Friday, September 18, 2015


Sometime in April I think, I received a phone call that turned out to be from one of the most honorable, ethical, inspiring people that I have had the honor to meet. The caller identified himself as Robert Killian. He told me that he heard a lot about me and that he was contemplating a run for Mayor of Hartford. He wanted to meet and introduce himself. I wasn't sure but I also wanted to meet him and hear what he had to say.

I knew of him and his family name. I had heard him speak once as the MC for the Southend Democratic Ladies luncheon a few years ago and his style was impressive. We met at a restaurant for lunch which eventually turned out to be a three  hour introduction. Being in the presence of Bob Killian was  like having lunch with Santa Claus and Mark Twain at the same time. I couldn't stop calling him Judge, a title of respect he earned. He kept correcting me and asking me to just call him Bob.  (I still call him Judge, especially in public)

His knowledge and love of everything Hartford was amazing. His family history and political history and knowledge was also amazing. And after being a Judge for 31 years, I quickly realized he was one of the most "down to earth"  people I had ever met. By the end of our 3 hour lunch, Bob came right out and asked me what it would take to get me as part of his team for his Mayoral run. At first I was hesitant to commit. We talked some more and before we left, he asked again. What would it take to get me as part of his team?

He wore me down, and my response was "lets do this". From that point on, he treated me like he had known me for years and I was immediately included as part of his inner circle and included in most major campaign decisions. He still continued to impress me everyday . No matter where we went I the City , or who we met, a brief history lesson was attached (well I quickly learned the Judge was never brief, but always informative) and he always had a lesson.Whether we were going to lunch on Main Street or passing the XL Center, there was Hartford history. Saint Peter's Church, the Charter Oak Cultural Center, the roof collapse at the Civic Center. How many people knew about the co-generation power plant on the roof of the G.Fox building powered by kerosene? Bob Killian does.

Ask him about political events on the front steps of the old Hartford Times building (soon to be UConn) and the street that used to run by City Hall where the Burr Mall and Stegosaurus are know. The Killian family was here and were part f Hartford's history.

My "what if " calls between the two of us became a regular nightly thing. What did I think about staffing at HPD? What would he do about the baseball stadium?  What were my thoughts on Hartford's small business environment? Any thing and everything was on the table and I have never talked to someone that knew more about finance and bonding and could explain it all in a usable , understandable way. Municipal law and his understanding  is amazing. The entire time we would talk, I always kept thinking this guy could run circles around Pedro Segarra . I just kept thinking , the sky is the limit as to what Hartford cold achieve with the Judge as Mayor

I will be honest, I was concerned initially if Bob had the stamina to run a campaign and be Mayor at his age. That was quickly dispelled in very short order. The first was a hone call from someone that was aware of my concerns, They asked if I knew Hillary Clinton's age? I quickly realized, both Hillary and Bob were the same age. If she could run for President, surely Bob could run for Mayor. Then the more time I spent with him the more I realized my fears were unfounded. One day we started off attending a funeral for a Hartford resident that both Bob and I had history with, then a luncheon meeting related to the campaign, an evening community event and I honestly think if it wasn't so late, Bob would have been ready to go out door knocking for a few hours.

His energy level was inspiring, He would wear me out almost every time. But at the end of the day you knew you were accomplishing something, meeting great people and learning more about this great City, You can't buy  that knowledge.

Bob's campaign was taking shape. His love for his family, his wife Candy, his two daughters and his grandson Calder I think was the only thing greater than his love for the City of Hartford. During all of this, Bob not only showed what a great Mayor he would be but also what a great friend he is. During this period, I had my stroke. Bob was immediately asking what I needed, Bo and Candy offered to take my dog Bailey into their home if needed. Bob called me one day and asked what I needed in the hospital. I told him the food was so bad, I would really like some fresh fruit.

That afternoon, when Bob should have been out campaigning. he showed up in my hospital room. He was carrying a large insulated bag from Whole Foods loaded with fresh fruit, some of the best bananas I have ever tasted, white flesh nectarines, cherries, strawberries. I made friends with the nursing staff at snack time, they loved the cherries especially. Unfortunately the potassium in the bananas and nectarines damn near killed me, but like they say, it is the thought that counts. (Thanks Bob)

Bob made several visits to my room while I as in the Hospital and during rehab. Shortly after my release from rehab, I was staying at my Mother's house in Windsor Locks. One afternoon Bob called and asked if he could visit me that night, he wanted to talk to me. I immediately could tell by the tone of the conversation it wasn't good. I looked at my mother and said to her, "He's dropping out" It was devastating because all I could imagine was what he could do as Mayor. He arrived at Mom's house and he had some papers in his hand.

