Tuesday, June 30, 2015


The details are still a little thin. No one at HPD is commenting officially, but it seems as though another HPD veteran officer is quickly heading toward the ranks of the unemployed after his arrest last night. It seems as though Hartford Fire isn't the only agency dealing with battles with the bottle.

 HPD Veteran Officer Israel Zea was arrested early this morning by his own Department. Zea, according to sources, was arrested on a multitude of charges, including home invasion and domestic violence related charges.

The charges resulted after Zea arrived on the porch of his girlfriends home in the Frog Hollow section of the City. After being denied entry, Zea broke down the front door and entered the home and allegedly assaulted the female. HPD was notified and Zea was arrested.

Specifics and further information was not available from Deputy Chief Brian Foley. Zea's  current status as a Hartford Police Officer could not be established at this time either

HPD is in a very critical position now for staffing due to retirements, discipline problems are also currently taking their toll ,


After I posted the issue above, HPD quickly responded and released the details of the incident, which as you can see are identical to what I posted, it will be interesting to askhow much overtime Zea and others like Stachowitz have been working in overtime and has that resulted in increased stress and alcohol abuse in the Department.

On June 29, 2015 at 12:29am, Hartford Police Department patrol officers were dispatched to Lincoln Street for an domestic violence incident involving an off-duty police officer. The victim reported that Israel Zea forced entry into the her apartment and assaulted her. On arrival, HPD Officers located Zea in the second floor apartment being detained by two witnesses. The female victim sustained facial trauma and was treated at Hartford Hospital. Zea sustained facial injuries while being subdued by the two witnesses but refused medical treatment. Internal Affairs Investigators arrived on scene and took over the investigation. Probable cause was established and Zea was arrested, charged and taken to the HPD booking facility.


Arrested: Israel Zea, 6/9/66, 253 High St Harford, CT


1.       Burglary 2nd

2.       Assault 3rd

3.       Criminal Mischief 2nd

4.       Criminal Trespass 1st

Domestic Violence $50,000 Bond

Victim: Female, 47 of Hartford


A separate administrative investigation has been initiated. Israel Zea has been an officer for approx. 17 years, he has been placed on unpaid suspension.


  1. Wow too bad for Zea he might be done an yes HPD are dropping like flies !!!!

  2. When is the arrest for the ammo coming down?

  3. Too bad. He's a good and fair cop. I feel this was out of character (not that that matters).

  4. Yes when is the arrest for the ammo an misuse of funds coming down? And secondly do my resources an info serve me correct Stachowitz is working overtime and if an officer is hired for teleserve they will put the officer on the street and give Stack the overtime in teleserve that's hilarious. Wow business as usual in HPD seems officers of a certain ethnic descent get treated better than others no wonder that department has so many lawsuits against it.

  5. Was Officer Zea really drunk? How can he be 3 years from retirement and risk termination? If the relationship is that bad then it is time to let her go. So sad.

  6. LT weaver is coming ....June 30, 2015 at 6:43 PM

    I guess car 22 a squad will be filled on overtime for a while. Maybe klin will fill it in between his 2 hr pjs .....

  7. Free zea!! It was was a set up from the get go!

  8. Rovella has zero on stack. The most is maybe a 5-10 day just like inside booking forever Kessler, and Ford. Now that zea has taken the hpd baton, i wonder who will take it next ........

  9. Its a shame he's not on HFD he would be on payed vacation, I mean paid admin leave for months. more free money and time off.

  10. I take it personally whenever something like this comes out of HPD.
    Every time I hear about something like this it seems to be from HPD, I am by no means saying all hpd officers are scumbags, I know there are a lot of good men and women on the job there, I've know many. But I can definitely say there have been massive oversights when it comes to hiring residents.
    I went through the TWO YEAR application process with HPD, myself and a couple other guys got bumped from making the cut for the academy just one week before it started. If that wasn't enough to piss me off that same academy class kicked out a few guys half way through for failing out and not taking it seriously, and one was pulled out due to a major background issue that was somehow overlooked initially.
    I know this recent arrest was of a senior officer but hearing about any HPD officer getting arrested really gets me, Regardless of what they say the City has plenty of candidates who know what INTEGRITY means that get overlooked to fastrack certain applicants.
    I won't even go into the fact that they are hugely understaffed while at the same time giving a select group OT private and road jobs on top of their normal schedule totaling 110-120 hours A WEEK!

    Do the math Hartford! Hire MORE and better qualified candidates, even-out the work load and hire the best people for the job every time.

    1. Aggraved, eveybody in Hartford knows the math. You last paragraph must read:

      Do the math Pedro Caviar!

  11. Officer Zeas was ambushed in the second floor by a jealous exboyfriend and brother of the supposed victim. What were the exboyfriend and brother doing hiding in the second floor porch!?? I smell something funny here. I think HPD jumped the gun on arresting one of there own. Why didn't the two men that ambushed officer Zeas get arrested. Sounds like a set up to me.

  12. July 1 at 8:48,

    Bro, hiding or hanging out together? What was Zea doing there in the first place? It's not his home or the home of anyone he has a relationship with. Poor decision.
    The brother has no reason to be jealous, the only thing he's going to be is protective of his sister. They didn't get arrested for a reason.

  13. Anonymous at 12:41

    Yes, you're right. I should have said "Do the math Mayor Caviar!"

  14. ... soon to be called "former mayor". we hope

  15. Do the math Hartford! Hire MORE and better qualified candidates, even-out the work load and hire the best people for the job every time.
    Sounds right to me. What do any of our mayoral candidates say about it?

    1. I'd really like to hear their input as well.

  16. Please.......our city is only concerned with hiring minority candidates, plain and simple. I personally know several exemplary laterals that were washed out only because they were Caucasian.

  17. Although I don't agree with what Officer Zea did to me it looks like one of those scenarios throw enough S.h.i.t at a person some of it is bound to stick. How do you charge someone with criminal trespass unless they were told prior that they couldn't be there or there is a standing order? Criminal mischief? for what breaking the door? That's what the burglary charge is for. Once again certain officers get treated well others get the axe. Because Sgt Rutkauski did the same and worse as an officer an was made Sgt. Officer Sullivan had a lot of domestics was made Detective then made a Sgt. Hope Zea fights this an wins!!!!!

  18. Anonymous at 11:52: YUP!!! Im on the job 7+ years, magically when I went through the HPD background I had "questionable character issues" despite no discipline and multiple commendations from supervisors

  19. Multiple commendations from inept supervisors means absolutely nothing bragging about being a cop in the city of Hartford is like a kid in special Ed bragging he has the best grades in class

  20. Anonymous at 6:30 am: sorry i may have made that confusing, i have 7+ years on with another agency and was in the process to transfer to HPD. Clearly it was for the better it didnt work out
