Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Peter Segarra at a recent ribbon cutting for a sidewalk on Tower Avenue 

We have heard an awful lot lately about "Hispanic Pride" as Mayor Pedro Segarra fights for his political life. Apparently the Hispanic heritage is important at re-election time, but the Anglo version is just fine at other times, especially when filing for bankruptcy. Peter Segarra is an alias for Pedro Segarra as indicated in the US Bankruptcy filing below. Why would he need to file under the alias Peter Segarra unless he was also using that name to acquire debt he was hoping to discharge under the filing?

Segarra's filing was acquired from the US Federal Court archives.

It also raises questions about Segarra's fitness to manage Hartford's half a billion a year budget when he was unable to properly manage his own finances. Actually, it probably also answers many more questions as to why Hartford is the financial mess that it currently is under Segarra's administration. Especially when it comes to those questioning how Segarra could plunge the City into the unaffordable debt that accompanied the baseball stadium project.

Peter's bankruptcy filing also opened the door for other questions to Segarra's election claims. Mainly, has he really been a Hartford resident for 41 years as he claims? That claim appears to be untrue. According to additional information developed through research, there appears to be a period of at least several years to a decade after the bankruptcy filing and discharge that Segara had actually left Hartford and was practicing law in South Florida in the Miami area. Several addresses are listed in the Miami area for Segarra during that period.

A search of both yellow page listings and white page listings for Pedro E Segarra in the Hartford area during that period show no personal or professional listings for Segarra's home or office. This would seem very unusual for a practicing attorney not to have a business listing if he was really in the Hartford area  during that time.

This is important since Segarra continues to make the residency of the endorsed candidate and frontrunner Luke Bronin an issue in the race. It appears that the legitimacy of Segarra's residency claims are being drawn into question by these records .Segarra seems to claim that Bronin's 10 year Hartford residency does not render him fit to be Mayor. I would counter that Segarra's lack of truthfulness is more of an issue than residency ever could be. I could care less if the Bronin family was unloading the moving van coming into Hartford  today . As long as he  provides  leadership and vision to move Hartford forward, the 41 years (or whatever the truth is) means nothing to me. Stale ideas and no vision mean very little.


  1. It's funny how you try and find everything possible no matter how small on everyone else but won't put out anything negative on your hero.

    1. 12:08 PM "everything possible no matter how small?"
      There's NOTHING small in all of Segarra's lies and deception.

  2. Kevin, you got me completely confused now: What's that guy, who pretends to be a mayor, resl name is? Is it:
    Pedro Caviar Segarra
    - or -
    Peter Caviar Segarra

    1. He should try Peter Pan Segarra

  3. It depends if he is using his real name or the alias

  4. Where's the Hartford Courant, if it stll exists, in all of this fact findings bankrupcy story?


    Peter Segarra is a crook and a liar, just like Pedro Segarra is.

  6. Chief of Department Carlos Huertas was called "Charlie" for years if not decades when he was on the line in Suppression. Gets himself promoted to Assistant Chief of Department (years ago) and decided Charlie wasn't good enough, he insisted he be addressed as "Carlos". He even sent out a "Official Notice" to make it really really official. I personally don't care what he called himself or insist what others call him. Everyone refers to him as just....."Incompetent".

    1. Problem is Charlie/Carlos H. is, as you say, incompetent. Peter/Pedro S. is incompetent AND corrupt.
      By the way, does Charlie/Carlos H. still drive that $70,000+ fully loaded SUV?

  7. Looks like WFSB channel 3 confirmed the shenanigans/fraud by Pedro or Peter - your choice - which you reported earlier. Great job, Kevin!

  8. It was reported by Susan Raff earlier at the 6 o'clock news. Kevin Brookman was 100% correct.

  9. Did you like Pedro's evasive answers ?

    1. Pedro Peter Caviar's answers are mostly lies, and when he doesn't lies his answers are evasive. Each subject, every issue, the police force, dirty Bushnell Park, anything and everything.

  10. Did you notice they said it was uncovered by a local blogger no credit to we the people though

    1. WFSB should give you full credit or they'll be referred to as a 'local tv station'.

  11. The question is if PEDRO is his real name, if his clients wrote PEDRO on their checks, if his filings with the CT Bar are under the name PEDRO, if his tax returns name him as PEDRO, then the use of the name PETER is a fraud. Both PETER/PEDRO Segarra and ALEX/ALEXANDER Aponte must have know it.

    1. Anonymous at 7:40 In my opinion Pedro Peter didn't have too many clients, he was always a lousy lawyer who represented his clients very poorly. That's why he filed bankruptcy, could never finance himself, could not balance his own little balance.

    2. This man, Segarra, was always known, and wanted to be known, as Pedro. Akways. The BIG question here is why did he use ANOTHER name for the bankruptcy filing. Was he embarrassed or something? Was he hiding something? Was he trying to defraud someone? Did he want to escape paying his bills? What's the real story here?
      Simple questions, but he must give us straight answers.

