Friday, October 16, 2015


Again more questions than answers to the Dillon Stadium Project  .

 According to one attorney, the City paid PSMG,LLC for invoices billed but the money never made it to the vendors as it was supposed to go . Now isn't that shocking news. Surprise, surprise

The details are in the letter from the attorney below.


  1. Money is probably same place as money sent to Earl O'Garro

  2. Well Kevin, for the first time in years I am actually proud of this country again. I am a happy city employee and often at work I hear members of the administration
    mumble about the great benefits of diversity and how far we have come in Hartford relative to this idea. For the longest time I had no idea what these social progressives were talking about. I get it now, it is their time. Thank goodness we in Hartford are no longer being ripped off by the ancestors of Western Europeans who dominated us all. I now see that diversity in Hartford means that men of color now have equal opportunity steal big money just like the whites.

  3. Is there any way I can profit from all of this? The answer is "yes." How?

    I will set up a pop corn maker outside the court house during the trials and I intend to make the best tasting pop corn in town. I will serve freshly squeezed lemon aid or unsweetened tea from Assam India. Golden Assam tea - the best. Oh, and I will be selling trading cards with all the politican criminals of Hartford. I will ask the defendants to autograph their own likeness. They will be worth a lot of money in the future on eBay.

  4. You might want to put some cheeseburgers on that stand for Ken Kennedy also. He will want to fill up before he starts dining on prison food

  5. What about the wolfpack?October 16, 2015 at 6:16 PM

    Hey kevin,
    That fat man ken kennedy was on the news talking very stern about how he was not envited to the XL Center to take part in the plan he hatched to save hartford with HIS soccer idea .
    Im just glad that fat man ken kennedy will be gone soon, but the real dun begins when all the finger pointing starts. Because everyone knows that federal prison is way worse then regular jail. ken kennedy will be very popular .... Like a big cupcake....

  6. @5:39:

    Yes, thank you. I almost forgot. How rude of me. I will have bacon-laden cheese burgers galore for di fatman Ken Kennedy. For him, I will put a lot of sugar in his tea and lemonade because I think he likes that poison in his drinks. I will include big, juicy foot long hotdogs laden with bacon, cheese, all the fixings.

    The triple cheese burger with bacon, slathered with pork rinds, chitlins, pigs feet will be called: "The Ken K needy Heary Attack Special."

    The only pork Ken will get on the prison farm is from the "bad man wagon." And if you don't know what a "bad man wagon" is, ask a Jamaican, mon.

    Believe it when I say that Ken was complaining to me not long ago about his weight condition.

  7. Earlier this evening we were told that Thomas Deller has resigned (effective Oct. 31, instead of immediately). FINALLY!
    Pedro the idiot Caviar Segarra's comment:
    "I believe he (Deller) has made the right decision for him and the city."
    Pedro, you idiot, Deller can go to hell if he wants to. You just don't get it, you stupid, it's not about HIM, you moron, it's about US, residents of Hartford, it's about our city, nothing else.

  8. Segarra in his sratement also said that Deller "has worked extremely hard."
    Worked extremely hard or had extremely high pay for himself and extremely high benefits?
    The city is getting closer to bankruptcy every day and is bleeding financially because of Deller "extremly hard work".
    By the way, Segarra's statement was issued by "I AM BACK" Edwin Vargas' niece, Maribel LaLose. Where was LaLose in the past 2, 3 months, except of course collecting her extremely high pay

    1. 9:25 AM I assumed that Maribel La Luz/La Lose was gone already. What's going on now with this crap?

  9. The Segarra Administration was fully aware of this Dillongate BEFORE the September 16 primary.
    We want to know who knew what and when. Who was hiding the truth from the public. ANSWERS PLEASE.UNDER OATH!!!

    1. Both Deller and Segarra knew all the bulls**t with what you call Dillongate. They must have known it before Sept. 16th.

  10. I am calling for citizens to tak back Hartford in a most basic way; We form The Army of Hartford. The battalions will be made up of districts. Each district will have a general, captain, etc. we will be fully armed and train in parks. Then, we will march on city hall, the police station and all other organs of government. We will arrest the mayor Maria Auga and all his corrupt councilmen (except the professor Larry) but especially Cynthia "but we need jobs" Jennings and place them in stocks in front of city hall.

    We will install a provisionary government of the people. We will give them a fair hearing. Then find them all guilty and s no the, to the dungeons of Old Newgate Prison where we will toss them into the hole never to be seen again.

  11. And you published this before the Courant reporters cc'ed on it? Ouch.

  12. The Hartford TattlerOctober 18, 2015 at 3:37 PM

    Kennedy has told people that he traded his vote on the baseball stadium with wooden and segarra for their support for the Dillon stadium deal.....that may be a crime.....the FBI will be told about this.

  13. 2:47AM Deller must be fired immediately, not leave or resign by the end of this month, so he can't remove any file, this way no evidence, no document could be shredded.

  14. Thomas Deller must be fired immediately as you suggest and should be escorted out of his Constitution Plaza office with security so nothing would be altered or sabotaged.


  16. what we know about the "stadiumgate" so far is just the tip of the iceberg

  17. How can anyone be surprised that Deller's Dept. is such a big mess. After all Deller spend more time assisting SKB and her fiance/BF in hiding behind the illegal structural work done in 287 Park Street and silencing anyone in the dept. from talking about it and about the cover-up than the real issues facing his dept.
    Hurry up, investigate that bas---d before he disapeares somewhere in Rhode Island.

    1. 11:28AM on 10/20: not only there's silence about Terry Waller structural work done without permits, but there's also silence about Terry Waller unpaid taxes for the same property on 287 Park.

    2. Waller didn't pay propert taxes which were due last July.

  18. I overheard once that Tom Deller the Seller said that if asked he could convince Pedro Maria Caviar to move Main Street - with City Hall - into the Connecticut River. It definitely requires an approval from Charlie Ortiz, but that's easy, you just have to turn your back to all the work done in Charlie's properties without permits. Any permit.

  19. 11:28AM
    Prety sure that the FBI can cross into Rhode Island, so don't be too worried

  20. How about looking at the baseball stadium issue? Charles Mathews, Segarra's main supporter still oversees the money and the stadium authority. Why Robert Landino from center plan lied? Did Deller again failed to check his prior history? Deller the seller must go immediately!!! I can't stand his maniac actions. He is going from place to place for free drinks and young women. They are all corrupted in that department including Charles Mathews' son Brian Mathews who got the job because of his corrupted father. He is disgusting. He was sleeping around with single mothers who applied for housing loans. Nasty!! Luke Bronin should fire and investigate all the directors and employees from that department!!! I am sure that all of us will be satisfied.

  21. 10:46pm Please rell us more. I asked city hall who the members of the stadium authority are, what's their background, how were they selected and by who, got no response, nobody called back. The city website didn't provide any info and most likely still doesn't. Everything is hush hush, the same as the day Msria Segarra and Deller the Seller announced their "done deal."
    Deller is corrupt and must go, no question about it, go now, not in 2 weeks, but I'm not familiar, as most people, with the others you mentioned. More details will help us understand what the hell is going on.

  22. "Done Deal" on one stadium. "Done Deal" on a second stadium. Maybe by the time Pedro is out of service and out of office we'll hear about yet another "Done Deal" third stadium. Don't be surprised, you have been warned!
