Friday, March 6, 2015


 I think we all knew it was too good to be true. Last year when Saundra Kee-Borges announced that she was finally retiring from the Segarra Administration, a sigh of relief could be heard coming from many Hartford people. A collective "thank you" and good bye , oh and by the way can you take your fiancee Terry Waller with you came from many.

Although she had explained she wanted to spend more time with her family, that was short lived. Many thought it might be a coincidence that the timing of her retirement announcement came at the same time of the announcement  of a Federal Corruption Task force being launched in Connecticut, but time will have to tell on that one.

 It now appears that Saundra Kee- Borges had other plans for retirement. On January 31, 2015, her retirement date, one of her last official acts as Hartford's  Corporation Counsel was to author an agreement benefiting herself. In a document obtained through an FOI request, Kee-Borges initiated and signed an agreement hiring herself back at $250.00 an hour. That works out to $10,000 a week for a forty hour week. Not a bad retirement job if you can get it. But Kee-Borges has never seemed to be embarrassed by taking advantage of the people of Hartford when it benefits her checkbook.

It makes you wonder what kind of operation she ran as Corporation Counsel that no one was mentored to take her place when she left. Is their no one in her office capable of covering the legal tasks we are now willing to pay her $10,000 a week for?  And is this the best route to go, would it make more sense to actually hire an outside firm that has actual expertise in this type of legal work aside from sitting behind a desk at City Hall

For those people struggling to pay their taxes and put food on the table, take consolation in knowing that Sandy Kee-Borges will be very comfortable in her retirement courtesy of her law school study buddy Mayor Pedro Segarra.

 The engagement letter Kee Borges wrote for herself is below. There are no restrictions on the time length or dollar amount in the letter.


  1. When does it ever end!

  2. Not until we stand up and say enough is enough, or until the Feds move in. It would be nice though if we did it ourselves first

  3. This makes me sick, sick to my stomach. Enough already.

    1. This will make each and every person reading this blog sick to their stomach.
      SKB will be laughing (she reads this blog herself).

  4. That woman SKB leaves a nasty taste in my month. Saundra Borges and Linda Bayer are just irreplaceable according to Pedro Segarra. It must end NOW. We must stand up as taxpayers Now!!! How much money does SKB spend on drug abuse for her son. Must be $10,000 a week.

  5. Anonymous said: Like the old saying...If you hire someone, you always have that choice to fire them also. This is highway robbery...Both Henri, and SKB need to be fired...PERIOD!

  6. This is just too much for me to take. I was a member of this administration as Director, I worked at City Hall and anytime I asked for a salary increase for any of my employees I faced that woman, SKB, opposing compensating individuals because of this and that and now this. PIGS. Well done Kevin, expose these people for what they are

    1. 5:06 PM, SKB had to oppose compensating your employees. If she agreed to any salary increase, she would have had much less left for herself. By the time she left city hall, she was milking the City of Hartford by over $200,000 a year only. Poor Sandy.

    2. Call the FBI, they must investigate. Call the FBI, they must investigate. Call the FBI, they must investigate. Call the FBI, they must investigate. Call the FBI, they must investigate.

  7. Look up here comes Saundra Kee Borges. She never stops. $250.00 an hour to do what OH YEAH stadium
    consultant. She is am amazing women. No one other than Saundra can do this new job. Luck, lucky and she hangs out with Pedro Segarra and his wild west gang. Hartford corruption at it's best.

  8. The Federal Government better step in soon because Hartford residents and taxpayers cannot take much more. Saundra Kee Borges is criminal.

  9. A signed document by Saundra Kee Borges...on the same day she retired. That is what Hartford corruption is all about. Grease the friends hands with gold and silver and leave the poor by the road side. It is just like the Bible states. Greedy Hartford politicians.

  10. Segarra, if you're part of this - and how could you not be part of this - then you're a dirty pig yourself.

  11. You got to be kidding.For four and half years, she did obsouetly nothing; but hire her relatives and now she wants to work for a higher pay. Its time that the Federal Government steps in and investigate this woman for stealing. She is a white collar bandit, she got away with the short sale of her property at 140 Terry Rd. Every one knows that she commit an illegal transaction; and now she wants to get paid double to do nothing. She should be investigated and be put away once and for all. If Mayor Segarra allows her to continue manipulating him in this manner then he needs to step down. She has more tricks then a magician. Its time to stop this corrupted criminal with a license to steal.

