Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Pedro (AKA Peter Segarra) Segarra at a ribbon cutting
I'm sorry.

 It shouldn't be this easy to continue to criticize an incumbent Mayor, but they couldn't be making it any easier for me. I received this press release this afternoon which claims to be touting Pedro Seagarra's 50 greatest accomplishments during his tenure as Mayor. I don't know if they are planning on building to an exciting crescendo, but it is sure off to a lame start if this is a sample. I would hope for something along the line that Segarra has created 100's of new jobs, reduced the mill rate by xx mills, increased the grand list by xx hundred's of thousands of dollars, reduced the unemployment rate by any percentage, maybe even that he hired enough Police Officers to keep HPD properly staffed

The first accomplishment he claimed was some group he started in college over 40 years ago, hardly an accomplishment resulting from his performance as Mayor.

But alas, the best the Segarra campaign can come up with is that he cut a ribbon on  a new sidewalk on Tower Avenue.

This is pathetic.

From: Jenna Grande <>
Date: August 5, 2015 at 1:49:40 PM EDT
To: Jenna Grande <>, Amelia Smith <>, Michael Todd <>
Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Mayor Pedro E. Segarra’s 6th Accomplishment for "50 Days" Project

Contact: Jenna Grande
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE : Mayor Pedro E. Segarra’s announced another accomplishment for his “50 Days” project that has been highlighting his major achievements while in office.
August 5, 2015: In an effort to bolster an awareness of his achievements the past five years in office, Mayor Pedro E. Segarra has been highlighting notable and progressive investments and changes made in Hartford during his tenure.
On July 10th, 2015, Mayor Pedro Segarra along with members of the North East Revitalization Association, The Blue Hills Neighborhood Revitalization Zone, the Upper Albany NRZ, and the Friends of Keney Park at a ceremonial ribbon-cutting for a new sidewalk on the north side of Tower Avenue.
Tower Avenue is a very busy street, and the sidewalk made it safer and more accessible to pedestrians walking through Keney Park. The sidewalk was an example of the success that comes when the community comes together to create change, said Segarra.
The sidewalk was installed in the winter and spring on a 3,000-foot stretch of road between Barbour Street and Mayfair Road, which previously had no sidewalk. 


  1. The new sidewalk will look good with the chalk outline of someone who got shot there.

  2. I don't think they use chalk any more, but that nice new sidewalk will make for a much neater crime scene

  3. What is wrong with his staff? They are truly stupid and incompetent! Your are paid to make him look good, but you show him dancing up a storm while there are shootings in the north end, then you reminisce about some 40 year old accomplishment and not this! Cutting a ribbon on a sidewalk! How ridiculous is that! Well it also goes to show he has no leadership skills as he hires dummy's to highlight his own ridiculousness.

  4. "The sidewalk was installed in the winter and spring on a 3,000-foot stretch of road between Barbour Street and Mayfair Road, which previously had no sidewalk." You mean there was no plans for a sidewalk in the last 5 years, but come election and he needs the vote, he comes out and gives us a measly SIDEWALK. 50 shades of ESTUPIDEZ!

  5. Someone hurry notify the National News with this "Big Accomplishment".This is BIG, (it might take the light off of being the City leading homicides in New England, which is on the National News).

    Mayor's all over the Country have been pondering how to build a sidewalk, where there is none and to think it only took Caviar 5 years. This break through revelation should be patterned and share with cities everywhere.

    That a Boy Pedrito, That a Boy! Such a forward thinker. What can one expect if you were re-elected: Pot holes filled?
    Crack down on the suburbanites bring in the snow?
    More Council members significant others being hired?
    Continued violations of the Charter?
    Snubbing your nose at Audit Commission Reports ?
    More lies?
    More Deception?
    More Secret "Done Deals"
    More of Charlie using city equipment and running the city?

  6. Sad part is it probably is one of his biggest accomplishments as Mayor.

  7. Okay, who the hell is Jenna Grande? I know his puny press releases (which could just as easily be written by a literate 8th-grader for a $20 payment each) have been handled by communications honcho Maribel LaLuz and her girl wonder assistant, Hilda Munoz. He also has the inimitable Shelley Sindland, who scrupulously records his every public appearance with photographs, tweets, and Facebook posts. Are you telling me he's hired yet ANOTHER person at an undoubtedly inflated salary, because all this work is too much for a mere three people?

