Thursday, September 3, 2015



A reward in the amount of $5,000 is being offered for information directly leading to the capture of wanted felon, Aaron Taylor.
The Hartford Police Department has information that Aaron Taylor; a suspect wanted for at least two shootings in Hartford, has returned and is active in the region. Detectives had information that Taylor was out of the State. However, recent information is that Taylor is in the Hartford Region.
Aaron Taylor, 12/17/89, of Windsor CT has active arrest warrants for two shootings that occurred on May 24, 2015.The first, at 932 Capital Avenue, where he is to have allegedly shot Pastor Augustus Sealy. Minutes later he was at 402 Garden St. where he allegedly shot Robert Jones.  He is currently charged with Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder and Assault in the First Degree in both cases. The warrant carries a 1.35 million dollar judge set bond. Taylor operated a black Nissan Maxima in these incidents although the marker plate is not known at this time. He is a convicted felon with several previous firearm offenses. Use caution with Taylor as the firearm in this incident has NOT been recovered, and he has extremely violent tendencies. Please do not approach him.
If you have information regarding his whereabouts, please do not hesitate to call police. Immediate and active information should be handled with a 911 call. General information should be directed to the Hartford Police Department, Lieutenant Bandon O’Brien at (860) 757-4089.
Anonymous tips can be left at


  1. According to the Hartford Courant he has been caught.

  2. Segarra appeared with Deputy Chief Foley tonight on Fox 61 announcing this perps capture. It looks like he is taking advantage of every media opportunity now that he knows that his days as mayor are more than likely numbered.

  3. Don't you know, Pedro Peter Caviar caught this animal, Aaron Taylor, all by himself!
    Who should get the $5k: Pedro, Peter or the Caviar?

    1. Whoever gets the $5K, it's going to be enough for caviar. This time make sure you don't pay with city credit card for the caviar.

  4. Put this piece of trash, Aaron Taylor, in jail together with that Kentucky clerk Kim Davis. Lock them up. Same cell.

  5. Hey 240. Back to the penalty box for you . Good job running the Northend into the ground. I rather work for hannibal lector then you ever again. Now u can hand the mail out and organize the cruisers in the garage......
    Your leadership skills have more holes then the iranian navy ...

  6. Sgt rustkowski bucket list ...

    1. Broom the parking garage

    2. Crush the morale of booking personnel ( within 48 hrs )

    3. Inspect the 10-2 bathrooms and write a report about it

    4. Bad mouth the chief behind his back.

  7. Sgt. Rutkauski is headed to traffic division. He's an expert in field sobriety tests on females. Snoop around on that one Kevin. That story would be the one to knock him back down to officer or possibly make him kamil's partner at unemployment boulevard.

  8. There is a reason 90% of the department has had an issue with him at one time or another. There's a reason he has earned his nickname "CJ" (Crazy James). Everywhere he goes he causes conflicts, starts arguments he's a master manipulator and controlling. He for some reason feels some sense of entitlement. Not sure how he was able to become a supervisor let alone still carry a badge with some of his known and apparently some unknown issues. Starting with his off duty domestic(s) with a female(s). He also thought it was his job while off duty to chase another off duty officer on the highway for speeding and almost making it a road rage incident. Pulling over a female who just happen to be wearing a low cut shirt. Making her do "his version" of a field sobriety test. This test consisted of jumping jacks and push ups for his visual pleasure. Within his first couple of months being the North District supervisor he forces two veteran officers out of the unit and almost pushed out a third. Being informed of a serious issue with a "dirty cop" and just deciding on his own to sweep it under the rug like it never happened, instead of doing his supervisor duties and reporting the incident to be further investigated. Apparently his true colors cant be hidden anymore. He is the type of cop that gives everyone a bad taste in their mouths about cops. This is your opportunity Kevin to expose the real Sgt. James Rutkowski.