  12. I am sick of Saundra Kee Borges. She is a slick thief.

  13. HSness, Pedro Ernesto Segarra has become one profoundly disturbed reincarnation of Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna, his motto, let all of us eat S…. Papa just resign !!!

    Varon, you're smelling big time

  14. They are all a bunch of crooks. None o them cares about the City at all. When is this going to stop?

  15. 7:51 WE have to stop it. Ask every person you know to read this blog. Ask them to get out and vote, including primaries. WE must stop this bunch of crooks, it's our job to stop them.

  16. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the biggest pig of them all?

  17. Maybe she could take some of the money and get her hair done so she looks presentable

  18. Did this go out to bid? Was there any competitive process or did she just take it for herself?

    1. There was a competitive process with 3 finalists: 1. SKB. 2. Sandy. 3. Saundra Kee-Borges.
      After a long, careful evaluation one of these finalists, or maybe all 3, won the contract.

    2. Saundra Kee-Borges could and still can do whatever she wants in Hartford. She must know something ugly from Pedro's past, and this guy, Pedro, carries bags with lots of dirty laundry

  19. This is a way for Pedro the PIG, LITERALLY, to pay her to keep quiet! He only got rid of her because while he canvassing and begging for money & votes he was told NO SUPPORT OR FUNDS if he keeps "Little Miss Piggy" around.


  20. 9:10pm

    probably not too far off from the truth

  21. Kevin,Why isn't our local news covering these atrocities? They would be so easy to expose, it would be like shooting fish ("criminals")in a barrel. I'm really suspect of the lack of, what should be, CONSTANT coverage! Kevin ,please explain ,I honestly don't get it.

    1. Don't expect the Courant, that for a few days now the most 'important' issue it was dealing with was the idiotic names for the little baseball team, to investigate and write about this.

  22. I believe that every pig is more ethical than Segarra. Every pig.

  23. I don't get it either, but never mind the media, where are the Feds? This can't be legal

    1. Sadly it's very legal. Corporation Counsel has free reign to hire "outside' counsel. They do it all the time most often for specialty cases and they aren't required to go through a competitive process. Stinks yes but not illegal. Perhaps SKB "specialty" is bleeding city. BTW cloud doesnt go out to bid for his lawyers either.

  24. Thanks a lot for your reply Kevin,NOW I'M SUSPECT OF THE FEDS!!!

  25. Kevin

    01/31/15 was a Saturday, City Hall is closed on Saturdays. That document could be challenged if it was signed Friday 01/30, while he wasn't the Acting CC. If that was the case, and believe it is; they all committed fraud. Nothing new, but adds to the level of disregard and respect for us, WE THE PEOPLE"

    1. These people commit fraud days AND nights, weekdays AND weekends, while they are in their offices AND when at home. Anyplace. Anytime.

  26. no one with even half a brain wants this corrupt pervert re-elected as Mayor. please pick a candidate for mayor and work for him.and help us fumigate city hall.

  27. Kevin, it has been suggested to me that this may be a ploy concocted by SKB and her attorneys to avoid having to testify to the feds about the areas she'll be covering (as stated in the letter), under the guise of attorney-client privilege.

    1. Anything she has been involved in prior to her new position isn't covered. If the Feds can show intent to circumvent an investigation a Judge can recind any protections.

  28. This incompetent Mayor is feckless and needs to go.... I've never seen such disgraceful incompetence in 40 years of my political activity...there is a foul odor coming from the mayor's office..

    Anyone who wants a FREE. "Touch of class" t shirt can call me at 860-527-9611. I have M,L and X-Tra large t shirts.. Free for you !!!!

  29. The big Guy @7:51 PM
    When is this going to stop?
    If we all go on Monday @5pm to city hall, get a free t-shirt from Mr. John Mendez, wear it in front of Segarra during his speech, the media will finally notice and this corruption will be marching to its end

  30. Photo on top may need introduction. From left to right: Segarra, Deller, Huertas.

  31. Kevin, challenge the document , SKB was not Corp Counsel on the 31st; null & void. Also FOI and she what "" consulting " she was paid for in Feb, and make her pay it back to us, the taxpayers.

