Sunday, May 24, 2015


 The plot thickens.

This is the official version from HPD regarding the shooting of a visiting pastor on Capitol Avenue early this morning: the First shooting happened at 932 Capitol Ave. at 0627 hours, documented under HPD Case 15-15639. The victim is identified as Augustas Sealy DOB 8/14/1959. Sealy is a church Pastor from Mass. Sealy is from Hartford and was posting Flags for Memorial Day in the area of Capitol Ave. @ Newton Street when he was shot by unknown assailant(s). Sealy was shot twice in the right leg and once in the upper left arm. He is in surgery at Saint Francis at this time listed as serious but stable. Investigation is active. MCD detectives and Crime Scene detectives are investigating.

According to at least two  independent sources from HPD , speaking on the condition of remaining anonymous, have told me the shooting may actually be a hate crime. The victim, prior to being shot, was asked by the shooter "if he was gay" according to sources.

A request for comment from HPD Deputy Chief Brian Foley has gone unanswered.

Pastor Sealy was sticking flags into the ground alongside the sidewalk at the Church in honor of memorial day, prior to his being approached and shot 4 times.

It does not appear that Pastor Sealy has any readily available criminal history  at this time.

UPDATE: Another source has told me that Pastor Sealy had actually served as pastor of the Capitol Avenue Church for five years before being transferred to another assignment in Shrewsbury MA.recently. He was back today for a celebration of his five years of service in Hartford apparently


  1. In today's twisted society, it's only a hate crime if it is white on black crime...


  2. How come no "black lives matter" protest riot.

  3. I bet there is a lot more to this story that we won't find out about. I don't think it was random. No proof - just a gut feeling.

  4. Why the mention of a possible readily available criminal record. That is a sideways attempt to discredit the victim. Bunch of garbage.

  5. You are trying to stir something up that isn't there. It was meant to be a way of saying that the Pastor wasn't involved in any drug or criminal activity that led to him being shot

  6. Hate crime or no hate crime, this was a VERY SERIOUS CRIME. Get the shooter. The shooter MUST be brought to justice!

  7. Hate crime or no hate crime, this was a SERIOUS CRIME. Get that shooter, he MUST be brought to justice.
