Sunday, May 24, 2015


I think far too many people look forward to Memorial Day as the kick off of the Summer season, A day off from work and school, barbeques, and cook outs.

Keep in mind the real reason we celebrate Memorial Day every year. It is about recognizing those men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom and also those that have been maimed and disfigured defending our country.

I will never forget the funeral for my father who was a proud US Marine during the Korean Conflict. As the service ended, it was about 4 degrees out at the time of his burial. The Marine color guard  in their dress blues presented the folded flag to my mother and the young marine handing my mother the flag had a tear that ran down his cheek. My dad would have loved that. Once a marine, always a marine, even in death

Tomorrow, remember why we celebrate Memorial Day and thank a veteran for their service to protecting our way of life

(Sorry Mom, I know the video and music will probably give you goosebumps and cause a few tears as it reminds you of the love of your life. Thank you dad for your service and the example you set for us. We miss you)


  1. Kevin

    Thank you to your father, and all our Veterans, both living an dead who have served our Country. I think you are correct, people have lost sight of the sacrifices they have made to our Country.

  2. Such a touching tribute. thank you for sharing.

  3. such a touching tribute. thank you for sharing.

  4. he was and is a great father, I still feel his presence in so much I do and so much that happens. He also made a great choice for his wife and my mother.
