Friday, June 26, 2015


Many of you that read this blog and have been faithful to it also deserve much of the credit for its success. Without your help and trust in me keeping your information confidential, this blog would have never accomplished even close to what is has been able to do.

Without your calls, I would have never know to look for the Mayor's caviar and champagne swilling receipts. Without your calls and tips I would have never know about the secret little dal with Saundra Kee-Borges to fleece the people of Hartford with her comeback deal approved by Segarra.Without your calls I would have never known about the Mayor's former Chief of Staff and his stolen City vehicle recovered in front of his home on Capitol Avenue.

Yes, with your help and assistance we have accomplished much and exposed a multitude of corrupt activities in the Segarra Administration. The work is not done yet though.

Hartford can not survive another four years of the Segarra Administration and the City Council that has been complicit with it. The only way to change that is through the voting booth.

If you have attended any of the Mayoral Forums  being held across the City , I applaud you for your involvement. But have you been able to weed through all the crap that you are being fed.

Let's start with one of the hot issues. Second chances and the second chance legislation. If you listen to Segarra , he strongly supports second chances and sits at very forum and states that with all sincerity. But look at the facts. Actions speak louder than words. Do any of you recall the name Kennard Ray? Ray was hired to work in the Segarra Office doing community outreach. Ray was a convicted felon and served prison time on numerous gun and drug charges.

Probably not the best choice to be hired by the Mayor to work with community groups trying to rid their neighborhoods of guns and drugs,but I think it was more about Ray's connections with the Working Families Party and Segarra's political future than anything else.  Apparently Kennard's speciality  during his younger years was providing  guns and drugs  to their very neighborhoods. But regardless, Segarra hired him. After it was announced  that Segarra hired Kennard Ray, the response was quick from the media and Ray's criminal history was out in the open. Segarra's response was just about as quick, he immediately fired Ray.

Now does that sound like someone who believes in second chances or second chance legislation?  No , it sounds more like a fraud who will say and do anything when it fits his needs

Let's go to public safety. Segarra loves telling people he brought us Chief Rovella. More Segarra nonsense. The truth of the matter is that when Segarra could have hired Rovella, he was signing a contract for $70,000 for an outside search firm to pick a Police Chief. That result almost landed us our next police Chief who was apparently a drunk from Indianapolis who had recently been arrested for a DUI charge.

I also love that after 6 years, Segarra has suddenly decided to act Mayoral and now makes it a point to console victims of violence and the families of homicide victims. During that comforting process does he also advise the victims families that under his guidance both he and the City Council have ignored hiring  the necessary number of Police Officers to keep up with the needs of HPD. Does he tell them that HPD is  close to 100 police officers under where it should of where it should be? Does he advise these families during his consoling tour that the violence that took their loved ones life could be directly attributable to his mismanagement? At least 5 more officers retired this week and there is no end in sight. HPD is headed for a real staffing crisis.

Today marks a monumental decision from the US Supreme Court regarding same sex marriage. It just happens to coincide with a Gay Pride Rally at the Old State House this evening. I am sure Pedro Segarra will be front and center proclaiming hi "gayness" He actually organized the rally and placed his husband in charge of organizing the even. But what is the motivation? Hartford hasn't had a gay pride rally in several years and under Segarra there has been very little attention to the gay community.

 Might it be that Segarra realizes that roughly 10% of the population are gay or identify as LGBT or Q. That is also 10% of the voting population as well as potentially 10% of possible donors. In a City with roughly 50,000 voters, 10% is 5,000 if they all voted, that's enough to win an election.Why would Segarra pander to them and act like he cares?If it was about "Gay Pride", it should have started in year one not year six when there is an election. More of the Segarra fraud.

Back to my original title. Now is the time to step up your game. If you believe Hartford needs serious change and you want to be part of it, continue to call me with your tips, but also pick up the phone and call your neighbors, friends, church members, actually anyone that will listen and tell them Pedro Segarra is the wrong choice for Hartford. Tell them if they care about this city, we need a fundamental change for truth and reality.

Go out in your neighborhood and knock on doors and tell them why we need change. Tell them why 4 more years of Pedro Segarra will be devastating to the people of Hartford.

Finally, if they ask you what the alternative is , let me say again, loudly, proudly and sincerely "I SUPPORT BOB KILLIAN FOR MAYOR" If you need to learn more , feel comfortable, call him and talk to Bob. Invite Bob to your home for coffee and a conversation, he will be glad to sit down with you and your neighbors and answer your questions. I doubt that is an offer you typically get from politicians.  But check out the real deal and know what you are getting in advance.

 Let's end the fraud and move forward with integrity.


  1. Sorry Kevin I'm supporting Luke Broner we need a new jack some young blood with new young ideas not to sound racist but we have emojis old white men running this country in congress politics etc etc we need a energetic charismatic leader who can at least live another 20 years no offense to Killian but Luke Skywalker has my vote against an evil Empire which is City Hall lol laughing but very serious!!!

