Friday, May 29, 2015


Here is a  report commissioned by the Hartford Police Department. Hopefully the report will answer some of the staffing questions for HPD such as what are the proper number of Officers that should be at HPD. It is very dry reading, but it is informative
Hartford Police Department Staffing and Deployment Analysis 3-02-201 (2)

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty certain we all know HPD is understaffed, mainly patrol. I think the minimum of 60 more officers that was recommended is good number to start with, but the recommended number of 120 is more where we need to be within the next few years.
    There should be at least one new academy class every year, we would reach the minimum goal of 60 in two years with two 30 recruit classes. Or we could do the max of two academy classes per year and meet the goal of 120 new recruits within 2 years!
    Now the trick is to get the slimeballs in City Hall to stop cutting funds to the department and stop allocating HPD's obviously well deserved and much needed funds to other unnecessary and extremely expensive ballparks that the City isn't even ready for in it's financial state.
