Friday, June 26, 2015


The  Hartford Police Department has a cancer in its midst, and like any cancer it needs to be removed quickly to keep the rest of the body healthy.

That cancer is Hartford Police Officer Kamil Stachowitz. Stachowicz is a racist cop who has no problem referring to African Americans using the "N" word in Public. His behavior was well confirmed by the Foxwood's Tribal Police as they banned him from the Foxwood's Casino for life. His lifetime ban was the result of a racist tirade inside the Casino when he freely yelled the "N" word as well as other racist remarks. He also made it a point of letting everyone know that he was a Hartford Police Officer while doing it.

HPD and the City of Hartford, as well as the Mayor and Council can't have it both ways. You can't be holding meetings asking for the support and confidence of the community, while at the same time condoning racist behavior. Police Officers that respect the residents of Hartford don't throw around the "N" word during  racist rants.

Last night, I personally put Councilwoman Jennings and Councilman Anderson on notice of Stachowitz's behavior. They claimed they didn't know anything about it, but now that the Foxwood's incident reports are posted and public, ignorance is no longer a defense.

What will City Hall do? Will they allow this cancer to grow until God forbid we are the next Ferguson or Baltimore? Or will they assume the leadership roles we expected when we elected  them?

What will the Hartford Police Union  do? Will they continue to support a racist cop , providing attorney's for him for his IAD interviews. Or will the majority of Union members stand up and say that Stachowitz's  behavior is not representative of them and is offensive to all of the other Union members that conduct themselves with dignity  and respect for the people they serve. Since Stachowitz's behavior didn't happen on duty , why is the Union obligated to defend his racist actions?

The union's actions also strengthen the appearance of the Union defending bad cops, rather than working to clean up the working conditions to protect the good cops.

A cancer diagnosis is never an easy thing to deal with, but everyone knows when that diagnosis is confirmed, difficult treatment decisions need to be made. That time is now and the difficult decision for removing the HPD cancer needs to happen now.

Below is another Foxwoods Tribal Police statement provided to me this morning by Foxwood's Police Chief  William Dittma. The statement was omitted from my original request for documents.


  1. Good God the plot thickens being a person of color if officer Stack gave me a parking ticket I'd challenge it an take it to court and then dare the city of Hartford to enforce it with cops like these on the department no wonder young minorities don't trust the police

  2. Well looks like the chickens have come home to roost this should be interesting an it's great to see that the union backs Neo Nazis like this idiot here smh

  3. Where is Pedro our "leader?" Haven't heard a single word from Pedro, no comment, nothing at all.

  4. And you probably won't. Pedro is a coward and won't stand up when some leadership is really needed. This is a potential powder keg and trust needs to be maintained

  5. Kevin, What makes a Hartford cop or firefighter risk reprimand and/or termination for drinking excessively in public and/or on the job??? ITS THE JOB!!!!! You cant train or pay enough money for people to filter out the City of Hartfords ugliness!!! Its impossible NOT to be affected by being so close to "uncivilized behavior". I'm not a therapist ,but I would put money that my statement is factual. Kevin,when did YOU get so sensitive to racist behavior and remarks???? YOU just posted a couple of weeks ago that YOU admired AL SHARPTON after his visit to Hartford !!!! Why the change of heart?? If you are truly offended by bigots ,you should have never went to that rally. Look up the word "hypocrite" . Also, why don't you talk with the Chief Rovella and ask him if he is doing everything possible for his troops to maintain their sanity.

  6. NWA had the right feelings towards the POLICE.

  7. Wow that fool really defended Stack here's one bigot anonymous 9:08 Are you serious?? The job makes one a racist? For him to say the things he did he was a racist before he joined the Pd shame on backgrounds an whoever did his polygraph that guy is a disaster an disgrace to the badge I've only been on the PD five years an I tell people I sell insurance no one respects the police right now

  8. This has definitely become a cancerous tumor inside the HPD and it may spread even more. Rovella and Foley will have to explain sooner or later what the hell is going on in their dept.

  9. 8 AM: Actually it's Segarra, the supreme leader, who has to explain.

  10. Why isn't Rovella with a full staff responsible but Huertas with no staff responsible?

  11. They both should be held accountable for their own departments

  12. If City Hall decides to get rid of HPD racist cops, please add Chief Ford and Sergeant Kessler to this removal list.