  2. I'm a supporter of anyone, ANY CANDIDATE, running against Segarra. There're enough evidence showing dirt, corruption and gross mismanagement by the Segarra administration. It would take many more pages to mention all the ugliness and corruption in the past 5 years. Without a doubt: SEGARRA MUST GO!

  3. Kevin Pedro will come to your house as well, if you invite him for conversation about corruption, soliciting prostitutes, disrespect of employees, done dirty deals, how your spouse should be allowed have the final say in your job, incompetent administration team and only if you have Caviar & Champagne. After all we the taxpayers paid for it once before, that we know of.

    Pedro is a Big Joke, a Bad Joke , a Dirty, Nasty JOKE!!!!

  4. I'm also supporting Luke Bronin. I like Bob Killian a lot but strongly believe that Bronin is the only one who could win against Segarra.

  5. I haven't made up my mind yet, leaning toward Bronin and Killian.
    I totally agree with anonymous at 7:04pm and respectfully ask his permission to copy his conclusions: Pedro is a big, bad, dirty, nasty joke!!!

    1. Me and some of my friends are seriously considering to vote Bronin or Killian. Both are qualified, both will serve with integrity. We 're trying to figure out who will do a better job.
      Whoever wins - Bronin or Killian - is a blessing to Hartford. Segarra is so corrupt, so out of touch, he must go!

  6. I was slash am a supporter of yours keven. The final report comes out about hfd and you have nothing to say about it. The urban rennisouncee is going on in Hartford that's why tac 760 was on the news. All these buildindings people coming into the city. Here's a story for you foi the reports on 777 main st. Look how many fire violations have been looked over. Oh yeah the fire house on main and Belden technectly is still condemned.

  7. You need to go back and re-read the posts, especially the steaming pile of crap one, all about the report. It is not just 777 Main Street, look at what was done at 201 Ann Street, much of it by unlicensed , out of state contractors. Is no one watching? Where is the FMO? Too busy kissing the Chiefs ass?

  8. Here are some real news, not from those who hate Segarra or from those who like him (does anyone still in favor of Segarra, except of course to his campaign manager or those who benefit from him).

    This report comes from Moody's Investors Services:

    "Moody's has downgraded Hartford's debt and reaffirmed a negative outlook. Again.
    Moody's downgrade reflects Hartford's weak financial position, a reliance on one-time revenue, pension and debt liabilities, limited ability to raise additional revenue."

    This is the Hartford's second downgrade in 9 months. Thank you Pedro Segarra for leading our city towards bankruptcy, you dirty, rotten ba----d.

  9. Kevin, is this Moody's report true, cause if it is, then it's a huge scandal. I haven't read anything in the Courant

  10. This Moody's Investors report is worthy of a 1st page news. I guess the media has more interested in the Travelers golf championship. Segarra will definitely hide this report.

  11. Bro in has too many corrupt people around him for me .....Angel Morales......Noel McGregor......Lou Watkins....Shawn Wooden....Eddie Perez....Prenzina Holloway....RJo Winch....and the list of corrupt leeches goes on and on.

    1. Bro needs them to get the DTC votes

  12. I haven't heard anyone but Killian address the financial problems facing the City.


    The downgrade to A3 from A2 reflects: the city's weak financial position which is evidenced by a continued reliance on one-time revenue sources in order to balance the budget; a narrow reserve position following a sizeable deficit in fiscal 2014 and modest expected improvement in fiscal 2015, limited revenue raising ability in the absence of tax increases, and diminished flexibility for future expenditure reductions. The rating also incorporates sizeable pension, OPEB and debt liabilities, as well as the city's standing as the state capital and an important regional economic center, albeit characterized by weak socioeconomic indices.

    1. Not a surprising report, but still sounds pretty bad to me, especially because Moody's is not related to one candidate or another, and also the fact that it's the second time around, both downgrades while Pedro and Charlie O. are still in control.

  13. I'd like to hear what Segarra has to say about this downgrade and the negative outlook, the second time under his watch, the first downgrade since 2010. Can't wait for the next mayoral debate.

  14. The problem with Hartford is that the welfare receiving voters have no idea what the real Pedro story is. Come election day pedro will make sure all his aid receiving constituents are out at the polls voting and he will win no matter what is printed on this sight. What has to happen is real people have to go door to door and explain the truth to these people and hope they want what is right for Hartford and not how much extra free money they can line their pockets with. P.S. I don't live in Hartford but was born and raised here, and work here.HFD

  15. Clean Gene,

    You left the Dibella name off your list. They are a driving force behind Bronin.their political survival depends on a Bronin win

  16. 8:33am

    Get your friends together and invite Killian to sit down with you and ask him your questions, get a feel for him before you make your decisions. I think the choice will be very clear to you at that point. Send me an email or call me and we can get it going

  17. I said ken art us hired agin
