Friday, February 6, 2015


Well it looks like the Elm city will becoming a regular visitor to the FOI Offices in Hartford. Word is that the City of New  Haven has hired Hartford's former  Corporation John Rose as their acting Corporation Counsel. I hope for New Haven's sake  the acting means as part of a theater group at Yale because in real life the performance isn't too spectacular.

John Rose is fun though , I miss the days of putting him through his paces  and watching him lose his cool. I still can picture the day he lost it with Len Besthoff, all the while a TV camera was capturing every word.   Ahh, the good old days.

Maybe I need to start covering New Haven  occasionally. But then again, maybe not, there is more than enough to focus on here.


  1. Rose will fit in nicely with those incompetent politicians. Did anyone else see Mayor Toni Harp last year on camera stating that the City Of New Haven was "OVER PREPARED" for an oncoming snow event??? The day after the storm she phoned Governor Malloy and requested the NATIONAL GUARD to come bail them out! Classic! They'll find out soon "this" Rose doesnt smell good!

  2. Harp and Rose are so corrupt. Neither one of them should hold any city or state position. New Haven has government corruption at it best with all those Democratic losers who elected Toni Harp.

  3. Good luck New Haven! You deserve Harp and Rose. Corruption on the run.................................