    Calling in the Caviar order does not warrant " CONSULTING", Talking about Terry's going away package, does not warrant "CONSULTING", Cleaning up documents you F**KED UP, does not warrant "CONSULTING"... Give me a break, give us our MONEY BACK; " MISS PIGGY".

    Find somewhere else to eat and roll around in the MUD,PIG! And take "PERVERT PIGGY" with your ass.

  32. one profoundly disturbed reincarnation of Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna, his motto, let all of us eat S….
    The phrase "Let them eat cake" is often attributed to Marie Antoinette, but there is no evidence she ever uttered it, and it is now generally regarded as a "journalistic cliché".[166]
    Marie Antoinette was forced to undress before her guards and clothed in a plain white dress. Her hair was cut off, her hands were bound painfully behind her back ... leashed on a rope she was driven through Paris in an open cart...
    Despite this humiliation, more severe than the manner in which her husband had been put to death; Marie Antoinette...was able to some extent to maintain her composure, earning the respect of some of her enemies.
    Our Dem Party, not to mention the WFP, is the one dedicated to egalite. Perhaps it would be more apt to compare Pedro to Georges Danton.
    "(H)e was guillotined by the advocates of revolutionary terror after accusations of venality and leniency to the enemies of the Revolution." But, better would be to replace an elected Lefty Mayor with a professional non-partisan appointed City Manager.

    1. Mr. Brush: At this time it's not an issue if Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake."
      We're not talking about Marie Antoinette here. We're talking about Pedro Segarra. We're not talking about Versailles or Paris here. We're talking about Hartford. We're not talking about the past, more than 200 years ago. We're talking about the present and our future. We're not talking about cakes. We're talking about caviar.

    2. In this case Let them eat caviar.

  33. is there such a thing as nonpartisan? considering that person would have to be appointed by the Mayor or Council, I am pretty sure they would look for someone of their own party

  34. Yesterday, I was told by a former Republican party deputy registrar that in the event of an ousting of the current registrars, their deputies in each party would step up to succeed them until the next election. Kevin, can you verify that? I was also told by an attorney friend that he believes SKB has been retained by the city administration as a consultant, because they don't know how to function without her. She knows all the players, and has been working on the DoNo development and stadium plans for a couple of years now. Also, her $250/hour fee is less than what they would have to pay a top-notch NYC attorney for the same services. Your thoughts on this?

  35. if the city follows Ct state statute on succession of registrars, I think you are correct, their Deputies would take over, which in the case of the Democrats, I can only ask if you think things are bad now, just wait.
    As far as what another attorney might cost, I guess we will never know because we didn't look. But at the very least an outside attorney would be using their own office, equipment and staff SKB is using a City"s office, equipment and staff to collect her $250.00 per hour and any expertise, and I use that term loosely, she gained as the City attorney, not on her own

  36. Top Notch NYC attorney? Saundra KB is no "top notch NYC attorney" and will never be. She is a corrupt attorney, that's what she is.
    The $250 is an issue, but how nany hours will she claim for, while she's sitting, cooking at her kitchen at home. How can you even trust this parasite?
    She "sent" her "engagement letter" to Henri Alexandre on Saturday 1/31 @ 550 Main St.
    Where did she send it FROM? What's her return address, phone number, other contact information? She writes at the very end "... please do not hesitate to contact me." Contact where? How?
    This is the woman who used city owned car for private use in the middle of the night, having her fiance drive it against the rules, got caught just because there was an accident. Do you trust her? She made sure she added ALL EXPENSES reimbursed in addition to the $250/hr. Don't worry about that, she'll give you expenses from hell. She charges for faxes, when most likely her home has unlimited calls. She charges for long distance call, when most likely her home has long distance call included. We're becoming big time suckers for this rotten, disgusting woman. Enough already! Get rid of this piece of trash already.

  37. good point, she isn't even a "top notch" Hartford attorney and would never be on the same level as a NYC attorney, and definitely not a "top notch" one

    1. wrong Kevin, SKB should be considered as a "top notch" in manipulation and corruption.

  38. SKB left office saying she had to spend time with her family. Great, now she'll spend time with her family and bill us $250 an hour, every hour, for that (well, pretending to do some DoNo work)

  39. This Caviar Administration has proven to be the most CORRUPT, and the STUPIDEST!

    You would think by now with the exposure of the "Touch of Class" , the Funeral payment, the Caviar, the O'garro debauchery and the list goes on and on, one would think this too would be exposed. Pedro are you really this STUPID, didn't SKB'S tutoring help at all? How do you hold your head up and face people? Really Nene, those pills are STRONG AS HELL. Share, we are suffering and need medication, so share some, we can self medicate until your GONE!!!

