Tuesday, March 24, 2015


I typically like to be first, but since I do work a real job, that doesn't always happen. This morning I got a tip regarding nepotism and improper hiring practices at Hartford City Hall. Once again more dirty dealings at the hands of Saundra Kee-Borges. Note to Federal Corruption Task  Force. Later in the afternoon I received a copy of an Internal Audit report that was less than flattering to the Segarra Administration ( We should be used to those by now)
But not surprisingly, at the center of the mess once again kept coming up were a few names we are very familiar with, Kee-Borges and Waller. It seems that Saundra Kee-Borges and her perpetual Fiancee/boyfriend/significant other have turned City Hall into their own employment agency for friends and family. Apparently WNPR's Jeff Cohen has been working on this also and came up with his own report, with some interesting details apparently overlooked in the Auditor's report.
 Especially interesting was the information uncovered  that  SKB's daughter in law used her maiden name when being interviewed by Waller's sister so that she would apparently avoid detection being hired under the Kee-Borges name. I think both parties should be shown the door for their deceptive practices. I find it hard to believe that Waller's sister didn't recognize that Kee- Borges wasn't applying under her real name.
And of course as, usual Mayor Segarra played dumb and appeared to be indignant that his nepotism policy was violated.  Maybe its not playing on his part Special Review of DPW Hiring Practices Final Memorandum
A link to Jeff Cohen's report is also below. Click here to read Jeff's report
How many more days to November's election when we can finally rid City Hall of this corruption?


  1. Corruption, corruption, corruption, Pedro.
    Here is a comment by Pedro S.: "There was a time when this was an accepted standard and practice in city government."
    There WAS a time Pedro? The tine is now, you moron.
    What "city government" are you talking about? It's Hartford under your nonexistent leadership, you dummy.
    You didn't know what Sandy K.-B. and Terry W. were doing right under your nose, not even the Ass. fire chief that was "fixed" for Waller, you clueless, stupid idiot.

  2. GREAT job, Mr. Jeff Cohen. Your findings made me sick, but you've done an excellent job.

  3. Enough already with this filth called Saundra Kee Borges, Terry Waller and Pedro E. Segarra. Can we just send all three to Devil's Island, to that notorious prison in French Guiana

  4. Good morning Hartford. Once again, we woke up to a new beautiful day to hear new horror stories coming out of Terry Rd.
    Is this for real or a nightmare I had last night?

  5. Devon Edwards AND Nertalia Borges MUST be fired immediately.
    If Segarra is serious, if he really wants to clean the house, he must get rid of these two IMMEDIATELY.

  6. Somebody said earlier that SKB and Terry Waller are cancer in our city. This cancer is spreading through their brothers-sisters-sons-daughters-in laws. Cancer, nothing less.

    1. not to mention nieces and nephews, they were 'hired' by this administration as well.

  7. Pedro will be re-elected. He has the backing of the Hartford machine and they certainly want to maintain the status quo. This group is loud in its dissent but too small to matter and no candidate will get out enough votes to overcome the endorsement of the democratic town committee. Not to be negative but look at history. This is what political Hartford wants.

  8. Thanks to Patrick Campbell.
    Is there nobody on Council who can speak up?
    City Council Members
    Internal Audit Commission Members
    H. Burgos, Director, Department of Human Resources
    K. Chapman, Interim Director, Department of Public Works
    A. Cloud, City Treasurer
    D. Hill, Chief Operating Officer
    J. Figueroa, Chief of Staff, Mayor’s Office
    P. Segarra, Mayor

  9. Pedro's response is hypocritical and misleading. There was a time when nepotism was common practice??? Yes under his administration. And not for nothing but both HR and wonder boy Chapman are complicit. How did HR allow a promotion of an employee it had no file on? And as appointing authority why did Chapman sign off on these bottom feeders? He surely had to know. They are all bumbling incompetents who need to find employment elsewhere.

  10. Past practice my A**, this is more of who you know that is already working in the City, it's a pick and choose..many who have or are still working for the City will tell you that many years ago, especially for the summer when your own kid is looking for a job for the summer, it was the higher ups in City Hall that got their kid or relative in, but the rest of us couldn't, why who knows, all I know is that a few years ago a group of kids came in for the summer, they were kids that belonged to so and so, his/her mother or father was in management from City Hall, these kids were making anywhere from $10.00 to $15.00 an hour, and sent to different departments to help out and work for the summer, and they did nothing, they came in late, took long lunch breakes,would leave early, and some of them, not all, would steel from the employees, after that long summer, especially our department, after that, we would no longer take the high school or college kids back in again, it wasn't worth the time or trouble, but all of these kids had a relative working in City Hall, and there was nothing we could do about them. Great job Mr.Cohen, and Mr. Goode on your findings and articles.

  11. Pedro didn't see anything, Pedro didn't hear anything. Like the 3 monkeys, but Pedro can speak.
    Lies always come out of his mouth, lots of lies.

