Friday, September 18, 2015


I know for a fact Pedro Segarra and his staff are regular readers of this blog. So let me give this a shot.

Pedro, you as well as most. know very well I am not a fan of yours. I have told you from the very start I have been disappointed with you . So many people , including myself, were praying or the conviction  of your predecessor, just to usher in a new era of change. Well, as the old saying goes, you don't always get what  you wish for.. We gave you a few years to try, Admittedly under very trying circumstances to you, but that is what leadership is about, rising to the challenge when needed.

Hopefully you are sitting down right now, but I want to thank you for your efforts. On behalf of myself an many others in Hartford, thank you for stepping in under difficult circumstances when the City of Hartford needed someone different to serve.

As I said to you the day you and I met in your office, along with Dave Panagore, right after you took office, one of the basic rules of management is that as a leader , you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Pedro if you are being honest, you would have to admit you made some terrible choices in that respect.

I won't rehash everything, but many of your pitfalls were pointed out here on this very blog and I would have gladly worked with you on many of these issues to avoid the embarrassment and damage to our City. No one person can claim exclusive love for this city and its people and I would have been more than willing to work with you to move this City forward, but you made the choice not to. Again, as they say hindsight is 20/20 vision. Maybe knowing what we know today, things might have been different.

Let me get to my point. You had your shot at leadership and you fell short. This is not just my opinion, but an opinion shared by more than 55% of Hartford's voters. Now is not the time to draw this out. I understand you have been through a difficult contest, I also understand you need time to regroup and consider your future.

When considering your future, please also consider the future of the City and the people you say you love. Remember the city you claim gave you your future 41 years ago. Now please don't hold that same City back. This is not about your ego or your political future. Make your decision for the right reasons. Allow Hartford to move forward or the right reasons. Allow the voices of Hartford's voters to be heard. Allow the choice of the people, Luke Bronin an his Council slate, to take the reins of leadership and mold the future of Hartford.

Not to be blunt, but you had five years to prove yourself and you fell short . Now give Bronin his shot and see what he can accomplish. I will give you my promise here, Pedro. If he doesn't do it, I will be very vocal about it. I held you accountable and I will do the same thing to a Bronin Administration if they fall short. I will also make the same offer to Luke Bronin that I made to you, I am willing to give my heart and soul to see this City succeed and see my neighbors and friends here thrive .

Take your needed rest and please decide to end the divisiveness now. Unify behind the people's choice to lead the City, and lets get started now to  move the City that all three of us, you, Luke and myself , along with thousands of others love and car about.

Please rise to the occasion and show us the real Pedro Segarra. Make the right decision and please step aside  with grace and dignity.

Thank you again for your service to our City and thank you to Charlie  for his support of your service.


  1. Loser at 5:10 PM that is exactly the type of behavior I am talking about .as long as we keep doing that Hartford is not going to move forward .why don't we as a community start mentoring and developing future leaders so when they have their opportunity they excell instead of being a disaster like Pedro was.

  2. Pedro had no problem with the voting system four years ago when he had the Democratic nomination. I also recall that when he took over for Perez he said he would not seek election. That was to say the least, misleading. It is time for Pedro to see the handwriting on the wall. Don't blame the machine. Pedro knows why he lost to Bronin. He lost because the citizens are unhappy. He lost because people are sick of all the murders. They are tired of the streets not being cleared in the winter. They are sick of hearing about the problems on the Fire Dept. They are wary of what is going to happen with the baseball stadium. Pedro need to do the right thing and bow out gracefully.

  3. Varon,

    it's time to pursuit other endeavors,
    Gracias for your service to this Great City!!!

