Thursday, October 29, 2015


At the Hartford Police Department, we feel that the most critical time for us to communicate with our community and the media is during the immediate hours after a police involved shooting. Last night we again provided an on-scene media briefing and also communicated with key community members approximately an hour after the incident. The following is an update to that information:  

Last night The Hartford Police Department (HPD) was contacted by the South Windsor Police Department regarding an Emotionally Disturbed Person (E.D.P.) who had just left his mother’s house in South Windsor. According to his mother, when her son (Christopher Reh, W/M/28 of Enfield CT)  left the house he was depressed,  previously suicidal, had a knife, and made verbal statements to her that he was going to “stab police officers”. The mother told police that Reh has previously tried to kill himself with self-inflicted slashing wounds. 

This information was communicated to H.P.D. Public Safety Dispatchers via an official South Windsor police tele-type. South Windsor police also put out a Silver Alert on Reh. South Windsor police told HPD they had “Pinged” Reh’s phone in the Park Street area of Hartford. This information was relayed to HPD Patrol Officers.  HPD officers found Reh in his car on Park St. last night at 8:14pm. 

As HPD officers approached his vehicle, Reh rammed three police cruisers, and also struck a uniformed Hartford police officer who was approaching on foot.  The officer (Andrew Nelson Jr. 3yrs at HPD) was struck and knocked to the ground. At this time Officer Nelson had fired his gun at the Reh multiple times. Reh was struck twice in the Right arm. A “10-0, Officer Down, Shots Fired” call was made by on-scene officers. 

Reh then drove a short distance and crashed into a building at 577 Park St. Reh was taken to St. Francis Hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Medical staff listed him in stable condition with 2 gunshot wounds to the right arm.  

Officer Nelson was taken to Hartford Hospital. Medical staff listed him in stable condition with a minor head injury, he was treated and released. 

A second officer was also taken to Hartford Hospital for minor injury and evaluation. He had been operating his HPD cruiser when Reh rammed his vehicle head-on. He was also treated and released.  

We continue to work cooperatively with the CT States Attorney’s Office through the investigation. This morning, Hartford Police Department Major Crimes Detectives obtained an arrest warrant for Christopher Reh. He is charged with Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder, 2 counts of Assault on Police, Reckless Driving, Operating a MV with Suspended License and Evading Responsibility. The warrant has a $1,000,000 bond. Reh is at St. Francis Hospital receiving treatment for his injuries. He is in HPD custody at the hospital awaiting his release and arrest. 

The investigation of the complete incident is ongoing. As per protocol with the Connecticut States Attorney’s Office, the shooting is being investigated by an outside police agency. As with all HPD police involved shootings, there is also an internal investigation and review.


  1. Well since no one else will say it glad Andrew Nelson is ok. In the current climate of police shootings an bad media press you would think your readers would offer words of encouragement but since there's nothing negative going on here that explains the lack of comments or support SMDH !

  2. I've expressed my support to Nelson by calling him personally. I think no comments here is out or respect to Nelson and keeping his name out of the mix because he's a great person.

  3. Although he may be a "great person" he is very lucky. He has a go get em attitude but forgets to clear and then he's chasing after some idiot like an idiot. Best wishes healing officer. Hopefully you stay on your angels good side for the rest of your career

  4. Agreed Nelson can be seen as a Officer Safely Issue . He at times doesn't clear his calls in a effort to get involved in HOT CALLS . 45 should be drilling in his head to deter that behavior .

  5. "Safely" smh ..." Can be seen" dont sound sure of yourself, "He at times" weak statement... ....Clearing calls are issues that should be addressed by a Sergeant. 45 or Lieutenant (which you couldn't spell) should address the Sergeant's lack of supervision. And who is 45.

    Bloggs give people balls. Atleast we know what Brookman looks like, a man who stands behind his word.

    1. So Mr educated, why are you posting anonymous? Scared blogger with no balls you must be! Officer Nelson does have clearing issues. He unfortunately has gotten himself in jams before due to his lack of clearing calls and only wanting to entertain the active calls. The city of Hartford policing has changed. Bring back the old timers you cop wanna be's would be sunk. Good day fella's. Hope someone has your back when you yell officer down

  6. If captain jack is an officer writing with that type of grammar that's scary smh sheesh!

  7. Glad he's ok even the mom of the perp who got shot went on the news an supported Nelson interesting some of his so called fellow officers don't, no wonder that PD is a joke!!!

  8. I can't believe we are even entertaining a conversation about officer Nelson "clearing calls" while speaking about this particular police engagement. Is it a problem and an officer safety issue? Yes of course. Not one that needs addressing now. It's not necessary for officer Nelson to tie up needed and crucially vital air time when officer last is stepping out with a suspect that has threatened the life's of officers. The perfect example of this is a "ten zero" the ONLY person who should be talking on the air is the officer that it's issued for and the dispatcher that is directing units to his aid. We don't need to know who's clearing from what or going! That's bs that's determined later. Officer Nelson I applaud you for staying in the fight! I applaud you for putting accurate fight stopping hits on target! And I applaud you for having the gumption to do what was necessary to return to your family. The number 1 rule while working should always be "making sure you and your brothers and sisters come home" I wish you a speedy and happy recovery brother bear!

  9. Besides Nelson, all you patrol guys are constant crying babies that do nothing but complain. On top of that, you have no loyalty. No wonder nobody wants to be in patrol.

  10. I am somewhat surprised by these comments. The outcome of this could have been so much worse. The incidents you describe come down to a matter of proper supervision. Maybe some "supervisors" should be paying more attention to what is happening under their commands instead of holding their cell phone waiting for the next call from the PJ office. And when it comes down to safety issues, how many officers make traffic stops and don't call them in until they are done and need a TS or a case number, without anyone knowing where they are or who they stopped or even a plate number, it happens all the time. How many officers outside of Patrol are on the streets everyday without signing on with the dispatcher? No one would even know they were out there until someone notices them missing and begins looking for them.

    Once again, we should be thankful Officer Nelson came through this without more serious injuries.

  11. Everyone knows you have to post anonymous. If you use your real name is even a photo the department will come after you. It's not about hsbi,g balls it's about being cautious. We all know how the department will target you if someone with some pull targets you. I'm glad officer Nelson is ok, and he made it out of that situation! That is the most important thing. Also lets hope with the new mayor positive changes come, like a new command staff! We all know these guys are poison, we need a command staff that is about making sure all officers have what they need and backs them when they have done the right thing. Not just listen or take care of a select few! There are some guys that have legitimate gripes and there are some that are not happy in their own skin. But at the end we all know the command staff needs to be replaced.
