Wednesday, May 20, 2015


While the Segarra Administration was out thumping their chest last night in response to the White House's praise  for Segarra's Community policing program, the violence on Hartford's streets continued. A 17 year old was shot in the head on Irving Street last night in a flurry of gunfire. He was taken off life support this morning and pronounced dead. At least 17 gunshots were picked up by shotspotter.

This was Hartford's third homicide in three days, and one of several shooting incidents, At one of the shootings ,  26 spent casings were recovered.

I don't know if  Mayor Segarra is that far out of touch with what is happening in our community or is he just delusional. I think a combination of both is fitting. I am not sure how anyone can instill confidence in the community by only singing the praises and ignoring reality. The fact of the matter is that  Segarra an his Council allies have decimated the ranks of the Hartford Police Department over the last several years. The number of sworn Police officers at HPD is the lowest it has been in decades and will probably be under 400 in a very short time, Three more officers resigned today to retire and start careers at another department.

All of Hartford's walk beats have been ended a few weeks ago (except for City Hall, funny how that works)  Can it be much longer before Community Service Officers positions are cancelled to fill critical patrol positions. Why is it that a recruit class to fill vacant positions was only filled by Segarra to graduate just in time for the Mayoral and Council elections this fall?

Although most active HPD officers are loving the overtime gravytrain, are we going to see Chief Rovella made the scapegoat as his overtime costs skyrocket due to the lack of planning by City Hall? Who is going to accept the public outrage as their CSO's start disappearing, I'm pretty sure it wont be Mayor Delusional standing in front of the NRZ's explaining it.

And while I am addressing Mayoral honesty, I am getting pretty tired of Segarra spouting his nonsense about "second chances" . Why is he supporting second chances now? Has it become politically popular? Does Segarra forget the name of his former staffer Kennard Ray? If you need a reminder, Kennard Ray was an employee in Segarra's office. I way "was" because as soon as it became public that Ray had felony convictions, Segarra quickly jettisoned him from City Hall and fired him. So much for "second chances".

I doubt there are many people hearing gunshots and witnessing the killings that take comfort in the accolades from the White House. Maybe what Hartford needs is a leader that is more into actual results as opposed to the phony chest thumping as the homicides and shootings escalate.


  1. Didn't Kennard Ray land in the Registrar's office - home of the politically connected who couldn't otherwise hold down a regular job?

  2. yes he did Segarra had nothing to do with it, it was after Segarra fired him

  3. when are people going to realize what a fraud and a hypocrite Segarra is. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to stand at the UConn groundbreaking after him and Wooden both did their best to kill that project from ever happening. And you are right about Kennard Ray Segarra has no problem lying to us

  4. Diehards also put him on the MDC Commission. I'd like to know what's he gets paid for that job.

  5. Three homicides in five days; two of those in one day. Three homicides during one week in March; two of those in one day. That brings the total to ten murders in Hartford since January 29th, a tad less than four months. And summer--when tempers traditionally flare during humid days and nights--won't be upon us for another month. Where is the outrage (other than on this page)?

    Now contrast this with the social media/Facebook page "Dwelling Downtown". One "dweller" reported a few days ago that a friend of hers was mugged by a gang of young bicycle-riders near the Phoenix building. The victim was robbed, but not physically harmed. A large hue and cry was raised by other "dwellers": What is being done about this?! This will hurt Hartford's image in the eyes of those we hope to court to the new, upscale downtown housing! A police presence should take up post in the area of the former Isle of Safety! How can our safety be assured?! Some suggested the solution was to let the mayor and city council know of their concerns, and surely action would be taken. Paging Mayor Segarra! Paging council president Wooden!

    Apparently, it is okay if people are killing each other in the neighborhoods outside of downtown, because there wasn't even a peep about that on the DD Facebook page. But let those lousy thugs invade our gated community, stealing bicycles and purses, and all hell breaks loose.

    This elitism from those who purport to love their adopted city, and who are cheerleaders for all the boneheaded development such as iQuilt and the stadium, makes me sick.

  6. Mayor who gives a Shit Pedro DOES NOT, I REPEAT DOES NOT CARE about these shootings in the North or South end, however he will throw a TISSY FIT, if you mess with the Transit Downtown Residents or his gated West End Community. That's when this delusional, comatose looser turns into a JR High Cheerleader:
    "ACTION, ACTION, I WANT ACTION" _ can't you picture Pedro with his Pom Poms, just spouting statements, no plan, no clue....
    Here's the Cheer Hartford is chanting:

  7. Lion-O Lord of ThundercatsMay 20, 2015 at 7:08 PM

    If Obama had the DOJ look into the relationship between the HPD an the community an the racism in the spas over the last 30 years he might recant that statement. Hartford is a warzone poor city in despair with no light at the end of tunnel an me being an African American I blame my black brothers and sisters religious and political leaders they are all bought an paid for an do nothing for the community not to say the least the young black kids in Hartford no longer look to them for leadership the family structure is dead an rap music pollutes our babies more than anything we need a saviour Jesus Superman heck I'll settle for Mighty Mouse!!

