Monday, June 22, 2015


I started getting some caricatures e- mailed to me last week. They appear to be by someone very artistic by the way,  I would imagine that it is someone disgruntled with the Segarra campaign . The cartoons raise some funny issues and they can be followed at

 I have posted a couple here, but check out the rest if you have time. I am not sure why the female in the drawings is called "Cindy". It apparently is a reference to Segarra's campaign spokesperson Shelly Sindland who sometimes refers to herself as Cindy Crawford. The male in the caricatures is apparently intended to be Segarra's campaign manager.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin;
    Please consider adding a Contact Me Page for an easy 1 click quick message to be sent to you not all of us have smartphones or time to copy the email address open our email programs wait for it to load & then start a new email.

    Now the reason I'm writing...
    Can you investigate why there is a hold up on the building permits needed for the condos to be repaired - many were not owner occupied so there does not seem to be any rush by the city to get the building done & there are others I suspect who may be in the same position as Paul Zukowski where after 15 months he still can't move back into his condo & his home owners insurance funds have run out & he can't afford to pay for 2 places the details are at his gofundme page with a link to the news story that was done back when the fire first happened. Paul is nice guy who can't seem to get ahead with the craziness of the city inspectors changing what needs to be done so the construction crew can get finished & he can once again have access to his home.

    Thanks for your investigative reporting
