Monday, September 21, 2015


Typically, an outgoing administration will hold off on critical appointments and allow the incoming administration to choose their own people that they will work with the next few years. Typically, but the Segarra Administration is not typical of what is considered right and proper.
Apparently Fire Chief Carlos Huertas is smarter than we have been giving him credit for . He seems to be able to read the handwriting on the wall and probably realizes his days as Chief are most likely numbered. His rush to fill two Assistant Fire Chief positions is now also raising questions. Huertas today posted the two job openings below for Assistant Chief. These are both positions that have been vacant for at least two years, being filled on  an interim basis by "acting" Chief's. So is it really critical to rush to fill them. Can't Huertas convince the current "acting" Assistant Chief to remain during  transition?
This raises the question why now? If they were critical appointments , shouldn't they have been filled a couple years ago? Is this Chief Huertas's last ditch effort to leave his mark on a Fire Department that he has already left in questionable condition?
If Huertas is actually on the way out as most observers agree he is, shouldn't his successor be allowed the courtesy to bring along his own command staff?
I would hope that we can see a little more courteous transition from the Segarra Administration as we move forward toward a new beginning.  Segarra, Hartford's Human Resources Director Burgos  as well as Councilmembers need to step up to ensure the transition process is an orderly one. The Huertas nonsense, if allowed, will be a roadblock to rebuilding the Hartford Fire Department  and removing the cloud it has been under recently
Note the two different exam numbers on the postings below for the two positions


  1. Kevin, really now, do you really expect anything that looks like class from Segarra or Huertas? This transition will be a mess as petty little Pedro licks his wounds and goes home

  2. Why do you think Pedro is being so quiet? Things are being planned. This is just the start.

  3. Huertas did it with the knowledge and blessing of mayor Caviar.

  4. "Sorry Charlie" caught dirty yet again. Rumor has it that Terry Waller has been asked to fill the assistants spot. The city will do anything to put a incompetent guy up there, do you really think they want a smart critical thinker. This way the dunces on the council like moronic Jennings can continue to roll all over the HFD and use it for an employment agency for their useless relatives and friends. These people are fools and Bronin will show them the door. Hey you dumb Hartford politicos.. I am sick of working with your foolish political appointees. As a group they could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag. As a group their aptitude and intelligence are at dangerously low levels. We know who they are and they have changed the HFD from one of the finest departments to a running joke. Charlie you have failed and tarnished your legacy. City council, the same goes for you corrupt fools.

  5. "Typically" simply does not apply to a rotten and corrupt administration such as Segarra's.

  6. terry is gonna come back from his mansion with his six figure pension and take one of the spots. Terry will giv five across the lip of any man that challenges him !
    Life is good to be terry, sacks of money and anything he wants at the snap of a finger . All you little fire mice better get in check. I bet nolan is gonna try and apply, but why waste the paper n ink....
    Chief Waller will be king one day ......

    1. 287 Park St, where you did all that structural work on weekends without any permit, without any engeeniring study, without any inspection, need to be destroyed and rebuilt. IT'S UNSAFE. L&I KNOW THAT. DELLER KNOWS THAT AS WELL.

  7. The calls have been made ....
    The shoe polish has been ordered....
    The time is geting near ....
    Soon Chief Waller will be in full command.
    Get your resumes ready before terry gives all you little fire mice the boot!!

    1. Tic Tac Toe Terry,
      Segarra' days as mayor are OVER. Bad for you, Tic Tac Toe Moron, bad for Sandy K.B. whatever your relations are with her.
      Your time, you little annoying idiot, has gone.

  8. Terry Waller is already the chief, at his home in Terry Rd.
    He'll NEVER EVER become FD chief anywhere in the country. ANYWHERE!

  9. Knowing how petty, immature, and vindictive as soon to be retired Chief Huertas is, he will put the least qualified, most stupid, and dangerous people he can find in those spots. Just to screw everyone for his ouster. My predictions, DC Duh Jones, and DC Death McGloughlin. Really stick it to everyone as he sulks away watching his pension get divided up an depleted by his ex wives. Happy Retirement Chief, looking forward to your party, is will be a fun time. You and your gigantic ego will fill the Red Rock to capacity, which is good since nobody is going to it anyway.