  4. Ooops, we should have hired copsSeptember 18, 2015 at 8:11 PM

    You can blame a lot of things on Pedro. Specifically surrounding himself with boobs (see Jalmar and Juan Fig.) BUT, the violence spike and shortage of cops falls square on the shoulders of most of the council. Most specifically Ken Kennedy. Shame. Raul Dejesus as well. These two brain dead individuals did more to strip the police department then Pedro ever could. Ask anybody at HPD. Council sabotaged the PD staffing. council. And this was such a disgrace to see Fat Boy Kennedy standing with Pedeo and DeJesus standing with Bronin. Both talking about increased staffing. What a disgrace. Pack your bags Ken. Asta lavista Raul. You losers are done. You never once took responsibility for cutting HPD to crumbs. Now eat it. Your careers are dead, and you both really only have each other to blame.
    Thanks god for the new slate. All those peeps are way better then any current sitting member.
    Ken and Raul, remember those names, they have blood and deaths on there hands.

    1. Ooops, We Should Have... you can blame Ken Kennedy and Raul Dejesus, blame the librarian on Main St. or the Burger King cashier, but at the end of the day there's only one leader, one captain, and our captain in the City of Hartford was drunk in the past 5 years.
      Now I don't care if you blame Canada.

  5. This comment was posted by an "Anonymous" commenter at 5:10PM. After I posted it and called the commenter to task, the commenter apparently removed it on his own. I have reposted it. to see the nonsense that gets posted and the rampant racism.

    "This is War you don't think this is over do you?? We the Royal Delegates of the Latin Community will make sure Luke Bronin fails an this city runs itself into the ground that voting system was fixed an rigged an Pedro will not go down without a fight!! Pedro today Pedro Tomorrow Pedro Forever"

    My original response is still there at the top of the page

  6. I don't understand what's going on here: Segarra lost the primary on Wednesday. Lost big time. Segarra with his name recognition but miserable performance got 10% less votes than the other, unknown but very smart candidate.
    Segarra lost, L-O-S-T, now Segarra must go. What doesn't he understand here?

  7. Kevin,My father taught us that to be a true man of integrity ,you have to incorporate many honorable traits,especially the ability to say "that you f#%ked up and own it" and when necessary "I'm Sorry". Until I hear some form of those two statements from the mayor ,I wont be as sympathetic as you are to Segarra's failed "intentions"

  8. I agree with anonymous 11:00PM. that dirtbag Pedro Segarra,Peter Segarra ,Maria Uaga or whatever else he calls himself has cost the taxpayers many tens of millions of dollars and I will not be thanking that dirtbag for his service.

  9. Anonymous at 11PM, I don't want to hear any "sorry" from this leech, blood sucker Pedro Peter Caviar. We are going to pay millions, many millions, money we don't have for many-many years, for what this scumbag did. No "sorries", I just want to see him go. Go home, go to jail, go anywhere, just go.

  10. The only "I'm sorry" that should come out of HIS mouth is to the crime victims and their families for failing to maintain a police force by size and quality as should be

  11. So now we go begging Segarra not to run? This is one big joke. You guys have a short memory. Pedro Segarra is a scumbag. Period.

  12. In my opinion, Pedro Segarra's actions cost taxpayers of Hartford tens of million of dollars.
    In my opinion, Pedro Segarra's inaction cost innocent victims their lives.

  13. how bout paying Segarra to get out of the mayor's office. enough already

  14. Segarra gave us a stadium, which we never asked for, as a "DONE DEAL."
    Now Segarra gave us an election loss, which we did ask for, as a "DONE DEAL."
    We are forced to accept both "done deals."

  15. Pedrito said he had to rest before making any decision if he was going to continue running.
    Well Pedrito, you've rested Wed. night, Thu. night, Fri. night. How many more nights you need to rest before you announce?

    1. Tell Segarra to continue resting. He's got just 42 more days for resting.

    2. Yo, Segarra was resting for almost 5 1/2 years now. He simply didn't understand what he had to do. Too late now, the old lady must go.

  16. Pedro will need "a lot, a lot, a lot of money and a heavy 'machinery' " if he to run. Time to say goodbye.

  17. Yeah, I agree with 12:02. I don't think Pedro has the money to wage a 6 plus week battle against Bronin. It seems like from the way people are talking, that Bronin is expected to be a shoe-in in the general election.

