Monday, July 27, 2015


Tonight will tell the story. Will the Hartfortd Democratic Town Committee vote for change or will it be more of the same old same old. Will DTC members endorse Luke Bronin to bring about change  or will they side with a Mayor who seems to reenforce his incompetence and lack of leadership every day. Many are saying "too little too late for Pedro Segarra who seems to have driven Hartford into a leadership ditch with his decision  making . The baseball stadium is just one example of his missteps, his refusal to hire sufficient Police officers to keep pace with attrition is another. Segarra also has a reputation of surrounding himself with losers, Saundra Kee-Borges jumps to mind as one of Segarra's biggest  losers. Jared Kupiec is another front runner of Segarra's choice of losers.

The DTC will face another test as they select a slate of Council Candidates. Like a junkyard offering a selection of used tires, that is what will most likely be pushed forward. Ken Kennedy and rJoWinch come to mind as useless re-treads ready to hit the road again .Why? Is there no one being mentored by the Democratic establishment to provide leadership to the people of Hartford. Do we really need to settle for the same old hacks?

And I saved the best for last. Judge of Probate. It is somewhat shameful that the position vacated by Judge Robert Killian Jr., a man of integrity and honesty, may be replaced by a corrupt and possibly criminal attorney, Alexander Aponte. If Aponte gets the nod from the DTC, we should probably offer the FBI desk space in the Probate Court so they will be ready to move when Aponte gets going. Aponte is already well versed in Food Stamp Fraud, could fleecing someone's estate be much of a jump? (to learn more about Aponte's history, just type his name in the search bar above and read about his history)

I guess we will see what the DTC thinks about Hartford's future.


  1. If Bronin becomes mayor good bye Hfd upper escilon. Here comes Nolan I'm a 50/50 fan of him but get ready. I wonder if Towey will ride his coat tails to rise through the ranks again.

  2. R jo wench yellow hummerJuly 27, 2015 at 8:37 PM

    Caviar walked out running his mouth. He will take it to the streets????? He can collect signitures at murder scenes. But do signitures of the dead count in an election ? He is completely out of his mind. The uconn deal had zero to do with him.

  3. Ken Kennedy is gonna get the nod again or it will be a racial conspiracy in his words. He will continue to run his mouth and bad mouth the police. When is he going to show up at a murder scene involving his community?

  4. Unless a homicide happens on Terry Road Ken won't be there that's his community

  5. Segarra this evening: "I have been a resident of this city for 41 years."
    Who cares if you are here 41 days or 41 years. What, you're now entitled to be a mayor?
    We judge you after 5 years as mayor and you failed, you did a horrible job. Minnie Gonzalez will support your butt as long as her unqualified her daughter remains with her job in the mayor's office.

  6. Watch out Luke Bronin, Segarra will bring dead people and the homeless to vote for him in September.

  7. The issues in this mayor's race are taxes, jobs and crime.
    Segarra: On the taxes issue YOU FAILED.
    Segarra: On the jobs issue YOU FAILED.
    Segarra: On the crime issue YOU FAILED.
    Now go, JUST GO!

    1. I agree, failure on taxes, failure on jobs and failure on crime. Nothing else to measure his performance.

  8. Hey brookman ,
    You are on minnie gonzalez hit list ! She will get elected again and again. And her no talent daughter will stay in her 100 k a year job when the true patriot, Pedro Segarra is re elected by the spanish !!
    North enders dont vote anyways.

  9. Minnie gonzalez is watching you brookman !!

  10. That's fine I'm pretty sure there's a lot more people watching her including the states attorney and elections enforcement

  11. Nbc news at 11 pm. Segarra. You look like an idiot! You think you can just walk out on citizens? Who collects the signitures for you? Better not violate election laws. No election work by employees of city hall. But then again what do you care. Knock on my door and i will turn on my hose!

    1. To Joe the tax payer: Segarra doesn't look like an idiot, he IS an idiot and walking out on us all that's has always been his way

  12. Just so all of you know. My pension is 110 k a year. So long fire mice ! Plus i have my rental properties. So life is good for me.

    1. Life is good ffor you, wait until the FBI will come to knock knock on Tic Tac Toe door

  13. Did you see Segarra leaving Bulkley School this evening surrounded by the people he pays to, including Figueroa, his campaign manager whatever his name is and that tall, blond female whatever her title is.
    They're with Pedro around the clock. The "I decline to accept your nomination" show was planned when they figured out that the caviar man will not win.

  14. I'll recommend Segarra to next season of "THE BIGGEST LOSER." That's where he belongs.

  15. "Segarra said he was taking the fight to the streets." Don't we already have enough fights in the streets that Segarra wants to add even more? Those fights already took 19 lives and injured many more this year.

  16. The mayor has lived in Hartford for 41 years. Give or take a few years that he spend at the Westfarms bathrooms, that's considered Farmington and West Hartford. Give or take a few more years that he spent with 'Touch of Class' usually in motel s outside Hartford.

  17. Pedro Caviar Segarra and Minnie Mouse Gonzalez are "taking the fight to the streets" to get 1,700 signatures, which is no big deal for them, after all Pedro Caviar with the help of Minnie Mouse added many more homeless in Hartford in the last 5 years.
    We're the 2nd poorest city in the country. A great accomplishment for all those eating caviar (and not paying for it).

  18. Pedro Caviar must win the November election. Can you imagine what's gonna happen if Luke Bronin wins? All the corruption, all the mismanagement, all of Pedro's crap will be exposed.