    1. I agree with 1:06, at this time Mr. Caviar and his administration broke all records of CORRUPTION and STUPIDITY!

  40. Mr. Brookman, are you certain this letter is real? I'm wondering if an employee at city hall just wanted us all to get upset, or, more precisely, mad as hell.

  41. We can stop this madness. Go to city hall on Monday 5PM, grab a FREE touch-of-class t-shirt, wear it during the Caviar speech. We don't get caviar, however, we'll be getting free t-shirts.

  42. Everyone elected and appointed at city hall has an agenda. Most of these people don't even talk to one another never mind have any work ethics. That is why no one wants to live in Hartford. The taxes are to high, schools are crumbling and poverty is rampant. People have been moving to the suburbs for years and they will never come back. I have lived in Hartford all my life. I have never ever seen change. It gets worse and worse. All these new adventures always turn bad. Adrians Landing (7 Pilars) Front Street (Hartford residents cannot afford this Front Street) and this new stadium. Craziness at it's best.


    1. Charlie O. must approve or disapprove everything; Pedro will never do anything behind his back.

  44. 2:26pm

    It is real. I was tipped off and I submitted an FOI request to obtain a copy and I picked it up at city Hall from the front desk at corp counsel. I even have the receipt for the $1.00 they charged me to copy it

  45. Charlie O., Pedro S., Saundra KB and Terry W., this gang of four behave like one big happy family.

  46. Did the proceeds go to SKB? She is a dirty pig feeding off every penny, look over the agreement Kevin , she probably gets the dollar.... Trust & Believe; every sticking penny. Onk, On is Miss 'S language.

  47. For anyone who plans to be at City Hall for Segarra's 5 p.m. "State of the City" address on Monday 3/9: Be aware that he'll be pulling his usual stunt--dismissing City Hall employees from their jobs early, and inviting(commanding) them to attend his address in council chambers--while they're still on the clock. Who would say no to that?

    This--of course--will be done to ensure that there's a large crowd sitting front and center, who will dutifully smile, clap, and cheer in all the right places (for the benefit of the press & TV cameras), when Pedro recounts all the glorious things he's done and is going to do for the city. Think of it as a candidate's pep rally before the big game.

    Bearing that in mind, it is important--if at all possible--to get there EARLY (like by 4) in order to have a seat within hizz(dis)onner's eyesight. I would like him to look at those assembled and see some stonefaced people who won't be clapping or cheering. it will rattle him--trust me. Overflow crowd will be relegated to watching the proceedings on closed-circuit TV in the atrium, where he--and the media--can't see them. If you are fed up with the crap that's piled up during Segarra's watch, if you believe he's lied to the people throughout his administration, if you believe that he and his stooges have done--and continue to do--great harm to the city of Hartford and its residents, then show up and let everyone see that we're tired of being forced to swallow the Segarra Kool-Aid.

    We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!!

  48. They are planning the event very carefully, getting a seat would not be easy. Most seating would be assigned, I even heard they are requesting all Departments Heads to go so they can fill the room with friendly faces. If people wear those t-shirts it would be very difficult to ignore the issue

  49. Assigned seating...the ultimate insult, like thumbing your nose and saying "F**k you" to the people who elected you. The honored guests should be the rank-and-file citizens of Hartford, not overpaid employees and assorted ass-kissers. Yeah, invite the public, but keep the rabble separate from the quality folk--very democratic. This oughta be very a sick sort of way.

  50. For anyone attending, be sure to have your phone ready to record video so we have an accurate record if this goes bad, which under Segarra and his crew I would think the odds are good. Especially if anyone goes off script and doesn't follow the plan as orchestrated

  51. So Kevin, I know we aren't allowed to speak at this festival of fools, but would one be able to quietly hold a sign in one's lap during Pedro's speech? If so, I have a dandy one in mind...The city's logo/catchphrase with a slight change in wording: "Hartford's Had It".

