Friday, July 10, 2015


Mayor Segarra is joined by community leaders at ceremonial ribbon-cutting of new Tower Avenue sidewalk
This post will be shorton my commentary as I am actually posting it from my hospital room at mt sinai rehab. this story shows the priorities of the segarra administration. while homicide victims are piling up in the streets, even outpacing boston, 4 times hartford's population. pedro segarra is cutting ceremonial ribbons for a new  sidewalk. it must be an election year




(July 10, 2015) Today, Mayor Pedro E. Segarra was joined by members of the Northeast Revitalization Association, the Blue Hills Neighborhood Revitalization Zone (NRZ), the Upper Albany NRZ, the North End Senior Center and Friends of Keney Park at a ceremonial ribbon-cutting for a newly-installed sidewalk on the north side of Tower Avenue. The sidewalk was installed in the winter and spring on a 3,000-foot stretch of road between Barbour Street and Mayfair Road that previously did not have a sidewalk. The City invested $380,000 in the project.


“Tower Avenue is a busy street and the new sidewalk makes it more accessible to pedestrians walking through Keney Park,” said Mayor Segarra. “I want to thank all the community groups who advocated for and supported this project. This is an example of what can happen when the community and the City come together to make change.”


“This new sidewalk is not just about safety, it is also about promoting the beauty of the park inside and out,” said Henry Hester, Vice President of Friends of Keney Park.


"There are very few things more important to our seniors than public safety and this new walkway has addressed one of them. I am very thankful that Mayor Segarra signed off on this project to be completed because we love our seniors and want them to be safe,” said Evelyn R. Richardson, representing the Northeast Revitalization Association.


“Public Safety has always been a passion of mine and I am happy that Mayor Segarra has listened to the community, especially the seniors, by completing the sidewalk on Tower Avenue,” said Donna Thompson-Daniel of the Blue Hills NRZ

On Thursday, July 9, 2015, Hartford Police Department Patrol Officers, South Conditions Officers and the Shooting Task Force responded to 371 New Park Avenue for the report of a serious assault with a firearm. Upon arrival, officers located a male victim on the ground suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. EMS responded and transported the victim to Hartford Hospital where he was pronounced deceased at 1802 hours. Major Crimes responded and assumed the investigation. Crime Scene Division responded to process scene.  

Victim: Daniel Sampel, 32, of Hartford, CT


  1. stop blaming Segarra for everything, he's just sitting in a mayor's office collecting $150,000 a year plus benefits. what do you want from him?

  2. He was able to have a sidewalk built to gain the support of Town Committee members and to help his re-election efforts at gaining the nomination (no chance apparently). Another spot for bodies to land

  3. I get the feeling you don't like the mayor anyone else in the city you don't like???

  4. It is not a matter of liking or not liking the Mayor. It is more a matter of disgust with his lack of leadership and his incompetence. Hartford can not survive another 4 years under him

  5. Be well, Kevin, we all need you back, healty, so we can read reports we trust, so we can have someone like you, watching and guarding the public's interests, not Pedro's interests.


  7. Thank you each day is an improvement looking forward to getting out of here

    1. Kev, get out of there quickly. We all wish you the very best.

    2. Kevin: It all started with the caviar (and as a result "he" esrned the title "Pedro Caviar") and continued with tons of shenanigans and corruption by "him" and people in his administration. People like Deller the Seller, like Saundra Kee Borges, like Terry Waller and many, many more. Not to mention people like Charlie Ortiz, the guy behind the curtains. Many issues , lots of ugliness is still uncovered, so we need you back Kevin to investigate, to ask questions to ask them to provide documents, especially the ones Pedro Caviar wants to hide.
      Lorts of luck Kevin, and get back home soon.

  8. Good morning Kevin, thought something was "off" as your blog was unusually quiet this past week. Speedy recovery/healing. Looking forward to seeing daily posts again.

  9. Thanks Marie good to hear from you take care of yourself also

  10. I propose they build a ONE WAY sidewalk starting from from the steps of city hall to the border,march them ALL there and kick them a ALL a kick in the ass on the way out!!!

  11. Anonymous at 11:05 AM, to make sure they're gone, I'm willing to give them a red carpet treatment with a free limo ride from city hall to their homes. AS LONG AS THEY NEVER COME BACK.

  12. Will somebody please tell me why he has to have someone schlep that damned City of Hartford lectern to every place where he speaks?! It's ridiculous. And they also have to bring a cement slab or blocks along to keep it from rolling away. He's the freaking mayor, and is recognizable to just about everyone who lives in this city. But he can't go anywhere to talk without toting along that "visual aid". This is a sign that his ego is out of control. It's something that Hitler, Mussolini, or an a-hole like Donald Trump would have done/do.

    1. It's Michael, his campaign "manager" and Figueroa who want Segarra to be standing behind that lectern so he can look more "presidential" like and the media will take him more seriously

  13. I don't think it is working the only way to make Pedro Segarra look presidential is to have the presidential seal tattooed on his fore head

  14. Kevin, I remember reading an earlier note in your blog about Pedro Caviar's great haircut. This could make him as 'presidential' as John Edwards.
    I'm wondering if Mr. Caviar goes around with a lectern and a hair stylist, just as Mr. Edwards did

  15. Sorry to disappoint you guys: Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will make Segarra look presidential , or even mayoral.

  16. Segarra is just doing "THE MAYOR THING". Those words were used by Segarra himself in an email sent to friends, using city computers and servers, of course.
    Whatever "The Mayor Thing" is.

