Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I've said it many times here before, but I often wonder if Pedro Segarra is delusional or just really out of touch wth his City? Wednesday evening Max Reiss had a great piece questioning some of  Segarra's claims. Again everything is someone else's fault , it is never Pedro's responsibility. Apparently, according to Segarra, Hartford's spike in homicides and violent crime is Governor  Malloy's fault. The facts aren't there to back  Pedro's clams up, but we know it must be true  because Pedro says so.

Click here  to see  NBC Connecticut's report:

I wonder why the Governor seems to get it, when our Mayor doesn't. Malloy was accompanied on a walking tour through the crime ridden Northend by a local pastor AJ Johnson. In the 95 degree heat and stifling humidity, ,Malloy,  Pastor Johnson  and others were actually "taking it to the streets" to hear the concerns of concerned residents. Segarra, who had promised to take his campaign "to the streets" was too busy to accompany them, he was cutting a ribbon and kissing babies for the photo ops in Baby Pope Park. Why is it that a young pastor is more in touch with his community than the Mayor is, and why is it that a Pastor has more vision to get things done than Segarra?

At the same time, Segarra's challenger, Democratic endorsed nominee Luke Bronin was also taking it to the streets , walking and listening to the concerns of business people and residents in the Upper Albany area.. Maybe Pedro needs to update his  GPS to be able to find Upper Albany. I think he usually just follows the television live trucks to the latest homicide scene.

At a 5:00pm news conference on the steps of City Hall, Segarra unveiled his Council slate, his choice of retreads that have been complicit in leading us down our path to destruction. Ken Kennedy, Kyle Anderson and Edward Casares. Ken, just a note, I never did get all those documents you said you were going to deliver to "my fat ass" to  show your accomplishments during your stellar 14 year career on the Council. Read more about that here

And to continue the hypocrisy, I am getting tired of Segara's claims that he is qualified to be Mayor because he has lived her for 41 years. He seems to be claiming that Bronin can't make a good Mayor because he has only lived here a decade or so. I think Segarra is disproving his argument everyday. Even a 41 year resident can make a lousy Mayor, just look at Pedro's record. I don't care is someone has been here only 6 months, if they show leadership and vision, they are more qualified than Pedro Segarra has been after 41 years.

And at the same time the hypocrisy gets even better.Segarra introduced one member of his Council slate who most likely has far less time in Hartford than the Bronin's. I have never seen him at a community meeting or even heard his name before. Apparently his claim to fame is that he is the roommate of Segarra's scheduler. Actually  correct  that, his scheduler was recently promoted to  Segarra's Deputy Chief of Staff  with a sizable raise. I defy anyone  to find either the positions of Scheduler  or Deputy Chief of Staff  as authorized positions  in the Mayor's Office as defined in Hartford's Charter.

You probably also won't find the authorization for an assistant media spokesperson or a videographer in the Charter either. But apparently it is Governor Malloy's fault tat we don't have the money to hire cops, but Pedro has a scheduler, imagine that.

Pedro, can you say hypocrite? It is time we demand honesty and integrity from our Mayor. I think we have a better chance of getting that from Bronin , even after he has lived here for 10 years or 41 years.


  1. Mayor Caviar is a liarJuly 30, 2015 at 12:06 AM

    Mayor Caviar is lying when he says that he has lived here for 41 years. He filed for Bankruptcy and moved to Florida and lived there over 10 years.

    1. Wow I was wondering how the hell did Segarra become a member of the Florida Bar Association in 2000 if he had been living here in Hartford the whole time.

    2. Damn it is true, he was living in Miami Gardens for 10 years. I found a link showing it at

    3. When and where did he file for bankrupcy? Details please. This liar must be exposed.

    4. I called some downtown rentals, they're asking more than $1,800 a month for a 1 bedroom, plus another $100 for parking. Nice view but more than $1,800 a month? Who do you think can pay that in Hartford, unless you work for Segarra with an outrageous salary like what he pays Thomas Deller the Seller, Maribel LaLuz the LaLose and his friends. This is rent for people eating caviar at taxpayers expense, you know, where the waiters take customers' wrong credit cards.
      Pedro C. Segarra. The "C" is for Crook, for Corruption and for Caviar.

    5. Downtown rents are crazy. Maybe Segarra can pay these kind of rents himself with his big, fat salary. Most Hartfordians cannot.