  52. Actually you can speak immediately after the Mayor's comedy act will be the monthly public comment session for the Council meeting. I don't see why you can't hold up a sign, it has been done before

  53. As Mayor Caviar speaks,we should all chant and yell " NO PASS FOR THE TOUCH OF CLASS".!!!!!

  54. Mr Peter brush...your calling Mayor Caviar a "leftie" is in error. Mr Brush ,Caviar took the Republican endorsement in the last election and during the course of the past 4 years he has appointed/promoted several Republicans to key positions,


  56. your calling Mayor Caviar a "leftie" is in error
    I agree, Karlos, that in the context of Hartford politics it might be an exaggeration to call him a "leftie." Can we call him a moderate progressive social engineer?
    Segarra Proposes Ban On Free Lifetime Health Care, Increase In Employee Pension Contributions
    June 07, 2013|By JENNA CARLESSO

    1. No, Peter Brush, we can call him a corrupt politician.

  57. "PMG, PEDRO MUST GO !!!"
    "PMG, PEDRO MUST GO !!!"
    "PMG: PEDRO MUST GO !!!"

    Let WFSB hear:
    Let The Courant hear:
    Ler NBC Connecticut hear:
    Let Foxct hear:
    Let City Council members hear:
    Let the People of Hartford hear:

    We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!!

  58. Well done Kevin you have gathered information and exposed it, but now it is time to take action. Must people in this blog are asking for Federal Investigation. It is about time that someone does something about it. This should be reported to the Attorney General as she is a corrupt attorney and a City of Hartford Official thief. She is not leaving because she wants to continue milking the City Tax payers. Of course wrote her own contract, not a surprise coming from such an evil person.

  59. Saundra Kee Borges hit the jackpot when Pedro decided to rehired her. Many people knew she was a lousy attorney in the first place. I don’t know what prompt Pedro to bring her in, what the hell he was thinking? Now she is bullying Pedro and using his weakness to her advantage. She also got a fool as a boyfriend to buy her house and agree to do whatever evilness plan she proposed to him. This woman is a true manipulator, a thief and a corrupt attorney that overpasses moral laws.

  60. With Saundra K. Borges history I now question why when the City Treasurer O’Garro + Cloud money disappearance was never further investigated. We never heard of any action taken against those responsible in such bizarre case. Could she be involve, since she has demonstrated to be greedy and a corrupt city official.

  61. In the last four years SKB claimed she had worked hard for the City of Hartford. Of course was working hard creating positions for her relatives, living the good life at the expense of tax payer money and bullying those who have giving her a second chance to do the right thing. Saundra K. Borges blew her chances to demonstrate to be competent; instead she showed why her private practice as an attorney was falling down before getting rescued by Mayor Pedro Segarra. It is unfortunate that Pedro did not see it coming.

    1. "P-M-G, Pedro Must Go." working perfectly for me.
      Everybody together:
      "P-M-G, Pedro Must Go."

    2. Pedro you must read Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.
      Sooner or later Hartford residents will find out that their you are wearing nothing at all.

  62. Well Pedro and his team will be fools if they allow her contract get active. Borges should not come back as a consultant after all she has done. This sounds like a coercion situation and should be investigated, get the Attorney General and the Bar Association involved. I also believe that she probably wrote her own consulting contract and is forcing them to accept it. She think that by saying that she is leaving she will be out of the public eye, so she prepared a new plan to continue “filling her pockets”. It is clear she is still in the picture and not retiring from the game. Something she must be afraid of when she has changed her strategy. For this reason I do strongly encourage Kevin and all people to continue digging into the hidden activities of this known thief as I am there is more yet to be discovered.

  63. Angry Hartford TaxpayerMarch 8, 2015 at 2:22 PM

    Top notch attorney, I don't think so, top Thief yes, SKB have never been a top notch attorney. SKB was rescue by Mayor Segarra at a time when her career was a complete flop, her unsuccessful law firm was slow and she was in the verge of losing her home to foreclosure, along came her college buddy and her puppet fiancée and bailed her out of her miseries. Landed the highest pay job and her house was saved. SKB is a opportunist and a greedy attorney who is grasping unto anything to make a buck at the expense of others. SKB is only there to self serve herself and only herself. She doesn't care about Hartford's well being or the taxpayers. SKB no longer owns property in Hartford and doesn’t paid taxes in Hartford; so she doesn't care how Hartford's tax dollars are spent.
    It’s very interesting that SKB retires and on the very next day gets this lucrative offer to represent the City. This stinks and it smells exactly like the same approach taken in the hiring process of the Assistant Fire Chief position. SKB knew firsthand about the new stadium proposal, and saw dollar signs. It is obvious that SKB plan well her retirement package and executed this great money making contract to benefit from Pedro's dumb done deal stadium, dated precisely the very next day of her retirement, must have been Henri's first assignment, was he forced? Like Huertas?, it took place on a Saturday because it couldn't wait until Monday, very sneaky, a master of disaster, corrupted until the end. When will all this nonsense end? Where is the council? Curious to know what they think of all this, since her retirement took them by surprise.