I think besides his wife, I was the only other person to get the news yet. He had decided to drop out of the race for Mayor. His reasoning was sound. As with everything Bob Killian.does, the decision had been well thought out. Bob had contracted a poll. Based on that poll,to the best of my memory, it showed that Bob Killian would give Luke Bronin a run for his money. It also showed that Pedro Segarra would most likely pull out a victory if the voter base was split three or four ways between Killian, Bronin and possibly John Gale  if he didn't drop out , which he eventually did)  Bob said that he loved Hartford too much and cared too much about its  future, to be the spoiler in the race.He had made the decision to drop out of the race. Clearly there was no changing his mind.

 I was asked by Bob to keep the decision confidential until he was ready to announce it later in the week, Several people weren't happy afterwards when they found out I knew in advance. That was one of the most difficult things I ever had to do 

He didn't make it any easier when he told me that as much as he wanted to be Mayor, at least one good thing came out of the campaign, he met me and he made a good friend for life. (Right back at ya' Judge )

. And I couldn't really argue. I had seen his love for Hartford from day one, and his reasoning was sound. It was a tough pill to swallow but the decision was his. In the end it was the correct decision. If Bob had stayed in the race and split the vote, Wednesday's outcome would have been much different. We would have been headed for another four years of incompetent leadership. The 15 or 20 percent of the vote the poll predicted, at the very least would have guaranteed Segarra a win over Killian and Bronin. Things might have changed, Killian's numbers might have swelled, but based on the preliminary poll numbers, Judge Killian wasn't willing to take that risk. He is not ego driven like some and was unwillingness to risk the future of 120,000 people on his desire to be Mayor is commendable.

It is more than commendable, it is honorable. And that is exactly what I expected when I signed on with the Honorable Robert Killian. Bob Killian would be a definite  asset for turning this City around.


  1. Judge Killian would have made a great mayor without a doubt. His unselfish act of dropping out of the race will more than likely save the city from four more years of who knows what. I know that Luke Bronin is a smart man. I hope he will find a place for Judge Killian in his inner circle. It would be quite beneficial for him to do that as Judge killian knows the people and city of Hartford quite well. His experience would be quite an asset to future (hopefully) Mayor Bronin.

  2. This is Judge Killian. There're no similarities between Judge Killian and Pedro Segarra. None. Nothing!
    How can anyone on earth can compare a gentleman, an honorable man like Killian to. . . Who? Segarra?

  3. I have Known Judge Killian for many years. It has been 40 years since I first met him. "Bob" has always been a class act, and could turn this city around if given the chance. But I understand his concern in not wanting to be a disruptive election process. But I can only hope that future Mayor Bronin would consider him as a good asset. All this I say as I am a life long Republican but I know good people when I see them or hear them. I always felt that Joe Lieberman was also very good for this state. That being said, I hope Luke wins this election. He could change this city for the better.

  4. You have not seen the last of ken kennedy . He will be mayor one day , mark my words . And he will not forget you brookman .......
    Minnie gonzalez is watching your every move , so watch you mouth when you talk about the queen !!

    1. Shouldn't Minnie Mouse Gonzalez be the one who's watching her big, filthy mouth?
      As for Ken Kennedy, he'll not be a mayor in a million years.

  5. You may be the mayor somewhere someday just not in Hartford . I think his days of politics are pretty much done as they should be

  6. "Minnie gonzalez is watching your every move , so watch you mouth when you talk about the queen !!"
    It sounds like she is stalking you, Kevin. As far as watching your mouth it is far too late to be making that threat. The fat lady will be singing her sweet tune very soon.

  7. Ken Kennedy mayor? Only for those of you who'll accept 50+ murders a year in Hartford.
    As for the Gonzalez woman, ask her to go to Orlando, Disney will get her to play Minnie Mouse. No costume needed.

  8. When was Minnie Me Gonzalez examined last time? Is she mentally stable?

  9. Anonymous 7:48. Minnie isn't the queen...Pedro is...or Peter...or Maria Uaga..or whatever he is calling himself.

  10. Minnie Minnie is definitely not a queens, she's just a mental case with a mini brain and a maxi dirty mouth.

  11. Are we sure that Minnie Mouse is not friends with Trump and crazy ass Kim Jong-on? They seem like they all belong in the same club. Dirty uncontrolable mouth, and insane thoughts and actions.......