  2. Lt Weaver for chief !!July 30, 2015 at 1:01 AM

    Ken kennedy is a closet bigit. Hopefully his bag will be on the u-haul truck when bronin takes office ...

  3. Segarra's administration is nepotism to the highest level. He doesn't care about his people. He is going out to the streets in his desperation to play the race card. People wake up! Look at all the neglect around you. Your children don't have a chance climbing the ladder. Guess why all the build up of downtown? Is it for the people of color? Rents of 1,400 for a one bedroom? How can we achieve that with a subpar education? Giving all the money to money making schools and neglecting the neighborhood schools! Pedro did not listen to the parents of Renzulli a GIFTED school in the north end!!!! WAKE UP! open your eyes and look around do you see a path for progress for your people? He is a desperate dictator only cares about himself and his followers that he has given jobs with lots of $$$$$$$. Shameful, he is not for the people. Do not waste four more years with this fool!

    1. 6:58am He, Segarra, is in it for himself, the $150,000 a year plus a mountain of benefits he gets for life.

  4. Most of the people on his candidate slate have been on the pedro payroll! Even one is an unknown young lawyer, where the hell did he come from? Must be the token white boy........

  5. One of the Mayor's cronies showed up at the Park Street fire trying to comfort the victims. I'm glad the citizens spoke up and said the only reason your here is for our votes for the election. Don't sleep on the citizens who you expect to vote for you. They do not have a blind eye to what goes on in this city.

    1. Who's the person who appeared at the Park Street fire on behalf of what you call "mayor"?

  6. I think his name is Jalmar

  7. Replies
    1. Jalmar DeDios, that's Pedro Caviar's puppy I guess. Pedro is scared to show his face on Park and Broad, they don't want to hear his promises and more bullcrap talk from him over there

    2. Wasn't Jalmar the mayor's scheduler?

  8. I don't think Jalmar even lives in Hartford.

  9. OMG, ay Dios mio, Jalmar De Dios, that's the best Segarra was able to get to the people of Park Street. What an insult.

  10. I have been looking for those Street fighters,the Coward spoke of... haven't had a sighting yet? Town Clerk better be like Santa, check that list twice, he'll 5 times... Pedro & Minnie that's a recipe for FRAUD,, FRAUD, FRAUD!!!

  11. Jalmar was ordered by Segarra to represent him in the Park Street fire earlier this week.
    Tonight there's a new fire on Lawrence Street. I wonder who Segarra will order to be there, to cover for him



  14. Remember Segarra's ego talking about Life Star helicopters in Hartford? But Segarra is too busy with his campaign, strategizing how to handle the embarrassing situation with the Democratic Town Committee, that very quietly Hartford Hospital decided to remove Life Star to Meriden. They will not even wait for the new facility to be completed, they will keep the helicopter outside on the grass. As long as they're outside of Hartford.
    Another success story to Segarra.

  15. Mayor Caviar filed Bankruptcy in the late 90's. In the Hartford Bankruptcy the Court or FOIA them and get his records.

  16. Here's the proof that Segarra doesn't care about murders and other crime in Hartford:

    Leasers held community forum in the North End yesterday to discuss violence after Hartford has 19th homicide.
    US Reps. John Larson and Elizabeth Esty consider this a priority, an extremely important issue, and came from Washington DC to attend the forum.
    Mayor Segarra was a 'No Show'. According to his communication officer Hilda Munoz (yes, the City of Hartford is broke but has $$ for a communication officer but not for an additional police officer) because of 'scheduling issue'.
    Segarra has 'scheduling issue'. Let's assist Segarra, get him out of office so he could understand what the priorities are and will never have any scheduling issues again.
    A spokeswoman for Esty said she did not know why Segarra has been absent.

  17. Community leaders come together to discuss violence, the MOST important issue facing Hartford, but the mayor doesn't show up.
    Does Segarra suffer from depression? Didn't he take his 'medication' on time? Are the new revelations that he lived in Florida and not 41 years in Hartford and sbout his personal bankruptcy his new problems he can't deal with?
    What's going on Pedro?

  18. The details about his bankruptcy filing must be exposed. Hartford resident have the right to know about this. If Segarra cannot handle his own finances, how can he handle half a billion a year the city budget?

  19. The 3 most important issues facing Hartford are:

    Community leaders meet to discuss crime. Segarra confirms his attendance but then has a "SCHEDULING ISSUE" and doesn't show up.
    Is this a joke, is he disrespectful or what?
