Friday, July 10, 2015







  Saturday: Mayor Segarra speaks at Los Amigos softball Classic; Gives remarks at 20th Year Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide; speaks at Riverfest
Notice not one word from segarra about shootings and homicides and no plan to combat the violence. leadership?




(July 10, 2015) Tomorrow at 12 p.m. , Mayor Pedro E. Segarra will speak at the Los Amigos Softball Classic at Colt Park.


At 5:45 p.m., Mayor Segarra will give remarks at the 20th Year Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide, an event hosted by the Bosnian American Youth Association of Hartford.


At 7:00 p.m., Mayor Segarra will speak at Riverfest at Mortensen Riverfront Plaza.



WHO : Mayor Segarra

WHAT : Mayor Segarra will speak at Los Amigos Softball Classic

WHEN : Saturday, July 11, 2015; 12:00 p.m.

WHERE : Colt Park; 130 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford


WHO : Mayor Segarra

WHAT : Mayor Segarra will give remarks at the 20th Year Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide.

WHEN : Saturday, July 11, 2015; 5:45 p.m.

WHERE : Dr. James H. Naylor School; 639 Franklin Avenue, Hartford


WHO : Mayor Segarra

WHAT : Mayor Segarra will speak at Riverfest

WHEN : Saturday, July 11, 2015; 7:00 p.m.

WHERE : Mortensen Riverfront Plaza; 300 Columbus Boulevard, Hartford






  1. Segarra talks and talks and talk. Nonstop talk. Lots of promises and lies. His performance, his results are nothing less than miserable. Murder rate is up big time, city financials are down big time. That's the real Segarra, that's who he is.

  2. Who: 240 mr multiple 47 arrests .....

    What: Talking smack about the Chief

    When: Last week

    Where: Union meeting

    1. Some of the guys in the department expresses that the senior administration does not cares. I tend to believe differently. Deputy Chief Buyak, Ford, Long and Brooks who are a extension of Chief Rovella are always interacting with their officers. These Deputy Chiefs are willing to go above and beyond for their subordinates. Chief Rovella may not come down every single day to address role calls but is actions should speaks for itself. For all my years of working at the police department I have never recieved anything from senior administration until Chief Rovella gave us flash lights and working boots. In all the incidents that occurred from Officer Ware, Officer Jenkins to Officer Fogg Chief Rovella attacked the situation with the best interest of the officers. The Chief can never appear to be bias towards either side, he has to be tactful. He walked with the the protesters during Officer Ware's incident not because he agrees with them but to defuse and listen to the protesters. In Officer Jenkins and Officer Fogg incidents, Chief Rovella put out the facts of the incidents to the public in the protection of the officers. Because of Chief Rovella actions both incidents, they went without any outcry from the community. The Chief has a responsibility to both the public he serve and the officers of the department however some officers forgets that. They want to put a wedge between the police and the community. They believe that the community and the police are at war. It sad to say but many of these officers are here just for the money and nothing else. They no nothing about public service, they believe the community serve them. To them everyone who resides in this city is garbage.
      Sgt. Kessler who has made racist comments against blacks on the police radio have no rights to call the Chief a MORAN. Sgt. Kessler should at least been demoted for such a comment however Chief Rovella chose to be lenient on him. If it was up to me Sgt. Kessler would have been fired. Sgt. Rutkauski should have never been promoted for all the domestic incidents he have been involved in. The Chief was advised about not promoting Sgt. Rutkauski but refused to follow the advice and gave him a chance. If it was Chief Roberts administration Sgt. Rutkauski would have never been promoted. Officer Maghini should not even be working here. He got in trouble while as a recruit in the police academy and because of the good old boys group he is still here. I guess Officer Maghini is upset because he was sent to the south district. Officer Montrose it just a matter a time before his actions gets him fired. Lt. Reynolds speaks about the Chief not supporting is officers. I can guarantee that he did not reach out to Officer Jenkins or Fogg after their incidents. In South Carolina an officer shot down an unharmed black man as he was running away. On the radio the officer articulates that the black male was reaching for his gun. A citizen video recording showed something totally different however before the shooting the Chief in that town said the shooting was justified. If that incident had occurred in Hartford the Chief would have lost his job. As a lieutenant and is consider apart of the senior administration Lt. Reynolds you should have known better. There is no reason you should be bashing the Chief and is administration because of your personal opinion. The first Moral Monday that occurred in Hartford you handled it disastrously and as a result you were replaced by Lt. Allen. Just friendly advice to you Lt. Reynolds, learn how to be a Lieutenant before you attack the Chief, because you are failing miserably at it. At the end of the day Chief Rovella is doing a great job. It hard to be a police in these climate and it even tougher being a Chief. It the city burns to first to go is the Chief they maybe the Mayor. The only organization that has a responsibility to police is our Union. Where were they in all these incident. They should have been there with the Chief doing rumor control.