  12. Believe it or not, Minnie Me Mouse has been in the legislature for almost 20 years.
    Here are some of her accomplishments in 20 years:
    She secured a good paying job to her son after he got out of jail, with MDC. He was later found dead in a stinky motel because of overdose.
    She secured a good paying job to her daughter with the City of Hartford, at the mayor's office of all places, not because she's over qualified for that job, to say the least.
    Great accomplishments Minnie.

  13. Ken Kennedy is the "mastermind" behind the dirty Dillon Stadium secret deal. The feds have been paying close attention to it--and him--and he knows it.

  14. How sad it is that the headline here is Bob Killian, an honorable, smart man and an excellent judge but the names of blood suckers, idiots such as Ken Kennedy and Minnie Mouse Gonzalez are thrown in.

  15. @1:21pm. You are exactly right about that. His Honor Judge Killian represents the good side of Hartford which will hopefully continue under the leadership of Mayor Bronin.

  16. Minnie Mouse; "We gonna take it to the street." What street, Minnie? A dead end street? First, why don't you return to school for remedial education? It is never too late to up your communication skills. You are an embarrassment in the legislature. I know this because I hear what they say about you. Would you like me to tell you what they are whispering? Not now. But there will be a day.

    Mayor-elect Bronin is beginning on the right foot by asking department heads to resign. I have a better idea. Why not ask every employee to resign. Then, hire the the best and healthiest. The employee obesity rate is far above the mean average. Probably the result of decades-long favorite insider hiring practices. And frankly, fat councilmen and councilwoman. You know who you are.

    Ok, I am sorry for being insulting to overweight folks. But try sitting down next to one on an airplane. They should pay for two seats.

  17. Anonymous at6:49 PM, How dare you to suggest that Minnie Me Mouse go back to school. Her communication skills are not good enough even for a kindergarten.

    As for the employees obesity, this is definitely an issue at city hall, the result of being lazy and sitting all day long on a chair doing nothing. But who cares, nobody was watching.

  18. Without a doubt, Minnie "taking it to the streets" Mouse will be highly qualified to shoe shine my shoes. Every morning.

  19. BOB KILLIAN, WHO ALWAYS (not just in the end) DID THE RIGHT THING!

  20. I agree, Judge Killian is a big man, physically and professionally. Hopefully he'll be invited by soon to be Mayor Luke Bronin to be a part of his administration.

  21. 1:28 Bob is worth it, he deserves it. Hartford will benefit from his service.

  22. I give Luke 2 years before people start angling a different tune Malloy ran this state right into the ground but somehow his protege is gonna save Hartford?? You all are idiots !!!!

  23. We the Royal delegates of the Latin community will not go down without a fight the election was bought an paid for basically stolen

  24. There is going to be a new mayor in town. Get used to it. Luke Bronin is the breath of fresh air that Hartford needs. There are a lot of smart people (who voted for Luke) that are looking forward to a new day in Hartford.

  25. To the Royal idiot delegate passing for Latino. By the way we are the Latino community not Latin community. Latin was originally spoken in Latium, Italy by the way. You can't spell and you are not Latino. Just chill and don't be a sour loser. Not ALL the Latino community voted for Segarra. Get OVER it and just accept it.

  26. It is a shame that Luke Bronin didnt drop out. Judge Killian would be the first good thing that happened for hartford in the 30plus years Ive lived in the area. I might even be tempted to move back after he was Mayor for a couple of terms.
    Hartford doesnt need a new person as mayor to implement any turn around, that is magical thinking.
    Hartford needs a local, honest and knowledgeable individual . One who knows the ropes, potential pitfalls, and most importantly, one with good connections. this isnt luke bronin, unfortunately.
    I and not saying he is going to be bad, it is a closed case. It will just take him longer to set up, if he can, to institute even the best of intentions. I am not sure hartford will be willing to allow him any honeymoon term-and, hartford's problems will take that long to be enumerated and then years to undo.
    I hope hartford will take a positive course, but, I can not recall when Hartford was running well. Mayor was a figurehead when I moved up here. I am not sure Hartford has gotten the hang of the Mayor actually running the corporation. Popularity was the primary calling from GeoAthenson, well loved at AnnTabor's Al di La and even Mayor Mike who held court at the Nutmeg.
    I hoped the honesty and experience of a Bob Killian might get in the vacuum. but, never know.