    P.S. Levine says haha, they threw you out too!


  10. Kinda funny how things work out. Call it karma, ironic, or whatever, but Danny Nolan is back, and Charlie Huertas is out. Who would have thought that would happen? Hilarious!

  11. Tell you what I'll give you Huertes, past Union secretary Brady ,Vinnie tac 760 fuesco I work ot because I want to be in touch with the guys, and health and over time for 8 th round injured reserved Terry and two out of towners.

  12. Now you're really asking too much if you expect HR Burgos to have an intelligent, ethical or honest opinion, thought or action. Puppets leading puppets.
    When is he moving to Hartford again?

  13. @10:43 --- but Terry (and SKB) didn't have a vote for Segarra sign in his yard in advance of primary voting day. Perhaps they've abandoned ship, or vice versa.

  14. Why is anyone still talking about Terry? His fast track to the chief's position has been derailed.

  15. 9:32 PM Anonymous: Terry and Sandy didn't have a "Vote Segarra" sign in their yard on Terry Rd. Sandy insisted on going under the radar, on keeping it quiet until the election. Sandy knows she's a huge fraud and a huge liability to Segarra. After all, she took home every year from Hartford tax payers about $220,000 (A YEAR!)i.
    She didn't even allow Terry to place a VOTE SEGARRA sign in front of his property at 287 Park, the one with illegal structural work done with no license, no permits, no inspection.
    They may have abandoned ship, but they keep on milking the city until the city itself sinks.

    1. Did anyone report to L&I about Terry Waller illegal work done at 287 Park

  16. I hope bronin puts the ax on that baseball stadium. What a waste of money. Im sure the caviar queen will have his private box with tickets every game.
    I hope nolan gets assistant fire chief. Im sure charlie will screw that process up. Useless union vinni will do nothing as usual. What a zero he is. Worried more about money then safety.

  17. My two cents,

    No closing date to apply? Why? Is this not a desirable opportunity that most would aspire to?

  18. @12:46 You may have to wait until the Bronin administration takes office to have that looked into.

  19. EVERYBODY at L&I know the Terry Waller story but they were all afraid to deal with it

  20. Every new mayor asks for all dept. heads to resign to give those who do not want to stay a way out. It does not mean a thing.

  21. The Hartford city charter clearly states that all department heads serve at the will of the mayor .the only conflict with that is state statute says that a police chief can only be removed for just cause

  22. Hearing that Pedro Segarra is bragging that he took care of his buddies and his cronies .Pedro is claiming that as part of the deal not to run against Bronin that Governor Malloy gave his campaign manager Michael bland a state job

  23. I don't understand how losers like Michael Blunder can get a job in the state! He is a waste of money! He is arrogant and lazy. What could he do for the State of Connecticut? Oh, yes, HE was one of the people in the DEAL with Malloy so Caviar could step down! But what a WASTE of our State's dwindling resources. But with his personality he won't last long.

  24. Any idea where he is working for the state ? If you have any idea please email me and if anyone is aware of the other deals cut please let me know on those also

  25. Hey Kevin, Why hasn't Cpt. Dalton been able to get one person who has been questioned to collaborate his story? Not even his own crew.

  26. That's the talk of the town, that Michael Arrogant BlandER has some kind of a deal with the State.
    It's outrageous!

  27. If you know where he was hired please email me and let me know it'll take a while for his paperwork to catch up to be able to FOI it

  28. My crystal ball is broken I guess we'll have to wait for the investigation to be done

  29. please correct the Ass Chief listing:


    1. 8:08pm on 9/28, No qualifications necessary for any HFD position. Connections a must.

  30. @8:08PM- Has anyone applied yet? With no closing date, applicants can take their sweet time.

