Sunday, November 1, 2015


In May, I posted about parking permits being issued by Hartford's Fire Chief that appeared to be granting immunity for anyone using one to park anywhere they wished.You can read that posting here

Now, in this day and age of I-phones and video cameras catching shots of anything and everything, it seems that it can also be used to document the improprieties of Hartford's Fire Chief Carlos Huertas an his illegal parking antics.
The pictures below are of Huertas's illegal parking job Sunday afternoon in downtown Hartford. The pictures were taken and sent to me by a concerned citizen.  Huertas not only was parked improperly in his City vehicle, he was parked facing the wrong way on a one way street (Market Street) and to avoid a ticket, he apparently thought putting his fire Chief Uniform Cap on the dash would cover his stunt.
I always understood that "leaders" were supposed to l-e-a-d by example, maybe this explains a lot when it comes down to the "leadership" of Huertas and his beleaguered Hartford Fire Department. The sense of entitlement is appalling.
Maybe if that vehicle was clearly marked as a Fire Department vehicle it wouldn't need a white hat on the dash, because maybe it wouldn't be parked like that in the first place if the Chief chose to follow the rules to avoid embarrassment
Hopefully change is coming soon.
Chief  Huertas's City vehicle parked illegally with his white hat on the dash, I guess that makes it all OK


  1. You would think that Huertas would be walking the straight and narrow now , knowing that his career is on thin ice with a new Mayor coming in, but like you said , it is all about the sense of entitlement. And no one can accuse Charlie of being a leader

  2. Brookman, you have it all wrong, he was going to give the disabled vehicle in front of his truck a jump start, but forgot the cables...

  3. I knew there had to be a logical explanation

  4. Huertas is an example of what no one should follow. I pray that the HFD will turn around and have some type of future.

  5. Huertas is as corrupt as could be. His days are numbered. Soon he'll be able to display his white hat in his living room.

  6. This guy who calls himself "chief" but acts like a complete idiot, didn't get the message, didn't even listen to his firefighters, when he got this luxury, expensive SUV. Once an idiot - always an idiot.

  7. Big deal. Kevin you have already exposed the Chiefs incompetence. Why aren't you looking into Bronin? That's the bigger issue here.

  8. All you pac man special gun toting hfd haters and candy crushers we have made progress in the fire department, we have the safest ball caps we have ever had. It mite of taken a little while but yes progress has been made. Next issue is replacing the 2.5 inch house from 1982 on the engines.

  9. All you pac man special gun toting hfd haters and candy crushers we have made progress in the fire department, we have the safest ball caps we have ever had. It mite of taken a little while but yes progress has been made. Next issue is replacing the 2.5 inch house from 1982 on the engines.

  10. Chief Brady has the issue of old hose been brought to your attention??????????

  11. The new mayor needs to do a major overhaul of the HFD. I hope it is his first project.

  12. @11:40
    MAJOR overhaul of HFD and each and every department in the city.
    Huertas must submit his resignation within 30 seconds after they announce the official winner of the election tomorrow.

  13. Agreed look into Bronin and Sarah Bronin . Kevin has lost his investigative skills .

  14. Why wait? Regardless of who wins the election tomorrow, Charlie's resignation is long overdue. Get ahead of the eight ball for once, Charlie. Put it in now.

  15. @10:45

    No, doesn't "must" submit his resignation but if he doesn't, he will most assuredly be fired and should be fired.

  16. Killian and Brookman fumbled by giving Bronin the position of mayor. Bad bad bad.

  17. @4:46pm. It will be the voters that give Bronin the position of mayor.

  18. I won't speak for Bob Killian, but I know how to read numbers. If Bob hadn't put the City first instead of his own political goals, even if he only drew 10- 15 % of the vote(and that is a small estimate) that would have given the primary to Segarra. Tonight would have been a eulogy for Hartford instead of a new beginning under Mayor Bronin. Luckily Judge Killian has more political sense and a stronger love for our City than you do.

  19. You tell 'em Kevin. Absolutely correct. Anyone else would have put his ego out front and ruined the election.

  20. What was the deal with Eddie Perez showing up at the victory party? He was certainly the elephant in the room.

  21. Ganim must have provided courage for him

  22. 11:17pm. I was extremely fortunate to cross paths with Judge Killian several months ago. He is one of the most honorable and trustworthy men I have ever met ( besides my own father) He showed his true friendship after my stroke and was a major reason for my positive outlook and recovery. No one can expect to say anything negative about my friend Bob Killian around me and go unchallenged

  23. Jusge Killian is definitely a gentleman (and a good judge as well).

  24. Hopefully the new mayor will start weeding out all of the problems within the city leaders. Rovella has no back bone hense all his deputy chiefs. The no nothing about Hartford public safety dispatch director Northgraves. A man whom never held a position longer than two year, and needs city council approval to even tie his shoes. The fire chief, time to pack it up Charlie you've served many years go enjoy retirement. Hartford needs a change, maybe this guy will do it. Only time will tell. Hopeless Hartford 2015

    1. Distinction

      Having had the honor to deal Chief Rovella and Director Northgraves on a professional level since the being of their being employed by the City of Hartford it is beyond my comprehension how anyone with an ounce of common sense could suggest that either of them were anything less than dedicated public public servants. Their commitment to excellence is exceptional in a City in which acceptance of things substandard is the norm.

    2. I agree, hopefully good change will come. Even making the police department a two chief department. The chief and assistant chief. Why do the police need so many deputy chiefs? Seems like money that can be saved. Just a thought and something to be looked at.

  25. @6:15 AM- Hopefully with the new mayor, we will be Hopeful Hartford. Like you said, only time will tell.

  26. Bronin would be wise to tell Perez to stay home. Bad enough that someone got Perez a job at CREC hitting people up (with his record, I guess he's good at that), but if Bronin wants credibility he needs to ditch Perez.

    1. Why don't u comment on Ganim instead!! Oh I forgot Perez is not Italian he's Puerto Rican!! At least Perez didn't try to run for mayor!!

    2. I encouraged all persons convicted of misdemeanors to apply for police and fire positions!!

    3. Eddie Perez can't run for mayor, he's too busy with appeals and doing all he can to stay out of...

  27. @11:43

    I will answer your. Question. Because Petez is from Hartford. Because Petez is one of the biggest shysters ever to hold the position. Because he is toast and waiting for a conviction in order to pay back society as a convict for all of the public trust that he violated. Because this blog is mostly about Hartford problems.

    It has nothing to do with the fact that his is Puerto Rican. You must be a bubble head with an inferiority complex.

    1. @1:33 PM: You got it right! Perez is Puerto Rican, so what? He was found guilty by a jury, many of them Puerto Ricans. Perez cheated, stole and lied, Puerto Rican or no Puerto Rican.

    2. After Perez serves his time he can run for Mayor again as a convicted felon just like Joe Ganim!!

    3. So did Joe Ganim he, lied, stole and cheated and now he's Mayor again so what u have to say about that??

  28. 89 Days Kevin. Why so quiet?

  29. Those 89 days will be returned. Good luck in prison Patterson. And the unemployment line to those "untrained" thugs on the HFD. Your day is about to come.

  30. @10:03 Yoy sound as if you have a personal bone to pick.

  31. @11:38 great must be at the top of your class in the Phoenix Society god help the people of Hartford who depend on you to save their lives.