  18. Not only that, I spoke to quiet a few latinos AFTER the Wednesday primary, some who voted for Segarra. They're all telling me that it was the last time they voted for him. That's it, they understand that Wednesday result was loud and clear, that it's time for a change.

  19. Segarra loaned his campaign$19,000 recently. If he remains in this race as an independent, he'll need approximately the same amount each and every week until Nov.3, and even with this money he's not going to win. He should just quit and go home quietly. Nobody will notice.

  20. Segarra surrounded himself with opportunists who did not care about Hartford. Jalmar del Diablo who came straight from hell as no one knew him beforehand in Hartford and in 2 years became powerful behind the scenes scheduling and scheduling from his IPAD and Lousy Goosey Figueroa who (apparently had more than 30 years as a failure in politics) and has left no positive legacy after all these years. What is your legacy Lousy Goosey Figueroa? Besides scamming the government of hundreds and thousands of dollars by way of your salary. What a waste of tax payers hard earned money! I think Jalmar del Diablo was the one that recommended Michael Bland, that arrogant fool from New Jersey, another waste of money. If anything positive came out of that moving in circles campaign, it was Shelly Sinkland, who was just doing her job to the best of her abilities and we have to give her kudos to have put up with the incompetence surrounding her. It must have been just a nightmare when one is a professional surrounded by fools. One thing that came out of all this is that there were Latinos were fed up with the carelessness and mediocrity of the administration. Enough was enough and took a risk and placed their vote for Bronin.

    1. At the end of the day, or if you prefer at the end of the Segarra Administration, here're some results:

      Jalmar gets an "F".
      Michael Bland gets an "F".
      Figueroa gets an "F".
      Charlie O. gets an "F".
      Huertas gets an "F".
      Sandy KB gets an "F".
      Terry Waller gets an "F".
      Deller gets an "F".
      Pedro Segarra gets a "C" for caviar and a big "F" for his miserable performance.

      We hope you all do better in your next careers.

  21. @1:35pm- You left out SKB. Remember the accident when little Terry was driving her city owned vehicle after hours? What about the career track she set for him to possibly one day become Fire Chief? Glad that one got nipped in the bud. What about her resignation which was made public and her being hired back as a contractor that was kept on on the down low until Brookman caught wind of it?

  22. If Segarra continues on his unfortunate quest for re-election (after being defeated at the Dem Convention and defeated at the Primary) he will lose anyway as there is Joel Cruz to contend with, which will split the Latino vote big time and HE WILL LOSE AGAIN. So please Pedro if you have ANY DIGNITY LEFT. Just pack your bags, sale your Mansion (nothing grassroots about it, looks like a mansion of privilege) and go back to Miami where I hope you still have your Lawyers license and call it a day. At least you will salvage your dignity.

  23. Dignity? Pedro has ANY dignity left? He lost all dignity, there is not a shadow of respect for this man.
    As for a license to practice law in FL, he needs to pay some fees for renewal and pass a few exams first.
    Pedro can run for mayor or another ceremonial position in Miami; he'll tell the voters that he'd been there for 41 years, he commuted back and forth from Miami to Hartford (with $200 cash on hand...), but was most of the time in Hartford, sorry, in Miami. His lies could be working well down there.


  25. Kevin, if Segarra runs for mayor in Miami, will you launch a blog ""?

  26. I doubt it .I think I'll stay around here for a while now that we finally made some change .

  27. I'm concerned about what Segarra could do. He screwed up 124,000 people in Hartford who will pay for all of his scandals for years to come.
    In Miami he could screw up a population of over 400,000. This guy screws up everything he touch.

  28. Another resting night and no word from Segarra yet. Is he consulting with Minnie Mouse? Is he consulting with the Vargas-LaLose team? Maybe the SKB-Waller team?

