Thursday, September 3, 2015


Mayor Pedro Segarra gave a long winded explanation to the Courant's editorial board about his nepotism  policy and everything he does to enforce it. Apparently Terry Waller slipped his mind.

And now today, another interesting revelation. Apparently the Hartford Police Cadet arrested for shoplifting this week at Walmart is a product of nepotism herself. read the details here 

The cadet, Janice Sierra is reported to be the daughter of Fire Chief  Carlos Huertas's personal secretary, Janice Rodriguez.. It is unclear if HPD was made aware of the connection before hiring Sierra.

At the very least it appears to be a direct conflict to what Pedro told the editors. Are we surprised?

Oh, and Pedro, if it helps, here is the official definition of nepotism from Webster's: noun nep·o·tism \ˈne-pə-ˌti-zəm\
: the unfair practice by a powerful person of giving jobs and other favors to relatives


  1. Pedro is now looking at dictionaries OTHER than Webster to try and find ANOTHER definition to N-E-P-O-T-I-S-M.

  2. Now Janice Rodriguez was arrested and is out of job. Next, "uncle" Pedro Segarra and "uncle" Carlos Huertas will be out of job themselves. Soon, we hope.

    1. 1:12 Janice Sierra is the one arrested. Maybe, just maybe they will arrest the other Janice as well

  3. Is "police cadet" an actual job with pay?

  4. If this is the case, it means she is qualified to start working at Pedro Segarra's office, at the HFD or any other city department or agency. HER CHOICE.

  5. Will there be any statement regarding this obvious nepotism and the criminal activity from:

    ** Carlos Huertas
    ** Janice Rodriguez
    ** Janice Sierra

    Oh Lord, help there poor souls!

  6. Treasurer Cloud and his wife work together--in charge of one billion dollars!
    Nepotism? Maybe
    Outrageous? Definitely!!

  7. Definitely not nepotism she had the job walk before he was elected .a different arrangement might work better though

  8. Pedrito the F#?* liar, had a niece or two in the last 3 year is Deller's services.

  9. Pedrito is a liar, told the Editorial Board that no person can work for the city.
    Give us names or position. Let's show everybody that Pedrito IS a BIG f#?* liar.

  10. @3:54
    Mrs. Cloud had her job long before Adam was on the scene. With that said, it is wildly inappropriate that they are working together in charge of MONEY. Attention audit this deserves a closer look.

  11. When Thomas Dalton gets arrested for a false accusation and interfering with police are you going to post it along with his mugshot like you did with Lt. Patterson. I bet you won't Mr.Brookman. Just be prepare for it because it's coming real soon!!!

  12. No he'll ignore it just like ignoring that Bad Intentions Chief Lowe is now suspended.

  13. Nepotism in Hartford? Noooooooo

  14. Kevin, funny that you brought up the nepotism issue, as that was the very question I asked two of the 12 city council candidates on Wednesday night at the Hartford Public Library forum. There were 6 circles of chairs in the room with 12 seats in each circle--2 seats in each circle reserved for two council candidates, and the other 10 for the public. Every 10 minutes, two candidates--one from ballot row A and one from ballot row B--would move to a different circle to be questioned by the gathered citizens. In that way, all 12 candidates were questioned by all those present. The organizers likened it to "speed dating".

    I asked the two candidates in question the following: "Hartford has an anti-nepotism policy in place for municipal employees. One part of it states that family members cannot work in the same department, but it seems as if that's not being enforced. If elected to council, what would you do to ensure that the policy is being enforced?" The candidate from row A stated that she was aware of a husband and wife who both worked in the same department. She went on to say that the wife worked there before the husband, and said that why should the woman have to be the one to give up her job for the man? She saw it as a potential case of anti-female bias, which bothered her. She admitted that they both still work there, but she didn't seem to be bothered by that at all.

    Row B candidate answered that, as a city councilperson, she wouldn't have the ability to hire any employees. I explained that it wasn't about her hiring anyone--it was about enforcing city policy. She then went on to say that if her sister were hired (apparently by someone else)as her secretary, she would see nothing wrong with that, and would be against any attempts to have her sister removed from the job.

    So there you have it. Nepotism seems to be an accepted and even expected part of working for the city of Hartford. It's the way we do things here...

  15. Nepotism why not look into D/C Shapiro's son being hired as a cadet when he lives in West Hartford, just like the way his other son Ashley was hired as a West Hartford resident. Don't just look at Huertas. Look at the entire classes hired in the past years either related to or Sons or daughters of Chiefs or council people. Doesn't take much digging to find the answers.
    Casares took care of many people hired that is why so many well qualified people were passed over. Teale also, it is everywhere you look. Scott Brady big union man Mr interim A/C Chief while still collecting a full pension. Son Jordan hired while living in Vernon and after being thrown out of Uconn for smoking dope in the dorm.

  16. The entire department is one big mess, but, as you know, the fish stinks from the head. Huertas is with one foot out, the second foot will follow soon. Obviously the next chief will have a tough, tough job cleaning up all the dirt in HFD.

  17. I believe Pedro said during his Courant interview that change was coming to HFD. That is one statement we can probably count on by Segarra, the only thing is it won't be Segarra making the change, it will be Mayor Bronin

    1. Kevin, while Pedro talked about the failure and the mismanagement of the Fire Dept. during the Courant's Editorial Board interview, he literally admitted to issues and problems in ALL city departments. After the election there will be reviews & consideration in all departments. Those were his own words.

  18. ... Huertas has to write a book, his experiences with Segarra. Everything must be disclosed in that book. Everything. It's going to be a best seller.

  19. 4:58pm why after the election ? Isn't he being paid to be mayor right now ? Is he supposed to be a better leader after the election? I doubt it

  20. Kevin,
    I think everyone is expecting there to be a new mayor after the election. I believe that the chamges that Segarra was referring to on the HFD were all the promotions that were made to add staffing to the Inspectors office. Apparently Segarra did not know that he needed to do that until the Nolan-Huertas tapes were released to a media. That sure lit a fire under Segarra.(no pun intended)

  21. Kevin, I am most often in agreement on issues. However, you might want to read the definition of nepotism again. It refers to family of the person in power giving out jobs. Now, I realize we are, for purposes of argument, extending this to include employees who have used their influence for family members. But it isn't Pedrito that did the hiring for his own family. Let's call a spade a spade here.

    And while I am in a mildly defensive mode for Pedrito, (only mildly because I feel he is the biggest farce to be elected mayor in a long time), those accusations of him trolling online for escort services are well, victimless and frankly, can you or anyone truly cast the first stone? Can anyone who isn't a monk among monks, cast that first stone? Oh forget the monks. They are all petifiles.

  22. Hopefully there won't be any nepotism with the Killer Chief's family!

  23. Kevin: Check out this Channel 8 news story about "supposedly a Deputy Fire Chief" getting suspended, Deputy Fire Chief James McLoughlin for 15 days without pay after using UNSAFE PRACTICES, finally got him on the 4th try. .Hartford Deputy Fire Chief suspended 15 days without pay | WTNH Connecticut News


  24. McTape should just leave and take the HONOR GUARD with him.

  25. Sept 9 at 5:25

    Kevin will not comment on this because Mctape is in bed with Danny and so is Kevin .

  26. No matter how much you try Kevin, you're supporting the losing team. All of the combined efforts to take over have failed. Go back to Ireland!!

  27. We will see who the losing team is after Wednesday. occasionally good does win out over evil and I am proud of my relatives coming from Ireland your insult doesn't work
