Wednesday, February 4, 2015


There is no other explanation. Saundra Kee-Borges is gone from City Hall, the Patriot's won the Super Bowl, and now today the US Attorney for Connecticut, Dierdre Daly has announced the formation of an anti-corruption unit, a new public corruption task force to investigate corrupt public officials, the misuse of public funds and related criminal activity.

This should be relatively easy, set your GPS for 550 Main Street, Hartford City Hall. You might have to make a home visit for SKB since she is gone from City Hall, but  I bet it will be well worth the trip.

Representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Postal Inspection Service, Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigation Division, and the Inspector General’s Offices of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development are part of the group.

For more on the Federal Task Force read about it on the NBC Connecticut website at

The hotline number to report corruption is  1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).You can also keep sending your tips here or post comments on the blog

Sorry Pedro, it was fun while it lasted but all good things must come to an end


  1. Note to the City Hall Print Shop:

    Please start saving the empty copier paper boxes. Mayor Caviar will need them soon for packing his office

  2. Can not wait until the removal of Pedro and the three registras. Hartford will then be able to move forward.

  3. I think you left the City Council members out of your equation, They are just as responsible for this mess. They also need to go

  4. FOI - The Market @ Hartford21: emails from and to: Panagore, Segarra,W Benjamin, J Rodriguez, H21, The Kellies, Northland, R Fowler, credit reports from the kellies, Northland's VP for Real Estate, Northland Mking advisors and Pedro Segarra emails and conversations related 2 this issue

  5. Definitely left out Council! Not sure who's worse:
    Wooden the Weasel, Done Deal Idiot
    Kyle Anderson , the Bobble Head Idiot, or
    Cynthia Jennings the Idiot Thief , who doesn't know where she lives.

    Make sure Caviar saves some boxes for them.

  6. Nene, told you Karma is a Bitch, just like you. So Pedro how do you look in Orange, after all it is the new Black.

    Kevin, I hope we get a heads up, I want to look this freak in the eyes, when they walk him out of City Hall in handcuffs.

    Touch of Class watcher! John Mendez, get those T-shirts out quick. Hip, Hip Hooray...

  7. The Feds should start investigating Saundra Kee Borges at her Terry Rd. residence, find out if she cheated the banks, her lenders, for a short sale. Then, find out the real story of the middle of the night accident, who drove the car without authorization, why was the car on the road at that time.
    Then continue with the tailored deal for her boy/fiance to become Ass Fire Chief.
    If the feds start investigating SKB they'll have to spend here many weeks.

  8. What took the feds so long? But I guess better late than never.

  9. @Anonymous 10:08 p.m.

    You left out Aponte the Absent Idiot--even when he actually shows up, his mind is MIA.

    Kennedy the Media Whore Idiot, who has w-a-a-y overstayed his welcome.

    Cruz the Innocent Idiot, who is the mindless minion of the other 5.

    1. Dear feds: please investigate Segarra, Aponte and SAMA, explain to us this generous gift of 95 Park Street for $1 that was immediately flipped for $500,000.

  10. Pedro Segarra had better hurry up with that stadium groundbreaking. The anticipated photo of him wearing a hard hat and wielding a shovel will look good on the wall of his prison cell.

    1. Yes, he's going for the Dudley, Studley look. Caviar can model for the Prison Calender, I'm thinking Mr. APRIL; after all he is an APRIL FOOL!

  11. Where is the $450,000 authorized by Segarra and Pana gore and given to the Jones at Hartford21 market. Show me the money.

  12. Any word on what's going on with Eddie Perez? He should be half way through his prison sentence by now.

  13. Add Corey Brinson to the list. Yes he said incompetence should not be a reason to remove someone from office.

  14. Chris Mattei is part of the task force. Chris represented the government at the O'Garro indictment. I guess we'll learn whether O'Garro's case is a simple financial fraud or something more.

  15. Maybe Matteo stumbled on to more stench when he prosecuted O'Garro. Imagine all he had to do is look at the other occupants and owners of the Lewis St property. Very "Cloudy"

    1. Very "cloudy" and "smelly" or more correctly very "cloudy" and stinky. Wonder if Pedro Caviar has any clue of what's going on: $450,000 to the market @Hartford21, $670,000 insurance premium that just disappeared, the list goes on and on

    2. Mayor Caviar is clueless. SKB and Charlie O. are still running the show, from behind.

  16. Ok, enough of this crap, what was the cause of death of Firefighter Kevin Bell? Was it something he did, something he took, faulty personnel protective equipment? You can't sweep this under the table forever.

  17. Pedrito is quivering like a virgin in a prison rodeo!(sic), a major defection(s) is on the way...

  18. Segarra won't do time.Just like Perez won't. Too much speculation. It all happened in plain sight, why the delay? Hartford does not act, She reacts! Too little way too late.

  19. How come nothing has been mentioned on this blog about Hartford firefighter Mike D. who just got arrested for DUI last week?? Oh yeah forgot he's not black or Spanish so it gets swept under the rug.

  20. Anonymous 1:05pm, You are correct. I didn't post your nonsense comment the first time. I will not post it the second time and I will not post it the tenth time you submit it either. I hope you are enjoying your retirement Captain Pond, it appears you need the rest

  21. Anon Feb 5 @ 6:20 am: I saw Eddie Perez at the YMCA on Albany Ave yesterday afternoon. Kevin, I thought Eddie's ,onviction was overturned?