    2. 1239 am. Hmmmm.... I don't agree with you. What about the separation that the chief has caused within the department? The mayor can not be blamed for that. I see your point as far as him putting out fires. However you can put them out and still stand by your officers and let it be known that you support your officers justified actions. As far as the top administration most of them have their own agenda. They are doing things to benefit them. Open your eyes. Because it's obvious you are not seeing clearly.

  3. The Union is Racist an so is the Chief!!!

  4. The chief sent his new spy to the union meeting ... Yet all you brain surgeons began running your mouths......... Has the hot summer sun on your pjs given you heat stroke ???? Rodney was not there because he wanted some greasy cold pizza..... First sgt drove the hammer on the nail. Whoever talks about rovella will be transfered to patrol immediately !!!( or into booking with kessler)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. That's the way Rovella likes doing things. He is a bully. It's his way or the highway! He needs to change his policing way. Needs to be pro active, he lost the support of his officers because he is just out for himself. Now he lost the city!! He needs to wake up how bold are the criminals getting? Shootings in day light. That should tell him, his way is not working, prosper program is not working. He needs to go, and so does the mayor and all of city hall employees. All of the mentioned together have destroyed this city.

    1. Blame Rovella as much as you want. However, he's been asking for a long time to add P.O.'s replacing the injured and those who retired. Rovella's doing his job with about 20% less manpower than what was agreed as required for Hartford.
      It's Segarra you have to go after.

  7. I will disagree with you on that one The chief is done a great job when he has the resources to do it if City Hall isn't backing on it's impossible for him to do his job daytime shootings happened when criminals realize there's no visibility of cops on the street because were 100 officer short of where we should be

  8. A beautiful fireworks by the river tonight. The finale was incredible, like telling us this is Pedro Segarra finale as mayor.

  9. Hartford used to be called "The Insurance Capital."
    Under Segarra's watch Hartford is now "The Murder Capital."
    Under Segarra's watch Hartford also became "The Heroin Capital."

  10. Murders and drugs used to be in Hartford's North End. Segarra the idiot used to "blame " this on the I-84 that "devided " the city.
    Now we have murders and drugs all over the city, every section, every street, each territory. Maybe Segarra would now blame the I-91 or anything else he wishes as long as he doesn't blame himself.

  11. Segarra promised to bring jobs to Hartford 5 years ago. He brought no job. Nada. No jobs, no money, what young guys to do? They go to drugs to try make some money. Since drugs are risky, you better be protected, go get yourself a gun. More drugs everywhere, weapons everywhere, you should know the rest.
    We need jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs in Hartford. Pedro promised many, Pedro brought nothing, but got himself $150,000 a year job.
    Pedro Must Go!!!!!

  12. Do you really think street guys would give up selling drugs to get up early and go to work every day?
    I don't think so. I think they like easy money pla in. Simple. Part of the culture, period.
    A new avenue for cheap commuting is in place.busway, not exactly ovr crowded with people seeking employment Is it?

  13. Anonymous at 12:11 pm,, the problem started before these "young guys" were born ,when there WERE "jobs,jobs,jobs,jobs" in Hartford in the 70s,80s and 90s ,these "young guys" Great Grandparents ,,Grandparents and Parents,,COLLECTED,COLLECTED,COLLECTED AND COLLECTED" FROM SOCIAL SERVICES (WELFARE FOR YOU "OLDER" FOLKS)and never had the role models to facilitate the importance of education ,appropriate behavior ,dress etc. The "young men" in my family work 2 and 3 jobs,,,DONT GIVE THEM A COPOUT,,THEY CAN AT LEAST FIND ONE !!!! P.S. Segarra is a complete incompetent, but there has to be some personal responsibility regarding a persons life choices and decisions.