  8. So goodbye car 66 !!!!May 20, 2015 at 8:15 PM

    All i truely care about is that spell, mui , and murtha break the 200,000 clams a year income level. This actually makes me chuckle, but also is pudding proof that the entire system is broken and mismanaged. And yes kevin, wait till rovella gets the blame for the ot shifts the last couple of weekends in may, yes only may. Wait till the summer. 30-45 overtime shifts a weekend. Foi that . Logics would dictate it would be easier to hire new guys at low pay for five years instead of paying sgts to push patrol cars at 500 clams a shift , but i do appreciate my pjs and ot shifts as you expressed in your gravey train quote.

  9. Lt weaver supporter!!!May 20, 2015 at 8:18 PM

    Dont forget about st john and varkel, i want then both above 180k this year! That is an order! Get on that gravey train.

  10. 5:21pm,

    the Hartford Police Department, or any Police Department for that matter is not here to provide family structure or to raise anyone's children. Where are the fathers and the actual families that should be providing "family structure". Where are the mentors and role models in the community? That is where to place the blame, not on relationships with HPD.

  11. Pjs dont really matter, the city gets a piece of every mui slip. Its the patrol OT. The city gave way too many options to abuse. send these habitual abusers to city doctors instead of allowing these individuals such as a certain booking officer who throws herself down stairs to avoid doing any work. Headquarters is turning into a doctors office as of late. Any officer playing games with mystery injuries should be put in dispatch to answer calls over the phone and handle the nonsense calls which is about 80 percent of patrol calls for service.

    These avengers of injury have ruined the system and need to go.

  12. I hope and demand the traffic division gets some much needed streamlined leadership by the new commander at the helm. The non obtuse needed adjustments will be retrofitted to promote success and higher morale satisfaction for all.

  13. Kevin. The mayor said he Will be at the opening of the uconn campus in 2017. What do you think about that ?

  14. I hope the Mayor will be there, just not this Mayor.

  15. Police Officers are not responsible for citizens having unwanted children. But our Federal, state and local government keep shelling out social service benefits for to many. Policing is a good thing. However, in today's society drugs, gambling, drinking, abuse (children and elderly) are out of control. Pedro Seggara has no clue what the HPD dose daily for the residents of Hartford especially children. Instead of helping Pedro hinders community efforts. He lacks leadership skills. Pedro's fake and nervous smile gets worse each day.

  16. I hope we see him in the 2017 UConn opening with a new title: FORMER MAYOR.

  17. Pedro Segarra and his administration have drained the city. Pedro has no budgeting skills. He has spent Hartford taxpayers dollars light running water. Pedro has not a thing to be proud about. People realize that Hartford is a drug haven with poverty running rampant. Dose Pedro Segarra read the writing on the wall? I guess not.

  18. 9:35PM

    Don't just "Hope", make it happen, you have the power. Talk to everyone you know and tell them why Segarra is the wrong choice for Hartford and why he needs to be defeated

  19. Chief Rovella cant be made scapegoat for overtime costs. He is very busy still trying to figure out: WHERE THE MISSING $400,000 FROM THE POLICE SHOOTING RANGE GO???

  20. I know exactly where that ammo went there's a couple of north end gang affiliated members who claim they will come forward an give statements that police personnel were selling bullets on the north end of Hartford this is going to be one of the biggest scandals in Hartford Police history too bad it happened under Chief Rovellas watch HPD better hope an pray no one drops a dime to the FBI OR DOJ!!!!!

  21. I think you just did"drop a dime" here . If your information is factual and not just gossip I would gladly facilitate getting your sources to the proper persons outside of HPD to tell their story in complete confidentiality, I am not comfortable with the state or outcome of that investigation either. If there are guns or ammunition ending up on Hartford's streets illegally that needs to be stopped

  22. Yet another shooting this morning...seems like there is plenty of ammo on the streets. The people that do this kind of blasting cant just go to Hoffmans or WalMart and buy ammo. Where are they getting so much recently?

  23. "PASTOR SHOT OUTSIDE HARTFORD CHURCH." This was the Courant headline yesterday morning. Pay attention to this Pedtro E. Segarra: PASTOR shot outside Hartford CHURCH.
    Pedro, just in case you didn't get it since you're too busy with that ballpark with your sky box and since you're more concerned about the money you raise than the city and its budget, I'll explain:
    a PASTOR, not a gang member, not a drug dealer, a PASTOR was shot. The PASTOR was shot outside a CHURCH, not on Barbour, Capen, Garden or Mather Streets that you don't care about, outside a CHURCH.
    Great job Pedro, you moron!

  24. Anonymous at 4:23'PM, Segarra did attend a service at the church on Sunday morning. We're still waiting for his statement but we don't expect much. What is he going to say, that we're a poor city? Same thing sll over again, but Segarra himself made this city poorer, enriching himself in the past 5 years.
    I agree with your conclusion that Segarra is moron.

  25. Both the police chief and the mayor should be held responsible for the spike in crime in the city. Both mismanage money. Another thing they have in common is the special unit they both love. Which might I add eats up a lot of the overtime budget. Can this please be looked into? I don't think so, the chief will not allow that to happen.