  12. Segarra will announce soon of another task force to investigate whatever. May we suggest some distinctive members for this task force:
    * Saundra Kee-Borges
    * Terry Waller
    * Henry Burgos
    * Any member of their extended families
    Panel to submit its findings and recommendations whenever (after the elections).

  13. What about Councilman Anderson's girlfriend being hired in the Finance Department and Minnie Gonzalez's daughter Nelky Maldonado being hired in the ayor's Office to gain Town Committee support for Segarra. It's all dirty.

    1. what's Anderson ' s girlfriend full name? What's her title? Her earnings in the Finance Dept.?
      Who's this Nelky Maldonado? What's her title at the mayor's office?

    2. Anonymous at 10:19 AM
      I wanted to confirm what you wrote in your comment, wanted to be sure that it's the truth, so I decided to contact the Mayor's office /(860) 757-9500. I was transferred to Nelky Maldonado's extension. After a little chat she confirmed her name and the fact that she's Minnie Gonzalez' daughter. She said that she applied to that job, but refused to confirm or deny that she was hired because she's the daughter of.

    3. When was Anderson's girlfriend hired? Was it related to the stadium vote? After all Anderson wasn't sure what he was giving to vote.
      Guess what he finally voted?...

  14. This entire Segarra administration is tainted. Big time!

  15. Sandran Kee Borges/ Terry Waller/ Pedro Segarra Hartford's Day Care Camp for family members. Nothing is a surprise that the three High Rollers do and did. It is sick!

  16. RIP Johnny Duke Kevin you will never amount to half the things he has done for the city. Nor SKB at least she helps people. You on the other hand just create gossip. I would think the roles are reversed the way you always have SKB ����IN YOUR MOUTH

    1. Nobody will never amount to half the things SKB stole and cheated the city. SKB at least she helps people like Terry Waller, like her son, her daughter in law, her other relatives.
      Kevin on the other had just investigates, gets the facts abd inform us all how corrupt SKB is.
      RIP Duke Anonymous, the FBI is coming soon to SKB and others.

    2. going to take years for Hartford to recover from the SKB days of dirt, lies, manipulation and corruption.

  17. What about the wife of the City Treasurer working for him. If you have a complaint about her how do you complain to her husband who is also her boss. They have the same last name. What they didn't realize that. They are hand picking who they want in THEIR department.This has been going on for years.

    1. This has been going on for years. Great. Now it's time to stop this ugly corruption.

  18. The HR director who let this happen is the same one who let the HFD asst chief position be posted for Hartford residents only last year which meant on Terry Waller would qualify. He saw nothing wrong with it until public media outcry. But when Pedro and Sandy hold the guy's job in jeopardy if he doesn't do their bidding this is what happens. This is how strong mayor form of government works.

    1. 1:25PM: This is NOT how strong mayor form of government works. This is how CORRUPT mayor form of government works.


  19. And now she's going to Ethics Commission to clear the tarnish that she put on her name. Not only is it surprising that Hartford even has an ethics commission one would think it would be overwhelmed with work but looks like its a stagnant sham. In any event its probably stacked with people that she did favors for and staff supported by one of her buddies in Corporation Counsel. Like maybe her former business partner Lisa Silvestri who will steer (or advise in lawyer speak) them to a ruling in favor of SKB.

    1. The same Lisa Silvestre who signed papers against the 'Scarborough 11', a group of people who live together peacefully and quietly on Scarborough St. very close to Terry Rd. where SKB lives. Silvestre is now protecting Kee-Borges. This stupid Silvestre sould deal with what Corp. Counsel has to do, with the real issues, the real problems in Hartford.
      As for these people on Scarborough St. - a property of almost 6,000 Sq. ft. that could accommodate almost 30 people - well, we could only wish and pray to have many more good people like them in Hartford.
      Silvestre, if you're so bored go and investigate your new boss Henri Alexandre, who co-signed that "self-engagement" letter for Sandy.

    2. Sandy did nothing wrong. Her entire family believed she was working in Bridgeport.

  20. Liars and crooks. Don't tell me Petey knew nothing about these people being hired.

  21. I am disgusted with Pedro Segarra. He lies time and time again. He knows nothing concerning anything pertaining to hiring at city hall. He must think the voters and taxpayers are stupid.

  22. Pedro, Wow Que Cerdo-Puerco - What a pig !!!

  23. Pedro Segarra here is a new skill for you shining shoes. Hartford residents think you Pedro can polish shoes in the foyer of city hall. The proceeds would be rendered to the Hartford homeless.

  24. Saundra Bee Borges haven't you done enough harm to the city of Hartford. How can you sleep? Mayor Mike Peters brought you in as city manager and you were a disaster. Peters loved you anyway. Pedro Segarra was clueless so he brought you in to his administration and you caused more turmoil. Enough is enough go on a permanent vacation and leave Hartford residents alone.

