Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The Mayoral forums being held across the City to educate voters are so helpful as well as informative. Last nights forum held in the West End allowed the audience members to ask questions to assess the candidates. One question asked by a resident was about the conditions of Hartford's streets after snowstorms. It was interesting to get Mayor Segarra's  perspective and his ability to identify and solve problems.

Segarra's response left many in the audience shaking their heads. Now I am not writing a comedy sketch here, he actually said this. Segarra said the poor condition of Hartford's streets  is caused by our suburban neighbors who  come into Hartford and then clean their cars off, sweeping the snow onto Hartford's streets. Yes, our esteemed leader has identified the problem. Is this maybe the answer as to why Hartford is such a mess? If this is Segarra's grasp on reality, is it any wonder he has such a poor record of fixing the problems.

Damn those suburban car sweepers, its all their fault. And all this time I thought it was DPW.


  1. This man is a lunatic, this only confirms that he is mentally ill, someone needs to get his meds adjusted, they clearly aren't working

    1. Segarra must disclose to the public what drugs - prescription drugs or others - he's taking on a regular basis

  2. He is not a lunatic, he knows what he is doing; blaming others for his mismanagement. He doesn't need to get his med adjusted; he needs meds. The entire enterprise is a disaster. The City is totally dysfunctional, to a degree that only the insiders know the true dimension of the problem. All that you guys read here is just the tip of the iceberg.

  3. Yes, white suburbanites come in here, brush the snow off their cars, go buy heroine over on Putnam Street, then cause our poor young fellows of colour to shoot one another. There should be a government program. Maybe before those kids out at Hall High School should have diplomas withheld until they know how to behave themselves in the Capital of the Nutmeg State. Or, for Segarra is this just another mal-manifestation of that Climate Crisis Obama talked about down in New London yesterday?

  4. Oh it had nothing to do with his and Ilg high school boy Chapman, who gave the workers a gift for all the great work they did over the winter and 10,000 dollar raises to the two suburbanites Mike Dean & Jeff Coughlin for there esteem supervision of the plow operations, who get 5% in lieu of overtime, did they give the 5% back? Chapman also responded to Council at the budget hearing I attended, that he needs NO extra money, he is doing fine, I guess so when he can pick up the phone and call Ilg and get raises for his Flunkies.... watch now he cut a deal with Kenneth Blue, you know the guy who drives a Jaguar and Pedro paid for his daughters funeral with city funds, he will be jumping 4 steps without qualifications for a promotion. You know classifications go up with qualifications, skills and licenses, just a hint Chapman & Ilg... Kevin keep your eyes on this situation & attempt to buy votes!

    How many cars are these rude suburbanites driving and dumping their snow on poor little Pedro's streets, don't most houses in West Hartford have garages, and with all that snow we had how did it stay on the cars on their drive in? Talk about idiotic rationalization for incompetence, this takes the cake. Did Charlie help him with that fabrication??? Back to the drawing board Pedro. We're you Caviar deprived that night? Low on pills?

  5. Can't wait to hear what he says we brushed off our cars that explains the poor condition of the city's pavement...

  6. And don't forget, In the Summer months, the Suburbanites also come to Hartford to clean all the trash out of their cars. Candy wrappers, McD boxes, Popsicle sticks etc,all just left in the gutter and on sidewalks.

    1. Aren't you suffering from allergies in Hartford this season?
      "The poor condition of Hartford residents allergies is caused by our suburban neighbors who come into Hartford and then clean their pollen off onto Hartfords street."
      Pedro is a complete idiot.

    2. Hartford is so dirty, there's no $$ to clean it up, every $ available and every $ that is not even available go to build that Yard Rats Stadium, sky box and caviar stand included.


  8. Hahahaha, oh my goodness, I'm sorry but that has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. No wonder the city is a mess with this guy at the helm. IDIOT!!

  9. Hey Peter Brush,,,,Should'nt we start with MAKING THE POLITICIANS "BEHAVE" THEMSELVES IN THE CAPITOL OF THE NUTMEG STATE,instead of some snotty nosed kids from Hall high school????? I'm confident in saying,its more of a priority.I don't know what the Hall kids did, but go to any of Hartfords high school cafeterias at lunch time and you'll get an eyeful of "misbehavior" Are you a "civilized town" hater???? Or looking for a diversion???

  10. The real problem is that we in Hartford are not smart enough as an electorate to disbelieve a complete fabrication like that. It's the lowest common denominator that gets peoples attention around here. Blame everything on Whitey and we will believe it. Who are the real racists??? Oh its us here in Hartford.

  11. What made me laugh and cringe the most was how he responded to a young man in uniform--either reservist or regular military, I couldn't tell--who posed a question about transparency in the administration, as well as patronage and nepotism jobs. Pedro snapped at him and said something to the effect of "I would never do--and have never done-- anything like that, because it would be a violation of city policy. And none of my relatives or my husband Charlie have ever worked for the city!". Really, Pedro?