  14. @Anonymous at 3:52 p.m. I disagree in part with what you said. To say these "young guys'" great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents were not role models and all collected welfare is painting with a very broad brush. Those people were born before 1950, for the most part. And no matter their race or ethnicity, they had the work ethic. They were grateful to be raising their children in this country, and stressed the value of education and respect to those kids. Many of them worked at two or more jobs--often menial work--in order to support their families. I know these people. I grew up with their children and grandchildren. You exaggerate, sir or madam.

  15. There will always be thugs and punks who prefer working in Hartford street corners selling drugs. There will always be those who prefer being on welfare. However, if Segarra delivered on his jobs promise, there would have been many others doing better things in his life, working. But again, Hartford needs jobs, it's a 9-1-1 call for J-O-B-S!

    1. Bronin and Killian clearly understand the importance of bringing jobs to Hartford, They both know jobs are essential to the survival of our city.

      Segarra still doesn't get it.

    2. Could someone inform Segarra that temporary, low paying, part time jobs - part time that is 40, 50 or 60 days a year - in his fantasy ballpark can't be considered as real jobs

  16. 9;58PM

    and even the front office jobs at the stadium most likely will not result in any positive new job growth. They will be lateral positions that will transition over from New Britain. you can't raise a family or put children through college on a ticket takers or a popcorn vendors pay. More of the Segarra myth

  17. Kevin, I hate to go there but I have to,,,,can you or someone else (possibly 6:34 pm who responded to my post) explain to me how do the Bosnians,Pakistani's,Mexicans and Asians (among other immigrants) come to Hartford and find meaningful work almost on arrival???? 6:34 pm stated that race and ethnicity has no bearing on work ethic. WHY AM I OBSERVING BEHAVIOR THAT TELLS ME OTHERWISE???? Found this in a fortune cookie "PEOPLE DONT KNOW THAT THEY DONT KNOW" P.S. I am not a racist ,just a "realist" ,Sorry if I offend anyone ,if so ,refer back up to fortune cookie quote!

    1. There are many black immigrants who are from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and other black countries including Africa who are hard working individuals. For you to come to that conclusion because of the single digits percentage of black person you interact with during your duty is wrong. It like me saying all white persons are racist and that is not a fact. In theBlue Hills neighborhood in Hartford majority of the homeowners are black working class family who has two works two to three jobs to stupor their family. Please get your facts straight.

  18. 12:39 AM Anyone who says chief Rovella doesn't care has probably never talked to him or has their own agenda they're trying to further ,chief Rovella Rovella cares about every member of the department as if they were his own family

  19. Please remember this:

    "Police Chief Rovella cautioned city leaders in recent years the the department is losing staff faster than it can replace them."

    These are the EXACT words Rovella used in front of the mayor, in front of city council, with the media, with anyone. Chief Rovella added that he "Was down 70 to 90 police officers."

    What was the response from Segarra and what action did Segarra take:

    A B S O L U T E L Y N O T H I N G !!!

  20. This is unbelievable but true, over 20% of out police force is no longer there and there's no replacement in sight. Just for this very serious problem Segarra must be fired.

  21. Pedro Caviar Segarra should have been fired long time ago.

  22. all these "Who", "What", When" and "Where" crap promoting Segarra is brought to you by Maribel LaLose. For the record, Maribel LaLose gets almost $100,000 from city hall for this . . . . . . . crap!
    Segarra couldn't care less, as long as he gets more votes on election day.

  23. Anonymous at 8:10am,,, you missed my point !!!! I didn't have room to list "every" immagrant who adapts soon after arrival here in Hartford. Although I said "among other immigrants" I guess I need to mention skin color???? I'm confused??? So 8:10 am can you explain why "some" blacks who are born here do not succeed like blacks from the places you listed???

  24. Here are some highlights from the Hartford Business Journal interview with Segarra yesterday:

    Question: What can be done to reduce the 74.29 mill property tax rate?

    Answer: ... Because we are the Capital City, 52 percent of our property is tax-exempt, which is something created by state and federal law. The state needs to take more responsibility for its tax-exempt properties.

    Comment: You idiot, so many properties in Hartford are now becoming churches, which don't pay any tax at all. That's not because "we're the capital city", that's because we're a very poor city. Also, "the state needs to take more responsibility for it's tax-exempt properties", well, what have YOU done in the past 5 years as mayor, or as Moron-In-Chief, to make sure they pay more.