  25. The only way that things will change is if the whole nest is cleared out from top to bottom...
    Who is running against Pedro & the town council members that are the problem? Have to help the people that are running against the corruption that is in Hartford now!
    There is enough scandal in Hartford to fuel a soap opera on prime time late night TV!

  26. Vinnie Tyson good job taking care of Vern Fesco! No transfer from tac 760.

  27. When is HR Director Burgos going to start living in Hartford? Yeah we believe the City cares about policies and hiring protocols on merit when HR itself is not on merit required by charter.

    1. BURGOS Don't have to move to Hartford under Segarra, just like the people who have retired, receive a pension, a paycheck and keep working for years, VIOLATING the CHARTER and well past the six months!

  28. and another thing. SKB writes a letter actually saying she only signed hiring forms because her signature was required? Supposed "top" attorney doesn't know you don't have to sign something you don't approve? If she signed the form so her relatives get hired she signed approval for the city. Corruption top down from Mayor to all his cronies. Why did she write the letter? She can't possibly think her one-sided defense of herself is credible. Why doesn't she just stay out of it now that her damage is public once again.

  29. Let SKB go deeper and deeper. Most likely she's preparing for someone to knock on her door. And it's not going to be Domino's Pizza. Surprise Sandy, it's the feds!

  30. Wi have even more city hall scandals to unfold upon Mayor Caviar and his cronies....stay tuned

  31. Not sure why SKB is asking for a ruling NOW from ethics commission since she it covers employees and officers of the city and as of Jan 31 she is neither. The code of ethics is an interesting read though because she had a duty as COO, Corporation Counsel and a department head (albeit) acting to disclise the names of all individuals that she or family members were associated with. BTW so does Cloud think he disclosed his wife?

  32. SKB controlled almost everything and everyone in city hall. She still does. Obviously she made sure that she didn't leave her fingerprint on all those family hirings, including Terry Waller's lovely family. Therefore it becomes "it's not me", or "I didn't hire, it was somebody else".

  33. Sandy, Terry and all the relatives they hired, sorry, that didn't hire anyone, they just helped them being hired, they all one big happy family!

  34. I'm sure they use this same method for promotions. How else could Waller make D/C when there wasn't an opening. Its a shame. Just think how many people have been screwed out of a job for these people. But don't think they are the only ones involved. 760 had to be involved to allow it. Wonder what they got for that. This would also explain how Jones made D/C. I hope someone looks into that side of things.

  35. I don't quite understand why Saundra is even writing to the Ethic Commission board; when she has been working for the city under many different titles and she should know whats acceptable and whats not.When Saundra gets caught up in her own game, all of a sudden she plays dumb, SKB tries to get approval in writing from her very own friends at the commission; to justified what she has done. This is not the first time SKB has been caught up in her own lies. Remember the problem with the MDC and the fiancee; also the several properties bought under her watch SKB ran to the commission for clarification. And of course they agree with her. Do you think that SKB can continue to lie and not get caught.Remember when she lie to the media about her whereabouts on the day of their accident. She forgot to mention on her letter that it was caught on tape at HPD and recorded by the news media. Why didn't SKB ask the Ethic Commission if it is legal to short sell her property that was schedule to foreclose to her fiancee and then she continues to lived there like nothing happened; now you know thats out right wrong and another of her fat lies. And now lets not forget where she was from February 1st thru the 17th and she was not working on the Dono stadium. SkB has more tricks in that magic hats. Pedro is just a fool to continue to entrust his future in the worst and biggest liar the city has.Can some one look deeper and put a stop to what she is doing.

  36. Kevin, if you could get the mileage of SKB crashed car, driven illegally by Terry Waller on the night of that accident, devide it by the number of days she have had that car, add some Saturdays and/or Sundays, you'll find that SKB and Terry squeezed that car way, way beyond the 11 miles round trip distance from Terry Rd. to city hall.
    We paid for the car, we paid for the gas, we paid for the maintenance, we paid for the oil change, we paid the insurance.
    She gave us the crash.
    There're still many questions left unanswered!

  37. Yes, I'd like to know how many miles in what period. There may have been nany other illegal trips before the crash. The truth must be exposed.

  38. I think that there are many more issues that needs to be address besides the car crash. There is still a question regarding 187 Park St tax lien.and also the February 2015 payment which according to DelaLuz she received for consultanting,when she was actually out of the state. And let us not forget her illegal short sale of her Terry Rd property to her fiancee which is mortgage/bank fraud.All done under the watchful eye of our City taxpayers time. SkB and Silvestri both represented her finacee on City time. Although SKB is no longer employed by the City of Hartford, both SKB and her law firm partner Lisa Silvestri should be investigated and be held accountable for their actions.SKB has has done alot of damages and both of them need to be investigated