    Ahh, yes! Our mayor has so many accomplishments to point to from his time in office. As he tells it, he was personally responsible for turning the rundown(!?), seedy(!?), unwelcoming(!?) Elizabeth Park into a nice place to visit once again. That was a biggie, and a huge surprise to the hundreds of thousands of people who'd been enjoying its beauty for--oh--about a hundred years. Thanks, Pedro!

    And why, of why, does a city employee (or two) have to schlep around that damned City of Hartford lectern everywhere that the mayor goes?

  8. The city workers schlepping around the podium are Faculty employees who are suppose to be cleaning buildings, I guess the facilities are all spotless., just like the city streets, parks, medians, vacant lots, blighted properties etc.

    Great management of city resources, equipment & gas. Your a Real Leader.

  9. 11:52 I think we have to separate the campaign staff from the city of Hartford staff. I believe that La Luz and Munoz are city of Hartford staff. and Ms. Grande and Sindland are campaign staff (city staff is paid from our taxes and campaign staff from the donors of the campaign) .

    Regardless, both staff are not that competent as you can see by the work they send out (50 shades of "accomplishments") but I have to compare that "damned City of Hartford lectern" to the Roman Empire. When Caligula would go all over the place and have his people carry that damned Roman lectern with the "eagle" as symbol of power. As you see, nothing has changed;depravity, dictatorship and intimidation. History repeats itself.....


  10. Here she is: "Assistant Communications Director". So according to Segarra's July 1st reporting, he has been paying Shelley about $1200/week. Apparently she--like Maribel--wasn't up to the job and required an assistant.

    Jenna Grande | LinkedIn
    Branford, Connecticut - ‎Assistant Communications Director at Re-Elect Pedro Segarra for Mayor
    View Jenna Grande's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jenna Grande discover inside ...

    1. Is Jenna Grande the one who stated in her resume that eating tacos and reading obituaries were her talent or hobbies, or was it the other "communication assistant" loser Hilda Munoz?

  11. Would have been better if Pedro got ARIANA Grande instead of this Jenna, maybe with Ariana Grande people would think of her and not of all the failures of Pedro

  12. Pedro Peter Caviar's "communication director" Shelly Sinkland, is she the one who filed a lawsuit a few years ago against FoxCT for discrimination, claiming a photographer said she is too fat?
    Just asking.

    1. Ask Shelly how much she got paid out of her lawsuit

  13. The real question is why in the world would anyone take the time to send out press release after press release of nonsensical garbage, unless it was a direct order from the mayor or from his campaign director. We must not forget that they take direction from the boss. And it goes to show that whomever is telling them to write this nonsense is an idiot himself.

  14. Why in the world would anyone like Shelly Sindland and Jenna Grande send out press release after press release of garbage while they know all the shenanigans and s--t their boss Pedro is part of.
    Just think about it, this exposes the two directly to serious liability

  15. Sindland and Grande must be held responsible just like Segarra. Hope they're protected with good insurance.

  16. It's a job people-get over it.

  17. Its a job for them, they take their orders from the boss. Whatever the boss says to write or take pictures of they do it. For the paycheck. The integrity of the content is the sole responsibility of their direct boss which could be the campaign manager what's his name, Juan Figureitout Chief of staff or Caviar himself. It is an easy job as everyone can see, no research, no background check, just write the nonsense and try to make it believable. I just changed my opinion, it is a hard and difficult job turning garbage "accomplishments" into something that can be read and try to fool everyone. Sinkland and singsongGrande deserve a raise, I bet they are underpaid because they are women the others that don't know how to write get much more I bet.

  18. If you only knew Sinkland's character, you'd understand that she's acting like a boss. She gives Pedro orders what to do and what not to do. She's always there with him, sitting in the first row right in front of Pedro, nodding and whispering whenever possible.
    Pedro is no boss. The real bosses here are Charlie O., Shelly S.
    Looks like Pedro is on some kind of medication, some kind of drug or drugs, not sure if legal or illegal. Someone needs to examine Pedro Peter Caviar to find out what he's on. Anyway, he's doing an excellent job PRETENDING to be a mayor.