  25. Today's Courant headline:
    "Amid Spike In Homicides, Segarra asks Malloy For Help."
    Segarra definitely needs lots of help, after all there's election just around the corner.
    "Segarra said he had sent Malloy a letter earlier in the day for additional resources, inclusing 3 state police detectives."
    Did Segarra send this letter by mail first class, via priority mail, how did he send it? Did Segarra finally woke up from his fantasy world?
    "Segarra said he had no immediate plans to request uniformed state troopers to put on the streets."
    Segarra is probably waiting for a few more murders in the city before he ask for additional help. He will then write a letter to Malloy and overnight it via Fedex.

  26. Yo Segarra, the help you're asking for from the Governor is TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE.

  27. Where is Maribel LaLose and Hilda Munoz in all this mess, the police is short with many officers, send Maribel and Hilda as additional force, especially in the North End, if they'd ever been there

  28. JamesArness saying:
    No request for state help because Pedro has it under control.

  29. Kevin Brookman will recover faster when he finds out that Pedro will start packing soon.


  30. A murder here, a murder there, no big deal for Pedro. He too busy with his failed campaign, too busy enjoying caviar.


  32. CT WatchDog told the Courant:
    I thought Hartford residents did not want law enforcement in their neighborhoods. You can't have it both ways. Perhaps the Moral Monday crowd can ride shotgun and see what a great job law enforcement does instead of talking in circles.

  33. Pedro Segarra spoke with the media yesterday, announcing that he has sent a letter to Gov. Malloy, requesting assistance to combat a spike in homicides in the capital city.
    Look at Pedro's face while announcing this, all smile, just like he's campaigning. Pedro, there're 17 dead people in the capital city in less than 7 months so far this year, there's nothing to smile about.

  34. With 17 murders so far this year, I'm horrified that we could have 30 murders or more for the entire year 2015. Horrified! Gov. Malloy himself said that "to be at 17 homicides, which is just two less than the whole year number last year, is serious business."

  35. bliu001 says:
    "Every time Hartford is in trouble Segarra runs to the state for a solution.
    What exactly does he do?"

  36. papers says:
    Could this guy (Pedro) possibly be ignorant enough to not realize that people such as Malloy and himself are the root of the problem?

  37. WilyCoyoteSuperGenius
    I am sure that $100 million baseball stadium will help rein in violence in Hartford's streets. State taxpayers are already subsidizing half of Hartford's budget. Not another dime to this bottomless sinkhole!

  38. Don from Hartford:

    Segarra: Brother, can you spare a dime?
    Malloy: I'd rather think of us as distant cousins.

  39. JamesArness:

    "What a knee-jerk reacting idiot Segarra is. He has forever, reacted to events around him. He has never taken the lead to resolve problems such as corruptionin city departments."

  40. chrisgto:

    Draft Rudy Giuliani as mayor.

  41. Whatever Dude:

    'Homicide' sounds like a perfect name for the Yard Goats mascot...

  42. Fred Flintsave:

    @Whatever Dude I can envision them playing the Law and Order theme song on the loudspeakers as you enter the stadium...

  43. pryorpat77:

    Why not ask God for help? It's far more reasonable to expect direct tangible help from an imaginary friend.

  44. jamesdavidson269:

    "...Here is a news flash for Pedro, those committing these acts of violence are not interested in economic development, jobs or education. The police need to be out of their cars and on the street, maybe then the good citizens of Hartford, of which there are many, won't be afraid to identify the criminals in their neighborhoods. As it is now, a cruiser going down the street every few hours isn't cutting it."

  45. After talking to the media about the increase of murders in Hartford, Segarra concluded: “There's a long tradition of Connecticut governors working with cities to reduce crime. We hope to continue the same relationship with our current governor."
    Which translates to this: After screwing up so badly for so long, wasting tax dollars money on nonsense and rediculous hirings instead of adding more police force that Segarra knew was necessary for quiet some time, it's now time to beg the Governor for help. In other words Pedro, what you did so far is called mismanagement and corruption.

