Friday, April 17, 2015


Hartford's version of Patton? Hardly
On December 31 I called for Chief Huertas to resign. Nothing has changed since then, and the embarrassment to the City of Hartford continues.

Now the Hartford Courant has weighed in on the controversy calling for Chief Huertas to be removed, You can read their editorial here.

You can read my original posting here

It was an interesting comment yesterday regarding Huertas's management style that he doesn't communicate, he gives orders. Maybe that is a big part of the problem there. A little more comunication at HFD might help.


  1. Kevin

    The only people that want Huertas gone are you, Danny and his small band of cowardly wannabees.

    1. 6:45 pm you neglected to mention that the Hartford Courant editorial believes Huertas Must go.

  2. Chief,
    It appears the Courant wants you gone now also

  3. Kevin, just call him Charlie...Sorry Charlie...he is no real chief. He looked like a mess yesterday after the butt wooping Nolan gave him. Charlie, take Capt. Lush with you, sick of her BS as well. Is his "resignation" going to be announced this week? No time like the present...might want to get that pension locked in before the Bell family sues you. Take the lump sum Charlie, that way they will have a harder time attaching it.

  4. Danny showed nothing but his typical arrogance and me first attitude. Just like his protégé who can't run a fire who had FF's inside and on the roof of a condemned building today. Maybe training should look into this!

  5. Both the chief and Nolan are a disgrace to the HFD. Too bad they cant put as much effort into finding a way to work together as they do acting like sullen little boys.

  6. Valid point, but respect is a two way street

  7. Danny runs to the Courant after he's put to task on why so little training is going on. We'll see how the "I don't have to listen to Car #2 goes." He's not dealing with Little Terry anymore, he's dealing with someone who will make discipline stick because it's done correctly.

    1. Yeah right. Car 2 is just cusco so bitch

  8. Who has the guy that refused to work at a fire ever showed respect for. The only thing he cares about is his own ego!

  9. We've concluded that Chief Huertas Must resign several months ago and now the Courant arrived to the same conclusion.

  10. Who would be dumb enough to listen to D-2 and go into that building or on that roof.

  11. How will Pedro react to the Courant report? What will the Caviar man do? Is he going to dismiss Huertas? It's a big risk cause Huertas will write his memoir and there's going to be a lot of dirt, especially on Pedro Caviar Segarra, Saundra Kee Borges and, who can forget, Terry Waller.

    1. Pedro will pay Huertas to keep him quiet. It's not too difficult, after all Pedro will be paying with OUR hard earned money.

  12. Because Danny doesn't like the orders doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them. It just means that he doesn't want to follow them.

  13. If the Mayor and the city wanted Huertas gone they wouldn't have brought Brady back.

  14. Segarra and SKB wanted a weak chief like Huertas so they could force Terry Waller on him as Assistant Chief and later make Terry the chief.
    This, as we all know, worked out for a short time only, then collapsed. But nobody expected the Courant 'wake up call' that HUERTAS MUST GO.
    What is Segarra to do now? Please help.
    Segarra already commented, like a complete idiot, on a story "that Hernandez went to the University of Florida to get away from Hartford" by saying it's "inappropriate, incorrect, & disrespectful", like this is Hartford's biggest problem, but kept his mouth shut about Huertas, the HFD and the safety of Hartford residents.
    Linda Baer, Maribel LaLose, Hilda Munoz, where are you all? Please save Segarra from another embarrassment . Please help him.

    1. 1:42 You got it right but Linda, Maribel & Hilda have ro save Segarra from himself first.

    2. Easier for Pedro dealing with the Aaron Hernandez case and call a statement talking trash about Hartford "inappropriate" then dealing with the problems in HFD and his own disfunctional administration.
      Can I expect a statement about Michael Phelps and LeBron James from Pedro anytime soon?

  15. Huertas must go. Huertas MUST go. And Segarra MUST go with him.

  16. Hope they tear down that building on Main St. before someone get's killed in a condemned building.

  17. After a fatal fire still not one bit of suppression training, maybe our Training Chief should spend some time actually training.

