Thursday, May 14, 2015



  1. most of the contributions to Joel Cruz are very small. However, the maximum amount of $1,000 was made by PURA CRUZ {any family relations to the candidate?}. The other interesting contribution is from CARLOS LOPEZ of Farmington {he's with "CT PARKING SERVICES"} who claims that he doesn't have business with the City of Hartford for at least $5,000. Is this correct?

  2. Joel, CARLOS LOPEZ gave you $500 but gave John Gale $1,000. Also in your filing he does not have business with our city (somebody probably erased and corrected what was stated previously), but with John Gale's filing Carlos Lopez DOES have business with our city.
    Could you please investigate this

  3. That's the most Joel can do, collect $9,000. He can't get too far with $9,000

  4. Hey Joel, my kids have collected almost 100 pennies in their piggy bank. Need some?

  5. I'm not supporting Joel Cruz for mayor, but I'm not knocking his attempt, either. I believe he's very sincere in what he says, and that he speaks from the heart, but those qualities don't make him mayoral material.

    Yes, he will undoubtedly lose the race for campaign$$ contributions, behind John Gale, and Luke Bronin will of course come in first, probably followed by Pedro Segarra. Bob Killian will most likely be in the middle money-wise.

    So how much of a factor will fundraising be in determining a winner? In an ideal world, it should be no factor. It's good that we can see where these contributions are coming from, courtesy of this blog. But people shouldn't let the amounts raised distract them from the true business of choosing the best candidate for the job.

  6. I agree with your thoughts, unfortunately money is a major part of our political process, it doesn't make it right, but it is the reality. Much of the money raised by Segarra especially should be questioned as to the strings attached. Very few are donating I would imagine because they think he has done a great job as Mayor but more because of what they can get out of him and city Hall. That is a real problem , especially since we need to get the best for every City dollar spent, not who can raise the most with the promises they make