  46. Segarra: “cities across the country are experiencing spikes in violence this year including New York, Houston, Baltimore and Chicago. They are impacted by several factors beyond any one city's control, and we're feeling some of that here."
    Segarra compares Hartford to New York, Houston, Baltimore and Chicago. Hey Pedro I know a few more cities in Mexico, Honduras and South Africa that you can add to your list and compare to Hartford.

  47. Hey Dannel, it's me, Pedro, I need some help now. Hurry up Dannel boy, election day is around the corner. Please help. Please.

  48. 10:52AM I agree with your statement, After 5 years as mayor, We can now summarize the Pedro Segarra administration in 2 words: MISMANAGEMENT and CORRUPTION.

  49. Now we can call him "The Last Minute Mayor", as more than 3 years ago it was known that there was a need to start recruiting more police officers. What did he do all that time? Cut ribbons, hire his no good buddies and waste everyones hard earned tax money. Last minute decisions, last minute trying to figure out what to do! Everything is left until the last minute.............

  50. 12:12PM I totally agree with what you say, but wouldn't the "Last Minute Thing" or "The Last Minute Everything" sound better than "The Last Minute Mayor?"

  51. Today, the Courant's Editorial determined:

    "Request For Help Overdue As Hartford Homicides Mount."

    It's a wake up call for Segarra, but it's already too late. There's no doubt that the Courant will NOT support Segarra for another term.

  52. Here's a example of how Pedro Segarra and his administration work:

    Last night at 1:45AM a building collapsed in the area of Main Street and Mahl Avenue. 2017 Main Street to be exact. You heard that right: the building collapsed.

    A vehicle that smashed into the building ended up inside the building which then collapsed on to the car.

    Once again: the building collapsed.

    Here is Pedro Segarra and Tom Deller response: "City officials will be inspecting the building structural integrity."

    The two morons, Segarra and Deller, just don't get it: There's no structural integrity, THE BUILDING ALREADY COLLAPSED!!!

  53. The info below was taken from press releases by Maribel La Luz and Hilda Munoz promoting Pedro Segarra before election time:

    WHO : Mayor Segarra
    WHAT : Mayor Segarra will speak at Los Amigos Softball Classic.
    WHO : Mayor Segarra
    WHAT : Mayor Segarra will give remarks at the 20th Year Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide (former Yugoslavia).
    WHO : Mayor Segarra
    WHAT : Mayor Segarra will speak at Riverfest.

    This Segarra speak here and there about any crap, but not about Hartford's problems.
    Great job La Luz, Munoz and Segarra. All 3 of you must be fired. We are not going to take your crap anymore.

  54. not to mention shootings in the city. this morning at 3 a.m. on evergreen and farmington av., a man shot with gunshots to his torso. he was rushed to st. francis hospital, he is listed in serious, but stable condition.
    not only homicides but increase in crime all over hartford.

  55. 9:19 AM Anything coming out of Maribel's mouth is always about Mayor Segarra. Take a look at every press release she filed, public relation for Segarra, Segarra. Perfect timing, right before the election. Hartford taxpayers paying the bills.

    WHO : Mayor Segarra WHAT : Mayor Segarra
    WHO : Mayor Segarra WHAT : Mayor Segarra
    WHO : Mayor Segarra WHAT : Mayor Segarra
    WHO : Mayor Segarra WHAT : Mayor Segarra

  56. I just heard statements by our Moron-In-Chief Pedro Caviar Segarra, dated July 11, 2014 and Aug. 8, 2014 (confirmed by WFSB this morning):


    Each and every word in this moron's statement is true. The funds are going to be PRIVATE FUNDS, "private" means the Residents of Hartford money. That is indeed considered as so "private" funds, which later Segarra will convert into taxes, but "originates" as "private" funds.
    Pedro Caviar Segarra: you, your stadium, your luxury suite in the stadium, your free tickets for life, your free caviar and donuts, your promise for Hartford residents to be part of the construction: YOU ARE A BIG LIAR.

  57. "Segarra noted in his letter that some of the violent incidents involve suspects from out of town so "the challenges extend beyond Hartford's boundaries."

    Remember Segarra blaming out-of-town people bringing their snow into Hartford? Now out-of-town people are the reason to the increase in crime.

    What an idiot this mayor is. Everybody know that crime is easy in Hartford. Everybody knows Hartford is the place to go for cocaine and heroin. From north to south, from east to west, anywhere in Hartford.