  12. How many pages are in that bankruptcy protection filed by Alex on behalf of Pedro, sorry, Peter. I know a great CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) who'd love to look at it.

  13. When Eyewitness News asked how long he has been in Hartford, he said: "I had an office here and one in Miami."
    That's not an answer , an office here an office there. The question, Pedro Peter, was HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN HARTFORD. Therefore the "41 years" he bulks--t all the time is probably nothing but one big crap.

  14. When Eyewitness News asked if he lived in Miami, he said: "Absolutely not, definitely more here" and he commuted back and forth.
    His answer is misleading, to say the keast. First it's the "Absolutely not" to living in Miami, then "Definitely more here", which means he DID live in Miami.
    Now this guy was traveling "Back and forth" in his own words, but wasn't it the time of the bankruptcy protection filing, how did he have money for offices 'here and there' and traveling 'back and forth'.
    This guy smells worse than a stinky fish.

  15. Eyewitness News headline:
    We now know all the question, we have no clear or truthful answers.

  16. After hearing Segarra's evasive answers there definitely are more questions now.

  17. "I has an office here and one in Miami."

    How about disclosing the address of the offices HERE AND THERE? Any proof showing your rent pay for the offices HERE AND THERE? How about phone bills for the offices HERE AND THERE? Any utility bills you can show us under your name to support your claim of the offices HERE AND THERE? Maybe it was an office of one of you colleagues who just kept your mail for you? Any proof you went back and forth to and from the offices HERE AND THERE, like airline tickets, mileage accounts etc. you can show us? Will DMV records show that you were HERE OR THERE? What about your tax returns, will they show you were HERE AND THERE?

    1. Segarra doesn't have any 'here and there.' He only has over THERE, in the Dade County area.
      I'd like to see Denis House and Susan Raff asking him the real, tough questions.

  18. I watched Susan Raff report. Peter or Pedro or whatever Segarra didn't want to answer the questions in front of a camera. Surprise!
    Nevertheless, his written statements/answers were unsatisfactory, ridiculous and stupid. Most likely untruthfull as well.

      The dare is tell the TRUTH or Get out of HERE and go back THERE!

  19. Keep up the good work Kevin. The mayor is no longer a member of the Florida Bar Association. You can't be a member unless you reside in the State of Florida while practicing law. Pedro (or Peter) had to have residency there. No way was he commuting back and forth to Hartford from Miami everyday. So what is he trying to hide? No matter what he is not fit to serve as mayor.

    1. Interesting. Therefore, Peter/Pedro had to be a resident of the State of Florida. Let's find out the truth, not what Peter/Pedro Caviar is saying.

    2. Maybe "Pedro" was in Florida and "Peter" was in Hartford... No, the other way around: Maybe "Peter" was in Florida and his twin brother "Pedro" was in Hartford... Not sure, I'm so confused...

  20. Segarra's lawyer from that bankruptcy report above. Alexander Aponte, currently serves on the city council. The news media should ask this food stamp fraud questions also.

  21. Was it Peter Segarra or Pedro Segarra frequenting the "TOUCH OF CLASS"? Send those pages to Eyewitness News.

    And yes it is relevant Pedro or Peter was violating the law, while sworn in to uphold it.

    You want to see EVASIVENESS.

  22. Contact the Florida Bar at 850-561-5600 and ask for their legal division. Segarra was admitted on 3/31/2000, but as of 3/7/2007 Segarra cannot practice law in FL, he's delinquent on his payments to the Bar and also did not complete his education requirements, what they call in FL CLER.

  23. Pedro Ernesto Segarra number with the Florida Bar is 192960.

  24. I couldn't care less about Pedro Caviar number with FL Bar Association.
    I do care and I'd like to see Pedro Caviar number as a prisoner in federal jail.

  25. This man, Pedro or Peter is not only irresponsible, HE IS CRAZY!
    Here's some details from Pedro/Peter bankruptcy filing: He stated cash on hand $200 only (tell me how you travel 'back and forth' to Miami with $200 cash on hand). His household furniture, clothing and jewelry was worth $3,400. His Fleet Bank checking acct. $1,000 and his savings acct. with CT State Employee Credit Union was $171. That's what Pedro/Peter was claiming, TOTAL ASSETS $7,271.
    Pedro/Peter TOTAL LIABILITIES WERE $488,883.96!!!
    You got that right: Total assets: a little over $7K. Total liabilities: almost 1/2 million dollars. THIS MAN, PEDRO/PETER CAVIAR SEGARRA, IS C-R-A-Z-Y !