  19. Pedro's favoritism and corruption that we know about is just a tip of the iceberg. Bring the FBI.

  20. Someone please get Caviar Pervert a map of the streets he will take the fight to or put GPS in his vehicle, he does not know where most streets are nor has he walked them.
    Questions Pedrito:
    Will you have your "special police detail? Will he map your street routes for you? Or will you let him do real police work, like investigate the 19 murders on your watch?

    This coward put his tail between his legs and walked out like a little b***h, this sissy was advised to roar like a lion spitting nonsensical rhetoric , what Hartford and on lookers saw was a PUSSY CAT.

    Pedrito give it up, your done using Hartford as your LITTER BOX.

  21. Better investigate this fire on Park St., Pedro needed something news worthy do deflect from his temper tantrum and his true loser performance last night.

    Honestly I would pay anything to be a fly on the wall at the gated Prospect St home last night. If you see him wearing sunglasses today, you'll have a good idea.... all the crying, booze and pills, his bags under his eyes will be bigger than usual today, oh yeah and you know Charlie went off on him.

  22. The mayor behaved like a spoiled little boy by walking out when he didn't get his way. But people shouldn't count him out. The people he surrounds himself with don't want to lose their access and can still round up deadbeats to vote. This is hartford after all. The ethnic card will be in play.

  23. Bronin would be a better mayor. I'm one of many who don't want to see Segarra in office for another four years.

  24. You know Towey is almost smart enough to have really gone away to college like a big Sorry Charlie he likes to give the impression that he has real world credentials...these guys on the HFD are big with their phony on line degrees. But at the end of the day sharp guys like Towey always play on both sides of the fence. This is exactly why you can't really believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

    Segarra, you are gone, your political career was set back or even ended last night. Good riddance you corrupt, incompetent fool. Malloy your democrat brother sold you down the river, maybe Culboro has a job for you as a picker.

    Malloy has picked the next mayor of Hartford. Kennedy and Wench, you are the next political hacks with a bullseye on your seat. We are coming for you. This is a historic opportunity for the city of Hartford. The gravy train has left the station for the last time, sorry for all the wannabee politicos who remain unemployed. The 21st century just caught up with Hartford.

  25. Pedro Segarra, anticipating a big loss last night, walked away before the vote started. He shocked everyone.
    Maybe we'll all be lucky and have Pedro Segarra walk away from his office as well. C'mon Pedro, shock us again.@l


    There comes a moment in one’s life when you must stand up for what is right and walk away from what is wrong. Tonight was one of those moments.

    I chose not to accept the nomination of the Democratic Town Committee because I am in this race for the people of Hartford and not the politics.

    I will not stand by and let outsiders try to buy their way into office and take control of our city.

    It would be an abomination for us to let political influence determine the character of Hartford that would be represented by someone who has never held political office nor advocated on behalf of the City of Hartford.

    Tonight we say: let the people decide and not a few political insiders trying to stack the deck in their favor.

    Too much is at stake to hand over the reins to an outsider who has absolutely no experience to be Mayor and no real relationship with the people here.

    Our campaign and the great people of Hartford will do everything to ensure the people’s victory on Sept. 16.

    This election has always been about the people of Hartford. Tonight, I walk with them.

    --Pedro E. Segarra

  27. corrupt simpleton...the people have already made their decision, you lost big last night. There will be no recovery for you, your career is finished. There are however big opportunities in the shade tobacco business so why don't you pack up your burro and ride up to Windsor Locks and get busy.

  28. While we are on the subject of epic fails, lets talk about the sorry state of the HFD. Well Charlie lets hear about the latest corrupted, mismanaged officers test. Just so the public knows the HFD and city hall have colluded for years in the manipulation of test scores to promote political favorites on the department. This extremely dangerous practice has put many political hacks in positions of power over much more accomplished and deserving candidates. This can and has gotten people killed.

    Back to the current test. How much has this cost the city in time and testing fees. This test has been so corrupted by the city hall employees who were improperly inserted into the testing process that a major lawsuit is probable. This will delay promotions of deserving candidates by at least year. For how long will Charlie be excused for these rookie mistakes. I don't think Mayor Bronin will suffer with these fools at all. There is a new sheriff in town and his name is not Segarra or Huertas.

  29. Pedro, Here's a quote for you,,,,"HARTFORD AND THE STATE OF CT DECLINE TO ACCEPT YOU AS MAYOR ANY LONGER" Kevin , Here's a question for you ,,How do you feel about Hartford's Human Resource Dept hiring individuals that aren't even U.S. citizens?????? IS "GUYANA" PART OF THE WEST END????

  30. Someone from Guyana could still be legal US citizen

  31. HFD doesn't hire the companies that administer tests', the City does. The administration has no more to do with the grading of the orals than the people taking do!

  32. Sure the city hires the testing company...makes it easy to fix the results when they are paying the bill...who sees the scores first? The HFD administration and the Union are complicit in this activity. They know things are dirty and they have been looking the other way for years. Its called go along to get along. Everybody knows that direct political pressure has been brought to make a certain deputy chief. I heard that Charlie was walking in circles mumbling in his office when the north end politicos forced him to make Jones.

  33. Jones hasn't killed anyone yet has he!

  34. tac is back "Brady" City hall and vinnie knows all.

  35. It's funny how Boo Boo hates Jones so much but he supported the killer Chief and as the starter of all things murder feels that he himself should also be a Chief.

  36. We never had any of these problems when the Irish ran the Department. If it is returned to it's rightful owners everything will fall into place. Danny is our man.

  37. Maybe we should go back to the tests being reviewed by Training before they can be administered to the Dept. Maybe the guys on the bottom of the Deputies list would do better.

  38. Bye Bye Celtic Hero!!!
