Monday, April 20, 2015


Last week I was surprised, actually I wasn't ,I am getting used to the Segarra stunts. But last week Segarra showed up at the Fire on Main St. in time for the Media live shots on the 11PM news casts. He was flanked by Councilman Anderson. Segarra was looking Mayoral and actually appearing to show concern for the residents. I have never seen Segarra or Anderson at previous fires or even shootings. Why start acting Mayoral now? Because it is an election year , clearly. I do have to give credit to his media handler, (Shelly not Maribel) for pulling the stunt off. Some gullible newswatchers might even fall for it.

 Then today Segarra releases his Budget for next year. How does $12 million in cuts equal closing a $60 million dollar deficit. It just doesn't add up, not unlike most things Segarra does. Oh and by the way, since it is an election year, Segarra is adding 20 cops, 10 cadets and 10 Dispatchers. He has had the money allocated from Federal funds for every year to add cops, he just didn't do it and banked the money, or whatever he does with unused Federal dollars. But then again it is an election year and people love promises of additional Cops, whether it comes true or not, after the election, who cares what he promised.

Segarra even got mileage out of the Aaron Hernandez verdict after a former NFL official made negative remarks about Hartford. Again good job Shelly. Now lets see what he does with today's remarks by Senator Fonfara at the legislative hearings into Segarra's plans to grab state tax dollars for funding the stadium. Fonfara's remarks were more offensive to Hartford than anything any NFL official could spout off. According to the Courant, Fonfara is on record as saying" Hartford's North End is a drug-selling bazaar for suburbanites who drive from their comfortable communities into "one of the toughest neighborhoods in the state of Connecticut.'' Yeah , that's  not too offensive to Segarra's city, but I doubt we will see a word on Segarra's Twitter account. It's an election year.

For everyone that is represented by the good Senator Fonfara , be sure to remember at election time what the Senator thinks of you and your drug dealing Bazaar and be sure to ask him what he has done to change it.

You can read the Courant's article and the Senator's comments here

Be sure to cut through the garbage before you vote.


  1. Early indications I am getting are that the Mayor wants to take over $12m out of the Board's reserve for health care benefits for retirees to balance the 2015-16 budget. The City also plans to take $3.5m from the same fund to help balance this year's budget. The Board will have to replenish that reserve, meaning teachers and other school employees are going to lose their jobs so the Mayor can announce a "no tax increase no layoff" budget.

  2. "I'm not afraid to say to you here that I think the state should be involved in supporting this initiative," Fonfara said. "Homeless shelters, halfway houses, low-income housing, high unemployment, drug issues, high crime … these neighborhoods have shouldered the burdens, and the residents that have stayed in those areas and the businesses that have stayed in those areas pay the highest property taxes in the state."
    Fonfara's criticism of his district is entirely accurate, outside of the bogus claim that the problem is somehow related to suburbanites buying narcotics. My complaint about him is that he is bad-mouthing the town in order to help the municipal government get some revenue from the idiotic baseball stadium urban renewal project. Two things: The money generated by baseball ticket sales will do nothing to civilize the people of the city. Fonafara, being a Big Government Lib, is apparently not keen to acknowledge State policies are responsible for the "burdening" of Hartford with the undesirables he enumerates.

  3. Thanks Rich, good info. All part of the election year smoke and mirrors

  4. To be fair to Fonfara, I think this was in response to suburbanites dumping on our city. He pointed out, rightfully, that it's suburban money that funds the drug trade responsible for any bad reputation Hartford has. He just expressed it poorly because he's not that smart.

  5. I agree that he may not be too bright, but he also said that this problem in North Hartford has gone on for over 40 years, Probably close to half of those years he has been a state rep or state Senator, and it would appear that nothing has changed, It Seems like that would indicate it is time for a change in representation

  6. Go ahead, criticize Fontana for telling the truth.
    Fontana, could you please change your tone to something like "Hartford North End is the most attractive, peaceful, safest...etc" you get it.

    1. Did you mean Fontana or Montana, for Scarface' Tony Montana

  7. Umm, it is Fonfara not Fontana and you don't find it the least bitt offensive to classify Hartford as a drug dealing bazaar for suburbanites . There are many good hard working people in Hartford that aren't drug dealers. And if Hartford is so dangerous why would anyone come to the Stadium, not really good marketing on the brilliant Senators part

  8. I thought the same thing about the fire and Oh I LMAO when I heard Segarra talk about the ESPN reporter talking about Hernandez and Hartford. I said how did he hear that? what the hell does Pedro know about sports? Unless ESCORTING has been reclassified as a sport!

    I guess good job Shelly; still wonder why you would work for a Criminal Pervert, he must be paying you well. I'm sure Charlie is kickin' in under the table.

    Hey Pedro you Touch of Class Patron; " TOO LITTLE TO LATE", Good try though.

  9. O.K. folks in the North End and elsewhere in Hartford, especially all of our righteous political leaders, let's see if it's only the WHITE guy (Kevin) who calls Fonfara out for his disgraceful, stereotypical comments and demands an apology.

  10. Demand an apology for what. Fonfara was kind for calling the north end DRUG-SELLING BAZAAR when actually it's DRUG-INFESTED CRIME-INFESTED HELL out there.
    Pedro doesn't go there, only for a photo op after fire, to get some free pre-election PR for him. Trust me, I know the area, I've been there, I've seen it.

  11. I'm white and I feel perfectly safe up north, even as deep as westland and garden. But then again I'm on the hfd and somewhat twisted. Drugs everywhere that's for sure...that's what the people like drugs, easy money, sex, and the free food.

  12. Segarra's new budget is a good one; it includes ignoring the North End drug-selling territory for one more year as well as additional funds for next winter snow removal on Prospect Ave.

  13. Nene,
    resign, you and ur regime is useless.


  14. As someone proposed earlier, Segarra should be awarded the hot dog vendor of the future Hartford Yard Rats Ballpark together with the 2 Charlies- Huertas cab Ortiz.