  18. Brady is only a temp. until a new chief is hired. I used to think we had guys in house that could do the job but now I have reconsidered that position. The HFD has become so corrupted with nepotism and feminism that untainted individuals above the rank of Captain don't really exist.

  19. It's easier for Danny to spend his time whining about being told what to do instead of doing his job.

  20. The Hartford Courant: "Huertas Must Go." Ok, but go where?

  21. 1:30 Huertas can go anywhere he want to go, as far as he wants, just make sure he takes Pedro with him

  22. He should take a trip to Training and see what is not going on down there.

  23. Why are you trying to get rid of Huertas? Someone proposed that Joel Cruz sell hot dogs in the ballpark, but Pedro Caviar and Huertas will be better at the hot dog stand. Get Charlie Ortiz to help them.

  24. i wouldn't trust Pedro with anything, not even with the hot dog stand

  25. Hey Charlie.... after Nolan manhandled you on camera the other day, you did not look as "impeccable" as Don Miguel Ruiz would have wanted.

  26. I'll go to Woody's for a great hot dog, I will not buy 1/2 hot dog from Segarra. As far as I'm concerned Segarra could be in charge of a lemonade stand.


  28. That's right, the fish stinks from the head. Therefore, for the failures in the FD Huertas Must go, and for all the failures in the city and its administration Segarra must go.

  29. The Machine shop has 1 person solely dedicated to Scott Packs, the same person that was trying to help John Nolan blame everything on Simon and Dalton. All of a sudden they're really quiet about that issue.Also don't hear anyone talking about the lack of suppression training going on.Everyone seems to want to stay away from the truth. There will shortly be a Chief gone, but it won't be Huertas.

  30. If manhandling the Chief means putting your foot in your mouth and disobeying a direct order in front of a TV camera, that's exactly what Nolan did.

    1. If Huertas had trouble with Nolan all along he should have let him go, get rid of him, long time ago. Huertas failed, training at the department doesn't exist, so it's time to go for both, Huertas AND Nolan.

  31. The only ones who put their foot and their mouths were Brady and Huertas. They both looked like complete jackasses trying to cover up the truth on the news. That was most likely the Courants motivation for writing the editorial the very next day. I thought Brady was supposed to may Huertas look good, all he did was make them both look like complete fools. Huertas and Brady need to get out of Hartford fire department and stay out..

  32. like i said before,nolan wont be chief,terry is out,charlie wont go anywhere and brady will stay if the money is rigth,every one thinks brady is a good idea,but it will be a matter of time before
    someone isnt happy with him either,from what i see and hear along with all that i have read,if people arent doing the job they are hired to do,or they are not doing it right,or when they do they have no idea why they do it,it seems to me that un edudcate people need to be educated,thru thraining,since nolan came back to htfd i have not seen him anywhere but the news,nolan should take charge of the training academy and enforce training and education to prevent accidents,i mean what other way to ensure that the man and woman of this dept are performing safely,?i think its time to fix the problem instead of finding blame,i been on the job for 20 yrs ,and the only time i been to live fire training was 20 yrs ago,why?????the hoods that we are supposed to wear,well they were handed to us,(wich i dont like )they told us not to use them unless training trains us ,well i cant think of a time when we were trained on it ,id would suggest to nolan to focus on training ,or as some might say ,his job

    1. Nolan accuses Huertas, Huertas blames Nolan, FD performs poorly. What will Segarra do before another disaster strikes?

  33. Lets get real.. Huertas was set up for failure from the beginning. He was put in that position with Terry as his assistant. Huertas had zero competent support, and he had to carry Terry as well. Nobody can survive that set up. Shame on the politicians who lined that up that command staff.
    Now couple that starting point with Huertas's paranoid antiquated operating style and and HFDs pattern of vendictive leadership. Everything was doomed. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but our disaster of a department is not totally his fault. Politics was the ruin of Huertas. Too bad

    Nolan had his career ruined a long time ago. At some point he might have made a great chief. But politics crushed him. Too bad.

    The union president is a joke. Most of us can't figure out how this zero got a high school diploma. He's insignificant.