  64. We're not talking about cakes. We're talking about caviar.
    Caviar to the People!
    The Mayoral race could serve to elevate the budget debate. Serious candidates know that the City has an unsustainable financial model. They know that the City needs a new forward-looking vision.

  65. More like Pedro Must Go, SKB Must Go, Maribel Must Go, Hilda Must Go, Deller Must Go, Huertas Must Go, the list goes on and on.

  66. "Miss Piggy & Kermit the Frog" ; I mean "Pervert the Frog", what a Puppet Show turn horror show, all by the hands of the "Puppet Master" Charlie O., the little man with his fingers on the control switch.

  67. attorney brush....with all due respect,you are stuck in some conservative ideology area which prevents clear thinking. Mayor caviar is bereft of ideology and only cares about keeping his job and lining the pockets of his friends like SKB.

  68. Remember...when Mayor speaks we will shout

    " NO PASS FOR THE TOUCH OF CLASS". !!!!!!!!!!

  69. 2nd verse:
    "Pedro Segarra is a JACK ASS!

    1. I'm not sure they would allow the 'Jack Ass' part. Why not what's suggested at 8:37am:

      "P, M, G, PEDRO MUST GO!"

  70. go for it:


  71. caviar is bereft of ideology
    I'll take your word for it. I don't see him as particularly ideological, as perhaps are our WFP guys, but you don't get an endorsement from the Dem Town Committee if you're, like me, a conservative.
    In fact, I don't have a strong antipathy to the guy. The last Mayor I really loathed was the Mad Hatter. But, his management competence, at least, appears to be lacking. The City needs someone who will stop kidding us with baseball stadiums, and operate the existing government in a grown-up manner.

    1. The baseball stadium is not a joke, it a cover-up, a distraction from the many failures of this corrupt administration and the issues that need to be discussed

  72. Is it going to be very interesting tonight at city hall or what? I can't wait to get my free "touch of class" t-shirt

  73. Mr Mendez your comments are annoying. Its so obvious that you have a personal vendetta againist the Mayor but to yourself a favor, keep them to yourself and don't try to instill your hatred feelings unto others. That makes you look ugly and very devilish.

    1. It makes you look ugly and very devilish, trying to stop a person who has the right of a free speech but also telling us the truth about the corrupt mayor you're trying to protect, and very likely benefiting from.

  74. Mr. Mendez comments are NOT annoying. Not only he posted his comments indicating it was from him, not anonymously, but he clearly indicated what was the background to that relationship.
    Who you want to read comments about the Caviar man, from SKB, Terry Waller, Thomas Deller, Maribel LaLuz or from Huertas? From those stupid and/or inefficient and/or corrupt employees who make $100,000 or MORE from our hard earned money (poor Maribel, she takes home only $97K).

  75. You, Anonymous March 9, 2015 at 10:28 AM, you are the one who's annoying. Who are you, Linda B. or Saundra K.B.?

  76. To A-11:20a
    My comment was directed to Mr Mendez, I'm tired of his no class comment about the Mayor; not just on this posting but on many other posting.I see that it has rub off on you and a few others. You guys are grown adults to come across with childish behavior. I will be attending his speech, just to see how many of you will dare to wear his tee shirts and shout out his slogan.Your strategy to bring him down will have little impact. Many of yous are not Hartford voters. Hey, your true colors and feelings are showing. Are you a little jealous that the City of Hartford is being run by mostly non whites? I've been reading this blog for several years and many of yous like to take this opportunity to slam dunk the blacks and hispanics and thats a big no no. There is not a single perfect person on this earth.