    1. If Segarra decides to run as an independent he'll be defeated. If this happens he should be removed from the mayor's office like.....
      (fill in the rest)

  29. Minnie Gonzalez:


    Minnie Gonzalez in her own words.

    1. Who is the pig Minnie is talking about?

    2. We hope Pedro is already in the process of dumping Minnie Mouse' dauggter from his office. Unnecessary job, useless worker or secretary or whatever she does. It was a payback to her corrupt mother in order that she gets Pedro the latino vote. Remember Minnie Mouse "we'll take it to the streets".
      Time to get rid of the corruption and throw it to the sewer.

  30. US Senators Blumenthal and Murphy Endorse Bronin For Hartford Mayor.
    State representatives Minnie Gonzalez and Edwin Vargas endorse Pedro for just about anything in Hartford.

  31. Segarra better not be consulting with Arrogant Bland, because he does not want to go back to New Jersey yet to the wife and kids as he has been playing the field in Hartford being the Arrogant Papi Chulo that he is....too much fun! Why go back to suburbia in Jersey where no one knows him?

  32. Bland is getting paid really well, problem is we now know that he's obviously being overpaid big time. Some of the $19k Segarra gave as a loan to himself is basically to pay Bland.

  33. But the question is ,is he really getting paid?I have been told are some real financial problems with the campaign

    1. Kevin, obviously his campaign has some very serious financial problems. #1. If Segarra raised over a period of 2 months, starting 7/1, only $46k but spend $152k at the very same period, that's clear there are serious problems. #2. If Segarra the gold digger wrote a check of $19k to his own campaign, that's clear there are serious problems. #3. Rumors flying around of unpaid bills and invoices owed by his campaign, that's also tells us of serious problems.
      ... ---... (SOS), Pedro's boat is sinking.

  34. Michael Bland is an arrogant and a liar, but I can't see him working for no money... Unless Pedro, who's a big liar himself, promised him something.
    What about Shelly? Is she in or out Pedro's failed campaign? Did she quit because Pedro didn't pay her as well? What about the rent on Farmington Ave.? Did pedro "skipped" on paying the rent there as well?

    1. The Farmington avenue office went dark after the announcement that Luke was the winner. All the signs and posters were removed. Now the place is completely dark.
      Call the land owner,vsee if he got paid or if he was screwed up like many before him.

    2. Where is or was his office on Farmington Av, I drove along and didn't see anything

  35. Vargas and Minnie Mouse are just a portion of the garbage accumulated in Hartford in the last five years . The list is very long and the next mayor will be responsible to remove all the garbage.

  36. Kevin, no message - good or bad - would convince Segarra to run or not to run. The fact that his campaign was mismanaged and now broke won't persuade him either. After all, he has to continue for a few more weeks - not a big deal, a few more week only - hold all payments, then file for bankruptcy protection. He has experience, he's good at it.

  37. 6:47pm
    I totally agree, Pedro Segarra was in Miami almost 41 yrs. I'll say anything he wants, as long as he gets the f**k out of here.

  38. Why would his campaign be any different than the way he's run the city of Hartford ? A deficit is a deficit

  39. 2:54pm I believe the address was 580 Farmington, it's right next to CVS on Farmington Av

  40. That's exactly what someone said earlier on your blog: Segarra doesn't have any idea what's the difference between $500,000 and $5,000,000 as well as $50,000,000. For Segarra these figures are all "5" with many zeros.

  41. September 20 at 2:10 PM..... like a dirty dog!

  42. Here's the latest as of Monday night:
    Segarra still "quiet" whether he'll continue his mayoral bid. Remember, just 5 days ago he lost to Luke Bronin. Immediately after this unbelievable defeat Pedro said that he needed to do some analysis. Pedro? Analysis? Doesn't Pedro the idiot know that he needs some brain, some, for analysis? Then he needed some rest. Some rest? How much rest? How long? We'll already 120 hours after his embarrassing loss, how much more time does he need? Then, he doesn't talk to the media, he hired a spokeswoman for his campaign - hopefully he pays her - by the name Jenna Grande (would be more interesting if it was Ariana Grande). But what campaign are they talking about, his campaign already folded, closed, no longer exists. The lights at 580 Farmington, his "headquarters", are off (not sure if the rent was paid, not sure if the Eversource electric bill was paid). Where is Michael Bland? Where is Shelly SinkBoatLand? Heeeelp!!!!

