Wednesday, May 20, 2015


On May 19, 2015, Detectives from the Hartford Police Vice and Narcotics Unit received information that a Parole violator operating a blue, four door Lincoln with tinted windows was in possession of narcotics and a firearm.  With information provided, Detectives were able to locate and positively identify the individual in the suspect vehicle as Miguel Diaz, 35, of Wethersfield, CT.  Hartford Narcotic Detectives with the assistance of South Condition Officers and the State Police Narcotics Task Force (SNTF) attempted to stop the vehicle.  The vehicle failed to stop for Detectives and a clear plastic bag was observed thrown out of the vehicle window before fleeing the area.  The clear plastic bag was located and contained 309 bags of Heroin. Surveillance was established at a location on Hillside Avenue identified by Detectives as a “Hideout” for Diaz.  Diaz and a second individual identified as Felix Hernandez, 39, of Hartford were located in the area and detained.  Consent to search was obtained for that location where Detectives located a firearm, along with narcotics and packaging material.  The evidence seized by Detectives through the surveillance and search is listed below:
Seized Evidence
$4099.00 in U.S Currency was recovered
10 grams of raw heroin as well as 609 bags of heroin
Hi-Point 9mm handgun and a box containing numerous live 9mm rounds
Arrested: Miguel Diaz 35, of Wethersfield CT (also had a warrant for an escapee from Parole)
1.      Possession of Narcotics
2.      P.W.I.T.S Narcotics
3.      Criminal possession of firearm
4.      Reckless driving
5.      Reckless endangerment
6.      Failure to obey Officer signal
7.      Drug Factory
ARRESTED: Felix Hernandez 39, of Hartford CT
1.      Possession of Narcotics
2.      P.W.I.T.S Narcotics
3.      P.W.I.T.S Narcotics 1500 feet of a school


  1. Sad to say the arrest with the details noted does nothing to stop the drug trade. The dealer has already been replaced. Does the public know this. They need to imposed death to those selling to stop the negative impact to our society.

  2. Not sure death is the answer. Maybe some real steps toward actual education and real jobs for the community would change the direction of hopelessness that fuels the "opportunities" of the drug trade

  3. Did this fool say impose death ? Did liquor barons get the death penalty during prohibition when it was illeagal to drink alcohol?? Where do these idiots come from their dumb comments jobs an opportunity prevents people from selling drug

  4. He shouldn't get the death penalty,he should become deputy chief of staff for Mayor Caviar...charged with dealing with the community and improving the image of the City.

  5. DEATH PENALTY comment is outrageous and ignorant. However, Why are we GRANDSTANDING this small HPD drug bust/ We all know that in the drug trade its just "a drop in the bucket" Really not of much impact in our city. As someone already commented here: The dealer has already been replaced by another.

  6. Why is the death penalty ourages, if they sell to your kid you might feel different. They impose death penalties in the streets almost daily around here or are you ignorant?

  7. 1:34 pm. So what are you trying to say? Let the drug dealers keep selling drugs? That's the problem that has the City messed up. No quality of life enforcement. Drug dealers are allowed to do as they please as long as they don't resort to "violence" that's the new policing in the city. Maybe a possible resolution is address the loitering, go after the drug dealers and get the courts to really do their job. Because it's clearly obvious that the new way of policing is not working.

  8. it's clearly obvious that the new way of policing is not working
    I'm now aware of the "new way" referred to, but I am in favor of aggressive police enforcement of civilization, not in favor of treading lightly in fear that we will offend a racial/ethnic group or incur the wrath of the slip-and-fall "civil rights" attorneys. I want a Mayor and City Hall who will stand behind the cops, who gives them the benefit of the doubt in dicey situations with our large Alienated American Community. The object, as Judge Killian has said, is to imagine someone looking at Hartford as a potential residence.
    Did Pedro stand up for the cop who tased the guy up on Albany AVe. last year? Bronin's theories about criminal management are really not helpful when the problem in Hartford is obviously not that we have too few criminals on the street.
    Russel Hicks, manager of the Hartford census office...said, "Hartford is a very poor, high crime [area] and one out of six residents has a criminal record."