  58. jamesdavidson269
    What will ultimately minimize gun violence in the long term is economic development, jobs, education and getting guns off our streets.

    Here is a news flash for Pedro, those committing these acts of violence are not interested in economic development, jobs or education. The police need to be out of their cars and on the street, maybe then the good citizens of Hartford, of which there are many, won't be afraid to identify the criminals in their neighborhoods. As it is now, a cruiser going down the street every few hours isn't cutting it.«

  59. CT Watch Dog:
    "I thought the residents of Hartford did not want law enforcement in their neighborhoods. You can't have it both ways. Perhaps the Moral Monday crowd can ride shotgun and see what a great job law enforcement does instead of talking in circles."

  60. edwardjmax
    @CT Watch Dog : "Maybe put the State police on the town lines. At least they can protect those that want protection and keep all the violence and hate in the City."

  61. Needs-vs-Wants said:

    How about some stop and frisk?

  62. James Arness

    No request for state help because Pedro has it under control.

  63. I'm drinking a Budweiser reading the comments you can say all you want no one in the city of Hartford will Top Omar Thornton or Adam Lanza an further more all you cowards who comment under anonymous just realize this there is an underground network who's sick of these racist Hartford cops an the corrupt politicians in city hall prepare yourselves for the war that's coming to this great city of ours !!!!!

  64. put state police in East Hartford, Bloomfield and Windsor, that's where the crime is coming from. At least that's what Pedro Segarra wants to believe.

  65. I guess you are one of those cowards you talk about now 1:03 AM

  66. The #1 politician in our great city is incompetent and corrupt. Therefore, on election day, you go out and vote. Vote Bronin, vote Killian, vote whoever you think is the best candidate, just get that #1 politician out of office. It's that simple.

  67. 7/18 Courant headline:

    "Segarra: Ready To Meet With Malloy On Hartford Violence"

    Finally, Segarra is ready. Thanks a lot, Segarra. Hopefully your hair style is done too, so you could finally be ready to meet Malloy after all these murders in Hartford

  68. MR. ROK says:
    "Well if they are going to do something, they better do it soon. I think the mayor waited way too long to ask for help. HPD is down over 100 police officers, why don't they make up that gap in personal? No, instead, we all are going to have to pay to clean up the capital city. I also do agree that some of the offenders come into the city from the burbs to commit these crimes. But that's just a small percent, most of them live and breed in Hartford. And it all comes down to at least one thing, and that's drugs. Drugs finance these gangs and buy the guns they need and use. I think they should go back to profiling potential offenders. Screw all that racist stuff, it's to protect the public. Or start pulling over any car with the smallest infractions, and I bet they will hit pay dirt just about every time. I'm not a racist person, but if the shoe fits"

  69. jaywww says:

    "no way! tired of our state tax dollars being flushed down the drain trying to fix Hartford's problems. Governor Malloy tell the Mayor to figure out what they are doing wrong. Tell the Mayor to start holding his elected officials and his residents accountable for what happen in their city. Tell the Mayor that even if it costs you votes in Hartford, you will NOT dump any more state resources into Hartford. The well is dry until the City figures out its own problems and comes up with a workable plan to address them - then MAYBE we can talk about some additional state assistance."

  70. Segarra ready to meet Malloy? What took you so long?


  72. Stackowitz for Sgt!!!! I hope he gets a 99. Then rovella will have to promote him.

  73. Sunday, another shooting tonight in Hartford, a man shot in the elbow. Every single day - each and every day - shootings in Hartford. Some end up with dead people, other with serious injuries "only". Shameful. Segarra, you're responsible for this mess, nobody else.

  74. put police uniform on Maribel La Luz, on Hilda Munoz and Pedro Segarra, make sure they patrol "usually quiet" streets in the North End. Send a clear message to all criminals that Pedro will not tolerate any crime in the city.

  75. "It's my primary responsibility to keep our community safe and secure," Segarra tells the media.
    Hey, Pedro, that was your primary responsibility earlier this month, last month, the month before and so on. That was your responsibility when Chief Rovella informed you repeatedly of police officers shortage. But you rather deal with the media, your campaign, your luxury suite in the ballpark and other nonsense.
    This are the results: daily shootings in Hartford.

  76. The HPD should be pulling over all cars with the dark tinted windows that are illegal. Tow the illegally tinted cars and don't allow the cars to be picked up until the tint is removed and proof of current registration and insurance are provided. Getting the illegal cars off the streets will make it harder for gang gun violence to continue.