  43. Pedrito is trying to play Cinderella after 12 midnight, however she be broke her followers are no longer and her attempts to accommodate jamar de diablo and others from his admin in city departments is futile.

    Adios negro please leave, en realidad, you are an embarrassment, say hello to your little friends in Miami.

  44. 7:38 PM
    Pedro Segarra's campaign is KAPUT.

  45. let me understand something: Pedro Caviar - being the irresponsible that he is - spent more money than he was able to raise. How can he continue with no money. Who is stupid enough to give him more money, the Konover family members or Laz parking owner and some of his employees? How these 2 are benefiting from "donation" to Segarra the loser? Hope i get some answers.

    1. The Konover family own and manage quiet a few properties, residential and commercial properties, in Hartford. Look at their history, assessments, taxes, permits, inspections and violations. They may be big loser if Segarra is out of office. Otherwise what reasons do they have to donate to the Segarra's campaign as they did? Could it be a thank you to Segarra for the crime increase, for example at the corner of their property at Park & Zion St?

    2. Hey Simon Konover, you don't need to support and pay Segarra no more. Segarra is done in Hartford, maybe he'll be able to help you in Miami.

  46. Segarra is resting, doesn't need Jalmar Del Diablo anymore. Start saving the city some money, SEND JALMAR HOME ALREADY.


  47. FINALLY, its all good! Segarra probably made a deal with the State! Now he will not be prosecuted for all the corruption and damage he has done to Hartford in exchange for stepping down!

    1. Let Segarra make a deal with the State. We'll being the FBI here

  48. Unbelievable! It looks like Segarra listened to you Kevin...I can't believe he actually conceded, but everyone's wish came true.

  49. Pedro Peter Maria Caviar Segarra.

    T H E E N D.

  50. The Courant headline:


    This is truly bad news for one of his his supporters, Jenna Carlesso.


  52. Thomas Deller, we are all waiting for your

  53. Thank goodness ALL THE GARBAGE will be out soon from City Hall! They got what they deserved, they were out of touch with the people that they had neglected and thought dumb enough to vote for them! Guess what? The people have responded and you all self-serving waste from the scum of the earth must leave!!!!!!!! A new dawn for Hartford has begun!


    I'm not going to be nice or friendly, but I'll be honest with you. You were a disastrous mayor. And, in my opinion, also corrupt. There isn't enough space here to list all your dirt and shenanigans. Most people in Hartford think you stink as mayor. You have no character, you're afraid of your own shadow. You are still clueless what the mayor's job is. Leadership? Non existent. You talk behind people's backs like an old lady. You quit the race yesterday because you are broke, took you almost a week to figure out the only money you'll be able to raise is your own, that even the Puerto Rican vote will be split in November.
    Segarra, you are fired, now go home with your tail between your legs.

  55. I've just met this morning a very respected, hardworking lady in Hartford. She's a person who would have voted Segarra if everything was honest with him.
    She knew how much Mr. Bronin has raised and spent so far during the campaign. Obviously, she added, Mr. Bronin was an outsider and mostly unknown in Hartford, therefore a lot of spending was for name recognition, for Hartford residents to be familiarized with him and his background.
    But Pedro, she said, how terribly his campaign was managed and, she asked, where was all the money he raised - hundreds of thousands - and how smartly or stupidly did he spend it?
    Very quickly the conversation continued to the miserable financials of the city and how her hard earned tax dollars was spent.
    Her conclusion was that she'll never ever support Segarra again, "Not in a million years." Her words.