    The Task Force is another colossal mistake. Most of these guys caused this mess, or at least set it in motion a long time ago. Does anybody, ANYBODY think something positive and truly corrective will come out of this task force? They have zero forward thinking ability. Caseras??!! Wow. What dope put him on the task force. This task force is anti-progressive. #regressive

    Now we have Brady. He is here for one reason: to stymie Nolan because Huertas can't... While he is a nice guy, Brady is 100% union. In the End this will prove to be a problematic hire. Whose freaking idea was this? I would love to see the terms of his contract. Do you know what is a dumb thing to say? I do. Never tell somebody not to talk to the media, in front of the media. It shows the world you are hiding something. If Brady had any balls, or progressive thought, he would have openly condoned Nolan to speak with the press. Brady is stuck in the same old moronic thought pattern.

    Carlos Huertas has his contract set to expire in a couple months. Our department is a political train wreck. Something has to change. Huertas is gone. Too bad. Because he is a nice person. But he had no capacity to run our FD by himself. Our public image is shot, getting worse everyday and it is rubbing off on 550 Main St.

    Pall we do is point fingers at each other. I hate to say it, but we will better off without Nolan, Huertas, Terry, Brady, and anyone else who does not have the progressive nuanced leadeership style so badly needed.

    Bell's tragic death is nothing more than a reflection of the systemic failure of an entire command staff.

    Shame. Move forward. Do something different because this shit isn't working!!!

  34. Unbiased.

    very valid points, well written, Thank You

  35. The Department wants Tough D to do his job in training, not spreading his insane version of what is going on.

  36. Heurtas should go and so should about 5 other incompetent department heads.An incompetent unengaged Mayor selected incompetent department heads.Half of city hall is incompetent and dysfunctional.The fire department,development services,register of voters,finance department,public works mayors office and the council need to go.

  37. Training is non existing at the department, so why is Nolan still there? Check out his logbook and his schedule: who did he train, when, what, where, how long.

  38. I am not defending Huertas, let me put that out there first. He is the Chief and it is more to it that a pretty uniform. But all those in that commission, all those chief that now are reviewing they own mistakes are as responsible. The tragic events are the reflection of years of incompetent leadership and coronation after coronation of fire chiefs, you have years in the force, you move in the ranks, you are a minority, you are the next chief! Just wait your turn. This will never happen in the police force, why? Because that could take a Mayor down faster than 1,2,3.The proof is in the pudding, that commission is a joke. They are all there judging their own mistakes.why? Because they are afraid of an independent review, Hartford's administration is afraid and not willing to fix anything. This is not a three years issue, this is at least a ten years issue. This is a systematic and structural failure. Is the same behavior with every single issue. Just look at how many acting top level positions they have. How can you work with that? For most people in the administration is how long can I last, can i get reelected? They are not taking a hard look to the issues, they are afraid of what needs to be done. Why? because it would be unpopular, because it will not get anyone re-elected. The politics, the lack of engagement from the community at large are going to take this City down; like many other in the country. This is not about Nolan, Huertas,SKB, Pedro or Juan. This is about Hartford, a city government hostage of a bunch of incompetent politicians and a community that must take that government back or pay the consequences.

  39. 8:24 AM I agree with most of your comments, however, it all leads to one diection: Hartford's MAYOR is afraid and not willing to fix anything.

  40. I don't always agree with the things Nolan says or does, but I do believe the HFD would be much worse off without him. If it weren't for Nolan, Waller would be the Asst. Chief at minimum and most likely the Chief of the Dept. by now. That would mean all of Waller's and SKB's family would be hired and promoted on to the HFD and what little morale we have left would be eliminated. Huertas would be gone and all of you haters would be praying for a guy like Nolan to stand up to Waller. I'm not saying Nolan is anyway perfect but imagine how bad things could be right now if he let the dirty politics of this city have their way.

    The head here, the so called "leader," is obviously Segarra, and Segarra let all this happen.
    Time to go, Pedro E. Caviar Segarra. You and all the cronies you brought to your corrupt and disfunctional administration.

  42. From what I read on this blog, from what I read in the Courant it's quiet obvious that both Segarra and Huertas must go!