  77. Our comment is directed to you, anonymous. Shame on you to try and make this a racial issue. Nobody cares if the mayor is black, white or Hispanic. Nobody. This mayor is corrupt and incompetent. Resident of Hartford don't trust him. He is a bad mayor, that's it.

  78. trying to intimidate us, aren't you? we'd like to see you intimidating the FBI. don't worry anonymous, the subpoenas are coming soon!

  79. To A-12:49p
    In your comments you said "I've been reading this blog for several years". Perfect, now you know who Pedro is and why some call him Pedro Caviar. After all, you "have been reading this blog for several years".
    BTW, the Caviar was just the beginning.

  80. Damn, Pedro U looked like death at the SOC-

    Varon please leave,resign - Esta obra te esta matando y se ve.


  81. Just in case you missed it, earlier this evening Segarra gave his speech at city hall. Looks like The Biggest Show on Earth moved to Hartford (sorry, that show is the circus).

  82. Larry Shaw comment:
    State of the City Speech - blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Inner city democrats and liberal politicians stood and clapped every thirty seconds, while fiscal conservative, hard working tax payers who are sick of seeing less and less in their hard earned paychecks, cringed. The state of the city is in some serious trouble, but the liberal sheep will let a slick talking, Hispanic, gay mayor say whatever he wants, because, well, he's a man of the people! What a joke.

  83. from FredHogaboom:
    Typical political rhetoric, bet the farm on future crops. What happens if another housing crisis hits the area. Markets are seriously over weight and propped up by by-back schemes artificially inflating price of stocks.\
    Hartford seems to be on the verge of turning things around then economy pulls the rug out from underneath the plans.
    As for increasing interests in neighborhoods, police would have to remove drugs, prostitution and gangs.

    1. Kevin this comment is on point, I agree:
      yes get rid of drugs;
      Pedro and his pills...
      Yes get rid of prostitution;
      Pedro patronized prostitutes, "Touch of Class...
      Yes get rid of gangs;
      Pedro's Administration is full of criminals, stealing from Hartford

      So if you sum it up;

  84. To anonymous 12:49
    Perhaps what you should be reading, instead of this blog, is a book on basic grammer. "Yous" is NOT a word. That is just one of several errors in your post.

  85. Don't listen to them, keep reading. I don't grade for grammar getting the truth out is more important

  86. I passed out some t shirts and so did other folks ."the Touch Of Class Escort Service is much more famous now then when they were operating.Mayor Caviar autographed my t shirt with a caviar colored will be on EBay tomorrow and the proceeds will be donated to his retirement fund.

  87. Pedro Caviar and his cronies don't get it, we all want Pedro to win the coming election, this way we will all see him, wearing his expensive suit, but led out of the mayor's office in handcuffs.

  88. Make sure Pedrito takes his medication before the feds puts handcuffs on him

  89. 8:30 p:m you got it all wrong ,,,THE "NEIGHBORHOODS" HAVE TO REMOVE THE DRUGS ,PROSTITUTES AND GANGS ,"NOT" THE POLICE !!! As long as Mothers,Fathers,Grandmas,Grandpas,Aunts,Uncles ETC. "ALLOW" These SHITBAGS to live in their houses,WITH "NO" RULES ,,,THEN NOTHING WILL CHANGE!!!! Hartfords Finest cant change any neighborhood until that neighborhood PARTICIPATES in change. Kevin, I will never understand how the same people who allow these criminals to live on their street expect someone else to pickup "their garbage"!!! Is my observation on track???

  90. Is my observation on track?
    I'd say it is on track. The police should be expected to keep the peace in a civilized community. They should not be expected to make the peace in a barbaric zone.
    But, I'd also say that when the cops make a serious drug bust with bullet proof vests, helmets and stun grenades they should provide information to the neighbors.

  91. Holly Jesus,
    this city is descending to a pathetic historical low. May God help us, this mayor is a freak, please God let's allow the masses to recall this modern time insane Nero, esta super loco.

  92. Per the Hartford Courant, UTC World Headquarter is going bye bye to Farmington.

    Thank you pedro !!

  93. United Technologies moving out of Hartford. Did you hear that Pedro, O-U-T of Hartford.

  94. UTC leaving Hartford should surprise no one. Each time they look out the window of the gold building they see all the corruption and ugliness of Segarra and his friends.