  12. Not only are they using their cars to bring "burb snow" into the well plowed streets of Hartford, I saw them hauling it in, in wheelbarrows....
    Now doesn't that sound stupid? Does anyone believe me? That is the mindset of this ignorant Mayor. However, most telling is what he thinks of us... For him to form his lips and this Bullshit fly out, he thinks we are stupid.
    News Flash idiot, that would be you, your husband, your Administration & the blind Council, NOT US MAYOR, NOT US!!!
    Are you self medicating because of your seedy past? Your seedy present? Or Your seedy Future?

  13. I always drive into Hartford to clean off my car.

  14. Pedro Seggara never makes any sense when he answers questions. If Pedro's statement is written for him, he looks down and can't even read it without stumbling. Dumber than dumb. How about making sure Pedro the residents who live in Hartford who throw their trash out the window while driving and while walking are added to your list. I suppose they
    swept the snow off their cars in the suburbs. Get real Pedro. Is it possible that Terry Waller and Saundra Kee Borges clean the snow off their cars or dose someone from the city do it for them. The two of them should pay for repaving the roads for the entire city for all the monies that they grabbed from Hartford taxpayers and still do to date. They owe the taxpayers a SUV too. It is criminal.

    1. It's DUMB, DUMBER AND DUMBEST, the dumbest being Segarra.

  15. Pedro Seggara never makes any statement that makes any sense. No wonder he never had any clients when he practiced law. Are Hartford residents surprised?

  16. Not sure how to respond to how Pedro Seggara answers any question when he is put on the spot. Pedro just rambles on about nonsense. As always that is what he did at this Hartford Westend community meeting. If you did not know Pedro and Charlie Ortiz live in the Westend. Pedro Seggara is amazing.

  17. Kevin, any way of getting a audio recording of it??? Terzi is on Saturday and I'm sure he would love to play it on his radio show.

  18. I didn't record it, but there were two people recording the video. I am not sure who they were recording it for , but I would welcome a copy of it. You would have to hear it to believe such a stupid comment was made, but plenty of people were there and heard it.

    1. A video or audio will definitely help. It should be distributed to ALL TV stations. Let's hear the comments of the suburbanites mayor s, I'm sure they'll love it

  19. ok,i'm gonna ask around,,,PLEASE do the same ,,this would be priceless!!!!!

  20. I would suggest the Bronin or the Gale campaign. I doubt the Segarra campaign will give it up if they have it, but you never know with this guy and the way he has run his campaign

  21. Segarra can't even admit when he is wrong or makes a mistake, do you think he is going to admit to people what meds he is on?

    1. Kevin, we know where Segarra gets his haircut. The way he takes care of his hair its a weekly event. We may be able to collect some hair from the floor and test it in a lab. The truth will then come out.

  22. Get an audio, get a video, get anything from Tuesday event in the West End. Segarra must explain and clarify his idiotic accusation/ statement; it will get him deeper and deeper into his own shit.

  23. Segarra will blame anyone and anything for his failures (too many to count).
    Remember that Segarra has one great succes as mayor: because of him UConn 's Women Basketball Team won the championship this year and last year (at least he believes it).

  24. This is for pedrito & his company, don't fight the trend, la verda will set u free.

  25. Segarra is right,
    * The snow problefm in Hartford is caused by our suburban neighbors
    * The drug problem in Hartford is caused by our suburban neighbors
    * The murders and other crime in Hartford is caused by our suburban neighbors
    * The 25% absenteeism of our students in Hartford is caused by our suburban neighbors
    * The huge deficit in Hartford budget is caused by our suburban neighbors
    * The stupid decision to build a stadium in Hartford is caused by our suburban neighbors
    * and the list goes on snd on and on

  26. I agree 100%. Pedro always has some one to blame. Those who live in the suburbs beware Pedro Seggara is watching you.

  27. Our suburban neighbor Mr. Chapman gets to work in Hartford, driving city owned car, covered with snow. Chapman arrives at his office on Jennings Road, calls one of the DPW workers, asking him to clean "his" car, sweep the snow onto Hartford's streets.
    Sometimes you have to agree with Pedro Caviar.

  28. The only thing I'm willing to agree with 'Pedro Caviar' is that he sees Hartford as his own business using our tax dollars to enrich himself

  29. Hartford and its residents are Pedro's piggy bank. Pedro truly benefits from Hartford being one of the poorest cities in the country.

  30. Forget Pedro Seggara, Hartford residents are preparing for a new mayor, a real leader

  31. Snow plowing problems? Not in the 700's block on Prospect Ave.
    I wonder why.

  32. Wow! Then There must be NO SUBURBAN cars on PROSPECT AVE during storms! I think that is the only stretch of road that is maintained and swept properly not to mentioned Paved yearly.
