Thursday, May 14, 2015


Several years ago a Hartford Police Lieutenant was shown the door after it was found that he had been printing up what looked like official parking passes, having them laminated and then selling them to anyone willing to pay the price for "Police "parking privileges.
Now it seems that someone in the Hartford Fire Department has come up with the same scheme. I have seen numerous illegally parked vehicles around the downtown area, proudly displaying the "get out of jail free" placard , claiming the authority of the Hartford Fire Chief. Many of them are in close proximity to the Hartford Fire Union office  near Linden Place and the claim for being on official business is probably not legit.
The Hartford Parking Authority claims no knowledge of the placards and clams the Fire Chief has no authority to offer free parking passes. I have requested comment from Chief Huerta's Office, no response yet. I venture to say it is more likely someone who has been creative with a color printer and a laminator to avoid feeding the meter. In which case parking controller's need to be advised to ignore and ticket these freeloaders.


  1. As juicy as this story is what's going on with Lewis Crabtree an all those billets that are unaccounted for? How was he able to retire how was he not arrested??hope to God some of those billets didn't end up in strap house on the north end of Hartford how bout that massive shoot out at Sunset Cafe Monday night? I'm sure all those registered licensed pistol waving thugs bought those bullets an guns legally !!

  2. Your question's are all valid. For some reason HPD has been less than forthcoming on the investigation, and I am really not sure why, but it will all come out one way or another. Stand by.

  3. Kevin. Simply because there is never any accountability at hpd. No paper trail on even simple things like cases of copy paper or mountain bikes that went home with retiring personnel . Uniforms tossed in a pile on the ground of the locker room or a bunch of equipment like vests and cameras not documented or accounted for. This is the hpd way. Sorry to say there is no policy for any of the allegations against crabby, so how he can be even in violation of anything?

  4. That mentality of grabbing city property especially at the time of retirement crosses departments. I wish I could name names but what I saw is extraordinary. And they all think they are doing no wrong.

  5. You think Local 760 needs anybodys permission to do anything? Boy, are you far off the mark. Local 760 does whatever they want, in fact they make it up as they go along. Why do you think there has not been a union vote of no confidence in Huertas? The 760 guys have Charlie right where they want him, he's a wet dream. Easily fooled and manipulated.
    So you see, these parking passes are no big deal for these guys, they are used far more suspect dealings. When you are used to playing favorites, participating in a disciplinary system with two different sets of rules based on ethnicity, and casting aside much more qualified leaders for political hacks...a parking space is small change.

  6. Computers, copy machines, those cell phones inside supervisor vehicles, plus the endless supply of medical supplies not accounted or tracked. The amount of uniforms not turned in by now must be in the six figures. So some missing ammo is no biggy . Zero accountability. I once opened an old substation closet and found equipment( lets call it) that was worth about 10 k and probably was forgotten about or the person forgot to take it when they retired. But since city hall employees basically eat caviar dinners and fly to exotic locations on the tax payers dime , this topic is no big deal .

  7. Mr Brookman, have you any evidence that those vehicles are not being used for meetings with the community? Instead of targeting fire vehicles, why dont we go after the new Maine plate scam that all the hartford residents are doing to avoid paying property tax to the city . Have your pal rovella go after those tax cheats and leave terry waller and vinni alone. They have important lunch reservations downtown on city time ......

  8. A little off topic.................I remember years ago, city yard stock was audited and it was downright disturbing. Bricks placed into sealed ford engine containers and entire pieces of landscaping equipment gone. One employee use to joke about how easy it was to remove fuel from equipment.

  9. Its tough to see the name and signature in the photo but I believe it is the FD Chief. If he didn't actually sign and issue it, wouldn't that be some type of crime... Criminal impersonation, forgery, maybe even larceny for not paying to park? If this happened and it had the Police Chiefs name on it, I'll bet the PD Chief would take immediate action by confiscating them, towing the offenders cars, etc. You would think the FD Chief would be embarrassed by this... I would be if it had my name on it.

  10. First off let's get this clear stealing city equipment or missing items that belong to the city is one thing BUT MISSING AMMUNITION UNACCOUNTED FOR?? Are you people kidding me if the police department does nothing about this I strongly suggest someone notifies the FBI or the DOJ I'll say it again there was a massive shoot out on upper north Main Street an those bullets were the same brand as the ones Crabtree ordered this is extremely disturbing an if Crabtree was selling shell casing for personal gain for all those years instead of turning it over to the city of Hartford an was allowed to retire no arrest no investigation then every officer that was ever arrested or fired for larceny should sue this is sickening a police officer pocketing bullets for personal gain?? What's going to happen Chief Rovella the public has a right to know !!!!

  11. Why would the Union and it's membership have a vote of no confidence when they both support the Chief. If Danny, Luis and the rest of the faceless cowards want a vote of no confidence let them hold their own vote and see who shows up.

  12. Politicians recently ased HFD leaders a question about 1,000.00 descrepency in the HFD budget but did not ask any questions regarding the 400,000.00 dollar descrepency at HPD. Kevin is right the lack of accountabilty by the City is a shame.

  13. If you think Danny is a coward then why don't you go a couple of rounds with him man to man....see if you think he is a coward after he puts a butt wooping on you. Danny is not my best friend by any means and I often disagree with, but the guy is anything but a coward. Luis did not look like a coward recently when his crew knocked down an apartment fire on Evergreen...I thought his tactical leadership was excellent.

  14. Segarra will not do shit to any Hartford resident with Maine plates. Pedro is hungry for every vote in this upcoming election. Each and every vote.

  15. Listen up buttercups. No one can last even one round with Terry . He would mayweather nolan faster then the mayor will win this here election.
    Once charlie is gone, by summer time, terry will take command and show all you fire mice to do your job .

  16. Someone with a yr. on the job could have handled that fire with ease.

  17. What proof is there that the placards are being sold.

    I wonder if the hoods bought by training and may be unaccounted for were given away by training to their friends in the fire service outside of Hartford. Get the e-mails under FOI to find out

  18. No placards were ever sold by Hartford Police or Hartford Fire Depts.

    Where u getting your info from Spongebob Foley?

  19. 5:16pm

    Check your facts, maybe look up the name Lt Meehan and see why he suddenly retired. maybe getting caught selling placards

  20. Once again No one sold any placards.
    You are setting youself up for a defamation lawsuit /libel by defaming a 29 year decorated retired Lieutenant.

  21. Not setting myself up for anything, I will FOI the IAD report so I can post it here

  22. if you rent to a relative on section 8...isn't that welfare fraud Public servant???

  23. No Accountability? Why doesn't THE CITY OF HARTFORD have its own EBT CARD? They seen to be running off of other's credit. . . Can we at least be served carton milk and USDA block cheese while watching our GOATS? What a JOKE. . . Brought to us in Part by P. Segarra Foundation a non profit for others organization
