Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra showed his true colors last night with his hissy fit a the Hartford Democratic Town Committee's nominating convention For a man that claims to love the City and care about its people,  he has a funny way of showing it.

Segarra is ego driven and his actions clearly show it.  How do you "decline" a nomination that you were never offered and never were going to be offered. Was that part  of Segarra's plan to be depicted as the martyr being squashed by the terrible Ivy League, outsider preying on the innocent voters of Hartford? It didn't work from what I am hearing. Segarra looks more like a whiny immature brat and Bronin's response makes him look more like a man capable of leading the Capitol city forward.

Segarra does get my sympathy though. I  feel bad that someone that came into office with so much good will and hope for his success could squander that opportunity . All of Segarra's  failures have been his own doing. He is just too delusional to realize it or t even admit his failings. That has been he hallmark of his administration. It is always someone else's fault.Even our snowplowing issues were the fault of suburbanites sweeping their cars off after storms on Hartford's streets.

Segarra has never seemed capable of the self analysis required to admit mistakes and correct them, the blame game I guess is easier than actually making changes.

Pedro, if you really care about Hartford, you will realize you have failed. You missed a huge opportunity that was handed to you. You will now realize that it is time for you to step aside and see what the next man can do with the opportunity.

Segarra's Statement:

Contact: Shelly Sindland

There comes a moment in one’s life when you must stand up for what is right and walk away from what is wrong.  Tonight was one of those moments.
I chose not to accept the nomination of the Democratic Town Committee because I am in this race for the people of Hartford and not the politics.
I will not stand by and let outsiders try to buy their way into office and take control of our city.
It would be an abomination for us to let political influence determine the character of Hartford that would be represented by someone who has never held political office or advocated on behalf of the City of Hartford. 
Tonight we say: let the people decide and not a few political insiders trying to stack the deck in their favor.
Too much is at stake to hand over the reigns to an outsider who has absolutely no experience to be Mayor and no real relationship with the people here. 
Our campaign and the great people of Hartford will do everything to insure the people’s victory on  Sept. 16
This election has always been about the people of Hartford.  Tonight, I walk with them.

--Pedro E. Segarra

Mantilla Leadership Solutions
25 Hamlin Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117


  1. so he uses a consulting firm thats based in West Hartford... nice

    Also didnt he accept the nomination two other times?? and now suddenly doesnt buy into nomination process??

    1. Of course he used a firm from West Hartford, it's way, his non belief in Hartford & it's residents. Segarra violates and ignores the Charter, Polices, Audit Commission Reports, the Law EVERYDAY,

      All Directors & Deputy ' s Must live in Hartford. Do the Math This Coward Does Not Care, he has No Moral Compass, he just wants to be re-elected.

      He's really not the Mayor , he just plays one on TV. Hartford change the Chanel, VOTE!!!!!

  2. There comes a moment in one’s life when you must stand up for what is right and walk away from what is wrong. Tonight was one of those moments. –
    What he really meant: I should not have run for re-election, as that was wrong.

    I chose not to accept the nomination of the Democratic Town Committee because I am in this race for the people of Hartford and not the politics.

    What he really meant: I could not accept because I was never offered it in the first place, I am really in this race because I like the attention and perks on the backs of the people of Hartford, besides I am awful in politics.

    I will not stand by and let outsiders try to buy their way into office and take control of our city.
    What he really meant: I will keep my tonton macoutes (a brigade that Dictator Papa Doc from Haiti used to to bully his own people) if I stay in office and keep control of the city.

    It would be an abomination for us to let political influence determine the character of Hartford that would be represented by someone who has never held political office or advocated on behalf of the City of Hartford.

    What he really meant: I hope no one remembers that I had any experience as a Mayor before and have never advocated for anyone other than my TonTon Macoutes….

    Tonight we say: let the people decide and not a few political insiders trying to stack the deck in their favor.

    What he really meant: Tonight the people have decided and I will force them with my TonTon Macoutes to re-elect me.

    Too much is at stake to hand over the reigns to an outsider who has absolutely no experience to be Mayor and no real relationship with the people here.
    What he really meant: Too much is at stake, my power, my ego and my caviar, and besides I never answer the phone calls of my constituents anyway. I ignored the parents from Renzulli……

    Our campaign and the great people of Hartford will do everything to insure the people’s victory on Sept. 16.
    What he really meant: Yes, I will do anything to keep in power, I will let loose my TonTon Macoutes on anyone opposing me.

    This election has always been about the people of Hartford. Tonight, I walk with them to the next crime scene.

    --Pedro E. Segarra

  3. He's a legend!!
