Tuesday, June 30, 2015


The video below, on its face value, looks bad. But as we always hear, there is usually two sides to every story.

The individual in the video below being apprehended by HPD Officers, is a convicted felon with a history of gun possession. He was observed by two officers near Mather and Garden Streets in Hartford. The officers stopped to check him out and thought he may have a weapon under his jacket.
One of the officers conducted a quick pat down and felt what he thought was a gun. As he reached for his handcuffs to detain the man, the suspect swung around and elbowed the other officer in the face breaking his nose and injuring his eye.

A foot chase ensued and the suspect was apprehended about a block away. He refused to comply, but was eventually taken to the ground and arrested.

Now watching the video, it looks much different and the person shooting the video  readily adds his own vulgar narrative, but they never show a closeup of the injured Officer's face, streaming blood. This video is meant more to inflame than it is to provide factual evidence. My understanding is that none of the video has been turned over to HPD as of this point.

I have seen pictures of the injured officer and they provide a very different side to this story. As of this point HPD has not been helpful to provide the other side of this story, and I am not sure why. I think rather than running on emotion both sides should be put out to avoid further complications.

I am trying to be able t to obtain the photos of the injured officer to post here to present both sides.

 As I was writing this , a source outside of HPD sent me the pictures of the injured officer I have confirmed their authenticity with HPD and to make sure the release would not interfere with any investigation.

The video below is unedited  as well as offensive in the language used, please mute the audio if you are offended by strong language


  1. shows you how much "support" the police is getting in the North End.

  2. Chris Lyons retired HPDJune 30, 2015 at 1:23 PM

    I like the line "HPD" has not been helpful to this point.

    Here is my point.

    Detective Brian Salkeld was assaulted as he tried to make an arrest and was struck in the face. He sustained a broken nose and other facial injuries and your concern is that HPD has not been helpful? How about a little concern for Detective Salkeld. Police are rarely given the benefit of any doubt AND people are quick to make judgements, cast aspersions and they are usually at the cost of the police. Physical force always looks bad but sometimes that is part of the job.

    The only consideration for me is that Detective Salkeld heals quickly and returns to work. As for the accused he is going where he belongs--to jail.

  3. Wow unbelievable Kevin you really get the scoop before the news an report accordingly why don't a network just give you a job cause you have resources more than the damn news that's for sure good thing you got these pics this should prevent a freaking race riot because I'm sure there were certain folks looking for the opportunity to burn an loot !!!!?

  4. Chris,

    You know as well as I do that in the current climate, it is in the best interest of every law enforcement agency to get out in front of issues like this not refuse to answer phone calls or provide additional information. This issue could escalate quickly if left on its own. And I initially did check on officer salkeld's condition Sunday night

  5. If you are so good at getting the real truth why can't you get Foley to give you the original report from Foxwoods.

    1. How about getting the signed payment approval by Rovella for the ammunition...

    2. Nothing is going to happen with the ammo situation. It will look bad at the top. It will be swept under the rug. If it would not affect the man in charge, trust me something would of been done a long time ago.

  6. The originalFoxwoods reports are posted. What more would you like

  7. Police Lives MatterJune 30, 2015 at 5:51 PM

    It's time we gave Hartford residents what Baltimore residents wanted. No police initiated contacts, answer call for service only. This is what they want. That has to be the most controlled and proper use of force with green zone strikes. Nobody cares about the police.

    1. I totally agree with 5:51PM. POLICE LIVES MATTER!!!

    2. Police are nothing but gang members themselves don't act like white top wearing clown,the fact that police has more domestic violence reports on their significant other than anybody else and it's not talking about is sad cops are gang gang gang they only look out for themselves shoot first ask last and always innocent

  8. Salkeld is a good guy. Always fair and a great detective. Fact.
    The highly educated individual who is filming the video obviously was home for lunch from his full time job and happened to catch the last two minutes of the incident.
    That particular area of hartford , unfortunately is completely a lost cause. The residents dont care about their own neighborhoods.

    And chris lyons, you are probably one of the most well spoken, educated, and best cop i have ever worked with. ( 902 buyak is a very close second).

  9. Chris Lyons is in a whole nother category than 902 Buyak. The two can not even be compared. Chris Lyons is a legend that can never be replaced.

  10. Bring back the death penaltyJuly 1, 2015 at 12:03 AM

    The perp should rot in jail

  11. Bishop John Selders Jr. of the United Church of Christ in Hartford and a leader of the Moral Monday group, which staged a "Black Lives Matter" protest downtown that clogged rush hour traffic and resulted in a dozen arrests, including his own, felt he had seen enough from the video to make a judgment.

    "I don't quite know the circumstances, we see the video from midstream," Selders said Tuesday before details were released. "But what I can say is that no human being should be subjected to that. This was inhumane, we don't treat dogs like that."
    Thanks very much to the cops involved, Fogg and Salkeld. I would be grateful if mayoral candidates would express themselves on this incident, or type of incident. Are they on Salkeld's side or do they agree with "Bishop" John Selders and his "Moral Monday" anti-cop agitators? A good Mayor would stand behind the cops, and condemn the barbarians who control "particular areas" of town. He would demand respect Our cops, and brook no pseudo-civil rights attacks on them when doing their very dangerous job. The present Mayor's response to this incident was disgraceful.
    Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra said Tuesday that while he was extremely concerned by what he saw in the video and could understand the community outrage...