    And get the damn guns off the streets. How is it that 15, 16, 18 year olds have illegal guns? How is it that the HPD doesn't know where these guns are coming from and why are judges/courts letting people out on bail or short sentences for illegal gun offenses? Someone with an illegal gun on the street gets caught once and we think while they're out on bail they won't get another one?

    I work in a state office building on Capitol Ave. I can't walk to my car without witnessing drug deals daily in front of the building on the corner of Putnam and Capitol. In broad daylight. Try crossing the street at the crosswalk when the walk sign is on without a car zooming down Putnam or coming down Capitol blowing the red light with their dark tinted windows. Its amazing more pedestrians haven't been killed and the HPD seems to have no concern with these "minor" crimes. These minor crimes happening thousands of times a day in the city without consequence lead to an environment where the crimes escalate into shootings without fear of consequence.

    Enough is enough. HPD may be understaffed but they need to get out of their cars once in a while and see what's happening.

    1. HPD would have to pull over Huertas and his pimp mobile. Pedro should be pulled over for prowling and for being a coward, punk ass sissy!!!

  77. at this time Pedro "prime responsibility" is to resign!


  78. Taxed_to_Death_in_CT remark to "16-Year-Old Shot In Elbow In Hartford Sunday Night:"

    "Kids had tough life. Shot twice in a year and arrested for gun possession a month ago. Something tells me he may not be a model citizen."

  79. HDTC: 7 days to go. Can't wait to hear their message to Pedro Caviar.

  80. A violent weekend in Hartford has police investigating multiple shootings, including one that turned deadly.

    The latest news from

    "Hartford has seen a disturbing spike in violence over the weekend.

    Since Saturday morning, one man was shot and killed and five others were injured after being shot.

    Now, Gov. Dannel Malloy’s office is looking into what can be done. A meeting has been set for Monday at 3 p.m.

    Mayor Pedro Segarra said he’ll meet with state leaders to figure out a solution."

    COULD ANYONE PREDICT WHAT SEGARRA'S STATEMENT WILL BE AFTER THE MEETING? (Don't worry, Segarra already received one prepared from him by Maribel & Hilda).

  81. @1154
    We would be more than happy to get out of our cars if we weren't running call to call and had proper staffing to do said enforcement. It's bad when dispatchers are begging people to clear for active fights/ domestics/ etc and we don't have anyone available.

    We'd also be more than happy to get out of cars and do some quality of life enforcement if we could do so without the worry of losing everything we own and turning into the next cnn or local news story for just doing our jobs (ex. The most recent incident with officer fog and detective Salkeld).

    The moral Monday/ hands up crowd is getting exactly what they asked for, hands off policing. The only thing I must ask at this point is, how's that working out for you?

  82. HPD high speed chase results in citizen being run down. Where is Foley's story on that? Why wasn't that breaking news?

  83. Why hasn't last night's botched pursuit been brought up Kevin?

  84. what's the result of Segarra's meeting with the Governor. I can already tell you what Segarra's after the meeting remarks going to be. Perfectly schwduled to catch the evening local news.

  85. HPD showing us why Hartford sucks!

  86. After the meeting with Governor Malloy, Segarra said he got everything he wanted from the Governor. That's great, cause now we can expect no more crime in Hartford, the ENTIRE city of Hartford.
    That's a blessing for every resident in Hartford, men and women, young and old.
    No more excuses, no more lies, just NO MORE CRIME.

  87. Kevin, YOU need to expose and hold accountable Malloy and Lawler on this second chance program they implemented. If people think things are bad now,,,JUST WAIT !!!! These two idiots also want to close down antiquated prisons without updating or building new ones. Does anyone remember or know what happened when they closed down most of our mental health facilities??? They dumped HUNDREDS of mentally ill adults in our larger cities,,the majority are more harmful to themselves than others,,,the same cannot be said of these career criminals they are going to FURTHER inundate us with.You know and I know they will ultimately do more harm to others than themselves. HOW IRONIC,SAD,FUNNY,IDIOTIC ETC. IS IT, THAT HARTFORDS MAYOR SEGARRA IS REACHING OUT FOR HELP TO THE VERY PERSON WHO IS GOING TO MAKE IT WORSE!!!!!