    He, Pedro/Peter, owed money to Allstate Insurance ($313), he owed Bushnell on the Park rent ($318, but didn't he rent that time on 75 Julius St.?), he owed the Hispanic Yellow Pages ($4,250, he even screwed up his own people), he owed CL&P/Northeast Utilities ($2,955), he owed on his student loan ($9,268), he owed Fedex ($257), he owed UConn Medical Center for some medical issues ($346), he owed his lover of many year John Mendez ($158,718), he owed on 1224 Prospect Ave. ($284,784, nice to live in luxury without any money), he owed Halloran & Sage for legal services ($3,682, now Halloran & Sage among his biggest donors to his campaign, and they also benefit directly from the city with our tax dollars), he owed the phone company SNET ($2,292), he owed Sprint for long distance calls ($4,323, where exactly did he call for so much $$), he owed to cable company for TV ($132), he owed for Travel Card purchases ($1,435.91), he owed Mercedes-Benz on his lease agreement ($8,600.57, who drives a Mercedes without $$).

    Is this man, Pedro/Peter Caviar Segarra, who eats expensive caviar with friends paid for with city credit card, a city that is broke, is this man qualified to be a mayor? This is a replica of his personal financials.

    Now wait, it gets even better:
    At the time of the bankruptcy filing, Pedro/Peter was getting paid by the City of Hartford for his job at Corporate Counsel office. He took the money, but HE DID NOT PAY HIS TAXES TO THE CITY OF HARTFORD. He didn't pay his personal property tax AND he did not pay for several years his motor vehicle taxes (Owed the tax collector of the City of Hartford $1,984).


    1. 9:49 AM on 8/8: I'm a Fedex employee, can I collect from Segarra what is owed to Fedex for services he received but never paid for?
      This kind of money goes a long way in my family.

  26. Wow, if all this info is correct how is it possible that Segarra is still running for reelection?

  27. This is truly unbelievable. Segarra ran an office, enjoyed the good life and practically paid nobody, he screwed up anyone he could, than filed for bankruptcy, claiming he had $200 cash on hand.
    Does anyone believe his story? Does anyone believe his bullcrap?

  28. let me understand this: Segarra taxes us to death. we're bleeding with his taxes, with his stupidly hi mill rate, the highest in the state of CT. but he, Pedro Peter Caviar Segarra, got paid by the city, but he didn't pay his own taxes, personal property and his motor vehicle taxes for several years.
    If this is true, shame on you, you ba----d.

  29. Hopefully this mayor is going to be history soon. Just imagine if we the people didn't pay our taxes. I read in his bankruptcy filing that, while he was supposed to be a role model, he owed on his own taxes to the city tax collector and didn't pay it for quiet some time. I'm disgusted by this mayor.

  30. This again is Segarra at his best, spending like a drunk sailor, not paying any of his bills, screwing up everyone, then protecting himself with a bankruptcy.
    Yo, Pedro, did you finally pay ANYTHING of what you owe?

  31. Pedro Caviar makes sure the city collects its taxes, every penny, with penalties and late fees. As for his own taxes, well, that's something else

  32. If Pedro with $200 in his pocket and $1,100 or $1,200 in his bank acct. cannot balance his personal budget, how can he balance the city $500 million budget?

  33. Pedro Caviar Segarra and Peter Caviar Segarra, whatever name you use, whatever name you prefer: PAY YOUR BILLS!

  34. Pedro didn't raise taxes. The mill rate has been the same. Don't think Luke will come in here with a magic wand and everything will be ok. He will have to cut cut cut programs to balance a budget and probably raise taxes too. So now what Hartford?

  35. Now what? Get rid of Segarra, his mismanagement and corruption. That's the first thing to do.
    Segarra didn't raise the mill rate indeed, but he made sure the assessment % and calculation bring in much higher taxes. We're paying more on our taxes each and every year of the Segarra administration. That's a simple fact.
    Luke doesn't have a magic wand, he's telling us this himself, but Luke will bring businesses to Hartford, many more businesses. That's how he'll cut taxes and crime in Hartford.
    Segarra had his time, more than 5 years as mayor and screwed it up. It's time to dump him and choose someone else.
    Luke Bronin is my choice.

  36. You can't ask much from a mayor who only cares about the downtown, the stadium we can't afford and himself. ♤ ◇ ♧ ☆ Hey Pedro, you are fired!

  37. TAXES, JOBS and CRIME.

    These are the 3 most important issues facing Hartford. A mayor who solves these 3 will make Hartford the best place on earth!
    Pedro Segarra failed miserably all 3 in his 5+ years as mayor.
    My choice is also Luke Bronin. I'm sure he'll do a better job.

  38. 10:47 You got it right: Taxes, jobs & crime are by far the biggest problems in Hartford that must be addressed and resolved.

  39. 9:49 AM on 8/8/2015, I see a long, long list of creditors, I see a very long list of nonpayments by Pedro Segarra. He didn't pay rent, he didn't pay electric bills, he didn't pay phone bills, he didn't pay Fedex, he probably didn't pay for the Mercedes he was driving and much more.
    Is there anything that Pedro Segarra DID pay?
    Is it all because he didn't earn enough as a bad lawyer and the little he had he spent on "Touch of Class?"
