Friday, September 25, 2015


The same Hartford City Council person that wanted to give herself over a $100,000 per year expense account a short time ago, now wants to apparently impose a commuter tax on the employees of some of  Hartford's largest corporations. Here is more on the proposal

This idea is about as crazy as a six figure expense account for Council people in  a cash strapped City.

I'm really not sure where Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings gets her ideas from, but maybe she might want to look into some actual financial restraint before floating these ideas.

Taxing commuters to Hartford's largest employers could quite possibly be the incentive for those employers to start looking outside of Hartford for their corporate homes. Corporate loyalty is not what it used to be a couple decades ago, and we have seen many large corporations willing to relocate when the taxation leash gets too tight.

The City of Hartford has an opportunity to show that it understands what "fiscal responsibility" actually means, and that  responsibility is not  shown tapping into the pockets of the working class to solve their own monetary excesses.

With a new administration on the horizon, including an entirely new Council Majority, change even symbolic change, can begin to set the tone that Hartford is once again open for business and ready to set the tone of responsibility.

A good start would be to end the old policy of political patronage where each Council person brings in their own Council Assistant at a salary exceeding $45,000 a year plus benefits. These are usually people connected to the Councilperson by friendship or a loyal campaign worker that helped get an individual elected. The work load for a Councilperson is not that great that they each need a fulltime assistant.

Here is a little more on how these "aides" are selected

In the State Legislature 3 State Reps share one assistant. That is a system that seems to have worked out well at the Capitol, and the time has come to move to that in Hartford. We don't  need, and we can't afford,  9 separate Council assistants. It might be good for the Councilperson's ego, but it is terrible for the budget funded by the taxpayers.

It is also the time for a greater level of accountability at Hartford City Hall, both out of responsibility for the taxpayers of Hartford as well as to increase the productivity of City Hall. The effectiveness of City Government has been widely criticized by constituents that feel that Hartford Government has been less than responsive to their needs. Greater accountability should also set the tone that taxpayers should feel comfortable that they are getting their money's worth.

Hartford does not have a revenue problem as much as it has a spending problem. This puts us in a very difficult position when we look to the State for additional financial help. We need to show ,first and foremost that we are responsible stewards of those dollars.

A commuter tax will not send the right message. Showing financial restraint and responsibility will be a much better start. Hartford needs a smarter ,leaner operation in line with its financial resources.

There  isn't a better time to get started than now.


  1. The full time assistant is a throw back to the council manager form of government when the council ran the city. Since the change to strong mayor form of government they are no longer appropriate. BTW the comments in the Hartford Courant article about this are priceless.

  2. Is this idiot going to pay the tax herself? It's no secret she doesn't live in Hartford so she should pay the commuter tax.

  3. Mr. Brookman keeps on telling us of the ugliness at city hall. An assistant for each council member is ridiculous and outrageous. How about an assistant to each of the assistants? Later someone would ask to add a secretary to each assistant, not to mention a scheduler (Segarra should get royalties, he invented the scheduler "job").
    1 - 3 is an excellent formula, ONE assistant to THREE council members. Mr. Brookman just saved the city MORE than 1/4 million dollars a year. Every year.

  4. It doesn't save anything unless someone shows the leadership to make it happen, I can only suggest

    1. This is a no brainer, any new mayor has to make sure this 1 - 3 formula will be adopted.

  5. It is also a no brainer that you, Kevin, should be brought onboard to continue bringing the same common sense to City Hall that you have shown here for several years now. How much have you saved the City of Hartford through your vigilance? Caviar, city credit cards, city vehicles and the list goes on and on. Imagine what you could do actually in City Hall, considering everything you have accomplished on the outside

  6. Cynthia Jennings' proposed assistant had a serious drug habit, according to the Courant.
    Don't be surprised if we find out one day that Cynthia Jennings herself has a serious mental problem.

  7. I can't believe how much intelligence she lacks. During d bate on the stadium, in which she was dead set in favor of the development, knowing the huge expense, she was stuck on the point that it would bring jobs to Hartford. She didn't care that the temporary construction jobs would mostly be maned by outside residents. And she didn't care that the few support positions perhaps selling popcorn, right, popcorn and hotdog selling on game day, would be few in number and part time. She had no care in the world. This woman is really off her rocker.

    Too bad 3 fiscal conservative republicans (ex Mike McGerry, who fAcored the stadium) can't regain their seats in Hartford. They don't know how to organize. Yes, I said even ole Mike McGarry spits out conservative views until it comes to the stupid stadium. Hey, what can I say. Most of the people in Hartford are pieces of work.

    1. 11:07pm, don't be shocked when we all find out soon that the real cost of this stadium will be millions more than what Segarra and his people "predicted", that the costs to build AND operate AND maintain this stadium are going to be huge, money the city just doesn't have.

  8. Attorney Jennings was in attorney wooden' pocket for 4 years. Perhaps she was getting legal work from Woode's law firm for her stadium vote?

  9. We, residents of Hartford, were cheated and lied to for so many years. Enough is enough, it's time for a change.

  10. Don't expect any fiscal responsibility from this administration. This mayor, his lieutenants and his cronies have shown us how irresponsible they were, how they wasted our hard earned money for over 5 years.

  11. In the article, the Wiensteins paid Patton $20-30 per day for 12-14 hours of work? At that rate, I 'll hire the drug addict. Where can I find him? Back to Cynthia "Spendthrift " Jennings. Carrie Saxon Perry gave her her modest start in politics. This woman is criminal and the only way to get rid of her, (I should be circumspect using this word - it almost got me into trouble once with the local mafia) is to vote her out of office. But Hartford voters are too stupid to understand that she is disengenious to residents when she is so reckless with fiscal policy and finances.

  12. I agree with Cynthia. I am tired of seeing our tax paying dollars maintain roads dilapidated due to the constant influx of those who do not live in Hartford. I also agree that the city should eliminate wasteful spending on software systems such as munis, Cronos, and time force. The city has spent millions of dollars on munis alone.

  13. It seems like the suburbanites get blamed for everything. They are blamed for the murders, the problems with snow removal. How dare they drive all the way into Hartford to clean off their cars? The nerve of those people!! If Ms. Jennings gets her way, businesses will leave Hartford in droves.

  14. If Cynthia Jennings get her way, businesses will sure leave Hartford. But they will be back, according to "mayor" Pedrrrro, in Hartford, to commit murders and other crime, and remove the snow and ice off their cars.

  15. I spit out the window at Hartford when I drive through. Let Cynthia tax my spital.

  16. Fiscal responsibility? Here's an example of "Fiscal Responsibility" Pedro Segarra stupid style: We have just learned that Hartford is spending more than anticipated on that Yard Rats stadium, or, as the Courant calls it: "Stadium Cost Overruns...".
    As a result, the grandstand roof will not be built. That's all right, Segarra will be seated comfortably in his luxury suite (We should name it "The Corruption Box") and all of us, we who pay to build this stupid stadium, will get wet in the rain.
    Shame on you Pedro Caviar, we're counting the days for you to go. Go, go, go, just GO, you bastard! You, the other bastard Tom Deller, and all the members of your Stadium Authority.

  17. This stadium is gonna be the biggest scandal in the history of our city. What type a contract was signed with the developer? Why Hartford is always the loser and is always the one to pay, pay, pay? Who was in charge in preparing and signing this horrible agreement with the Yard Rats/Yard Goat and with the developer? Don't tell me it's that $200K plus a year old woman - and later $250 an hour - Saundra Kee-Borges. Enough already with these corrupt people. Enough with this gross mismanagement.
