Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Some people plan and plot just to get into politics. Others are thrust into the political scene.
Hartford's Fourth District State Representative Angel Arce is one of our rare politicians who has found his calling as a true public  servant.

Angel is someone I consider a good friend and I have gotten to know him after he was thrust into the limelight of Hartford's politics. Angel showed that he was a tireless fighter after a tragic hit and run accident that eventually claimed the life of his father. Angel fought hard to see the evading driver brought to justice. Arce eventually answered the call to represent his neighbors in the legislature and was elected as a State Representative.

Angel is one of those rare political figures that actually remembers why he was elected and seems to thrive on helping his constituents. Angel is much more comfortable walking through his district and talking to the residents than he is attending a political cocktail party. A walk with Arce through his District should be required education for every other State Rep. entering the legislature.

Angel's popularity stems from his genuineness, not from any political game playing. The people that approach Angel when walking routinely voice their thanks for everything from help in obtaining a job interview to keeping their lights on when threatened with a shutoff notice. Arce is a product of Hartford and its neighborhoods and clearly understands the  trials and tribulations his constituents face for every day survival. Crime, poverty, health care issues are all problems that Arce comes forward to help his thankful neighbors with.

The attached posting on Angel's Facebook page recently shows just how far Arce will go to assist his constituents. This was copied from Angel's Facebook page. Angel had no idea I was going to post this, but it shows the true quality of the man I am honored to call my friend.

  "One of my constituents called me today and said, "I have not seen my sister in 25 years and she is in New Jersey visiting for a few days . I'm looking for someone to take me to see my sister" I told him don't worry I take you. . so here we are on our way to see his sister . love to make people happy. New Jersey here we come."

If only more of our politicians had the same understanding that Angel has of what Public Service actually means we would be much better off.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for telling that story, Kevin. We become so cynical especially while posting on these blogs. I agree with you on Angel. At first I was unsure how to perceive him. I know now that he is a good man. What more can a person strive to be but a good person.