  19. Here's another great "accomplishment" by Segarra, ignored by everyone:

    Life Star Helicopters are moving OUT of Hartford. They'll be sitting on the grass in Meriden even before their new hanger is ready. They just want to get the f--- out of here.

    Yeah, we're all shaking our heads in disbelief.

  20. With all these empty-headed women around him, one normally would assume that the good mayor was making a lot of woopy with them at night. Well, we know this isn't happening. So why all the wasteful labor in the mayor's office?

    On the evening of September 16, when Litter Peter is defeated, I will pay a visit to his disenchanted headquarters. I will look sad and sorry. Inside, I will be rejoicing and singing, "Hallaluya, Brother."

    Then I will visit the real winner and thank the non-existent lord. And imbibe.

  21. Any truth to the rumor that Pedro/Peter parked in a handicapped spot at the Xfinity Theater on Saturday night?

    Remember folks, he cares nothing about you. Just your vote. And your money.

  22. When Luke Bronin becomes our mayor, he must name this 3,000 feet sidewalk "Pedro aka Peter Sidewalk." This sidewalk will become a symbol to Hartford's end of corruption and Segarra's way out.

  23. 7:09 PM I haven't heard anything about that yet but I would be glad to listen to details if you have any please call or email me with any info

  24. We should not be attacking Sinkland or Jenna aka Ariana Grande, your attacks are directed to the wrong people in the campaign. These women are in the lower eschelon of the campaign staff. They take orders from that idiot campaign manager Blah,Blah Bland (yes, that one that after the Democratic Convention vote, spewed, nonsense in front of the cameras,"the system is corrupt that is why the Mayor refused the endorsement...blah,blah ) and Juan Figureitout Slowly Figueroa. Those are the ones that tell them what to write and when to write the nonsense. Everyone there is just for the salary, the almighty dollar. No one gives a damn about the content....just spew out the garbage and collect the fat check. Who cares about the voters.......

  25. Yeah, right, talk to Sindland about Segarra, you'll see fire coming out of her eyes and mouth. Not only she protects him, she fights for him, she wouldn't let you talk, she wouldn't let you finish a dentence and she'll be all over you, attacking YOU.
    Of course she's in it for the money, the same way she filed a lawsuit against FoxCT and the Tribune Co. a few years back, for the money, but in my opinion she'll do anything for Segarra to win, which increases her "value". Who knows, maybe Segarra also promised her a fat bonus if he wins.

  26. I agree with 11:56. The other day I met Shelly in person and I can tell you this was no fun, no fun at all, to say the least.

  27. A man was killed and a woman injured in Hartford latest homicide last night. This was murder #21 this year.
    WFSB reports that Segarra arrived at the scene just before 7 a.m. and said "Help is needed from the federal government."
    Yo Segarra, Pedro or Peter, we're already short almost 100 cops, you idiot. First you must do something about that. Stop spending the police budget on your nonsense stadium, you moron.

    Now shootings in Hartford go in doubles.
    Segarra had to wake up early this morning and get to Lenox street by 7am. Poor little Pedro.
    3 weeks ago he asked for help from the state. 2 weeks ago he went to the white house to become a crime expert in a day or 2. Today he's asking for federal help.
    This guy, Segarra, is a cuckoo.

  29. Another murder in Hartford. We are all shaking our heads in disbelief.

  30. Segarra visited the homicide scene this morning. What exactly did this crime expert do there, except of course interrupting the police work investigating and collecting evidence? What does Segarra know about policing?

  31. After his daytrip to the White House Segarra became - or at least he wants us to believe he became - a world expert on crime. Committing crime and investigating crime, 'whatever' crime. He still hasn't thought how to prevent crime (here's a hint Pedro, save yourself another day trip to D.C.: jobs, jobs, jobs!).

  32. Pedro was fully aware that Hartford needs jobs. Lots of jobs. Badly. So Pedro promised to bring jobs to Hartford.
    Sorry, that was in his last campaign 4 years ago.

  33. Hey, Pedro brought us a stadium, with jobs. Low, low paying jobs, even less than part-time, only 200 hours a YEAR. At least HE calls that "jobs".
