Wednesday, August 26, 2015


According to HPD sources, Hartford Fire Department Lieutenant Michel Patterson has just turned himself in on charges related to his alleged assault of Captain Thomas Dalton Patterson is alleged to have assaulted Dalton at a fire scene in the Blue Hills area. You can read details here:

No further details are available at this point. I am awaiting a release from HPD PIO Deputy Chief Brian Foley

Hartford has a zero tolerance policy for workplace violence, which at this point to seems to mean very little when it comes to Patterson's assault. You can read more about Lt Patterson here:


On August 26, 2015 at approximately 2pm, Mr. Michael Patterson a City of Hartford 
Firefighter, turned himself in to the Hartford Police Department pursuant to an 
arrest warrant issued for Breach of Peace in the Second Degree. The warrant issuance 
resulted following a police investigation into an incident allegedly occurring at a
 fire scene on August 14, 2015 at approx. 6pm near 122 West Morningside Street.  During
 that incident, the accused, employed as a Lieutenant with the Hartford Fire Department
 and on duty at the time, is alleged to have engaged the complainant, an on duty Fire
 Department Captain, in a physical and verbal altercation. The incident reportedly 
occurred in the presence of citizens and Hartford Fire Department personnel.

Patterson was taken to HPD Booking, was processed and released on a written promise 
to appear in Court, on September 9, 2015.
Arrested:  Michael Patterson, 45, 253 High Street, Hartford, CT
Charge:  Breach of Peace in the Second Degree


  1. Assault, threatening and more importantly Conduct unbecoming

  2. I would think that Insubordination would fit also, since they seem to like using that lately

    1. Kevin if Tommy Dalton is such a "stand up guy" like you praise him to be, he will drop this bs charge on Patterson since he assaulted 2 probationary firefighters on different occasions and even an officer. I don't have the heart to put their names on here but I'm sure with all your ties to the Fire Department you can easily find out if you haven't by now. Plenty of comments have been made already on here about it. Bully is the perfect description of Dalton, since a bully only acts tough with those who won't stand up for their self. Tommy has had his skirt lifted plenty of times by guys half his size on this job. Once again ask your buddies on the FD and you'll know it's true. If you haven't already that is.

  3. How embarrassing. You get arrested, suspended from work as a fire lieutenant, make the 5:00 pm Channel 3 news broadcast and they have the nerve to use stock footage / video from your previous arrest! Is it me...huh huh huh, is it just me?

  4. What a bullshit charge. HPD just wanted to bust his balls because he has a lawsuit against HPD for wrongful arrest for the gun charges. As firefighters and police officers we have witnessed breach of peace at many calls we go on among citizens not to mentioned interfering with fire scenes and motorvehicle accident scenes and HPD does not arrest anyone. Suddenly they arrest a Hartford firefighter for a verbal argument on the street because the biggest ball buster Captain and bully on Hartford Fire cries wolf!!!!

  5. What most must realize if a person files a complaint the police have to take action. The arrest was done by warrant and a judge found reason to believe that he committed the offense. I agree with the media is full of crap when they show past footage of an arrest that the charges have been dismissed. I don't agree that HPD wanted to bust his balls. Police have to make an arrest or apply for a warrant if a citizen makes a complaint.

    1. Not when the complaint is exaggerated. Those charges will also be dismissed in the legal process. Seriously breach of peace is the best they came up with!!! A misdemeanor unbelievable!!

  6. Huertas and the Phoenix Society are paying Patterson's legal fees. He will soon be promoted to Deputy Chief. Thugs!

  7. Must have been a funny scene at HPD with Crazy Patterson spouting off about incidents from 15 years ago that have nothing to do with anything, while being encouraged by his Community College Lawyer and Gun Nut friend Ed Peruta......thugs.

  8. A bigger question is why the State Attorney's office dropped the 2013 case. Patterson had guns laying around where a 7 year old had access to them and annumition. Reckless storage of firearms, risk of injuyury and reckless endangerment but it was never prosecuted. WHY?

    1. Because his son had not resided at the residence for more than a year. His son had moved with his mother. The room furnishing were still there but no minor lived in the house anymore. So he decided to use the vacant room for his gun storage . I would had done the same if I had a vacant room . Actually I did the same 2 yrs ago when my son moved with his mom . I have a permit and I can use any room in my house to keep my guns for which I legally owned. My sons bed still is in the room.even though he no longer resides with me.

  9. It doesn't matter whether he lived there or not, it is irresponsible for any gun owner to leave weapons unsecured like that. In a burglary all of those guns would end up on Hartford's streets,in the wrong hands, possibly killing more people. And anyone with a propensity for domestic violence or workplace violence should be required to have a mental health screening and not have weapons readily available. We see the evidence of the results almost daily

    1. If someone breaks in my house they are the one committing the crime not me.

    2. Exactly the person breaking into the home is commiting the crime not the home owner I don't know where Kevin comes up with his logic it's my home if there's no kids there I'll leave my guns on the kitchen table if I want to its my home

    3. He didn't get charged and has a lawsuit against the city for a reason Kev, he didn't do anything illegal. If you don't agree with the way he keeps his guns it doesn't change the fact that he did not do anything illegal.

  10. And you think that's responsible not to secure your weapons from theft ? Why not just leave them on the front porch and make it easy ?

  11. The people support BOOKMAN!!