  43. Segarra prefers commenting on the Aaron Hernandez story than commenting on or doing something, anything, with the Harford Fire Department many problems that may affect Hartford residents' lives.

  44. This is a mayor who has a schedule dedicated to that minor league rabbits or goats. That's why he personally hired a salaried "scheduler." Who cares if the "scheduler" is budgeted or not.
    As for HFD: What's a fire department? Wow, we have one in Hartford? No kidding.

  45. Segarra is doing more than just the stadium thing. Much more. Although the stuff he's doing has nothing to do with Hartford, but at least his doing some things

  46. If you are so for the truth why do you hold back anything that you know is true but negative towards Nolan but you will post anything against those who do not believe in him.

    1. This is not a parade for against Nolan. The discussion is not about Nolan but about the HFD Chief, Huertas himself. Is he qualified, is he capable of leading the FD, was he the right choice for the job, his performance.
      There's a single, clear answer to all these questions: Negative.

  47. 4:33

    Despite your comments I don't think you can prove some of your allegations You stated Dan Nolan is corrupt. How? and what are you basing that on? Your hatred and dislike does not make someone corrupt. Too bad you don't post under tour real name, I could start posting that you are a pedophile and see how well you would like allegations with no basis. Although I appreciate the comments, much of the HFD comments have gotten away from the main issue, Chief Huertas is incapable of leading the HFD and the problems begin with him and that is where the blame begins. Anyone under the Chief is not accountable if the Chief has done nothing to change the behavior mand documented the problems. How many times has Nolan been directed to bring firefighters in for training and failed. If the answer is none, then it is not his responsibility if the Chief is not directing him to take action. Have there been any complaints from Fusco that firefighters need training and Nolan has refused to bring them in? I doubt it, that would have been brought out by now. Hatred and gossip and false accusations does not change anything. Facts do. try sticking to the facts

  48. As usual, comments from people who aren't Hartford voters, I dare say.

    1. Many commentators on this blog are Hartford residents, maybe not voters, but certainly Hartford residents. Many are Hartford taxpayers and they definitely feel the pain of rediculously high taxes and corrupt administration.

    2. No doubt in my mind that the extremely high taxes in Hartford, with the highest mill rate in the entire State of Connecticut, 74.29 !!!, are a direct result of inefficiencies, big waste and corruption in Hartford.
      This mayor introduced next year budget, $533M, but his budget is so general, education, DPW etc. One must look at the 'small print', all those small lines, each job, each hiring, each and every spending, that all add up to this monstrous unjustified budget.

    3. These small items in the budget are only $100K each, sometimes less than $100K, but they add up very quickly, they become the tens of millions of dollars of waste

  49. No need to be a Hartford voter or resident to comment

  50. Hey Kevin

    I don't know if you're capable of understanding this but we have training schedules and dates that training has to be completed by that is known to the Chief. You can try and cover for Danny all you want, but the records show that his division isn't doing anything.

    1. That means that BOTH, Huertas AND Nolan must go. Wow, that was easy.

  51. So are you saying that Chief Huertas just overlooks this? If it is true that does not sound like responsible leadership to me. Actually I think it would be reckless. Keep trying though, it is all Nolan's fault

  52. IN TYPICAL HARTFORD FASHION...STRAIGHT OUT OF THE HOOD!!!!!!!! LETS PLAY "THE TOURN AROUND GAME". Object of the game: find the nearest scapegoat(usually your accuser) and blame him for your own stupidity and negligence. "Tournaround Game" was invented in Hartford and countless fans and practitioners have used it to their advantage for generations. You too can learn to play, its fun and easy. If Charlie is good at it, anybody can master "THE TURN AROUND GAME".

  53. Say it isn't so! Dan Nolan was suspended today???

  54. Huertas, yes, Huertas is the man who should be fired, dismissed, not suspended. This is outrageous.
    Segarra, you're supposed to help build a good FD, not destroy this department.

  55. I guess Charlie is showing everyone who must go.

  56. Anonymous at 6:59 Segarra is useless. Segarra is worthless. Don't expect Segarra to do anything useful or productive. Besides, he's too busy with his campaign, too busy with his stupid stadium.
