fellow firefighters out and drag them down with them.
      These are the same people who complain about lame duck leadership but then turn around with the "oh why you busting chops" attitude. Bunch of losers. Yea you risk your lives but believe me i know there is a lot of other non firefighter activities going on in your houses that go unchecked. But you guys are so stupid that your going to spoil the party for yourselves with your blatant attitude that you can do and get away with what ever you want.

      You want to keep waxing and fixing your cars on duty, conducting other buiness on duty like real estate and so on well keep your freaking mouths shut take your lumps and get it behind you. Tomorrow is another day.

    2. Hey Kevin who is snorting cocaine before heading to a fire??

  48. Can we please not use the "R" word.

  49. Is it true that the Mayor has ordered that every firehouse retain a jar of caviar,in case he visits?

  50. Pedro don't visit no firehouse, he's scared of firefighters

    1. I heard he requested the firefighter impersonator at the "Touch of Class" . Nene, strap some on and "DO YOUR YOB" or at least ask Charlie for permission.

  51. Anonymous Feb 18@ 11:43 a.m. Since when does residents of Hartford who have a hydrant in front of their property get a ticket ? Residents cleaning around a hydrant in front of there property was always a nice thing for the residents to do, but they didn't have to. It was always up to either the FD or Public works to come by and finish cleaning up around the hydrant, my parents have one in front of their home, they have been living there for over 60 years, no tickets were ever issued, and should be, first of all, the hydrants are on City property, the City wants them cleaned out, then they should, not the resident because the hydrant happens to be in front of their home. Another thing, if Lt.Quertin went to his home to have the fire fighters clean his driveway, well he was taking a chance with that one, what if one of the fire fighters got hurt, pulled his back out.Love to have that person explain that injury, this was just another stupid call from the Lt.

    1. They should change city ordinances and fine homeowners who don't clear a fire hydrant in front if there property. You cut the grass on curb in front of your house don't you? ,or does the city come and cut the grass in front of your house cause ur to lazy. I hope your parents house don't catch on fire and it takes longer to put the fire out because you don't feel like its your job to clean around the hydrant. I have 3 hydrants in front of my property . They are not even on my side of the street ,but I still went and cleared them . Why? Because I live there.

    2. Why change any ordinances? Pedrito violates them, like you & I brush our teeth.

      He violates Laws also. Have you seen the "Touch of Class" Client list? Yup our Mayor, proudly signing his name as paying 150.00 for sex. Way to go Nene, you made the Latino Community distant themselves from you.

    3. Wait..... you mean actually make city resisdents do something????? You are out of you mind! The divided classes Will clash like Sparta, those who do and those who refuse...and by refuse i mean all those lazy pieces of dog shit who wont lift a finger to help the city. Those who receive free everything to live. Its all good, glad us suburbanites work multiple jobs to hold you above the water, we all know to
      you can swim

  52. your parents live at a house for sixty years and never got a ticket because of not shoveling the hydrant? Its called common courtesy. If you are a fireman I see where your work ethic comes from. Thank your parents for me for their courtesy to their neighbors and fellow firefighters.

  53. Regarding fire hydrants, they are MDC property. If you choose not to shovel the hydrant in front of your house, who is going to suffer? Not MDC, not HFD either. You, your family and your home will suffer. Not to mention the homes on your street. How would you feel if your family was killed in a fire because you were too lazy to shovel a fire hydrant? Typical Hartford resident attitude, only out for yourself and lazy.
    When HFD responds to a report of a BLDG fire, the Engines stop at the closest hydrant to the dispatched address, hook up supply line and lay hose up to the actual house address. If FD has to spend 10 minutes looking for the hydrant, your screwed! Better hope the neighbor on the other end of the street shoveled theirs for the next due engine, or you screwed again. Also, the time spent looking for and shoveling you hydrant prevents the Ladder truck from getting to your home also. These are the guys who save your lazy ass. Sure, engines carry 500 gallons of water, but that gives you 2.5 minutes of water at the nozzle, that's it.
    So you lazy people sit inside and keep thinking it's not your job to clean the MDC hydrant that protects you and your family. You will have nobody to cry to, or file a lawsuit against when your house is gone. Your fault.

  54. Thinking that it's up to the city to shovel the hydrant within the vicinity of your house is a major issue of ignorance many residents in the city possess. That plug rising up in front of your house on "city" property was strategically placed there to hopefully but heaven forbid save your family or property one day. Every minute that fire burns it nearly doubles in size. So every minute we are searching,digging,or trying to locate that hydrant before we even hook up to it and charge it is another minute wasted that could of saved life and property. Not to mention the physical energy wasted before we even attack the fire. So wait for the city or the HFD to come by and shovel out your hydrant. Hopefully we clear yours before tradgedy strikes, because "nothing bad will ever happen to me".

  55. Boy that briilant panel of cheifs came up with the stupidist recommendation ever. Add another AC? To deal with the personnel issues. Ummm how about addressing the personnell issues THEY created that are clearly not working? Not that anyone had any quality expectations from the panel of losers (mostly) but even this is a new low.

  56. Who was high on cocaine before going into a burning building Mr. Brookman?????

  57. City Ordinances re: clearing of fire hydrants.

    The Fire Department has no responsibility to clear hydrants or to see that the hydrants are cleared. It is done as a matter of common sense.

    Just so everyone has their facts straight.

    Sec. 31-144. - Fire hydrants to be cleared.
    All snow and ice accumulating in the street higher than a point four (4) inches below the bottom of the lowest outlet on any fire hydrant, and within a radius of three (3) feet from the center of such hydrant, shall be removed by the tenant, occupant, owner or agent of the premises fronting on that portion of the street, within six (6) hours after such snow and ice has ceased to fall or accumulate, or within three (3) hours after sunrise when the snow has fallen in the nighttime.

    Sec. 31-141. - Enforcement of article.
    It shall be the duty of the department of police, under the direction of the chief of police, to see that the provisions of this article are complied with.

  58. Are u freaking kidding me. Why the hell don't all these property owners get fined. All these years I have been shoveling hydrants when the city of Hartford has a city ordinance that they have never enforced That's bull****.

    1. So let me guess. Now your not going to care because "nobody else cares". Welcome to the club called Hartford.

      Or you could just continue doing what you have been doing simply because its the right thing to do.

  59. Its called programed and presurred look up act of 1871 and strawman illusion.
