Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Judge Robert Killian  today announced his resignation as Hartford's Probate Judge. Judge Killian has held that position for over 30 years. In his required notification to Governor Malloy, Judge Killian said he is resigning to "pursue other opportunities in public service". According to several sources, it is expected that Judge Killian will soon announce is intention to run for Mayor of Hartford.

Judge Killian's letter to Governor Malloy is below.


  1. I welcome more challengers to the inept clown who currently calls himself the mayor of Hartford.

  2. It would appear that between John Gale, Luke Bronin and if he enters Judge Killian, we have at least three very credible, and professionally successful challengers to our current Mayor , who by the way can't say the same thing for his failed legal career

  3. I have know Judge Bob Killian for many years. He is a breath of fresh air. John Gale, Luke Bronin and Bob Killian are outstanding citizens. Hartford has a great choice of mayoral candidates for the up coming 2015 election. Pedro Segarra is not even in the running. Good luck John, Luke and Bob!!!!

  4. Kevin, you're jealous!
    Pedro was successful with the prostitutes/escort service at Touch-of-Class.
    You were not.
    Pedro was enjoying caviar on our tax dollars.
    You were not.

  5. very unlikely that Judge Killian will run for mayor.. the job requires heavy hours.. Judge Killian is probably looking forward to a less heavy schedule.. probate judge is actually a pretty tough job in some ways.. after many years, he does deserve some downtime.. highly unlikely there will be a mayoral run...

  6. Not unlikely at all. Why do you think he resigned 19 months before it was mandatory? He is 68 years old--not exactly ready for the rocking chair. And John Gale is 64--same neighborhood.

  7. What would be great, but won't happen, would be if the three of them would get together and coalesce around one of them as a candidate with the others to play a prominent role in that Mayors administration, were they to win. Given all the candidates, you can't help but wonder if there might be some type of Al Gore/Ralph Nader effect, where they each siphon off votes and fracture the solid majority that don't want to see the current Mayor re-elected, yet he would because he still has enough support to garner enough votes.

  8. HERE COMES THE JUDGE... pop another pill nene, your out of your league! Save yourself more embarrassment, just say you are dropping out, "to spend much needed time with your family".

  9. Judge Bob Killian, Attorney John Gale, Attorney Luke Bronin are great choices for the next Mayor for Hartford. Educated, family, community and city values are what they are all about. Pedro Segarra there is not much one can say about you but everything you get involved in turns out to be messey, dirty and wasteful. How many campaign managers will you hace?

  10. Will there be a position created to clean up all the "Yard Goat" Shit you created and dumped in our back yards ?
    Where has your co- conspirator the Yard Weasel Wooden been?
    Dumb & Dumber 3, coming soon to a stadium near you...

  11. According to Mike McGarry's column in the weekly Hartford News he states that Pedro Segarra is going to be hard to beat. He says that there have been several fundraisers for Segarra including one given by Al Marotta. Marotta doesn't live in Hartford's Southend and hasn't for sometime. Segarra is going need every penny. He has turned so many Hartford residents off. That is why there will be plenty of Democratic competition for Segarra's seat. Segarra can't even hire a Hartford resident to run his re-election run. I wonder why.

  12. And you listen to Mike McGarry's opinion because?...Puh-leeze!

  13. Act now there is time to give to Pedro Serraga campaign. Pledges are welcome too. Saundra Kee Borges and Terry Waller have already given a large amount but it is hidden. Maybe under a gold stone on Terry Road.

  14. Anonymous ask: When the Mayor brings in these campaign managers,and it doesn't work out for him, who pays for that ? The taxpayers of Hartford ? and why does he need one, I may be out of touch here, but I don't recall previous candidates that ran for Mayor having one, you would think he was running for President or something.

  15. Now he says he'll be pulling together a Hartford team to do his campaign work--a team familiar with all of the "progress" the city's seen during his watch.

  16. What would be great, but won't happen
    I'd really like to see the candidates engage with this blog, or vice versa. If Mr. Brookman were to interview them and post some sort of transcript it would be informative I'm sure; probably even more informative than the "Courant."

  17. Peter.

    There will hopefully be links to interviews myself and Hyacinth Yennie did recently with Luke Bronin and John Gale on our "We The People" program on Hartford Public Access Television. I will post information that I think is helpful to voters to educate themselves as I did earlier tonight with Judge Killian's e-mail

  18. I'm surprised to hear that Marrotta gave a fundraiser for the Mayor, but anyone who knows or dealt with Marrotta knows all about him, and not all good, so that doesn't surprise me, which also tells me that Marrotta wants something from the City. Marrotta give it up, all your old cronies are gone out of the City, there will be no more favors for you.

  19. The Italian stallionMarch 22, 2015 at 12:17 AM

    Marrotta's son has a contract with the city for his company. .... And Al is protecting it...or so he thinks

  20. Marrotta is and always will be an old school crook! Ran like a RAT from Hartford yet dictates to Segarra what goes down on Franklin Ave. & Columbus Park;
    He still thinks it's Little Italy, just as dillusional as Caviar. Marrotta and his polyester suits are out of date & touch with Hartford! Yet when Marrotta calls Pedro runs, I guess he's trying to woo the Italian vote.

    Wake up & try a REALITY PILL stupid, there is no Italian Vote and by the way, what's the Hispanic vote number, not high at all, bye-bye Nene, bye-bye and GOOD RIDDANCE!!

  21. Al Marotta is another political leech on the backs of Hartford residents. His son received a multi-million dollar contract from the Hartford Schools based upon Daddy's political influence and Al still remains a Hartford Commissioner on MDC even though he moved out of Hartford to Rocky Hill.

  22. Just a small point of order here, Isn't Hillary Clinton almost 70? I don't see anyone making her age an issue and I am sure that President of the United States is far more demanding than Mayor of Hartford. And Judge Killian seems to have a better grasp of how e-mail works also.

  23. I would much rather see a competent 68 year old Mayor over the 50 something disaster we have now