  88. Anonymous 11:21 am

    More would get done if lazy cops working OT would get off their asses. The only reason most of you want more staffing is to spend less time on an actual shift and more time working private jobs. It's funny that you never hear anyone saying that they are burnt out from working a PJ.

  89. You little cheese eaters that turn on your own for doing their do you look at yourselves in the mirror? Just because you don't want to do your job doesn't mean everyone else is like you.

  90. Botched pursuit not brought up?? Why not ?

  91. What was botched ? A felon with a gun as well as the gun were both taken off the street as a result .. Maybe if the lieutenant who was supposed to order stop sticks actually ordered the stop sticks the pursuit would've ended much earlier

  92. Botched to TeleserveJuly 21, 2015 at 8:48 PM

    In my six years as a PROUD HPD officer I have NEVER heard any pursuit called in so perfect and professionally. That should be used as training as how to call a pursuit, as we are, or most of us are, still cops.....obviously not mister botched comment. Pursuits are still one of the necessary tools needed and used to catch violent fleeing felons, as is use of force. It seems like some cops, and I use that word loosely mister botched, don't know how to be or don't want to be cops.

  93. Wait, a fleeing felon taken off the street, no cruisers wrecked, nobody seriously hurt, great example of how a 10-8 should be done......what's the problem botched? Go be a security guard, sounds more up your alley.

  94. What about the civilian who was struck getting out of his vehicle.

  95. What about the civilian crushed by a cruiser at Franklin Ave at South St responding code 3 to a non code 3 call? We could do this for days.

  96. Good job guys, keep up the good work!

  97. Hey botched, it's because of city officers such as yourself that the city is in the situation it is. Criminals fleeing and fighting officers not afraid. Botched, it's obvious your afraid to do your job, more likely than not a coward, and I'm sure lazy and one of the habitual complainers that offer no good to the city. Do us a favor, quit and go work somewhere where you'll feel more comfortable working, maybe a loss prevention agent at Toys R Us, but again that might be to scary for you. Make room for someone who wants to be a cop and deserves to wear the badge that most of us take pride in. The city is finally hiring and replacing you would not be that difficult.

  98. Great job Walsh and Biongiovanni being on point with the directed patrol at 2006 Main Street. Two guys with some time on the job actually doing their job. Great job by STF locking the shooter up. This is what cops are supposed to do and how things should work. Kevin, please follow what little the court will do with this case delivered on a silver platter.

  99. The only thing I see botched is the city of Hartford selections / hiring horrible can you get hiring officers like botched and racists like Stachowicz!!!!

  100. The only thing i see that's botched here is the City of Hartford's Police selection / hiring process. Hiring officers like botched and racists like Stachowicz. Are you really serious? Sounds like the two could be partners, they should just transfer to the red trucks and squirt water on fires.

  101. Hey botched, another chase on days ends in a crash with cruisers and civilian cars. Any comments you loser?

  102. Hey the FD took one of your last heros that couldn't do the job. He can't do ours either. Luckily his wife is tight with the mayor and set him up in a cake job seeing engine work was too tough for him.

  103. So I'm sure you already know anonymous 10:36 PM.....JH was a horrible cop, thank you so much for taking him. He failed his psychological trying to come back to HPD after being confused thinking as to if he wanted to be a policeman or fireman.

  104. Luckily the fire dept. will take anybody. Obvious from this blog. You could at least thank us for taking him off your hands. Well anyway. YOU'RE WELCOME

  105. Just saw the thank you oops. You're still welcome

  106. HFD, we have a few more for you. We'll take Terry Waller and you can take that zero Reynolds, maybe he'll have better luck with a red plan and feel more supported by Chief Huertas. You can also take 44-47 man Rutkawski and racist Kessler. Three for one special.

  107. Come on. Terry is worth so much more. Just ask him

  108. Hey botched, yet another chase with more cruisers smashed on midnights tonight, where's your comments? It's called police work, something you will never know about. You are a complete waste botched. You botched, are also a complete turd. Do us all a favor and stay out of the way of the working cops.

  109. Does botched want to be a Firefighter. Just ask Pedro or Charlie. Done deal.

  110. Botched can be J. Haw's partner in the HFD and pretend to still be on the HPD.

  111. why not he's pretending to be a firefighter too.