  17. Perhaps a "Touch of Class" will help Caviar look Presidential / Mayoral....

    Haircut, what a JOKE, this WUSS is a Puppet; tell our Village Idiot to shave his head bald like his Puppet Master Charlie, the Dicktator.

  18. Edwards paid $400 for each haircut. It was a daily thing for him.
    How much Pedro Caviar is paying his hair stylist?

  19. I'm not going to be surprised if the CITY paid for Perdo's hairstylist. After all, this guy is milking the system, as much as he can.

  20. Pedro already milked the system as much as he could, the systen is now dry, penniless, broke

  21. "The mayor (Segarra) has become less invested in the day-to-day decision making.
    He's become somewhat detached. He seems more interested in the social aspects of the job than in rolling up his sleeves and getting to work with the department heads on dealing with our issues."

    Guess whose speech was this in 2011? Edwin Vargas, the biggest butt kisser ever. He now supports Segarra.

    Yo, Edwin, you really stink.

  22. Pedro in his 1st state of the city address, March 14, 2011:

    The city is "stronger" and "more transparent" than it was nine months ago, before its leadership changed hands, Mayor Pedro Segarra said Monday during his first state of the city address.
    "The state of the city of Hartford has been lifted during my tenure," he said.
    "My mission is to restore faith in government" Segarra told a crowded room at city hall.
    "We must change the way things have traditionally been done in this city. We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past."
    Segarra outlined his administration's goals, which include job creation.
    "Almost nine months later we are ... a Hartford that is much more attractive."

    Who is this moron kidding? Who was he lying to? Promises upon promises, but the results are miserable.
    Who in his right mind will vote for this crook?

  23. Vargas' niece is Maribel LaLuz, Mayor Caviar's Public relations person...that says it all....Vargas will be challenged next time around.

  24. Are you certain Maribel LaLuz is related to Edwin Vargas? When did she start working for Segarra for her almost $100k salary?
    If you're right about this then, as you said, "THAT SAYS IT ALL."

  25. I hear this for the first time, the LaLuz-Vargas "connection". If true, it's a game changer, it's even more corruption on their level. I wonder what LaLuz qualifications are, what's her background. Details please.

    1. 910am
      I can confirm without a doubt that Maribel is Vargas' niece. The way it works is Segarra taking care of Vargas. Vargas takes care of LaLuz. La Luz is watching and taking care of Segarra. Vargas takes care of Segarra. I don't know if to call this a mafia style or just one, big, happy family (where Hartford residents pay their bills).

    2. Everybody know this special "connection". Pedro operates this way so he guarantees support for himself whenever he fails, and Segarra fails a lot

    3. Everybody know this special "connection". Pedro operates this way so he guarantees support for himself whenever he fails, and Segarra fails a lot

  26. Maribel LaLuz MUST GO. Tom Deller MUST GO. Carlos Huertas MUST GO. Minnie Gonzalez and her daughter MUST GO. Edwin Vargas MUST GO. There's a long list for all those who MUST GO. To achieve this, Pedro MUST GO!

  27. Yes,I am certain about Maribel. Ed Vargas is married to Sylvia and Sylvia is the sister of Isabel,who happens to be the mother of Maribel. That says it all!,,,,,

  28. Politics has always been a family affair how else do you explain the Bush family he Clinton's the Jeffersons father son presidents an Jeb Bush might be our next president which means a father an two sons were president so it's an issue when Hispanics or Blacks or other people of color do it an give family members jobs?? Please you people are hypocrites it's the same in Fire an Police dept always been that way family hiring family good luck fighting that battle !!?

  29. The Bushes, good or bad, are being ELECTED.
    The Clinton, good or bad, are being ELECTED.
    LaLuz, Terry Waller and others were unqualified persons HIRED by corrupt Pedro Segarra.
    11:42 AM, do you see the difference?

  30. If you really believe presidents are elected and not selected then you are a fool America is nothing but an extension of jolly ole England an the British Empire and correct me if I'm wrong do Presidents hire who they want in their administration or who is the most and best qualified? To sit here and say politics isn't about who you know then you are deaf dumb and blind!!!!

  31. When did Maribel La Lose become "Director of Communications" earning $100,000 a year?

  32. Maribel La Luz became a director with this outrageous salary in the summer of 2012. Do the math with this timetable of 3 years ago, and that really says it all.
    Maribel's job prior to Hartford was a 3 or 4 months job as deputy communication director to a guy in NYC who was running for congress and lost. He lost big time.
    Before that Maribel was about 1 year or so with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce working on some TV show that you probably never heard of and was in a time slot nobody watch anything.
    Before that Maribel also worked, again for about 1 year, doing "Business Development", that's what she says, whatever it is, at AlloyMedia.
    And prior to Alloy, she says she was something like "Account Manager" doing whatever for the TV serie "Go Diego, Go." Not sure, maybe it was called "Go Pedro, Go." Didn't see her name anywhere in the cast or crew, so maybe she'll explain it herself with more details in this blog (we all know she reads this blog daily).
    However, in my opinion, Maribel La Luz best asset or greatest skill was hustling Segarra to give her that needless job for that high, high, high pay.

  33. Maribel La Lose is doing almost nothing. For that reason she got herself an assistant which the city cannot afford, Hilda Munoz.

  34. Maribel La Lose worked with Clyde Williams, he was trying to become a congressman, but got only about 10% of the votes in the primary. Loser, big time, never even reached the general election. I guess that's how Maribel La Luz became Maribel La Lose.

  35. Is Maribel even still around ? It looks like everything coming out of the mayors office lately is from Hilda Munoz. It just seems odd that Maribel is so low-key as the mayor fights for his political she the latest one to jump from the sinking ship ?
