Thursday, June 25, 2015


When is a racist cop acceptable. How drunk do you have to be to overlook racist behavior. I think the correct answer is never .From what I am told this version is a greatly sanitized version and as you can see ,  both reports were "modified" on 5/19/15 , after I requested their release, even though the incident occurred on 2/25/15. I have requested the original versions from the Foxwoods Police Chief

Here are the incident reports from the Foxwoods Tribal Police. It has been a long day, but I promise , much more on this tomorrow,


  1. Maybe you should have told Foley that he was a firefighter, that would have gotten you the info you needed.

  2. Def a cover up wow

  3. Krause Christ Stack as if jumping out of planes on workmans comp not enough you a closet Klansman???

  4. Concerned north end citizenJune 26, 2015 at 6:43 AM

    Wow an this guy is on the street after doing something like that ? Unreal well let's see how chief Rovella explains this one to the media politicians an community leaders!

    1. Don't talk about Rovella around Kevin. Kevin turns into Tony the Tiger; he's grrrreeeaaat !

  5. Concerned north end citizenJune 26, 2015 at 6:45 AM

    I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this situation how are cops like him an Kesslar still employed by the city of Hartford? They will have no one to blame when it hits the fan an we have our own Baltimore an Ferguson here in Hartford

  6. Def a sanitized an modified report OMG smh an let the cover up begin

  7. What happened to the comment that his grand daddy owned blacks as in slaves?? Was that taken out? Was it here say or did he actually say it ?

  8. They will have no one to blame when it hits the fan an we have our own Baltimore an Ferguson here in Hartford
    Actually, there are people, individuals and groups, to blame for the mob actions in Baltimore and Ferguson. And, I agree; something similar could easily happen here, especially if our political guys fail as leaders, stoke the flames of division instead.
    A police officer snatches at a teenager at a Burger King and winds up nearly getting choked out. In the video, the teenager in the altercation can be heard repeatedly saying “whats wrong with you man?!” basically telling the officer to act right and he will be set free. Unlike the police, the teenager showed mercy by allowing the police officer to get up. The police officer, however, showed his true self and used the teenagers mercy as a weapon against him- peppers praying him and his friends, attacking him with a baton and arresting him for assault when all he did was defend himself from an illegal arrest.

    1. Yes, yes, yes! Kevin your Pro-Cop mindset, fogs your bias judgement and so-called reporting. Hartford Cops have many, many issues and racist cops. One of the biggest is one of main sources Rob Allen, FOI his tenor with HPD, complaints & investigations. I have first hand encounters with this racist. I will send you history, long before you arrived.

      Take a Real look @ HPD, real look.....

  9. Peter,

    Please explain what was illegal about the officers actions and what was legal about the suspects actions?

    1. Just because they have a badge, they can't disrespect citizens doing nothing wrong, just cause they feel like it. See it all the time. HPD jump out the car bang on your window, yelling open the f**cking window... and it escalates from there.

  10. Peter,

    Please explain
    Apologies, Kevin, for the confusion.
    Check it out at the link below the quote; there's someone in California (Bay Area Intifada) who was aware of the incident wherein one of our Hartford cops was attacked by a punk at the burger joint. In my humble opinion, the punk's respect for society's laws is of a piece with the attitude of the mobs in St.Louis and in Baltimore. The guy in California to whose words you refer apparently believes that the punk in the video was the good guy, if not a hero. I believe the cops in St. Louis and in Baltimore have been railroaded. I pray that the prevailing anti-cop p.o.v. will be reversed before too many cops are hurt and before the cops get sick of pols who don't have their backs.

  11. Peter Brush are you Bipolar? You just made a comment bashing the police then another praising the police, dude make up your mind

  12. Between Foley and Ortiz this story should have come out 2hrs. after it happened. Just like everything on HFD does. It just shows that you and Danny only wanted to make HFD look bad to try and get rid of Huertas.

  13. Are you sniffing too many fumes? Who do you think put it out first once I got the reports?