  56. Four years ago I supported Segarra myself. He will never get my support again.

  57. @8:01AM

    Wait wait wait... Must you compare Peter Piper to a little old lady? That is down right disgusting and unfair. Pedro is not a little old lady. He is literate. He knows how to navigate the darkened streets of Hartford. Knows where the best puck-up spots are. Little ole ladies would never be found where Pedro goes.

    I am in charge of the new "Society to Restore Pedro's Floundering Reputation." He needs to be liked and we should stop slandering him and give him his rightful due.

    I am now taking suggestions as to what to give Mayor Pedro Segarra. Would you kindly contribute your opinions thank you?

    1. 1:40pm There was no intention to insult Pedro with the "LIKE AN OLD LADY" remark. However, I overheard him several times bitching and complaining on bullcrap, on nothing, quejandose, just like an old lady.

  58. @1:40pm- I think a one way ticket out of the city would be an appropriate gift.

    1. Actually I'd give him a 1/2 way ticket only, with the condition that he's accompanied by the other guy, Charlie O.

    2. wait a minute 5:37pm: are you offering 1/2 a ticket to Segarra and 1/2 ticket to Charlie, or is it 1/2 ticket for both together, which means 1/4 ticket to Pedro and the other 1/4 ticket to Charlie. Please clarify this serious issue, everybody want these 2 outa here as soon as possible.

  59. Pedro Segarra's campaign failed because he listened to Jalmar del Diablo (who by the way made his appearance in Hartford only a few years ago and Waste of Money Figueroa who can't make a decisive decision for the life of him. Jalmar brought that arrogant loser Bland instead of Hartford people THEY HIRED OUTSIDERS instead, who did not know Hartford. Only at the last moment did they ask Stan McCauley to help and even then it was too late. The arrogant Bland wanted to spend and spend for "studies and consultants" and never ever left his office to knock even on one door! Segarra ignored the real powerful people of Hartford and these were the grassroots leaders of our community who he dissed so he pissed them off and they in turn had their people vote against him. What an asinine man is Segarra to think that local community leaders were not powerful in their communities and believed these stupid OUTSIDERS who all day were on the phone behind closed doors talking to their friends and wasting campaign money!!!!!!!!Anyway they got what they deserved. Now time to pack their bags and go. Please go you arrogant fools!

  60. No need to argue if Segarra is like an old lady or like a young lady. Who cares, what we care about is that Segarra is gone and better days are ahead for Hartford. The new mayor will never eat caviar using P-card, trust me on this.

  61. Without a doubt, Jalalabad del Diablo/Jalalabad de Doios, Figueroa and Michael Blander are major contributors to Pedro's fall.
    But the chief architects for this collapse are Pedro and Charlie themselves.

    The "organization" wishes them luck in Miami and Puerto Rico.

  62. Now that we got Pedro out (out of the mayor's office, that is) it's time to start preparing to get Minnie Me Mouse and Edwin Vargas OUT. Not because they supported the idiot Segarra, but because they're both corrupt and stinky liars.

  63. Breaking News:

    New Britain, yes, NEW BRITAIN, just approved the stadium lease for a new team. Their cost will be minuscule compared to Hartford's.
    Pedro the moron didn't see this coming. As always, he didn't plan right.


  65. I see that some of the B Row Democratic Segarra Slate are endorsing Joel Cruz! Which goes to show you how devious and corrupt and vindictive is Seggarra! As a leader of this slate he should have specifically instructed them to endorse Bronin! This back-handed crap has got to stop! As it show that Segarra is not sincere sand a man of his word when he conceded to Bronin and publicly stepped down! What a jerk he is! Everyone has to be UNITED, hello? Common sense here? There is NONE.

  66. * Segarra is not sincere. He never was.
    * Segarra is not a man of his word. Never was.
    * Segarra is corrupt, cares about his own interests only. He always was.

  67. @7:41PM

    As founding member of &Society to Restore Pedro's Reputation," you don't need to apologize. But he will be playing in Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde, for Christmas.

  68. Judge me not, follow the sugar.