  95. Segarra's reaction this evening to the bad news that UTC is moving out of Hartford:
    "We are disappointed to see any business go".
    Yo Segarra, United Technologies is not ANY business, you idiot.

  96. Pedro doesn't care about UT, his salary will remain the same, anyway they're staying in "the area", they're moving just a few miles away

  97. No big deal, UTC want to go, let them go.
    Pedro, Hilda and Maribel.

  98. Pedro, Dellar, Marib..... La Loser are just assholes.

    UTC a multinational corporation with nearly a trillion $$ dollars in sales is leaving town and all these freaks said is their is more bodegas coming 2 town.

    Pedrito prove it. you're a mentiroso (lier)

    Morones, Idiotas , wake up.

  99. Bodegas and hair salons after more bodega and more hair salons, that's the kind of businesses Pedrito the idiota brings to this city

  100. With so many beauty salons in the City; and Saundra has yet to find someone to do her hair. Shame, shame, shame.

  101. The biggest PIGS feeding are the HFD training staff. Over 15,000 hrs behind in training.

    1. Where did you get that 15,000 hrs behind in training

  102. I think that 15,000 hour number was part of the testimony former Chief Casares may have given at the last HFD former Chiefs Commission meeting. I would question where Casares got his figures and what his agenda is. He seems to be focused on issues in training, but the bottom line is it all comes under the Chief of the Department and where is he pointing out deficiencies in the Department since Huertas took over from Casares and more specifically what changes have been made and where is the accountability for those deficiencies if they are even true?

  103. Casares is just trying to sling mud to draw attention away from his lack of leadership. These drug an alcohol issues were obvious during his tenure and also condoned by him. Remember when Engine 8 was turned into a drug dealing den on Park St and Casares offered support for all involved? Even after they were arrested. Good leadership Chief, now will you come back and help us clean up the mess you and Teale created?

  104. So what your saying Kevin is that the Training Chief isn't responsible for Training. If not then why do we have a Training Chief.

  105. No he is not saying that the Training Chief isn't responsible for training... He is saying that Casares is a complete idiot and was most likely shooting up heroin when he came up with hours.

  106. I thought Cocaine was Casares' drug of choice. At least I thought it was when he was committed to the Institute for threatening to kill Mayor Perry. Did he graduate to heroin now?

  107. Not only are they more than 15,000 hrs. behind, a large portion of the documented training was to to counting the same training multiple times for each company. Falsification of documentation should be investigated.

  108. Yes they should investigate it of course all they will find is that Caseras is even dumber at math as he was as crack head.

  109. Every level of investigation since Bell's death has noted the lack of training, it wasn't the board that first brought the issue to light. Casares is just following the easy trail of non-training and lousy recording that has been done.

  110. Most of the training that was documented was Co. level daily training that the training division didn't do. I guess the burn building is just a prop to make the place look real. Not much time to train when your busy giving Anonymous TV interviews backstabbing your department.Maybe some live fire training would give some courage to some of our leaders who can't seem to find any when it matters.

  111. Wow 8:38pm, you talk about finding courage and being in anonymity in the media while backstabbing your department members, yet you're posting on a media site in anonymity backstabbing a department member. It is obvious that you need to find some courage when in matters instead of being a cowardly hypocrite.

  112. To 3:59 PM - The only trail that's easy for Caseras to follow is a line of cocaine. I was in the academy with Bell, it wouldn't make a difference how much training he would receive, he never got it. Everyone knew the only reason he was allowed to remain in the recruit class was that he was related to Chief Teele. Its sad to say but Teele did him no favor by letting him on the job.

  113. To 11:23 am. You can say what you want to dishonor Kevin but the truth of the matter is that he was in there and his officer wasn't. So what do you have to say about his officer.

  114. 8;21PM

    What is the policy and protocol? Should his LT have been in there with him and what evidence is there that he wasn't.I'm not saying it isn't true, but I am not sure we can count on the Administration to get to the truth

  115. I understand that there is a $350,000 Federal Death Benefit for Police and Firefighters killed in the line of duty. The only problem is that the application process requires a copy of the autopsy report and toxicology report to be submitted along with the application. Is that why no application has apparently been submitted for Bell's benefit?

  116. The Officer and the person on the pipe should be like 2 newlyweds on their honeymoon. That's why no one on HFD believes that bullshit report that was written.The report doesn't match the outcome if you're really looking for the truth.