  12. I take my hat off to all HPD officers for dealing with all of these shit bags on daily basis. I couldn't do it.. And the guy shooting the video is probably not missing a day at work

  13. Please note: HPD officers deal with this crap A-N-D risk their lives EVERY SINGLE DAY.
    Thank you very much.

  14. Hey, has anyone seen Rich Holton or Nazario Figeroa? In case you weren't aware, they're the HPD union president and Vice President. Was the HPD union abolished? They're surely around to check off that PJ and OT board. Holton / Fig could care less about any of you, ask Brian or Robert if they as much as merely received a phone call from either Holton or Fig. The answer is NO. It's time we got together and got rid of these two losers and got Chevzcheck in there like he should have been. Please organize and let's go forth with vote of NO confidence / impeachment of Holton / Figeroa. Our union is absolute garbage, all your doing is paying Holten's stipend so he can be completely awol and ride into retirement sunset. Wake up Union body.

  15. Wow that's a serious accusation Bolo for HPU, but you are telling the truth it's rather sad. Has the the pd or the Union addressed the public to calm the air? Richie Holton was the worst candidate period for union president check his background when he took the polygraph you might be amazed, but anywho hope Brian is ok!!

  16. Richie Holton's background was terrible.
    Please kevin show his polygraph results FOI.
    Holton does nothing and Figueroa just still sleeps in the union office on midnights. Holton also talks about union members in a trash em way.behind their backs. Vote of No Confidence is needed and impeach both of those losers.
    Holton just cares about the race car he has that the union is sponsoring. Members wake up and smell the cofee.

  17. What a coincidence.....blog post at 3:23pm yesterday, and then Holton sends out an email at 9:10pm yesterday. Up until the blog post he had NOT called Fogg or Salkeld. Now all of a sudden he calls a special meeting? Everyone including Holton knew about the press conference, he's our Union president......WHY was he NOT there? I'll tell you why.....cause he could care less. If you want FACTS talk to Fogg or Salkeld. Rich Holton....... your a disgrace to the union membership.

  18. Yah. Once holton got re elected he is too busy playing shaking down the FOP and other organizations to fund his obtuse dreams to become the next richard petty with his crappy race car. At least fig answers his phone. The others are completely useless. That fragnoli is pretty much the biggest zero i have ever met.
    The problem is no one but shevchik can save us now. He actually cares about the union body and officers.
    And holton, why give resources to racist stackowitz ? Have you lost your mind? Where is earl baidy ? I cant believe you guys would even answer a call from stackowitz .... What a disgrace !

  19. The only "disgrace" here are those folks who attack anonymously. Cowards....

  20. The union is useless. Holton puts on a great smoke and mirrors routine whenever there is pressure to actually do his job. Fragnoli will not be missed when we roll him out of his cubicle. He probably will throw his own retirement party since he thinks he is related to the italian gastapo .........
    I would write my name. But dont want to take the chance of not having union representation if i get into some shit .

  21. Why is stackowitz still working. How about unpaid suspension pending an investigation?

  22. Well put 11:27 AM

  23. But the union body voted for him. The fee of us that voted for the 25 year guys knew he was no good. The union body needs to hold him and the chief accountable. We are going to either get seriously hurt or killed out here because of them. They honestly do not care about us. Our chief is quick to please the public instead of standing by his officers. Of a cop is wrong he is wrong then you can launch an investigation. But to pro actively launch one, that means you don't stand by us. It's really sad that , not only we have to survive in the streets, but we have to try and survive within the department. What policing has come to! We are the true victims here. And by that I'm not referring to the few bad apples that are out there. I'm referring to the majority of us that come out here and put our lives in the line and do our job the way it's suppose to be done.

  24. This little emergency union meeting should be interesting since the last couple of comments have ruffled the feathers of our so called union board. Holton got elected. I blame all you new guys. Shevchik has 12 years to go. Holton will leave you high and dry. Fig is the only one that i would even ask for if i got into a serious incident.
    I wish i could refuse to pay my dues. I will take my chances paying elliot spector instead. .....

  25. Unit 66. Off lineJuly 3, 2015 at 5:15 PM

    All you bunch of turds made your beds. Now deal with it. Im glad i dont have to ride this titanic of a dept anymore. So long to all of you.

  26. I voted for Shevchik I knew Holton wasn't worth A DAMN WHEM THEY WERE RUNNING AGAINST EACH OTHER. Holton almost challenged Shevchik to a fist fight at roll I was there saw it with my own eyes and Lt. Roy had to step in and tell Holton to calm down. Holton ran a smear campaign against Shevchik and didn't stick to the issues or topics. All he did was insult Shev about how he worked booking his whole career but Shev kept it professional an didn't use personal insults to win a campaign. All the 25 year an out guys got sold up the river once again freaking idiots. Chief Rovella nor Holton give a damn about their officers out there risking their lives everyday thanks to the blog we can let the public know what's really going on in the dept.


    1. THEIR LAUNDRY MAY BE DIRTY and can be washed. . . but YOUR DEPARTMENT'S blood is DIRTY in MORE ways than ONE might as well be part of DPW the only two departments where it SNOWS year round.

  28. I notice that there was a small group of "protesters" outside the police station yesterday "in response to a recent video that showed police officers striking a man with a baton." One sign read, "No excuse for systems of Abuse."

    The "man" was a known criminal who gave Officer Salkeld an elbow to the face. Do these protesters give a whit about either about law and order? If black lives matter, shouldn't law and order be imposed as best we can in black neighborhoods? Is there no gratitude for the work done by Officer Salkeld and the HPD generally?

    If we have a "system" of abuse, the place to protest is not at the Police Dept. Mayor Segarra and the City Council are responsible for our systems. Does Mayor Segarra not have anything to say in response to this mindless "Moral Monday" mini-mob? Has he expressed any concern for the well-being of our police operating on our behalf?