  31. Hey 8:08 PM, I have the perfect candidate for you. He has absolutely no qualifications, he has no talent whatsoever, and, above all, he's a relative of SKB (remember that old, rotten, battered like woman?).
    He also does major structural/construction work in his properties with no permits and without any interruption, thanks to Thomas Deller.
    Need additional hints?

  32. Hey 10:12, who is SKB?

  33. Saundra Kee-Borges aka SKB, City of Hartford head of Corporation Councel dept. until January of this year. In my opinion, and I'm almost certain, in the opinion of many, considered to be one of the most corrupt persons in Hartford recently, and, together with her boyfriend/fiance Terry Waller, even more corrupt.

  34. 9-30-2015 3:37am

    Where have you been? You need to read back a little so you can familiarized yourself with her past corrupted history. Besides known as Asst Chief Terry Waller's significant other she has a long history of corruptions, best known for Pedro's mentor & top CC. She left the City last December 2014 and the rehired herself @$250 per hour in February 2015.Thats not all, SKEEBORGES is now running her Law practice out of her home @140 Terry Rd.the same house that was scheduled for foreclosure which she supposedly later sold on a short sale to her Fiancée Deputy Chief Terry Waller, an exchange for the Asst Chief position that she forced on Chief Huertas which was a big flop.Why isn't the FBI mortgage fraud task force looking into all their corrupted activities or are they now untouchable since they are no longer City employees. Her friend and law partner Lisa Silvestre was suing the Scarbarough11 for zoning violations, why is she not looking into SKB's law practice at her residential home which she should have vacated four years ago.Interesting that alot of Pedro's staff are getting away with alot of wrong doing.And Pedro wonders why he lost.

    1. 12:22pm is 100% with the 140 Terry Rd. "short sale" baloney. What was the balance on her mortgage by the time she stopped paying? What did she state - and signed for - the reason why she was in default? What was her hardship (while making MORE than $200k a year from the city). Which bank did she lie to?

    2. S-K-B must have lied to the bank/her lender; she wanted to save tons of money on her mortgage, exactly the way she made extra money from us, the poor taxpayers. That's right, we work hard, we sweat to pay our taxes, and who was there profiting from us? S-K-B and her friends and family.

  35. Where is the self-righteous Cpt. Dalton. Not back to work yet. Things must not be going according to his plan. False reports mean big trouble. Especially when they are on a blog before they are turned into the Dept.

  36. @8:08: SKB has nice shapely legs at least. I have always been a leg man.

  37. SKB, is a sloppy, beat up, overweight hag. No matter how ugly she is on the outside she's so much uglier and corrupt on the inside.

  38. Segarra will soon be a judge nominated by Malloy.

  39. If we've had a corruption scale, let's say from 1 to 10, with "10" being the most corrupt, in my opinion SKB wouldn't qualify in that measurement. She gets elevated to "11", all by herself.

  40. Anonymous at 10:55 AM
    If Segarra becomes a judge, his first case will be:
    State of Connecticut
    - against -
    Saundra Kee-Borges


  41. St of Ct vs SKB, that will never happen as all Attorney'stick together. SKB left her doors open when she left the City, she left Henri Alexandre and Lisa Silvestri behind to cover up her mess, and to continue on with her demands.

  42. If there's no State of CT vs. SKB, there must be a better way:
    US DOJ vs. SKB. We want to see the feds going against her.

  43. I don't care state or federal as long as Sandy KB found guilty for her corription. Get her moving from Terry road to state prison or federal prison.


  45. Absolutely, investigate this rotten, corrupt, old lady. If something wrong is found, let her stand on trial in front of a jury.

  46. I'd likevto see the entire media with their video cameras ready when Sandy is led in handcuffs. Call it revenge if you want.

  47. Hey Sandy baby: "Orange Is The New Black."

  48. Sandra has sexy legs. At least give her that. If I became more descriptive, Mr Brookman would delete me. But she really has a nice set.- of legs.

  49. Maybe... If you find chunky flabby legs sexy.
